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Productivity Argument P1:Capitalism is the most productive [True] P2:The most productive maximizes well-being [False] -C1:Capitalism maximizes

well-being [Implausible; ?] P3:The system that maximizes well-being is the most just -C2: Capitalism is the most just 1. 2. 3. 4. Historical fact that capitalism has led to productivity increasing wealth inequality = poverty diminishing marginal utility corruption wrong value

Liberty Argument P1:The system that maximizes freedom is the most just [True] P2:Freedom = the voluntary exchange of holdings <Nagel> [False] P3:Capitalism is just the voluntary exchange of holdings -C1:Capitalism is the most just system P4:Government limits/regulates the free exchange of holdings -C2: The system with the least government would be the most just (Free capitalism) Freedom from interference vs freedom to act/ freedom as capacity Equal opportunity

Meritocracy Argument P1:The system that maximizes just deserts is the most just P2:Capitalism maximizes just deserts -C1:Capitalism is the most just

Capitalism is NOT a meritocracy 1. all success ultimately relies on chance 2. rewards based on market value =/= rewards based on benefits to society

3. gifts 4. wealth allows less work for more reward Rawls Theory of Justice Original position = an imaginary evaluative position from behind the veil of ignorance = no knowledge of an individual's features that affect wealth production difference principle satisfies the maxi-min principle = worst off do the best

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