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Activity Plan Format 1.

Identifying Information - Name Amanda Maurer - Content of Activity/Title The intelligence used for this activity is Musical/Rhythmic. Songs about wheels. The teacher and children will explore, sing, and move to songs about wheels. 2. Developmental Ob ective - !"ic" of t"e c"ild#$ developmental domain$ %ill be en"anced or enric"ed by t"i$ activity& '(i$t all t"at apply) cognitive* emotional* $ocial* p"y$ical+ The developmental domains that will be enhanced or enriched by this activity are cognitive, emotional, social, and physical. ,. A. -e"avioral Ob ective$ - !"at be"avior$ do yo. e/pect to act.ally ob$erve d.ring t"i$ activity t"at %ill ma0e evident if yo.r developmental ob ective$ "ave been met& The behaviors that expect to observe during this activity that will ma!e evident that the developmental ob"ectives have been met are singing, body movement, smiling and, laughing. - Can yo. act.ally a$$e$$ t"e o.tcome$ of t"e e/ploration or in1.iry in ob$ervable be"avior& #es, will be able to assess the outcomes of the exploration by observing how well the children participate in the activity. f a child does not participate, can as! parents if they see any behavior at home that would indicate a !nowledge or en"oyment of music. - T"e$e ob ective$ %o.ld be a ba$i$ for yo.r $elf2eval.ation and for a.t"entic a$$e$$ment$. -. 3tandard$ 2 Identify t"e $tandard$ t"at yo. plan to meet t"ro.g" t"i$ activity. $.%.&' $erform basic rhythmical s!ills alone and/or with a partner. (e.g., the child marches and dances to music or rhythmical sounds in free form or with simple adult directions). S*.'.&++ ,se dance and visual art as a vehicle for self-expression. 4. Planning T"o.g"t Proce$$e$ A. Define t"e conte/t in %"ic" t"i$ activity %ill be e/plored. '!"y i$ t"i$ activity being c"o$en at t"i$ time for t"e$e c"ildren&+ This activity is chosen to explore music and rhythm that ties in with the current topic of study. wheels. - !"at prior 0no%ledge and e/perience$ "ave t"e c"ildren "ad t"at %o.ld impact t"i$ activity& The children have prior !nowledge and experiences with music, either by listening or actively participating in ma!ing music and body movements.

-. 5o% %a$ t"e content of t"e activity c"o$en& C"ildren#$ in1.iry& 6evi$iting or b.ilding on e/perience& The content of the activity was chosen by the children as en"oy listening and singing along to music as well as exploring and building upon their !nowledge of wheels. C. Anticipating c"allenge$ - !"at potential c"allenge$ may ari$e for t"e c"ildren or for yo.r$elf / A potential challenge that may arise is that some of the children may "ust stand there and not participate. 0n the other hand, some of the children may become overly stimulated and get too wild. - 5o% mig"t yo. plan to facilitate $ol.tion$ for t"o$e c"allenge$ / n either case, if verbal redirection is unsuccessful then will direct the children to sit at the table and draw/color/create something while "ust listening to the music that has something to do with wheels. 7. 8aterial$ Create an incl.$ive li$t of material$ t"at need to be gat"ered for t"i$ activity. The materials needed for this activity are the songs on a cd or some other replayable format and a cd player or computer. Also, we will need plenty of space so the children can dance and move without bumping into each other. n the case of redirection, art materials should be ready such as paper, crayons, mar!ers, etc. - Are yo. material$ promoting in1.iry& Creativity& 3elf e/pre$$ion& 9/ploration& !onder& #es the materials do promote in1uiry, creativity, exploration, and wonder. :. Activity Proced.re A. 8otivation/Introd.ction - 5o% %ill yo. $et .p an environment t"at %ill invite e/ploration of t"i$ activity#$ concept& The environment will be a cleared space so the children can move freely without bumping into each other. The cd player will be ready and close to where we will be listening/dancing. - 5o% mig"t t"e dialog.e begin abo.t t"i$ concept& The dialogue will begin by describing how we can express how we feel through all different types of music. That music can describe a place, person, thing, feelings, etc. 2e can use music as a tool to help us thin! and feel better. - Incl.de an e/act 1.ote of t"e 0ind of $tatement yo. mig"t .$e to begin t"i$ dialog.e. 'T"i$ i$ a po$$ibility* not a $cript.) 3et4s explore some music about wheels. Raise you hand if you can thin! of any songs that are about wheels. -. Concept e/ploration - 5o% are yo. e/pecting to actively e/plore t"i$ concept/material& Provide t"e $tep$ t"at %o.ld be t"e li0ely progre$$ion in t"e proce$$ t"e c"ildren %ill e/perience.

2e will actively explore this material by listening to different songs about wheels. Some of the song titles are The 2heels on the 5us, A 5icycle 5uilt for Two, and am 6ust a $ile of Tin. 2ith each song we will explore movements that are teacher directed as well as having the children ma!e up their own movements. Then we will have a vote on which ones they would li!e to hear again or if there are other songs they would li!e to listen to.

C. In1.iry - Form.late potential divergent* t"o.g"t provo0ing 1.e$tion$ t"at %ill facilitate critical t"in0ing d.ring t"e activity. '8inim.m ,+ 72hat types of body movements can you do that loo!s li!e a moving wheel/8 72hat other types of songs do you li!e to listen or dance to/8 2hat sounds can you thin! of that sounds li!e a moving wheel/8 72hat other words can you thin! of that could go along with songs you already !now/8 (9or instance to a song li!e 2heels on the 5us.) - 5o% %ill yo. eval.ate t"e %ay yo. %ill proceed& - 72hat have we learned about wheels from the music/8 - 72hat songs about wheels do you li!e or disli!e/8 - 72hat other types of songs do you li!e to listen or dance to/8 D. Clo$.re - 5o% %ill yo. facilitate clo$.re& - Slowing down the tempo of the music being listened to will facilitate closure. 9or instance, will say, 7o!ay we have time for one more song, but we have to do it slowly. 3et4s vote to see which song we would li!e to do slowly.8 - Incl.de potential 1.e$tion$ yo. mig"t a$0 to determine concept internali;ation. - 7:ow does it ma!e you feel when we listen to fast songs about wheels/8 - 7:ow does it ma!e you feel when we slow down the music about wheels/8 - 72hat are some other things that you would li!e to learn about using songs/8 9. A$$e$$ment - 5o% %ill yo. determine t"at t"e activity i$ completed& will determine that the activity is completed by the time allotted and the children4s reaction to the music (whether or not they are participating). - 'If f.rt"er e/ploration of t"e material$ or concept$ i$ de$ired* "o% %ill yo. $.pport t"at&+ f further exploration of the materials or concepts is desired, will incorporate more opportunities into future lesson plans and coordinate the music to the topic we are exploring or revisiting.

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