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TGfU/Warm Up:

Line Strike 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This is a good warm-up game to get the kids to burn some energy! Set up cones to mark outer limits of playing field and to mark hitting distance. Divide players into 2 teams: swingers and fielders. The swingers hit 5 balls (tennis balls to be used only!). Caught balls do not count. Runs are scored by how far swinger hits the ball. Fielders try to keep the score as low as possible and field the balls back to the keeper. Like softball the player cant hit the tennis ball outside the foul-line/cones, therefore the player needs to take some time to aim. All players on the swingers team have a turn, points accumulate for team total, then teams swap positions. Consider all safety issues.

You could ask any question that relates to the skills you are focusing on during the session. Examples: Ask the swingers, to strike for distance, what do you need to adjust in your swing?

Variations: Easier Bring the fielders in closer Make the playing field smaller Throw the tennis ball Harder -

Move the fielders further out Make the playing field larger Time limit the players

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