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Elements of Art The Tools

Composition = ordered arrangement of elements in a work of art, usually according to the principles of design. Line
The path of a dot through space --------------straight curvy jagged broken thin thick long short horizontal vertical diagonal parallel crisp clean clear airy light heavy

A flat enclosed area either surrounded by a line or visible due to a change in value at its edges

An object, viewed from many sides, with three dimensions --------------Real forms take up space Sculpture or in the round Three-dimensional l x w x h = volume Forms can be natural or geometric Illusion of form is created using Perspective Drawing Foreshortening Shadow and light High relief = forms that stick out at least half way from the background Low relief = forms that barely stick out

--------------flat two-dimensional l x w Geometric or angular = shapes that are precise and regular and have hard edges such has a triangles, circles, or squares. Organic or irregular = shapes in nature such as flowers, people, trees, lakes, clouds, animals, etc. Abstract shapes = simplified, flat, almost silhouettes, of real things

Descriptive Lines
outline, contour, or gesture

Implied Lines
suggested, indicated indirectly

Expressive Lines
expresses an idea, mood, or theme

Positive shapes = main objects Negative shapes = surrounding area

Lightness or darkness of a hue (color)
--------------Light = Tint (color + white) Dark = Shade (color + black) Value scale = five or more tints and shades of one color Value contrast = how close or far apart values are on the value scale High contrast = far apart Low contrast = close together Techniques used to show value change gradual and block shading stippling hatching and crosshatching object shading

What the eye sees when light bounces off an object ---------------Hue name of a color Value lightness or darkness of a color Intensity brightness or dullness of a color Low intensity or dull color = hue mixed with its complementary Color wheel = relationship of colors Color spectrum = six bands of color Color families or schemes . . .
Primary - Secondary - Intermediate Complementary Neutral - Analogous Warm - Cool - Monochromatic

The surface quality or the way the actual surface feels or appears to feel ----------------smooth rough soft hard Actual (real) textures tactile by nature and can be felt with our fingers Simulated (implied) textures known as visual textures that are drawn, printed, or painted in order to represent a feeling or texture

The area around, above, below, and within an object
--------------Sculptors and architects = actual space Painters and other artists = 2D space Illusion of space Change in size, detail, and intensity Overlapping/foreshortening Placement fore/mid/back ground Perspective Linear lines and edges merge Atmospheric use of color/value Positive shapes and forms. Negative empty spaces between. Picture Plane a stationary point in which the artist captures the image

Warm = aggressive = ascending colors Cool = calm = receding colors




REVISED: 11/07/12

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