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1. a. b. c. d. e.

Create a character report of 132 columns. Underline all the headings with -----------Have a query that will select at least 8 columns. Create a bind parameters for the report. Create a custom table; insert all possible values of that parameter in the custom schema. Create a table validated value set and attach to the parameter. (Hint) for a table validated value set, value is displayed and ID is passed. f. Give a header to the report and underline it. The header should be as follows. Cummins Inc. Page : 1 of N Date : DD-MON-YYYY Header of Report --------------------Parameters ------------xxxxxx: value of parameter1 yyyyyy: value of parameter2 g. Include page numbers on the right hand side of report in the margin. h. Display the parameters selected on left hand side of the report in the margin. i. Last page should display -------End of Report --------2. Create a character report of 80 columns. Select first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, nationality, gender From per_all_people_f Order by p_ord_by a. Create a lexical parameter p_ord_by b. Create a parameter Order on the concurrent program c. Attach an independent value set. The values of the value set should be i) first_name ii) last_name iii) date_of_birth iv) first_name.last_name v) first_name.date_of_birth vi) last_name.date_of_birth vii) first_name.last_name.date_of_birth d. Report should be sorted on values selected by the user. e. Include page_numbers on the right hand side of report in the margin. f. Display the parameters selected on the left hand side of the report in the margin Eg. Sort option : first_name.last_name g. Last page should display ----- End of Report ------

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