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Current Gun Laws vs. Strict Gun Control Laws

When I ponder the idea of Americans rights to bear arms, I come at the issue from several different points of view. I have grown up around firearms and hunting my entire life. I have received a firearm on almost every birthday, or Christmas since I was ten years old. Firearms are an immense part of my life, and is how my family carries on traditions. In my opinion the issue of gun control is about balancing personal protection, American s family traditions, and the safety of our law enforcement officers. Perhaps the most common argument for laxed gun control is it puts guns in the hands of law abiding citizens. The argument is, if safe law abiding citizens have guns then it is the best deterrence for crime and personal protection. Criminals arent stupid, they dont want to rob or assault people with guns that can defend themselves. Thats just psychology and its the same concept with lions on the savanna hunting the weakest prey. Its the same mindse t for criminals all over the world, they want easy pickings and if you have a weapon you appear more confident and that is deterrence to crime. However there is the argument that just because somebody has a firearm doesnt make them safer, on the other hand it can put them in greater danger. There are tragic deaths every day where people are killed by their own firearm accidentally. Surprisingly most of the deaths are not by the hands of novice firearm handlers. However, many of the accidental self-inflicted deaths involving firearms are with people who have handled firearms their whole life. People get complacent and are not as careful as perhaps somebody who doesnt normally use firearms. The truth is firearms can be deadly no matter who possess them.

Strict gun laws focus on taking the guns out of the hands of law abiding Americans. Gun control would be a novel concept if it would work for the population the laws are targeting. Marijuana is illegal and you dont see people turning it over to the government. The law abiding citizens follow the laws, but they arent why we create laws. We create laws for the small percentage of people that go against our public morals, and another law is only going to affect the veracious Americans and not the desired crowd. On the other hand there is a positive to strict gun laws regarding public safety that has the ability to assist law enforcements effort to fight crime. Currently, if you are over the age 21 and havent committed a felony you can legally possess a firearm. The only way you can get in trouble with that firearm is if you use it in a crime. On many occasions law enforcement will find a weapon in a vehicle that they know has or will be used in a crime, but cannot do anything to prevent that crime from occurring. If there was strict gun control, law enforcement could confiscate that weapon before it was used in a crime and potentially save lives! Perhaps the one of most important aspect of our freedom to bear arms is the sentimental value it holds in families. When I was 10 year old my grandfather gave me his first revolver. I have continued to receive guns from my family for almost every birthday or Christmas and it is how my family and many other familys in the south carry on traditions. La st Christmas my grandfather gave me a 12 gauge shotgun; the gun had been his fathers until he passed it down to him making him promise that one day he will pass it down to his children or grandchildren. One day I hope to pass on my weapons and my long family history that comes

with those guns to my children and grandchildren. Having relaxed gun control is so important to the families around America that carry on traditions by passing down firearms. Another downside to our current system is law enforcement is almost outgunned. When you see pictures of domestic terrorist groups target shooting with assault rifles, it really sends chills up law enforcements spine because they know that are matched or outgunned in firepower. That is the one advantage law enforcement has always relied on; they may be out manned but they have always had better firepower and technology. In some parts of the region law enforcement is outgunned by criminals and it is detrimental to keep our peace keepers safe and one step ahead of their combatants. When you look at the issue of gun control as a whole and from different perspectives it becomes evident how difficult this problem is to dissect. There are so many theories on what keeps people safer and what is constitutionally equitable. I happen to lean more on the side of relaxed gun control to the point where law enforcement is not out gunned. People have a right to defend their selves and carry on deep routed family traditions. I am glad I am not a law maker not tasked with solving this enigma.

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