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Orao de So Francisco - San Francisco's Prayer

Senhor, fazei-me instrumento de vossa paz. peace. Onde houver dio, que eu leve o amor; the love; Onde houver ofensa, que eu leve o perdo; take the pardon; Onde houver discrdia, que eu leve a unio; misunderstanding, that I take the union Onde houver dvida, que eu leve a f; take the faith; Onde houver erro, que eu leve a verdade; take the truth; Onde houver desespero, que eu leve a esperana; take the hope; Onde houver tristeza, que eu leve a alegria; take the enjoy; Onde houver trevas, que eu leve a luz. take the light. Mestre, Fazei que eu procure mais Consolar, que ser consolado; compreender, que ser compreendido; understood; amar, que ser amado. Pois, dando que se recebe, receives, perdoando que se perdoado, e morrendo que se vive para a vida eterna. eternal life. Lord, make me instrument your Where there is hate, that I take Where there is offending, that I Where there is Where there is doubt, that I Where there is wrong, that I Where there is despair, that I Where there is sadness, that I Where there is the dark, that I Master, make that I find more to console than to be consoled; to understand than to be to love than to be loved. Because it's giving that it it's pardoning that it pardoned, and it's dying that it lives for the

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