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[ Team Unknown ]
Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products, Second dition By Jim Highsmith ............................................... Publisher: Addison!"esle# Pro$essional Pub Date: %ul# &', ('') Print ISBN-10: '!*(&!+,-*)!+ Print ISBN-13: ).-!'!*(&!+,-*)!, Web ISBN-10: '!*(&!+,)('!& Web ISBN-13: ).-!'!*(&!+,)('!' Pages: /*( Slots: &0' able o! "ontents # In$e% "o&yright Praise !or Jim Highsmith's (gile Pro)e*t +anagement, Se*on$ -$ition Praise !or Jim Highsmith's (gile Pro)e*t +anagement he (gile So!t.are De/elo&ment Series (*0no.le$gments (bout the (uthor 1ore.or$ Pre!a*e Intro$u*tion "on/entions he (gile So!t.are De/elo&ment Series "ha&ter 1. he (gile 2e/olution (gile Business 3b)e*ti/es (gility De!ine$ (gile 4ea$ershi& 5alues (gile Per!orman*e +easurement he (P+ 1rame.or0 Per!orman*e Possibilities 1inal houghts "ha&ter 6. 5alue o/er "onstraints "ontinuous 1lo. o! "ustomer 5alue Iterati/e, 1eature-Base$ Deli/ery e*hni*al -%*ellen*e Sim&li*ity 1inal houghts "ha&ter 3. eams o/er as0s 4ea$ing eams Buil$ing Sel!-3rgani7ing 8Sel!-Dis*i&line$9 eams -n*ourage "ollaboration No +ore Sel!-3rgani7ing eams: 1inal houghts "ha&ter ;. ($a&ting o/er "on!orming he S*ien*e o! ($a&tation -%&loring 2es&on$ing to "hange Pro$u*t, Pro*ess, Peo&le

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