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GSD 6/6/13

Elementary Math Lesson Plan Format

Daily Math Routines
(15 minutes for all students.)

Spiral Review Problems
Every Day Counts Calendar Activities
Problem of the Day

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Daily Math Routine Ideas

Spiral review problems could come from Standards
Practice Book, Reteach Book, or teacher-generated.
Every Day Counts program is referenced in Go
'Problem of the Day is found in Lesson
Transparencies Book for projection and in Teacher
Edition for answer.
Whole Group Instruction
(45 minutes for all students.)

Steps for teaching a new core concept:

1. Setting the Stage
Use Content Objectives and Language Objectives.
(Posted on board, explained to students, restated
during lesson.)
Ask questions to access prior knowledge.
State relevance of concept to real world.
Review prerequisite skills for new concept.

How will students demonst rate understanding?

2. Teach Whole Group
Help students make connections from concrete
pictorial to abstract symbolic representations.
! Literature
! Vocabulary
! Journals
! Graphic Organizers
! Technology
! Manipulatives
! Math Talk
! MathBoards

Use Guided Practice
! I do..(Teacher demonstrates.)
! We do..(Teacher and students practice
! You do...(Students practice in cooperative
groups, in partners, or individually.)

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Note: Observe students to determine what additional on level
practice, interventions or academic extensions are needed during
Small Group.

3. Review and Discuss
Review content and language objectives.
Discuss homework/assign intended work for small

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Whole Group Inst ruction Ideas

1. Setting the Stage

Content Objective: Math content objectives are on
the GSD Mathematics Curriculum Maps. Each
lesson in Go Math! has a 'Lesson Objective and
'Essential Question.
Language Objective: Teachers need to generate a
language objective based on the needs of current
students and the activities in the lesson. The
objective should include reading, writing, speaking,
and listening.

2. Teach Whole Group

Go Math! Resources:
Teacher Edition
Student Edition
Professional Development Video Podcasts
Animated Math Models
Math Concept Readers
Multimedia eGlosssary
Carmen Sandiego Math Detective Activities Gr. 3-6
Real World Videos Gr. 3-6
Teacher Resource Blackline Masters

During Guided Practice, use the Student Edition problems:
'Unlock the Problem could work in I do or We do.
'Share and Show could work in We do.
'On Your Own could work in We do and You do.
'Problem Solving could work in We do and You do.

3. Review and Discuss
Standards Practice Book (Parent Letters and
Assessment Guide

Lesson ___________________________________________________________
Core Standards Alignment ___________________________________________
Practice Standards Alignment _________________________________________

GSD 6/6/13

Differentiated Small Group I nstruction
(30 minutes for all students.)

Students may need:

On Level Practice.
Academic Extensions. (Depth and complexity of
grade level content)


Small Group with Teacher
Math Centers
Vocabulary Activities
Partner Games
Independent Math Practice
Math Projects (e.g., art, songs)
Math Writing (e.g., journals)

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Differentiated Small Group Inst ruction I deas

Go Math! General Resources:
Grab and Go! Differentiated Centers Kit
Mega Math

On Level Practice:

Go Math! Resources:
Student Edition
Standards Practice Book


Go Math! Resources:
RtI 'Tier 1 and 'Tier 2 in DiIIerentiated
Instruction Activities for each lesson
Reteach Book
Soar to Success
Strategic Intervention Activity Guide

Academic Extensions:

Go Math! Resources:
'Enrich in Differentiated Instruction Activities for
each lesson
Enrich Book
Big Ideas Project Book
Secret Millionaires Club Gr. 3-6

E L L Resources
'ELL Language Support in Differentiated
Instruction Activities for each lesson
ELL Activity Guide

Supplemental I ntervention I nstruction
(Additional 30 minutes for targeted students.)

Students may need additional explicit, intense, targeted
instruction on specific conceptual components. (Additional
supports may be required.)

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Supplemental I ntervention I nst ruction I deas

Go Math! Resources:
Intensive Intervention Teacher Guide
Intensive Intervention User Guide
Intensive Intervention Skill Packs


Final Questions

How will students demonst rate understanding?

Formative Assessment I deas:
Quick Check Problems
Engagement Activities (e.g., Thumbs Up/Thumbs
Down, Think/Pair/Share, Pinch Cards)
Math Boards
Exit Cards

Assessment Options:

Go Math! Formative/Summati ve I deas:
Show What You Know Diagnostic Assessment
Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
Portfolio Assessment
Chapter Review/Test
Chapter Test
Diagnostic Interview Assessment
Performance Assessment
Standards Practice Pages

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