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Misconception Poll

References and Acknowledgement Page

-Photoscience.la.asu.edu -biology.clc.uc.edu/course -www.life.illinois.edu -note from class -photosynthesis:Introduction -N.P.,N.D.web.20sept.2013

The Photosynthetic Process: Photosynthesis is a process. It begins as water (H2O and carbon dioxide(CO2) taken into the cell through pores in the cell wall. Then the water and carbon dioxide are taken into the chloroplast where photosynthesis takes place. Particles of light known as photons are absorbed by molecules called chlorophyll located in the chloroplast is converted into chemical energy for photosynthesis. When this process occurs it creates 1 molecule of glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen.

Names: Efren Meza Matthew Andoaga Jacqueline Contreras Vincent Ornelas Period: 6

Jacqueline Contreras, Efren Meza, Vincent Ornelas, Matthew Andoaga

Polling Data New Misconception

When we were young we grew up with are parents telling us that daddy longlegs cant bit us because of their teeth were too small this common misconception has caused debates and argument though many families. So now we are going to put an end to that. Now the question is can daddy longlegs bit us through our skin or not. Date Where does a plant gets its mass from?

The Poll
Where does a plant gets its mass from? There are three answers to this question that the people think are correct. Those 3 choices are from the soil, from the water, and from the air. Which one do you guys think is correct? Well the real answer is from the air. You didnt think that the answer is air because it seems like it does not make sense. First lets go over why people will think the answer would have been water or soil. People think that it comes from the water because since the soil and the water weighs a lot they think thats

Legend: A: the soil B: water C: the air

where the mass comes from. Also because the only thing we give a plant/tree is water and the soil and people believe that is where the mass comes from. But it actually comes from air. Like

Answer: the answer is they can indeed bit right through the human skin and even inject venom into us but due the they can only produce a small amount of venom which only cause a mild burning sensation for a few seconds. Fun fact: Most spiders we see in our house that we think are daddy longlegs are actually crane flies or harvestmen and are mistaken for daddy longlegs.

The data shows that

it shows on the left the plant eats the air, then uses

sunshine to split the carbon dioxide, then gets rid most people think the plant gets its mass from of the oxygen, and then it goes back to the air. the water. They probably think that because the water contains carbon that they think will make a plant grow. Also because the only thing people feed a plant is water so they think that is where the plant must of got the weight. The real answer is air. The plant eats air, then uses sunshine, gets rid of oxygen, which then goes back to the air.

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