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SINGULAR AND PLURAL (sustantivos = nouns) La mayora de los sustantivos (palabras que designan cosas objetos, animales o cosas, ejemplo: perro, rbol, gato, mesa, silla, huracn, lluvia, caballo, etc.) en ingls en su forma plural solamente se les agrega s al final. Ejemplo: Singular one pen one apple one cup one elephant Plural two pens two apples two cups two elephants

Existen otros sustantivos en Ingls que necesitan reglas especficas especficas para transformarlos de singular a plural, estas reglas son: 1. Cuando el sustantivo termina en una una consonante + y. Se elimina la y por la i y se le agrega es. Ejemplo: baby = babies city = cities 2. Cuando el sustantivo termina en una vocal + y. Solamente se le agrega S al final. Ejemplos Boy = boys key = keys 3. Cuando el sustantivo termina termina en fe o f . Se cambia la f por v y se le agrega es. Ejemplos: Wife = wives thief = thieves 4. Cuando el sustantivo termina en sh, ch, ss o x. Solamente se agrega es. Ejemplos: Dish = dishes match = matches class = clases Box = boxes 5. Cuando el sustantivo termina en una consonante + o. Solamente se le agrega es. Ejemplo: Tomato = tomatoes potato = potatoes 6. Cuando el sustativo termina en una vocal + o. Solamente se agrega S al final. Ejemplos: Zoo = zoos radio = radios

Sustantivos irregulares (irregular nouns) Existen en ingls sustantivos que no se adaptan a ninguna regla anterior, a estos se les llama irregulares. Ejemplos:

SINGULAR Child Foot Man Mouse Tooth Woman Fish No tiene singular

PLURAL Children feet men mice teeth women fish people

Ejemplos: 1. Mr. Smith has one child. Mr. Cook has two children. (El seor Smith tiene un nio. El seor Cook tiene dos nios) 2. I have a right foot and a left foot. I have two feet. (Yo tengo un pie derecho y un pie izquierdo. Yo tengo dos pies). 3. I see a man on the street. I see two men on the street. (Yo veo a un hombre en la calle. Yo veo a dos hombres en la calle). 4. My cat sees a mouse. Cats like to catch mice. (Mi gato ve un ratn. A los gatos les gusta agarrar ratones). 5. My tooth hurts. My teeth are white. (Me duele el diente. Mis dientes son blancos). 6. There is one woman in our class. There are ten women in your class. (Hay una mujer en nuestra clase. Hay diez mujeres en tu clase). 7. Bob has an aquarium, he has one fish. Sue has an aquarium, she has seven fish. (Bob tiene un acuario, l tiene un pez. Sue tiene un acuario, ella tiene siete peces). 8. There are fifteen people in this room. (Hay quince personas en este cuarto).


EJERCICIOS SINGULAR Y PLURAL (PRESENTE SIMPLE) SERIE I. Complete las oraciones. oraciones. Use el plural de los sustantivos que se encuentran en el listado. Use solamente una vez cada palabra. LISTA No.1: baby party cowboy city lady key boy tray dictionary country untry

1. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have one daughter and two sons. They have one girl and two __boys______. 2. The students in my class come from many _______________________________. 3. Women give birth to _________________________. 4. My money and my ______________________ are in my pocket. 5. I know the names of many ______________________ in the United States and Canada. 6. I like to go to _________________________ because I like to meet and talk to peo people. 7. People carry their food on _________________________ at a cafeteria. 8. We always use our __________________________ when we write compositions. 9. Good evening, ______________________ and gentlemen. 10. ________________________ ride horses. LISTA No. 2 knife life wife leaf thief

11. Please put the ____________________, forks and spoons on the table. 12. Sara and Carla are married. They are _________________. They have husbands. 13. We all have some problems in our __________________________. 14. Police officers catch _____________________________. _________________________. 15. It is fall. The _____________________________ are falling from the trees.

LISTA No.3 bush dish match sandwich tax zoo class glass potato sex tomato

16. Bob drinks eight ________________ of water every day. 17. There are two _________________: male and female. 18. Please put the ______________________ and the silverware on the table. 19. All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their ________________. 20. I can see trees and __________________ outside the window. 21. I want to light the candles. I need some _____________________________. 22. When I make a salad, I use lettuce and __________________________________. 23. Sometimes Susana has a hamburger and French-fried _________________________. 24. Some animals live all of their lives in __________________________________. 25. Carlos is a student. He likes his _________________________________. 26. We often eat ______________________________ for lunch. SERIE II. Instrucciones: Use dos y el plural de los siguientes sustantivos. 1. One child 2. One woman 3. One tooth 4. One foot 5. One man 6. One mouse 7. One fish 8. One page 9. One place 10. One banana 11. One child 12. One desk 13. One sentence 14. One man 15. One orange 16. One foot 17. One knife _______two children____________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

18. One sex 19. One girl 20. One exercise 21. One tooth

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ________________________

22. one boy and one woman

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