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5th Grade Classroom Jobs

Job Description Salary (weekly) $75 $75 $75 This job requires monitoring students in the hallway, along with letting teacher know that students are ready to go to various places. One person will be at Line Leader (2) the front of the line and the other will be at the end. Good communication skills are required. This job requires that students are versatile with their skills as they will be Substitute Worker (1 to 2) required to talk over any job of a person who is absent that day. The person is in charge of running messages to the office and various classrooms. They need to be able to do this in a timely manner and respect the Messenger (1 to 2) privilege of being outside the classroom. This requires good communication skills along with being trustworthy. This person is in charge of checking that students have their planners signed Homework /Planner Monitor (1 to on a daily bases and that their homework is turned in on Thursdays. Skills 2) require being honest and holding students accountable for missing their work. These students will ensure that the classroom is spotless at the end of the day. They will check around desks and let students know what they need to pick up. Floor Managers (2 to 3) They will also be responsible for trash, library, and other areas in the classroom that are not monitored by students directly. Students applying for this job must be kind, and hard working at the end of the day. These people are responsible for collecting rent once a month from each student in the classroom. They must keep a record of who has paid rent and they need to give a receipt to each student once they have paid their rent. Rent Collector (1 to 2) They will also charge late fess for those that do not have their rent in time. Students who do this job must be trustworthy and good at math. *This person will get paid weekly however will lose money at the end of the month if they do not do their job correctly. These students will be in charge of putting all graded papers and mail from Mailman (2) the school into mailboxes. Students who apply for this job must be trustworthy and not share grades with others. These students will check desk weekly and occasionally do a surprise police Desk Monitor (2) raid. Skills for this job involve being responsible, organized, and an upstanding citizen. Responsible for sharpening all pencils at the end of the day and then putting Pencil Sharpener (1-2) them back where they were found. Skills require strong arm, and dedication to pencils. These people are responsible putting away supplies, passing out papers, etc Material Manager (2 to 3) Must be organized, responsible, and nice. These people are responsible for taking recycling down to recycle bin on Recycler (1 to 2) Tuesday and ensuring students recycle. Must have a love for the environment, be responsible and be trustworthy. This person is responsible for getting the daily classroom attendance and lunch Attendance/ Lunch Count (2) count and entering it in the computer. Must be computer savvy and responsible. These students are responsible for transporting the lunchboxes to the lunchroom before recess and returning the bins to the room after lunch. These Lunch Bin Transporter (2) students must be respectful in the hallways and careful with their classmates lunches. This job entails checking the cubbies periodically to ensure cleanliness and Cubby Manager (1-2) organization. Cubby managers distribute fines and bonuses based on the state of cubbies during a Cubby Check.





$75 $75 $75 $75 $75



Bonuses and Fines

Bonus Opportunities and Fines
Showing extraordinary kindness to a peer (deemed by Mrs. Dickson) Taking extraordinary ownership of our classroom (going above and beyond cleaning up or helping organize our room) Passing a Math Minutes quiz Perfect score on spelling test Helping someone else with his/her job Turning in permission slips/forms the day after they go home Clean Cubby/Messy Cubby Missing homework Planner not signed by parent/guardian Missing/ late library book Not being prepared (in groups, with worksheets, etc) No name on paper Tardy Rudeness, such as not listening when another person is speaking Clean desk/Messy desk Being disruptive in hallway/Demonstrating SOAR behavior in hallway Dishonesty Disrespecting an adult Bathroom Abusers (Students who go more the once in the a.m. or p.m.) *Excludes emergency situations $5 $10 $2 $5 $5 $1 $2 $5 $5 $5 $20 $20 $5 $5 $5 -


$5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 -

Occasion Occasion Quiz Test Occasion Occasion Cubby Check Assignment Assignment As needed As needed Paper Day, amount doubles with each offense Offense Police raid Occasion Offense Offense Offense

5th Grade Classroom Job Application

Name ________________________ Name your top 3 job choices: 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ Tell what experiences and strengths you have that would help you succeed at these jobs: (Use back of application if needed.) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Copy this pledge on the lines below: I promise that if given ANY classroom job, I will perform it to the best of my abilities. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________

My Signature ____________________________________

How will I get paid?

Your paycheck will be automatically deposited into your bank account each week. You can check your balance using Friendly Fraser Bank Online Banking via the class website.

How will I spend my money? $ Rent: $250/month (mandatory)

Rent is due on the 1st of each month. You will write a check to pay rent and deduct it from your checking account online.

Friendly Fraser Bank Fraser, Colorado 80442

Date _______

Pay to the order of ____________________________ $_______


Authorized Signature

$ Raffle: $25/ticket
We will have a raffle every six weeks. You will have the opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket. When your number is drawn, you may come up and pick a prize. Prizes for the raffle might be items like erasers, pencils, candy, small toys, or a small gift card.

$ Pizza Party: $200/party $ Extra 15 Minute Recess: $150 $ Lunch in the Classroom with a Friend: $100 $ 15 minutes Free Time on Computer: $75 $ Buy a pencil: $5 $ Buy an eraser: $5

How do I keep track of my money?

You are responsible for recording your fines and bonuses as they occur. You will have an opportunity to update your bank account bi-weekly.

Classroom Economy Fines/Bonus Record Sheet for: _____________________________________ Date Fine/Bonus (Write F or B) Reason Amount

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