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Adjectives (Adjetivos)

Usamos adjetivos para descrever pessoas e coisas: Tangled is an American animated film.  O adjetivo invarivel em ingls. igual no masculino, feminino e plural: An American film two American films A blonde girl two blonde girls O adjetivo coloca-se, quase sempre, antes do nome: The pretty girl in a long dress is called Rapunzel. Pomos o adjetivo depois do verbo to be: Flynn is a thief, but he is nice. O adjetivo tambm vem depois destes verbos: feel, taste, smell, look, seem, sound. Flynn and Rapunzel look happy now.  Quando h dois ou trs adjetivos antes do nome, no usamos geralmente vrgula ou and: Rapunzel has (got) long straight blonde hair.  Quando os adjetivos so do mesmo tipo, por exemplo, todos referidos a cores, usamos and para ligar dois adjetivos. Com trs adjetivos, usamos vrgula depois do primeiro: Rapunzels dress is purple and light pink. Flynn is wearing brown, green and beige clothes. 5

Present Continuous
am/is/are + playing/reading/painting
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am (Im) reading You are (youre) studying He is (hes) writing She is (shes) cooking It is (its) eating We are (were) talking You are (youre) swimming They are (theyre) running

I am not (Im not) reading You are not (arent) studying He is not (isnt) writing She is not (isnt) cooking It is not (isnt) eating We are not (arent) talking You are not (arent) swimming They are not (arent) running

Am I reading? Are you studying? Is he writing? Is she cooking? Is it eating? Are we talking? Are you swimming? Are they running?


Short answers Are you singing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.




-ing form

Regra geral: infinitivo + ing

Verbos terminados em consoante + e Verbos terminados em -ee Verbos que terminam em -ie, mudam -ie para -ying. Verbos monossilbicos que terminam numa nica vogal + consoante dobram a consoante. Verbos polissilbicos com a ltima slaba acentuada que terminam em vogal + consoante dobram a consoante. Exceo em ingls britnico: dobram o l at quando a ltima slaba no acentuada. Nota: o y e o w nunca dobram.

do doing write writing see seeing lie lying die dying get getting jog jogging begin beginning prefer preferring cancel cancelling travel travelling buy buying draw drawing

Usamos o Present Continuous para: descrever aes que esto a decorrer no momento em que se fala. What are they doing? They are having a picnic.

falar de coisas que esto a acontecer por um perodo de tempo curto. What are you doing this week? Im staying at my grandparents for a few days. Expresses de tempo
now at the moment today these days

Im studying English now.

(Agora estou a estudar ingls.)




-ing form

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