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WAVETRAG’ Pee eel eee ee nee ee eer ey ee ae eee ee are er ero Petraeus PO nee ference ostis es Oe ead Sec ee te * customizable: eee ee a ea enero Seas ene ee ee Se ere ee eee col See Lo Da PO eid Se ere eee ee Gee eat a eee ‘The problem: Loss of drive during zero or near-zero axle-load conditions. Sa eee ees ae oeea sree ere eer ee ci att ee et cena ee eet re eos Pr em Ce ee meee ese eS ee cd ee tens 1) you life a wheel, all gear diffs except Wavetrac®, will NOT power the other wheel. 2) During the transition from accel to decel, all gear diffs except Wavetrac®, do nothing. Ce ae Al gear LS0s (Including Torsan®,, Truetrac®, Quaite®, Peloqun, OBX, etc.) work in basically the same manner: they divide the drive torque batween the two atles, applying drive to each side, up to the avalable ip of each tre. The amount of drive torque fone whael can gat ever the other is described as the bias ratio, a maasure of the torque spit across the axl. Standard, open differentials have a bias rato of 1:1. They can only apply as much crive torque as there ig available traction at one ee ne a ete eee on rete ery See ere tees “Torque biasing aifferentias offer increased bias ratios over open differentials. For example, iF a diff has a bia ratio of 2.5:1, then it Pee ee eee eee ree ee ee eens Ppeiescatece roe Se ee a cece oe eee ‘The problam is that when one tire has LITTLE or NO grip (zero anle-load), the other whael gets ZERO DRIVE, because (basic math recess Lift 2 whael (or substantially unload a vhecl) and you gat zero axe-load on that side ~ that means that during the time the wihoel Pree ee retrial ee eer ee te oe ia porn ees ee ee eee ee ee ee ey Poti ner ena caer enn ey toner ieee narra rrr ear De eee eee eee ee ed ee te Coen ee Sa ice See eae ee eee ee ee eee ee Spe ee ee ete Ee Ce Occ ea nce pars See eee ee ees Precisely engineered wave profiles are placed on one side gear and its mating preload hub. As the two side gears rotate relative to einer ne en eee ee a ee Rosier n eee eenere iene ete en eter eee ees Se ee ee ee Ce ore Pres Creda ttc tala dete eentonee dda seiner eed See ena ane oe er eee ee eee es ese edna eee a eter ear nek or eee era eee eee eee eee a tee ee ee ce ee eee device is abo to prepare the drivatvain for whan the zere torque condition stops, ehminating te delay soon with ordinary goar dfs. Reick ie eee cs Pen ee etree Seen ee ee eee ee ree eee eee era Bene eam oe aeRO ES ee Ree oe te er ere ren rete cee el een Peepessaeriorie bet presi ee ee ee ee ee ee ery eee ne ee ee ee ees ere eee eee ee a ce ee ee ee ee ee ee ee er Giferental. The resistive force, however, is nen-uniform since itis 3 function of the axial load fom the differential prions. The Ree ee es aera ee Here are more features that make Wavetrac® even better: See eee ee ee Se ee eee Ree ee Cee ee a no pee ober er eames Attention was also paid to the side gear/axle interface, putting 2s much matenal thickness as possible in this enbcal peeieeeeeenect entre aurea ed ener ee eee ee eee ee Se eon See ees “To complate the package, every Wavetrac® differential is bult excluswvaly using high quality, high strength fasteness a ea ee Md

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