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Liberdade guiando o povo valor estimado de 442 milhes de dlares. 998 milhes e 257 mil reais.

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Eugne Delacroix 1830 leo sobre tela

Dimenses 260 cm 325 cm Localizao Museu do Louvre, Paris

A pintura inspirou a Esttua da Liberdade, em Nova York, , que foi dado para os Estados Unidos como um presente dos franceses, 50 anos depois do quadro ter sido pintado. A esttua, que segura uma tocha na mo, tem uma posio mais estvel, ao contrrio da mulher na pintura. Uma verso gravada desta pintura, junto com uma representao do prprio Delacroix, foi destaque na nota de 100 francos no incio dos anos 90. A pintura teve ainda influncia na msica clssica; o americano George Antheil intitulada na "Sinfonia n 6 - After Delacroix", afirmou que o trabalho foi inspirado pelo quadro.

Ophelia Waterhouse Early in his career Waterhouse established his style. It changed little, but he continually refined it, and his beautiful ladies were recognisable flesh and blood, with superb skin tones. He also painted a few excellent portraits of women, some of them being of the members of the Henderson family of Lord Faringdon, of Buscot Park fame. A lot of the pictures spent many years on the walls of prosperous Home Counties families, but the problems of Lloyds of London have, in many cases, forced their sale, just as their real value, and the artistic worth of Waterhouse's achievement has come to be realised. He continued to do the same thing throughout his career, but he did it so well, who are we to complain? Artist: John William Waterhouse Completion Date: 1889 Style: Romanticism Genre: literary painting Technique: oil Material: canvas Dimensions: 97.79 x 158.12 cm Gallery: Private Collection

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