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Estimating the population of garden snails at different site of the school compound.

Problem statement: What are the population of garden snails at different site of the school compound? Hypothesis: Garden snails are more at site A than at site B and site C. Variables: anipulated !ariable: "ifferent site of the school compound #esponding !ariable: $he population of garden snails Constant !ariable: Area of sampling% type of garden snail aterials and apparatus: Paintbrush% &ndian in'% measuring tape% garden snail% location(area of sampling )site A% site B and site C* and paper. Procedure: +. ,elect a suitable location -ithin the school compound. )P.* .. easure three different site -ith s/uare area 01 cm 2 01 cm and mar' as site A% site B and site C. )P+%P.% P3* 4. Capture the entire garden snail from these sites. )P+* 3. Count the garden snail and mar' them -ith a small dot of &ndian in' on the shell. a'e sure the mar' is -ater proof. )P4% P0** 0. #elease the garden snails into the same location -here they -ere found. )P+%P.* 5. After se!en days% capture once again as many garden snails. )P+* 6. #ecord the total number of garden snails captured and records the number of those -hich had been mar'ed. )P+% P4* 7. 8stimate the population of garden snails by using the follo-ing formula: 9umber from the first capture 2 9umber from the second capture Population : 9umber of mar'ed indi!iduals recaptured )P4* #esults: Site A B C Number of garden snails from the first capture (a) Number of garden snails from the second capture Number of Total number marked (b) individual Estimated population aXb c

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