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12-8-10 I was in a room full of scattered clothes where someone had passed away in a violent manner and i walked

downstairs into the kitchen where my father was standing in front of the kitchen sink where a bowl was levitating spinning and i we saw it was a spirit or poltergeist i proceeded to ask questions and made an offering of candy and it spun in a certain direction . it started off agreeable but ended up becoming disagreeable in nature by closing doors and misplacing things and others had noticed its presence . I next was seen inside a megachurch where my longtime friend Duane was there and the procession began and we started to bowel and eventually duane rose up and i was in awe the way the people were in a trancelike state of submission . the last parts of my dream flashed back to the room where all the clutter was and there was a huge dictionary that my sister had from back home and the spirit was playing with my belongings again . and i could actually feel the pressure and force exerted by me trying to repel the spirit

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