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Creating Stable Links to Articles in ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect provides Document Object Identifiers, or DOIs, for its full text articles. The most straightforward way to create a stable link to a ScienceDirect article is to use the DOI. In your search results, click on the title of the article to get to the full article record in ScienceDirect:

You will see the DOI link directly under the Article tab toward the top left corner of the screen; in the example below, the link looks like this: doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2005.06.007. Right-click on this link (not the Cite or Link using DOI link but the one above) and click on Copy Shortcut in the drop-down menu:

When you paste the DOI link that you have just copied into your website, Moodle course or other document(s), it will look something like this: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2005.06.007

Please note that this URL does not include the VIU Library proxy server prefix, which is essential to providing off-campus access to the stable link. To make the URL accessible from off-campus, prepend our EZProxy prefix to it. The EZProxy prefix is: http://ezproxy.viu.ca/login?url= In the above example, the final, on- or off-campus accessible, stable URL to the full text article in ScienceDirect would be:

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