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Janaya Ellis



Student Learner Profile

Tool 1: 20 Questions About Me
1. What is my favourite activity to do at school? write

2. What is my favorite subject? Teachers aide 3. What is my favourite activity outside of school? Run cross country

4. What sport do I like to watch? Basketball

5. What sport do I like to play? Cross country

6. What would I like to learn more about? Multi media

7. What kind of books do I like to read? Dragon books 8. What is the best book I ever read? Red Dragon Codex

9. How much time do I spend reading for fun every week? Not a whole lot just whenever I pick up a book 10. What is my favorite television show? Austin & Ally


What kind of music do I like? Christian and Country


What is my favourite activity to do on the computer? Type stories


What kind of technology do I like to use? My cell phone

14. 15.

Who are my best friends? Alexis, Makaila, and Annelisia What do I like to do with my friends? Just hang out


What makes me smile? Mostly anything


What makes me laugh? When I am tired its anything and everything.


What part of the world interests me the most? Africa

19. 20.

What do I plan to do after high school? Go to Mid America Nazarene College What kind of career do I want when Im an adult? African Safari Tour Guide

Tool 2: Interest Inventory

1. My most interesting subject is science.

2. My most challenging subject is algebra.

3. What I enjoy most about school is English.

4. What I find most challenging about school is again algebra.

5. Books I read recently are Red Dragon Codex and Thief of Dreams. 6. Activities I do outside of school are run and hang out with 6th, 5th , and 4th graders.

7. Three words to describe me sensitive, crazy, and funny.

8. Careers that interest me are African Safari Tour Guide and police officer.

9. An ideal job for one day would be police officer.


My favorite television programs are Austin and Ally, Gravity Falls, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


My favorite Web sites are YouTube and Google Images.


My questions about next year are am I going to get to class on time and am I going to be okay with my grades.


School situations that are stressful for me are algebra.


I deal with stress or frustration by not really dealing with it well.


Some interesting places Ive been to are Minden, Nebraska and Gonzales, Texas.

16. 17.

If I could travel anywhere, I would like to go to Africa. If I cant watch television, I like to...hang with friends or go run somewhere.


I would like to learn more about...animals in Africa.

Tool 3: A Reading Interview

1. Do you like to read? Why or Why not? Yes, I like to read to calm down when Im upset.

2. Do you think you are a good reader? Why? No, because I read little kids books most of the time.

3. What was the last book you read? Red Dragon Codex

4. What kinds of books do you like to read? Dragon Books

5. Do you think it is important to be a good reader? Why? Yes, because its a skill you will need in life especially in driving.

6. What do you do when you come to a word you cant read? Try to pronounce it slowly.

7. Do you read at home? Yes

8. What do you usually do after school when you get home? Watch TV or eat supper.

Tool 4: Reading Attitudes Interview

1. How do you feel about reading? Its good for you.

2. What kinds of books do you like to read? Any type of dragon book.

3. Who are your favourite authors? Dr. Seuss

4. How do you decide what book to read? I look at the cover.

a. Who do you know that is a good reader? Makaila

b. What makes ___Makaila_____ a good reader? She reads thick and thin books.

5. If you knew someone who was having trouble reading, how would you help him or her? Read with them to get them used to reading with someone.

6. Do you think you are a good reader? Why or why not? No, because I said so and I am not able to read really thick books.

7. What would you like to do better as a reader? Be able to read any type of book no matter the cost.

Tool 5: Reading Strategies Survey

1. I use the title and pictures to predict what the selection is about. Usually 2. I try to predict what is going to happen next in the selection. never 3. I break new words into familiar chunks. never 4. I think about movies, TV shows or books that might be similar in some way. never 5. I study the illustrations, photographs or diagrams for information. usually 6. I reread when I dont understand. usually 7. I imagine myself right in the story. usually 8. I talk to others about confusing parts. never 9. I think about how the story is like something I have experienced. sometimes 10. I try to figure out the main idea of the selection. sometimes 11. I try retelling the story in my head. sometimes 12. I look up new words in the dictionary. never



13. I correct myself when I mispronounce a word. usually 14. I ask questions about what I read. sometimes 15. I change my reading rate for different tasks or texts. never 16. How has your reading changed this year? It hasnt

17. What strategy helps you the most when reading? I dont have a strategy.

18. What skills or strategies do you need to continue to work on? Any strategy.

Tool 6: What Works for Me Inventory7

A. How I look after myself: How much sleep do I need? 8 hrs.

What kind of food makes me feel the most alert? Peanut butter

What snacks are good energy sources? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

What times of the day do I need to eat? Morning noon and evening

What time of the day do I have the most energy? morning

What time of the day do I have the least energy? afternoon

What type of exercise makes me feel energized? running

What kinds of activities help me relax? tag and fishy fishy

B. Tools that help me learn: What writing tool works best for me; e.g., type of pen, pencil, color of ink? Mechanical pencil

What kind of paper helps me keep organized; e.g., wide-ruled, unlined, wide margins, pre-punched? Wide ruled

What color of paper do I find the easiest to read? white

What binder system works for me? The ones with shoulder strap

What other supplies help me keep organized; e.g., whiteout, post-it notes, ruler? Colored pencils

What calculator works best for me; e.g., size, features? TI-36

What spellchecker works best for me? I dont know

What is my favorite dictionary? Webster

What other reference books help me learn? thesaurus

What computer programs are helpful to my learning? I am not sure.

C. In the classroom: What seat in the classroom works best for me? In the back 2 rows

What do I read best from? all of the below ___ chalkboard ____ chart paper ____ overhead ____ my own copy ____ projector ____ interactive white board

Does the colour of ink (or chalk) make a difference? no

Does the type of print; e.g., printed, handwritten or typed, make a difference? no

Does the size and spacing of print make a difference? No

D. Rank in order from 1 (being the most useful) to 12 (being the least useful) which type of learning experiences work best for me: __1_ teacher explains aloud __2_ teacher writes directions on the board __3_ teacher does example on the board _12__ teacher asks another student to demonstrate __4_ teacher asks all students to try a sample at their desks __5_ I read the directions while the teacher reads them __6_ I read the directions on my own __7_ teacher shows me at my desk _8__ another student explains a second time and answers my questions _9__ I watch what another student does __10_ I try it on my own and then check with teacher __11_ I try it on my own and then compare with another student.


Tricks I use to keep myself organized: write the subject on a folder and put the correct stuff with that folder.


Tricks I use to keep myself focused and on task in class: not talk to my neighbor


Special things that teachers can do to help me learn: nothing

Tool 7: Getting Along with Others Inventory

In class I arrive to class on time. always I bring needed books and supplies. usually I say hello to other students as I enter the classroom. sometimes I answer questions with a few sentences. usually When I start a conversation, I check that the other people appear interested. Not yet I keep small talk to before and after class. always I sit up straight. sometimes I remove distracting hoods and hats. always I make eye contact with others. always I show active listening by nodding my head and turning to the speaker. always I volunteer at least two answers per class. sometimes If Ive missed directions, I look to other students for clues. usually always usually sometimes not yet

With partners and in small groups I am willing to work with a variety of partners. Not yet I try to make others feel comfortable by talking to them. sometimes I show that Im willing to work with others by moving closer. Not yet I am polite to people even if I would rather not work with them. usually I listen carefully to directions. always

always usually sometimes not yet I check directions with my partners. sometimes I make a rough plan. Not yet I check the time lines. Not yet I use a quiet voice. always I stay with my group and focus on the task. usually I try tasks even if I dont really feel like it. always I do my share of the work. usually I volunteer ideas. usually I show good listening. always I encourage others to contribute their ideas. not yet I dont put down other peoples ideas. always I am willing to try new roles, even if Im uncomfortable. usually I support my partners in group presentations. not yet

Solving problems I use all my skills to build a positive working relationship with partners. usually I let partners know when I think we have a problem. sometimes I am willing to make a new plan and start over. sometimes If necessary, Ill share my concerns with the teacher. usually

Getting connected

I participate in at least one extracurricular activity each term. Not yet

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