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w/ & Twist
Week 1

Day 1:
Cardio Intensive *2 Rounds* 1.) 1/2 mile bike (sprint) 2.) 30 sec. TRX squat jumps 3.) 1/2 mile bike (climb) 4.) 30 sec. TRX mtn. climber 5.) 1/2 mile bike (sprint) 6.) 30 sec. TRX squat jumps 7.) 1/2 mile bike (climb) 8.) 30 sec. TRX mtn. climber

Day 2:
Anaerobic Thresh Training *5 Rounds* 1.) Row (100-->500m) 2.) Box jumps (5-->25) 3.) BB bosu push-up (5-->25) -->30 sec. push-up pose 4.) BB bosu SL lunge (5->25) -->30 sec. bosu wall-sit 5.) Wide grip pull-ups (5>1) 6.) Inchworms w/push-ups (5-->1)

Day 3:
KB Training-Strength Intensive *4 Rounds* 1.) 12 KB shoulder press 1a.) 6(E) KB Renegade row 2.) 12 KB floor press 2a.) 6(E) KB (alt.) skull crushers 3.) 12 KB bentover row 3a.) 6(E) KB SA snatch *60 sec. rest between S.S*

Day 4: (Weekly Challenge)

"2 for 3" *3 Rounds* 1.) 300m run 2.) 1 min. Tire flips (or BB deadlifts) 3.) wall-sit to failure

*Beat 2 out of 3 times to 'pass'*

2 *2 Rounds* 1.) 800m row (for time) 2.) 20 KB swings 3.) 15 KB thrusters 4.) 10 box jumps 5.) 5 KB burpees *4 Rounds* 1.) 1 Mile Bike (sprint) 2.) 20 BB bentover row/shrug 3.) 10 DB SA snatches 4.) 20 MB wall-shots 5.) 10(E) MB lunge w/toss *5 Rounds* 1.) 10(E) KB rev. lunge w/snatch 2.) 20 KB jump swings 3.) 10(E) KB SL inverted leg lifts 4.) 20 KB clamps

"5 x 5 in 25" *5 Rounds* 1.) 5 KB (dbl) Thrusters 2.) 5(E) KB Renegade row 3.) 5 KB (dbl) box jump 4.) 5(E) KB SL Bulgerian lunge 5.) 5(E) KB SL goblet squat (box)

3 *5 Rounds* 1.) 1 min. Jump rope 2.) 20 Plyo push-ups 3.) 20 Band pull-ups 4.) 20 Bosu sit-up-to-stand 5.) 20 Hex bar DL & shrug 6.) 1 min. Jump rope *5 Rounds* 1.) 500-->100m Row 2.) 50--> 10 rope slams 3.) 50-->10 box jumps *1 Round* 1.)10 KB (dbl) thrusters 2.) 20 KB (dbl) swing 3.) 30 KB (dbl) bentover row 4.) 40 KB (dbl) sumo squat 5.) 50 KB (dbl) push-ups 6.) 40 KB (dbl) sumo squat 7.) 30 KB (dbl) bentover row 8.) 20 KB (dbl) swing 9.)10 KB (dbl) thrusters "5 x 5 in 25" *5 Rounds* 1.) 5 KB (dbl) clean& press 2.) 5(E) KB Windmills 3.) 5 KB (dbl) overhead squat 4.) 5(E) KB Bulgerian lunge 5.) 5 KB burpees

"3 min. or <" *2 Rounds* 1.) 17's (Beat time each round) 2.) 30 sec. burpees 3.) Plank to fail

"Shattered Plates" *2 Rounds* 1.) 800m row 2.) Plate S.S stair walk 3.) Plate S.S shoulder series 4.) Plate bridge stack seq.

"Welcome to the Jungle" *3 Rounds* (30/20/10 Reps) 1.) Jump rope (3/2/1 min.) 2.) Push-to-pull ups 3.) Dips 4.) T-bar front squat & press 5.) T-bar bentover row

"Keep it 100" *1 Round* 1.) 100 Jump ropes 2.) 100 Pull-ups 3.) 100 push-ups 4.) 100 sit-ups 5.) 100 deadlifts (@135lb) -->Followed by 1 mile run *Complete for best time*

5 *1 Round* 1.) 2 BB snatches 2.) 2 BB clean pulls 3.) 4 BB knee-to-stand 4.) 4 KB (dbl) clean & press 5.) 8 KB thrusters 6.) 8 KB renegade row 7.) 16 DB sit-ups w/reach 8.) 16 BB bentover row/shrug 9.) 32 plyo push-ups 10.) 32 MB wall-shots 6 *10 Rounds* 1.)90 sec. incline sprint 2.) 60 sec. jump rope 3.) 30 squat jumps 4.) 15 Bosu sit-to-stand up *3 Rounds* (10/20/30 reps) 1.) 1/2/3min jump rope 2.) BB deadlifts 3.) DB walking lunge 4.) BB thrusters 5.) DB RDL's *5 Rounds* 1.) 20 KB (dbl) military press 2.) 20 KB (dbl) swing jumps 3.) 20 KB (dbl) floor press 4.) 20 KB (dbl) clean & press 5.) 20 KB (dbl) bentoever row *5 Rounds* 1.) 2 mile bike (interval) 2.) 50(steps) KB walking lunge 3.) 50 KB swings *3 Rounds* 1.) 15 KB thrusters -->10(E) KB off-set pend. lunge 2.) 15 KB (dbl) sumo squats -->10(E) KB off-set step ups w/press 3.) 15 KB clamps -->10(E) KB SL inverted leg lifts

"Crazy 8's" *8 Rounds* 1.) 8 BB front squats 2.) 8 BB military press 3.) 8 Hex bar DL & shrug 4.) 8 push-to-pull ups 5.) 8 KB (dbl) box jumps 6.) 8 KB (dbl) clean & press 7.) 8 DB sit-ups w/reach 8.) 8 DB RDL's

"Pass go, collect $200" *7 Rounds* 1.) 15 KB (dbl) thrusters 2.) 15 KB (dbl) burpees 3.) 15 KB (dbl) box jumps

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