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Create the above mentioned Table in MS Access using SQL. Insert data into the table using SQL(2 rows), and 8 rows using data sheet view. Add another column Commission Integer to the table. Update the commission with 2000 for clerk, 1000 for Asst Manager, 500 for Accountant. Display all records for the table with all fields. Display EmpNo., Job, Salary, and DepartmentNo. Of all employess. Display EmpNo. and Annual Salary of all employess. Display all unique department number from the table. Sort the name of all employee. Sort the DepartmentNo in ascending order an then sort the salary field in descending order Display the records of departmentno 10 Display the empno who gets a greater commission than their salary Display the empno and salary who gets salary between 10000 and 20000 Display the empno and salary who gets salary between 10000 or 20000 Display the name of employees whose name starts with S Display the name of employees whose name consists of 6 characters Display Empno and ename of those employees who have no manager Display the avg salary of the table Display the minimum salary of a clerk Count the total number of employees in departmentno 10 Calculate avg salary for different jobs Display the avg salary of each department Display the avg salary of each job within a department Show the avg salary of those department having more than 3 people Display the jobs where the maximum salary is greater than 1200 Display the details of the employee who gets minimum salary from each table Display the details of the employee who gets minimum salary in each department Create another table Department with the fields(Departmentno Integer, Location Varchar(40)) Enter details for the Department Table Display Empno, Employee name, department name and Location of all Employees Find the name of employees who have the same job as ABC Increase the salary with 2500 of employees who stay in Delhi and update commission accordingly.

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