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Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology Important Topics for Psychology Mains Paper I Section A

S. 1




Psychology as a science Psychology & its relation to other fields Perspectives In Psychology (Just 6 headings - Details elsewhere) Contribution of Gestalt School to development of Psychology (SN) Humanistic Perspective as the third force (Short Note) Historical Antecedents Trends in 21st Century Experimental Methods & Non Experimental Methods Control Groups & Within Subject Design of Experiment
Methodological Problems in Psychology

Methods of Psychology

Types of Research - Diagnostic, Prognostic, Descriptive, Evaluative Focussed Group Discussions Brain Storming Grounded Theory Approach
3 Research Methods & Quant Analaysis

Major Steps in Psychological Research

Fundamental Vs. Applied Research Methods of Data Collection (Interv, Observ, Questionnr, Case Study) Experimentor's effect's influence on Findings of a study Factor Analysis Item Response Theory Socialization & Cultural Factors Role of Environment & Genetics on development of Human Behaviour Life Span Development - Developmental Tasks Critical Period Maturation Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Culture & Personality (Optional - Can be left if shortage of time) Concept of Self - Shortnote (Optional) Perception & its characteristics. Perceptual Organization Perceptual Defence (Short Note). Signal Detection Theory & Classical Psychophysics (Short Note). General Concepts in Attention.

Development of Human Behaviour

Attention & Perception

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Sublimial Perception (Short Note) Threshold - Absolute & Differential Threshold (Part of Psychophysics) Vigilance & Factors Influencing it Plasticity of Perception Figure After Affects


Classical Conditioning. Operant Conditioning Forms of Learning (including observational learning/Modelling). Programmed Learning & its application in teaching. Discrimination & Generalization (wrt to both CC & Operant Conditioning) Process of Extinction (wrt to both CC & Operant Conditioning) Theories of Learning - Gestaltist & Information Processing Approach Escape, Avoidance & Punishment Attainment of Concepts & Concept Learning Information Processing Models of Memory Two process theories of memory (short Note) Forgetting (Short Note) Theories of Forgetting (Repression, Decay & Interference theories) Ways of Memory Enhancement Basic Processes of Remembering Stage Vs. Process Models of Memory Concept of working memory Metamemory Amnesia - Anteretrograde & Retrograde Iconic & Echoic Memory


Paper I
S. 8 Chapter Thinking & Problem Solving

Section B

Concept Formation Convergent & Divergent thinking (Short Note) Creativity & Fostering Creativity (Short Note). Creativity & its link with Intelligence (Short Note) Problem Solving & the steps involved Mental Set & Problem Solving (short note) Facilitatory & Hindering factors in problem solving Methods of Problem Solving Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Concept of Problem Space

Motivation & Emotion

Emotion - Characteristics, Components & Functions James Lange theory of Emotion Emergency Theory of Canon Bard Schachter Singer Theory & Cognitive Appraisal Theory of Lazarus

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Motivation - Its characteristics & the steps involved Theories of Motivation (Hull, Lewin, Freud, Maslow, Deci & Ryan) Field Theory or Vector Valence Theory of Kurt Lewin (Short Note) Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation (Maslow) Psychoanalytical theory of Motivation Drive Theory or Push theory of Hull Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation Emotional Competence Homeostasis Social & Economic Motives Cognitive Evalutaion theory of Intrinsic Motivation Cognitive Approach to Motivation & Emotion Instinct, Drive, Arousal & Incentive Theories of Motivation


Intelligence & Aptitude

Spearmans Thurstone's Theory of Intelligence Concept of Intelligence - nature & development Concept of Aptitude (Short Note). Creativity & its link with Intelligence (Short Note) Emotional Intelligence & how to measure it (Full Length) Social Intelligence (Short Note). Multiple Intelligence & its measurement (Short Note) Theories of Intelligence J.P Guilford, Eysenck-Vernon Model Sternberg Theory of Intelligence Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Bruner's Theory of Cognitive Development (Short Note) J.P. Das - PASS Model Concept of IQ, Deviation IQ, Constancy of IQ Fluid Intelligence & Crystallized Intelligence (Cattell's Theory) Theories of Personality (Psychoanalytical) Humanistic Approach to Personality Rogers Concept of fully functional person. Behaviouristic Approach to Personality Trait & Type approaches to Personality (V. Important) Projective techniques of perosnality assessment. Projective Techniques Vs. Psychometric Tests in Personality assesmt. Personality - Concept & Individuality Socio-Cultural Approach to Personality Piagets theory of Cognitive Development Indian Approach to Personality (Esp Guna Theory, Vedantic theory) Self Big 5 Theory Attitude - its Components & Formation Cognitive Dissonance Theory Other theories of attitude




Attitudes, Values & Interests

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Attribution Theory Attitude Change Values - Concept, Components & Measurement (Short Note). Strategies for fostering Values Interest - Concept, Components & Measurement (Short Note) How Values Motivate Individual Measuring Attitude (Thurstone & Likert Attitude Scale) Attribution Theories


Language & Communication

Communication & its process, Importance & Barriers Persuasive & Effective Communication Skinner & Chomsky's theory of language development. Human Language - Properties, Structure & Linguistic Hierarchy Role of Language in Communication Language Acquisition - Predisposition, Critical Period Hypothesis


Issues & Perspectives in Modern Contemporary Psychology

Extrasensory Perception Intersensory Perceiption. Altered State of Consciousness & Meditation (short note) Hypnosis (short note) drug use (short note) Sensory deprivation Dreams Sleep & Its Stages Artificial Intelligence (Short Note). Psychocybernetics Use of Computers in Pyschological Experiments & Tests.

Paper II Section A
S.N. 1 Chapter Psychological Measurement of Indl Difference Topics Psychological Tests - Types, Uses & Limitations. Ethical Issues (Short Note) Examine the methods of reliability & validity of psychological tests. Construction of Psychological tests Nature of Individual Difference (Short Note) Present Status of Psychological Testing in India (Short Note) Stress - it consequences & Stess Management Psychopathic Personality Schizophrenia Mental Disorders (Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Schizphernia

Well Being & Mental Disorders

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

& delusional disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse disorders) Happiness Disposition Concept of Positive Health & Factors affecting it Concept of Mental Health & Factors affectiing it Indian Techniques of Stess Management (Short Note)

Therapeutic Approaches

Psychodynamic therapy Behaviour Therapy Client Centred Therapy (Humanistic Approach) Congnitive Therapy Indigenous Therapy (Yoga, Meditation, Reiki). Biofeedback (Short Note). Prevention & Rehabilitation of the Mentally ill Concept of Mental Health & Factors affectiing it Caplan's Threefold Model of Prevention (short note)

Work Psychology & Organizational Behaviour

Maslow's Theory & its application to industry Herzberg theory of work motivation (Short Note) Techniques of personnel selection (Short Note) Participatory Management System. Work Motivation (Definition & Concept). Leadership & its form (Short Note). Indian Industry illustrations for each of the cases above Advertising & Marketing - Role of Psychology in it (Short Note) Equity Theory, Porter & Lawler, Vroom Ergonomics Transformational Leadership Consumer Psychology Power & Politics in Organization Use of Psychological tests in the industry Human Resource Development to achieve personal & organiz. goals. Teaching Learning Process Learning Styles & its Uses in teaching-learning process (Full Length) Retarded Child (Short Note). Training of Gifted Children Learning Disabled & their training Community Psychologist & his role esp in social change. Social Change & resistance to change & how to tackle it. Group - its characterisitics, group behaviour, cohesion. Use of Small Groups in Social Action Indian Society: Its resistance to change & remedy for it.

Application of Psychology to Education Field

Community Psychology.

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Rehabilitation Psychology

Drug Addiction - Causes & remedy Juvenile Delinquency Rehabilitation of Terrorists Rehabilitation of Physically, Mentally & Socially challenged persons Rehabilitation of Old Persons (Full Length) Rehabilitation of HIV/AIDS Victims Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence

Paper II Section B
S.N. 8 Chapter Application of psycholgoy to disadvantaged groups Topics

Concepts of disadvantaged, deprivation and social deprivation.

Remedies for the problems mentioned above. Examples from India of each categories (Eg. Tribals etc). Educating & Motivating the disadvantaged towards development Prolonged & relative deprivation (Short Note).

Psychological & problem of social integration

Concept of social integration & how to achieve it. Prejeudice - its origin, effect & methods to reduce it. Examples in indian context of prejudice & social integration (Very Important) Conflicts (Caste, Class, Religion & Language conflicts) & how to tackle them


Application of Psychology in IT & Mass Media

Psychological effect of IT Role of Psychologist in IT & Mass Media Role Played by TV in spreading awareness & bringing social change Distance learning through IT & Mass Media & its benefits (Short Note) Multi-level marketing (Short Note) E-commerce (Short Note)


Psychology & Economic Development.

McClelland's achievement motivation theory Entrepreneur - characteristics, entrepreneur syndrome. Women Entrepreneurs (Egs from Indian Context) Missing Portion (Women Entrepreneur & Achievement Motivation)

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

Consumer Rights & Consumer Courts - Psychological Perspective (short note)


Application of psychology to Env. & related fields

Environment Degradation (noise, pollution and crowding) How to motivate people to adopt small family norm. Population Explosion - Causes & Psychological Consequences


Other applications of psychology

Role of psychology in the recruitment & training of defence personnel. Human Engineering in Defence (Short Note) Psychological Interventions in improving perrformance of athletes Psychology of Terrorism - How to deal Glass Ceiling Effect Issues of Discrimination Women & Indian Society Self Fulfillinig Prophesy Management of Diversity


Psychology of Gender

Ghanshyam Thori

Chapterwise Important Topics in Psychology

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