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Mary Poppins

DATE:08 October 2010 DUTY SIX:Yellow

TIME 4:30


ACTIVITY Grand Howl Flag Prayer Attendance Inspection :

EQUIP Totem Flag Pole Prayer Book Register Bones

RESP Akela

Michael and Jane are looking all over for a cheerful, happy nanny who will look after them as both their parents are very, very busy.
4.45 5 STEAM RELEASE GAME: Finding a cheerful nanny Pictures of different nannies are scattered all over. Only 1 x mary poppins is hidden. 1 lucky child to find. Picture of Mary Poppins.

When the wind changed direction, in flew the cheerful nanny none other than Mary Poppins herself. She arrived with this enormous, magic bag..... this was like no other bag you have ever seen. It held just about anything from lampshades to lizards! 4.50 10 KIMS GAME : MARYS MAGIC BAG 3 big bags 3 bags are sent around for cubs to feel items. At the end they must identify all items in Marys bag

Mary was very strict so the Michael and Jane had to learn that was important.
5.00 INSTRUCTION CARACAL CHEETAH LEOPARD LION The children loved Mary and she was such fun .... she took them to the fairground and let them eat lots of candy ... she even took them to the horse races... 5.15 10 TEAM GAME : HORSING AROUND 3 potato Cubs into 3 teams. 3 horses will start the race horses and on the throw of the dice, we will see which dice horse wins. Bets can be placed chocolate money..... Mary even taught them some fun songs as she was always happy and singing .... can u sing too? 5.25 5 SINGING: Supercalifragilistixexpialidocious. Words Tape From one fun adventure to another with Mary and it is on to the Fox Hunting 5.30 10 ACTIVITY: Tea on the ceiling Cubs will climb the trees and have tea (gingerbeer) up high. Mary loved being with the children and taught them how to fly a kite 5.40 10 ACTIVITY fly your kite Make and fly your kite. 5.50 10 Notices Grand Howl Flag Down Prayer Dismiss Notices Flag Pole Prayer Akela 15

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