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Mathematical symbols

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plus; positive minus; negative plus or minus multiplied by; times

mais; positivo menos; negativo mais ou menos multiplicado por; vezes

divided by

dividido por

is equal to; equals is not equal to; does not equal is less than is greater than; is more than is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to is not less than is not greater than is approximately equal to is equivalent to; is identical to brackets parentheses braces (square) root cube root radius of a circle infinity is an element of is not an element of empty set; null set intersection union contains as a subset is included in,is a subset of is not included in, is not a subset of implies natural logarithm; logarithm to the base e decimal logarithm; logarithm to the base 10

igual a; igual diferente de; no igual a menor que maior que menor ou igual maior ou igual no menor que no maior que aproximadamente igual equivalente a colchetes parnteses chaves raiz quadrada raiz cbica raio de um crculo infinito pertence, elemento de no pertence; no elemento de conjunto vazio interseo unio contm est contido no est contido implica logaritmo natural logaritmo decimal



Mathematical symbols

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x squared x cubed x to the power of four; x to the fourth absolute value of x pi degree minute; foot second; inch factorial n differential of x the integral of a integral from a to b parallel; is parallel to summation sine cosine tangent cotangent secant cosecant

xis ao quadrado xis ao cubo xis quarta potncia valor absoluto de xis pi = 3,14159 grau minuto segundo n fatorial diferencial de xis integral de a integral de, entre os limites a e b paralelo a somatria seno co-seno tangente co-tangente secante co-secante



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