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10 Describe Polya’s Problem Solving Model

Meaning of Problem and problem-Solvings.

Solving mathematics problems are activities involving problems in

the form of mathematics language, including mechanical problems, puzzles,
quiz and the use of mathematics skills in actual situations.

According to Lester, a prominent mathematician in the 1970’s,

defined problem-solving as : “ Problem involving a situation whereby an
individual or a group is required to carry out the working solution. In doing so,
they have to determine the strategy and method of problem-solving first, before
implementing the working solution. The strategy of problem –solving needs a
set of activities which will lead to the problem-solving process.”

Problem posing and problem solving involve examining situations that

arise in mathematics and other disciplines and in common experiences,
describing these situations mathematically, formulating appropriate
mathematical questions, and using a variety of strategies to find solutions. By
developing their problem-solving skills, students will come to realize the
potential usefulness of mathematics in their lives.

Problem solving is a term that often means different things to different

people. Sometimes it even means different things at different times for the
same people! It may mean solving simple word problems that appear in
standard textbooks, applying mathematics to real-world situations, solving non
routine problems or puzzles, or creating and testing mathematical conjectures
that may lead to the study of new concepts. In every case, however, problem
solving involves an individual confronting a situation which she has no
guaranteed way to resolve. Some tasks are problems for everyone (like finding
the volume of a puddle), some are problems for virtually no one (like counting
how many eggs are in a dozen), and some are problems for some people but

not for others (like finding out how many balloons 4 children have if each has 3
balloons, or finding the area of a circle).

Problem solving involves far more than solving the word problems
included in the students' textbooks; it is an approach to learning and doing
mathematics that emphasizes questioning and figuring things out. The
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics considers problem solving as the central focus of the mathematics

"As such, it is a primary goal of all mathematics instruction and an integral part
of all mathematics activity. Problem solving is not a distinct topic but a process
that should permeate the entire program and provide the context in which
concepts and skills can be learned." (p. 23)

Thus, problem solving involves all students a large part of the time; it is
not an incidental topic stuck on at the end of the lesson or chapter, nor is it just
for those who are interested in or have already mastered the day's lesson.
Students should have opportunities to pose as well as to solve problems; not all
problems considered should be taken from the text or created by the teacher.
However, the situations explored must be interesting,engaging, and
intellectually stimulating. Worthwhile mathematical tasks are not only interesting
to the students, they also develop the students' mathematical understandings
and skills, stimulate them to make connections and develop a coherent
framework for mathematical ideas, promote communication about mathematics,
represent mathematics as an ongoing human activity, draw on their diverse
background experiences and inclinations, and promote the development of all
students' dispositions to do mathematics (Professional Standards of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). As a result of such activities,
students come to understand mathematics and use it effectively in a variety of

Characteristics of mathematics problem
Contains elements which can be found in the environment
Its solution needs proper strategy in planning, including selection of
suitable methods for problem-solving.
Proper strategy in planning and selection of suitable method depend on
the pupils’ acquired knowledge and experience as well as understanding
of the relevant problem.
The ability of problem-solving is closely related to the pupils’ level of
cognitive development, at least at its application level.
The way used for problem-solving cannot be memorized as In the case of
reciting mathematics formula or solving mechanical question by means of
memorization. Every mathematics problem ought to have its own specific
The method of problem-solving may consist of more than one approach.
The process of problem-solving needs to implement by means of a set of
systematic activities.
The process of problem-solving needs to apply mathematics skills,
concepts or principles which have been learned and mastered.

George Polya- 1887 – 1985

George Polya was a Hungarian who immigrated to the United States in
1940. His major contribution is for his work in problem solving. Growing up he was
very frustrated with the practice of having to regularly memorize information. He
was an excellent problem solver. Early on his uncle tried to convince him to go
into the mathematics field but he wanted to study law like his late father had. After
a time at law school he became bored with all the legal technicalities he had to
memorize. He tired of that and switched to Biology and the again switched to Latin
and Literature, finally graduating with a degree. Yet, he tired of that quickly and
went back to school and took math and physics. He found he loved math.
His first job was to tutor Gregor the young son of a baron. Gregor struggled
due to his lack of problem solving skills. Polya (Reimer, 1995) spent hours and
developed a method of problem solving that would work for Gregor as well as
others in the same situation. Polya (Long, 1996) maintained that the skill of
problem was not an inborn quality but, something that could be taught. He was
invited to teach in Zurich, Switzerland. There he worked with a Dr. Weber. One
day he met the doctor?s daughter Stella he began to court her and eventually
married her. They spent 67 years together. While in Switzerland he loved to take
afternoon walks in the local garden. One day he met a young couple also walking
and chose another path. He continued to do this yet he met the same couple six
more times as he strolled in the garden. He mentioned to his wife ?how could it be
possible to meet them so many times when he randomly chose different paths
through the garden?
He later did experiments that he called the random walk problem. Several
years later he published a paper proving that if the walk continued long enough
that one was sure to return to the starting point. In 1940 he and his wife moved to
the United States because of their concern for Nazism in Germany (Long, 1996).
He taught briefly at Brown University and then, for the remainder of his life, at
Stanford University. He quickly became well known for his research and teachings
on problem solving. He taught many classes to elementary and secondary

classroom teachers on how to motivate and teach skills to their students in the
area of problem solving.
In 1945 he published the book How to Solve It which quickly became his
most prized publication. It sold over one million copies and has been translated
into 17 languages. In this text he identifies four basic principles . In How To Solve
It, G. Polya describes four steps for solving problems and outlines them at the
very beginning of the book for easy reference. The steps outline a series of
general questions that the problem solving student can use to successfully write
resolutions. Without the questions, common sense goes through the same
process; the questions simply allow students to see the process on paper. Polya
designed the questions to be general enough that students could apply them to
almost any problem.

The four steps are:

• understanding the problem,
• devising a plan,
• carrying out the plan, and
• looking back.

This method is very similar to the method in Thinking Mathematically by

John Mason, except Polya separates devising a plan, and carrying out the plan.
This may seem silly at first, but Polya argues that it does make a difference. By
first devising a plan, students can eliminate mistakes they might make by rushing
into the actual execution of the plan. When they plan it out first and then do the
math, it is possible to check their work as they go along.

Polya?s First Principle: Understand the Problem

In the first principle, pupils would be guided to understand:
(a)Variables involved in the problem;
(b)Relationship between the variables which have been ascertained; and
(c)Variable which needs to be thoroughly searched or answered.
In theother words, Understanding the Problem can be explain by this question :
1. Can you state the problem in your own words?
2. What are you trying to find or do?
3. What are the unknowns?
4. What information do you obtain from the problem?
5. What information, if any, is missing or not needed?
For the students, they should be able to state the unknown, or the thing
they want to find to answer the question, the data the question gives them to work
with, and the condition, or limiting circumstances they must work around. If they
can identify all of these, and explain the question to other people, then they have
a good understanding of what the problem is asking. Polya suggests that students
draw a picture if possible, or introduce some kind of notation to visualize the
question. This seems so obvious that it is often not even mentioned, yet students
are often stymied in their efforts to solve problems simply because they don?t
understand it fully, or even in part.
Polya taught teachers to ask students questions such as:
• Do you understand all the words used in stating the problem?
• What are you asked to find or show?
• Can you restate the problem in your own words?
• Can you think of a picture or a diagram that might help you understand the
• Is there enough information to enable you to find a solution?

Some techniques that may help students with this important aspect of problem
solving - understanding the problem - include restating the problem in their own
words, drawing a picture, or acting out the problem situation. Some teachers have
students work in pairs on problems, with one student reading the problem and
then, without referring to the written text, explaining what the problem is about to
their partner.

Polya?s Second Principle: Devise a plan
Polya mentions (1957) that it are many reasonable ways to solve problems.
The skill at choosing an appropriate strategy is best learned by solving many
problems. We will find choosing a strategy increasingly easy. To devise a plan,
students can start by trying to think of a related problem we have solved before to
help them. If the student can think of a problem they have solved before that had
a similar unknown, it could also be helpful. Students can also try to restate the
problem in an easier or different way, and try to solve that. By looking at these
related problems, students may be able to use the same method, or other part of
the plan used. After students have decided which calculations, computations, or
constructions that they need, and have made sure that all data and conditions
were used, they can try out their plan. A partial list of strategies is included:

Guess and check

We also can use these instructions to
Make an orderly list
understand more details.
Eliminate possibilities
 Find the connection between the data and the
Use symmetry
unknown. You may be obliged to consider
Consider special cases
auxiliary problems if an immediate connection
Use direct reasoning
cannot be found. You should obtain eventually a
Solve an equation
plan of the solution.
Also suggested:
 Have you seen it before? Or have you seen the
Look for a pattern
same problem in a slightly different form?
Draw a picture
 Do you know a related problem? Do you know a
Solve a simpler problem
theorem that could be useful?
Use a model
 Look at the unknown! And try to think of a familiar
Work backward
problem having the same or a similar unknown.
Use a formula
 Here is a problem related to yours and solved
Be creative
before. Could you use it? Could you use its
Use your head/noggin
result? Could you use its method? Should you
introduce some auxiliary element in order to
make its use possible?

 Could you restate the problem? Could you restate it still differently? Go back to
 If you cannot solve the proposed problem try to solve first some related problem.
Could you imagine a more accessible related problem? A more general problem?
A more special problem? An analogous problem? Could you solve a part of the
problem? Keep only a part of the condition, drop the other part; how far is the
unknown then determined, how can it vary? Could you derive something useful
from the data? Could you think of other data appropriate to determine the
unknown? Could you change the unknown or data, or both if necessary, so that
the new unknown and the new data are nearer to each other?
 Did you use all the data? Did you use the whole condition? Have you taken into
account all essential notions involved in the problem?

Polya?s third Principle: Carry out the plan

Carrying out the plan is sometimes the easiest part of solving a problem.
However, many students jump to this step too soon. Others carry out
inappropriate plans, or give up too soon and stop halfway through solving the
problem. To reinforce the process of making a plan and carrying it out, teachers
might use the following technique: Divide a sheet of notebook paper into two
columns. On the left side of the page, the student solves the problem. On the right
side of the page, the student writes about what is going on in his/her mind
concerning the problem. Is the problem hard? How can you get started? What
strategy might work? How did you feel about the problem?
This step is usually easier than devising the plan. In general (1957), all you
need is care and patience, given that you have the necessary skills. Persistent
with the plan that you have chosen. If it continues not to work discard it and
choose another. Don’t be misled, this is how mathematics is done, even by

Here are some tips to use:
○ Implement the strategy in Step 2 and perform any necessary actions or
○ Check each step of the plan as you proceed. This may be intuitive checking or a
formal proof of each step..
○ Keep an accurate record of your work. Can you see clearly that the step is
correct? Can you prove that it is correct?

Polya’s Fourth Principle: Look back

This is the part of problem-solving that most people tend to ignore. One way
for us to improve is to review past experiences and understand why we succeed
or fail. So it is important to monitor our own performance review the whole
exercise in order that we can do even better in the future.
Polya mentions (1957) that much can be gained by taking the time to reflect
and look back at what you have done, what worked and what didnt. Doing this will
enable you to predict what strategy to use to solve future problems. George Polya
went on to publish a two-volume set, Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning
(1954) and Mathematical Discovery (1962). These texts form the basis for the
current thinking in mathematics education and are as timely and important today
as when they were written. Polya has become known as the father of problem
When students look back on the problem and the plan they carried out,
they can increase their understanding of the solution. It is always good to recheck
the result and argument used, and to make sure that it is possible to check them.
Then students should ask, "Can I get the result in a different way?"and "Can I use
this for another problem?" The last chapter of the book is a very helpful
encyclopedia of the terms used in the explanation of the first chapter.
A partial list of strategies is included:
1. Check the results in the original problem. In some cases, this will require a proof.

2. Interpret the solution in terms of the original problem. Does your answer make
sense? Is it reasonable?
3. Determine whether there is another method of finding the solution.
4. If possible, determine other related or more general problems for which the
techniques will work.
While it might seem most logical to begin problem solving with Polya's first
activity and proceed through each activity until the end, not all successful problem
solvers do so. Many successful problem solvers begin by understanding the
problem and making a plan. But then as they start carrying out their plan, they
may find that they have not completely understood the problem, in which case
they go back to step one. Or they may find that their original plan is extremely
difficult to pursue, so they go back to step two and select another approach. By
using these four activities as a general guide, however, students can become
more adept at monitoring their own thinking. This "thinking about their thinking"
can help them to improve their problem solving skills.

Students move through a continuum of stages in their development as

problem solvers (Kantowski, 1980). Initially, they have little or no understanding of
what problem solving is, of what a strategy is, or of the mathematical structure of
a problem. Such students usually do not know where to begin to solve a problem;
the teacher must model the problem solving process for these students. At the
second level, students are able to follow someone else's solution and may
suggest strategies for similar problems.

They may participate actively in group problem solving situations but feel
insecure about independent activities, requiring the teacher's continued support.
At the third level, students begin to be comfortable with solving problems,
suggesting strategies different from those they have seen used before. They
understand and appreciate that problems may have multiple solutions or perhaps
even no solution at all. Finally, at the last level, students are not only adept at
solving problems, they are also interested in finding elegant and efficient solutions
and in exploring alternate solutions to the same problem. In teaching problem
solving, it is important to address the needs of students at each of these levels
within the classroom.
In summary, the real test of whether a student knows mathematics is
whether she can use it in a problem situation. Students should experience
problems as introductions to learning about new topics, as applications of content
already studied, as puzzles or non-routine problems that have many solutions,
and as situations that have no one best answer. They should not only solve
problems but also pose them. They should focus on understanding a problem,
making a plan for solving it, carrying out their plan, and then looking back at what
they have done

20 Explain routine and Non routine Problems

Futurists continue to stress that our future is going to undergo change at a

rate even greater than present generations have experienced. This implies that
today’s and future problems will have a dynamic component. Such problems
change or evolve as they are being studied. It is evident then that a fundamental
skill for dealing with the future is active problem solving, i.e., the ability to solve
problems which are undergoing change during the process of resolution.

Problem solving can be divided into two categories, routine and non routine
which is Routine problem solving and Non routine problem solving.


Routine problem solving is stresses the use of sets of known or prescribed

procedures (algorithms) to solve problems. In a routine problem, the problem
solver knows a solution method and only needs to carry it out. The strength of
this approach is that it is easily accessed by paper-pencil tests. Since today’s
computers and calculators can quickly and accurately perform the most complex
arrangements of algorithms for multi-step routine problems, the typical workplace
does not require a high level of proficiency in routine problem solving. However,
today’s workplace does require many employees to be proficient in Non routine
problem solving. Routine problems are sometimes called exercises, and
technically do not fit the definition of problem stated above. When the goal of an
educational activity is to promote all the aspects of problem solving (including
devising a solution plan), then non routine problems (or exercises) are

Routine problem is actually is a type of mechanical mathematic problem. It

aimed at training the students for able to master basic skills, especially the
arithmetic skills which involving the four operations, addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division (+, -, ×, ÷), or directs applications of using mathematics
formulae, laws, theorems or equations. Generally speaking, routine problems are
the most basic simple type of problem-solving in mathematics, as its goal
expression can be achieved by means of certain algorithm.


Non routine problem solving is stresses the use of heuristics and often
requires little to no use of algorithms. The problem solver does not initially know a
method for solving the problem. Unlike algorithms, heuristics are procedures or
strategies that do not guarantee a solution to a problem but provide a more highly
probable method for discovering the solution. Building a model and drawing a
picture of a problem are two basic problem-solving heuristics. Other heuristics
include describing the problem situation, making the problem simpler, finding
irrelevant information, working backwards, and classifying information.

Actually, Non-routine problem is a unique problem-solving which requires

the application of skills, concepts or principles which have been learned and
mastered. Method for solving non-routine problem in mathematics is different from
answering mechanical question. It needs systematic activities with logical
planning, including proper strategy and selection of suitable method for
implementation. Most of the non-routine problems required a heuristic approach
such as the application of experiences and practical effort, or planned strategy, to
attain its goal expression..

There are two types of non routine problem solving situations which is
static and Active. Static non routine problems have a fixed known goal and fixed,
known elements that are used to resolve the problem. Solving a jigsaw puzzle is
an example of a static non routine problem. Given all pieces to a puzzle and a
picture of the goal, learners are challenged to arrange the pieces to complete the
picture. Various heuristics such as classifying the pieces by color, connecting the
pieces which form the border, or connecting the pieces which form a salient
feature to the puzzle, such as a flag pole, are typical ways in which people
attempt to resolve such problems.

Active non routine problem solving may have a fixed goal with changing
elements, a changing goal or alternative goals with fixed elements, or changing or
alternative goals with changing elements. The heuristics used in this form of
problem solving are known as strategies. People who study such problems must
learn to change or adapt their strategies as the problem unfolds.

According to John Dewey, learning through problem-solving includes five

stages. They are briefly shown in the following figure.


The process of identifying the problem involves activities to understand and

ascertain important aspects contained in the problem. The stage of looking for
information involves activities to collect materials or facts related to the problem.
The stage that follows is the setting up of a hypothesis to suggest strategies and
methods to solve the problem identified. The next stage is testing the hypothesis
whereby the suggested strategies and methods are implemented in the process.
Finally an evaluation is made on the techniques used during the process of
solving the problem with decision on final conclusion and records.

30 Gather information and select three non routine problems and solve each of
these problems using two or more types of problem solving strategies.
Elaborate on the different strategies. Select one strategy that is deemed to
be most efficient and justify selection.

Question: Amy and Judy sold 12 show tickets altogether. Amy sold 2 more tickets
than Judy. How many tickets did each girl sell?



What do you need to find?

You need to know that 12 tickets were sold in all. You also need to know that Amy
sold 2 more tickets than Judy.

2) PLAN:

How can you solve the problem?

a) Guess and Check

You can guess and check to find two numbers with a sum of 12 and a difference
of 2. If your first guess does not work, try two different numbers.


First Guess:
Amy = 8 tickets
Judy = 4 tickets

8 + 4 = 12
8 - 4 = 4 ( Amy sold 4 more tickets)
These numbers do not work!

Second Guess:
Amy = 7 tickets
Judy = 5 tickets

7 + 5 = 12
7- 5 = 2 ( Amy sold 2 more tickets)
These numbers do work!

Amy sold 7 tickets and Judy sold 5 tickets.

b) Draw a Picture

12 tickets were sold

Lets we divide half
Each others
Amy(6) Judy(6)

* Amy sold 2 more tickets than Judy. Decrease 1 tickets from Judy

Now, we got the answer.

Amy sold 7 tickets and

Judy(5) Judy sold 5 tickets.


Justify Selection:
In this question, I think that draw a picture strategy is more suitable. Students can
directly see that there are how to arrange the strategy. Then, they will see how to find
the answer. On the sport they can get the true answer, which is 7 show tickets is sold by
Amy and only 5 show tickets is sold by Judy.
Besides, this strategy is easy to carry out. It only needs to draw it on a paper.
Sometimes, we are lack of ideas how can the question act. Even though we are able to
get the idea, we still need to aware on the relationship on the diagram.
So, I prefer the strategy of draw a picture more because it is save and easier to be
carry out.

Question: Laura has 3 green chips, 4 blue chips and 1 red chip in her bag. What
fractional part of the bag of chips is green?



What do you need to find?

You need to find how many chips are in all. Then you need to find how many of
the chips are green.

2) PLAN:

How can you solve the problem?

a) Draw a Picture

You can draw a picture to show the information. Then you can use the picture to
find the answer.


Draw 8 chips.

3/8 of the chips are green.

b) Make a diagram

3/8 of the chips are green.

Justify Selection:
In this question, I think strategy draw a diagram is more suitable. This is because it
is easier to understand and carry out. Besides, students can go through to the answer. .
Therefore, in my opinion strategy 2 is more suitable for me because it is
easier to understand and carry out.

Question: Judy is taking pictures of Jim, Karen and Mike. She asks them, " How
many different ways could you three children stand in a line?"



What do you need to know?

You need to know that any of the students can be first, second or third.

2) PLAN:

How can you solve the problem?

a) Make a List
You can make a list to help you find all the different ways. Choose one student to
be first, and another to be second. The last one will be third.


When you make your list, you will notice that there are 2 ways for Jim to be first, 2
ways for Karen to be first and 2 ways for Mike to be first.

First Second Third

Jim Karen Mike
Jim Mike Karen
Karen Jim Mike
Karen Mike Jim
Mike Karen Jim
Mike Jim Karen

So, there are 6 ways that the children could stand in line.

b) Guess and Check

Firstly, let say start with:

Jim, follow by Karen and lastly is Mike
Karen, follow by Jim and lastly is Mike
Mike, follow by Karen and lastly is Jim

But, there have another ways that the children could stand in line.
Jim, follow by Mike and lastly is Karen
Karen, follow by Mike and lastly is Jim
Mike, follow by Jim and lastly is Karen.

* That’s mean there are 6 ways that the children could stand in line.
Justify Selection:

In this question, I think strategy 1 – make a list is more suitable. This is because it
is easier to understand and carry out. Sometimes, we might face on problems when use
guess and check, like unable to determine the answer accurately. Then, students will
waste their time to guess until get the right answer
Therefore, in my opinion strategy 1 which is make a list is more suitable for me
because it is easier to understand , save time and easier to carry out.

40 Create three new but similar problems and solve it using the suggested

a) Make a list

1. Doug has 2 pairs of pants: a black pair and a green pair. He has 4 shirts: a
white shirt, a red shirt, a grey shirt, and a striped shirt. How many different
outfits can he put together? (Hint: Cornplete the organised list.)

Make a list
Pants Shirts

Pants Shirts
Understanding the Problem
· How many pairs of pants does Doug have? (2)
· How many shirts does Doug have? (4)

Planning a Solution
· Suppose Doug wears his black pants. What color shirt can he wear? (white, red,
grey, or striped)
· If Doug wears his striped shirt, how many different outfits can he wear? (2:
striped—black and striped—green)
· If Doug wears the green pants, can he wear all 4 shirts? (yes)
Finding the Answer
Make an Organized List
Doug can make 8 different outfits.

2. There’s only one bicycle at the IPGM Campus Tuanku Bainun that Sara, Tirah
and Ezzaty can borrow. How many times could each of them borrow the



What do you need to know?

You need to know that any of the students can be first, second or third.

2) PLAN:

How can you solve the problem?

You can make a list to help you find all the times they can borrow the bicycle.
Choose one student to be first, and another to be second. The last one will be


When you make your list, you will notice that there are 2 times for Sara to be
first, 2 times for Tirah to be first and 2 times for Ezzaty to be first.
First Second Third
Sara Tirah Ezzaty
Sara Ezzaty Tirah
Tirah Sara Ezzaty
Tirah Ezzaty Sara
Ezzaty Tirah Sara
Ezzaty Sara Tirah

So, there are 6 times that the students could borrow the bicycle.

3.The letters ABCD, can be put into a different order: DCBA or BADC. How
many different combinations of the letters ABCD can you make?

i. Strategy:


What do you need to know?

You need to know that any of the combination letters ABCD can can be first,
second or third.

b) PLAN:

How can you solve the problem?

You can make a list to help you find all the different combination letters ABCD.
Choose one combination letterst to be first, and another to be second. The last
one will be third.

To answer this question, obviously, you have to make a list.
Teach your students to make a SYSTEMATIC list. For example:



By making a SYSTEMATIC list, students will see every possible combination.

(Later, perhaps, they will learn that the number of permutations of size 4 taken
from a set of 4 can be represented by the formula 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24).

b)Draw a picture

1. In a sunny day, Johnny walks into the school hall, he saw 4 girls and 3
boys standing in front the gate. Each girl carrying 3 school bags and each boy
carrying 2. How many shopping bags did Johnny saw?

First, draw a picture so that we can count.

Count the school bags. The four girls have 12 bags. The two boys have 4 bags.
12 + 4 = 16
Johnny saw 16 school bags in front the gate.

2. Jenny saw 2 big houses and 3 small houses are build besides the lake.
Each of the big houses had 4 windows and each small houses had 2 windows. How
many windows did Jenny saw?

First, draw a picture so that we can count.

Count the windows. Big houses have eight windows. Small houses have six windows.
8 + 6 = 14
Jenny saw 14 windows on the houses by the lake.

3. In a restaurant, Kelly saw 6 rectangle tables and 3 triangle tables. Each of

the rectangle tables had 4 legs and the triangle tables had 3 legs each. How many
table legs did Kelly see in the restaurant?

First, draw a picture so that we can count.

Count the legs of the tables. Rectangle tables have 24 legs. Triangle tables have 9 legs.
24 + 9 = 33
Kelly saw 33 table legs in the restaurant.

c) Make a Diagram

A coin has two face, head and tail. If you toss 3 coins together, determine that how
many different combinations of heads and tails you would get.

• There are 6 combinations of heads and tails.


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