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Learn Portuguese


Lição 1 - Pronomes.

There are two kind of pronouns in Portuguese, formal and informal.

Today I'll teach both but we will study the informal, Portuguese formal will be
tach just sometimes.

You will use the informal pronouns at work, at home, at school and so on...

And the formal with authorities.

Informal - Formal -Translation

Eu Eu I

Você Tu You

Ele Ele He

Ela Ela She

Nós Nós We

Vocês Vós You (plural)

Eles/Elas Eles/Elas They

The most people use the informal because it's easy to conjugate.

Verbs: Falar - To speak

Estudar - To study

Per Conjugation
Eu -o
Tu -as -es -es
Ele/Ela -a -e -e
Nós -amos -emos -imos
Vós -ais -eis -is
Eles/Elas -am -em -em

E-mail: leu.abilio@terra.com.br
MSN: leu.abilio@hotmail.com
Skype: leu.abilio
Learn Portuguese

Falar -(Present)

Eu falo

Tu falas

Ele/ela fala

Nós falamos

Vós falais

Eles falam


Português English
Português Portuguese
Inglês English
Espanhol Spanish
Italiano Italian
Alemão German
Francês French
Chinês Chinese
Japonês Japonese


1) Conjugate the verb Pensar - to think: (Present)

2) // Trabalhar - to work. (Present)

3) Choose a country that have Portuguese as official language and write about it.

E-mail: leu.abilio@terra.com.br
MSN: leu.abilio@hotmail.com
Skype: leu.abilio

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