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300 WORKOUT squat jumps 30 staggered push ups 30 alternating split jumps 30 explosive push ups 30 prison squats

hindu push ups kneeling band row burpees pull ups double crunch ABS 50 - crunches 30 - in and outs 20 - toe touches 30 - leg raises 50 - crunches 1min - sitting hold with leg kicks 1min - sitting hold 1min - planks 50 - crunches CHEST 15 triangle push ups 15 push ups 15 push ups outer 15 spider walk push ups 15 hindu push ups

15 explosive push ups 7secs down 7secs up CARDIO Jumping jacks 1min dumb bell swing 20 2x quick feet 20 2x lunge jumps 20 2x line jumps 20 2x squat jumps 20 2x 30 SECS A in and outs mountain climbers leg raises mountain climbers side to side holds mountain climbers 30 SECS B bicycles mountain climbers bicycles mountain climbers bicycles 1min break in and outs mountain climbers in and outs mountain climbers

in and outs 2min break half circle twists mountain climbers half circle twists mountain climbers

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