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Physical Education Newsletter

Welcome Back
First Months Update
Welcome back to a great new school year. We have many topics to cover this year and it will all be a blast! We are going to learn educational gymnastics, dance, and educational games. All include skills that students can develop successfully. A lot of practice will help these skills fully develop. I really encourage the students to practice as much as possible and be involved in extracurricular activities to help improve on those skills. My class will consist of 60 minutes physical education, constant activity, so I will be assigning a few homework activities that need to be finished at the end of each month. Here are a few of my classroom rules: 1. ALWAYS wear tennis shoes. (No heelys or open toe shoes allowed) 2. Bring a positive, open minded attitude. 3. Give 110% in every activity. 4. Complete all homework assignments. 5. HAVE FUN!

September 2013 Issue

Upcoming Events

Meet Miss DavisPTSA MeetingFitnessgram Football Sign Ups-






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Elementary Students Update

We started the year off with a few locomotor skills such as running, skipping, and jumping. Learning how to properly perform these skills, we played many active games to better their skills. The students have improved tremendously in just one month. I cant wait to see their ability in our upcoming lesson on traveling in gymnastics.

Football Sign Ups

All age levels
If you are interested in playing in the recreational football league, come by and sign up in the gymnasium on September 30 at 7:00 pm. Flyers will be sent home for more information. Feel free to also contact Bob Brewer at byrlbrewer@aol.com. 5th Quarter: Ages 5-6 Pee Wees: Ages 7-9 Mini Mights: Ages 9-11 Mighty Mights: Ages 12-14 *Weigh-ins will be every week!
2007 by Education World. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

Fitnessgram nd th
2 and 5 graders
Fitnessgram is an assessment given to second and fifth ic students to determine their grade fitness levels. The Fitnessgram consists of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Tests are given to each student to determine if they are physically fit. Fitnessgram is based on the H.E.L.P. philosophy. This philosophy teaches the value and benefits of lifelong physical activity as well as the idea that physical activity can and should be fun, making students more likely to become and remain physically active throughout their lives. Health is for Everyone, it's for a Lifetime, and it should be Personal. The tests are as stated: Pacer Test: Students must jog/run 20 meters to a cadence meeting their fitness goal for their age ability. (Cardiovascular Endurance) Push Ups: Students must attempt to do push ups to meet their age appropriate muscular strength. (Muscular Strength) Sit Ups: Students must lay on a mat and slide their fingers to a line completing a sit up meeting their age appropriate number. (Muscular Endurance) Sit and Reach: Students will keep their legs straight on a machine used to determine the flexibility of a child reaching forward. Body Composition: Students measurements of triceps, calves, thighs, and abdominals will be determined using professional equipment by a professional.

Inspirational Words of the Week

Determination: (Noun) a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult. Confidence: (Noun) a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Bill Cosby

Homework Assignment
The homework for this month is to create a journal. Decorate the front cover with any decorations you desire. You can put words, stickers, glitter, pictures, or anything that will keep you motivated to stay active in class and in your journal. You will write in your journal every month according to the topic I assign. This month the topic is: Write about your experience in my class. How do you feel about your performances? How can you improve? What is your favorite activity? What can you do outside of class to improve your skills?

2007 by Education World. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

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