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DIARY OF THE OREGON TRAIL April 1, 1848 Arrive in Independence, Missouri. Go shopping for supplies at Matts General Store.

. List the things you purchase in your inventory list. How uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$ Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo! Unit price #%&.&& #1&.&& #%.&& #1&.&& #&.%& Tota! 1ontinue to 0ansas 2iver 1rossing. 2oll !ice. 1. /veryone is safe an! healthy. %. 3our wagon +rea4s, +ut you are a+le to fi' it. 5. /veryone is safe an! healthy. 4. ,6erson 1. has !ysentery. (. /veryone is safe an! healthy. 7. Heavy snow a4es your wagon stuc4 in the snow. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. Co t

April 14, 1848 Kansas River Crossing Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill % +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 5 ra++its. A!! 5 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory. 7. 3ou 4ill % !eer. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory. 1hoose to 1. <al4 across the river, or %. 6ay #( to ta4e the ferry.

:f 1; roll !ice. 1. 3ou a4e it across safely. %. 3our wagon tips +ut you lose nothing. 5. 3ou a4e it across safely. 4. 3our wagon tips an! you lose 1 o'. Su+tract 1 o' fro your inventory list. (. 3our wagon tips an! you lose half your spare wagon parts. Su+tract half your wagon parts fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou a4e it across safely. :f %; Su+tract #( fro inventory list. 3ou a4e it across safely.

April %=, 1848 Big Blue River Crossing Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 ra++it. A!! 1 4ilo of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1ross the river; roll !ice 1. 3ou a4e it across safely. %. 3our wagon tips an! ,6erson 5. +rea4s their ar . 5. 3ou a4e it across safely. 4. 3our wagon tips an! ,6erson 4. +rea4s their leg. (. 3our wagon tips an! you lose half your clothes. Su+tract half your clothes fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou a4e it across safely.

May 1&, 1848 -Fort Kearney Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hoose to 1. Go shopping for supplies.

your inventory list.

%. >ra!e for supplies. 5. 1ontinue. :f 1; How Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$ Unit price #5&.&& #1(.&& #5.&& #1(.&& #&.7& Tota! ?p!ate your inventory list. :f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$ Co t

Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

:f 5; 1ontinue to 1hi ney 2oc4. 2oll !ice; 1. /veryone is safe an! healthy. %. ,6erson 1. +rea4s their leg. 5. Severe stor !elays travel. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou fin! 5 e'tra wagon parts, 5& +ullets an! ( sets of clothing in an a+an!one! wagon. A!! 5 e'tra wagon parts, 5& +ullets an! ( sets of clothing to your inventory list. (. ,6erson %. has the easles. 7. 3our wagon +rea4s +ut you are a+le to repair it. May %5, 1848 -Chimney Rock Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill % !eer. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 5 +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1ontinue to @ort Lara ie. 2oll !ice;

1. 3ou are !elaye! +y a +liAAar!. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. %. 3ou e'perience a rough trail. 5. 3ou fin! 1 lost o' on the trail. A!! 1 o' to your inventory list. 4. All your o'en get stolen. Su+tract all o'en fro your inventory list. 3ou ust +uy or tra!e for at least 1 o' in @ort Lara ie. (. 3our wagon +rea4s. Su+tract 1 e'tra wagon part fro your inventory list. :f you !o not have an e'tra wagon part you ust +uy or tra!e for one in @ort Lara ie. 7. 3ou have no water. /veryone is suffering fro !ehy!ration. Bune (, 1848 -Fort aramie Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hoose to 1. Go shopping for supplies. %. >ra!e for supplies. 5. 1ontinue. :f 1; How Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$ Unit price #5(.&& #18.&& #4.&& #18.&& #&.8& Tota! ?p!ate your inventory list. :f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$ Co t

your inventory list.

Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

:f 5; 1ontinue to :n!epen!ence 2oc4. 2oll !ice. 1. A thief steals %& +ullets fro your wagon. Su+tract %& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. /veryone is safe an! healthy. 5. Strong win!s a4e travel !ifficult. 4. A severe stor !elays travel. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. (. 3ou ta4e the wrong trail. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou fin! 1& +ullets an! 1 set of clothing in an a+an!one! wagon. A!! 1& +ullets an! 1 set of clothing to your inventory list.

Bune 18, 1848 -Independence Rock Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 4 !eer. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill % +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1ontinue to South 6ass. 2oll !ice. 1. ,6erson 5. has the easles. %. 3our wagon +rea4s +ut you are a+le to repair it. 5. >he trail is i passa+le. 3ou ust wait. Su+tract 1& 4ilos of foo! fro inventory list. 4. /veryone is safe an! healthy. (. ,6erson 4. is suffering fro e'haustion. 7. 3ou fin! so e wil! fruit. A!! 1 4ilo of foo! to your inventory list.


Buly 1, 1848 -!outh "ass Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 4 !eer. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 1& ra++its. A!! 1& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list.

1hoose to 1. Go to @ort *ri!ger to +uy or tra!e supplies, or %. >a4e the short cut to the Green 2iver 1rossing

Buly 14, 1848 C@ort *ri!ger Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hoose to 1. Go shopping for supplies. %. >ra!e for supplies. :f 1; How Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$

your inventory list.

Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

Unit price #4&.&& #%&.&& #(.&& #%&.&& #1.&& Tota!

Co t

?p!ate your inventory list. :f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$

Buly %=, 1848 #reen River Crossing Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 5 ra++its. A!! 5 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list.

1hoose to 1. <al4 across the river, or %. As4 so e :n!ians for help +y giving the

5 sets of clothing.

:f 1; roll !ice. 1. 3ou a4e it across safely. %. 3our wagon tips +ut you lose nothing. 5. 3ou a4e it across safely. 4. 3our wagon tips an! ,6erson %. !rowns. 6ut an ,D. ne't to the na e of ,6erson %. to show this person is !ea!. (. 3our wagon tips an! you lose half your +ullets. Su+tract half your +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou a4e it across safely. :f %; Su+tract 5 sets of clothing fro across safely. your inventory list an! you a4e it

August ), 1848 -!oda !prings Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill % !eer. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 4 !eer. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill % +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1ontinue to @ort Hall. 2oll !ice; 1. /veryone is safe an! healthy. %. Strong win!s !elay your travel. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou fin! an a+an!one! wagon, +ut there is nothing to +e scavenge!. 4. ,6erson (. is lost. (. 3our wagon +rea4s. 3ou repair it with an e'tra wagon part. Su+tract 1 e'tra wagon part fro your inventory list. :f you !o not have an e'tra wagon part you ust +uy or tra!e for one at @ort Hall. 7. 2ough trail a4es travel !ifficult.

August %%, 1848 -Fort $all

Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hoose to 1. Go shopping for supplies. %. >ra!e for supplies. 5. 1ontinue. :f 1; How uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$

your inventory list.

Max %& (& )) ) 1&&&


Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

Unit price #4&.&& #%&.&& #(.&& #%&.&& #1.&& Tota!

Co t

?p!ate your inventory list. :f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$

:f 5; 1ontinue to Sna4e 2iver 1rossing. 2oll !ice; 1. ,6erson 1. +rea4s their ar . %. ,6erson %. has a fever. 5. Strong win!s a4e travel !ifficult. 4. Hailstor E (. >here is no grass for the o'en. 7. /veryone is safe an! healthy. Septe +er 4, 1848 !nake River Crossing Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 1& ra++its. A!! 1& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract %( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill % +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory. 7. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! (& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4

+ullets fro

your inventory list.

1hoose to 1. <al4 across the river, or %. 6ay #( to ta4e the ferry. :f 1; roll !ice. 1. 3ou a4e it across safely. %. 3our wagon tips +ut you lose nothing. 5. 3ou a4e it across safely. 4. 3our wagon tips an! you lose 1 e'tra wagon part. Su+tract 1 e'tra wagon part fro your inventory list. (. 3our wagon tips an! ,6erson 1. +rea4s their ar . 7. 3ou a4e it across safely. :f %; Su+tract #( fro inventory list. 3ou a4e it across safely.

Septe +er 1=, 1848 -Fort Boise Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hoose to 1. Go shopping for supplies. %. >ra!e for supplies. 5. 1ontinue. :f 1; How Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$

your inventory list.

Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

Unit price #4%.&& #%%.&& #(.(& #%%.&& #1.&& Tota!

Co t

?p!ate your inventory list. :f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$

:f 5; 1ontinue to Gran!e 2on!e in the *lue Mountains. 2oll !ice; 1. ,6erson 5. +rea4s their ar . %. >he trail is i passa+le. Su+tract 8 4ilos of foo! fro your inventory list. 5. ,6erson 4. has cholera. 4. Fo water. /veryone is sic4.

(. Hailstor E 7. 3ou ta4e the wrong trail. Su+tract 11 4ilos of foo! fro Septe +er 5&, 1848 #rande Ronde in the Blue Mountains Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! %( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill % +ears. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 4 !eer. A!! 8& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1hoose to 1. Go to @ort <alla <alla to +uy or tra!e for supplies, or %. >a4e the shortcut to the 9alles

Gcto+er 15, 1848 Fort %alla %alla Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$. 1hose to 1. *uy supplies, or %. >ra!e for supplies :f 1; How Max %& (& )) ) 1&&& Buy uch oney !o you have" #$$$$$$$

your inventory list.

Item o'en Sets of clothing *o'es of +ullets ,%&-+o'. /'tra wagon parts 0ilos of foo!

Unit price #4%.&& #%%.&& #(.(& #%%.&& #1.&& Tota!

Co t

?p!ate your inventory list.

:f %; >al4 with the 6rofessor to

a4e a tra!e. <hat !o you want" $$$$$$$$$$

1ontinue to >he 9alles. 2oll !ice; 1. ,6erson (. +rea4s their leg. %. ,6erson 1. has !ysentery. 5. ,6erson %. is sic4 with typhoi! fever. 4. ,6erson 5. +rea4s their ar . (. ,6erson 4. is suffering fro e'haustion. 7. ,6erson 5. is sic4 an! !ies. 6ut an ,D. ne't to the na e of ,6erson 5. to show this person is !ea!.

Gcto+er %7, 1848 &he 'alles Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

9o you nee! to hunt for ore foo!" :f yes; roll !ice 1. 3ou 4ill nothing. Su+tract 1& +ullets fro your inventory list. %. 3ou 4ill 1 !eer. A!! 5& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou 4ill 1 +uffalo. A!! 1&& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract % +ullets fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou 4ill 1 +ear. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract ( +ullets fro your inventory list. (. 3ou 4ill % !eer. A!! 7& 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 5 +ullets fro your inventory list. 7. 3ou 4ill 5 !eer. A!! =( 4ilos of foo! to your inventory list. Su+tract 4 +ullets fro your inventory list. 1hoose to 1. 2aft !own the river, or %. >a4e >he *arlow >oll 2oa! for #(. :f 1; roll !ice; 1. 3ou a4e it safely to the <illa ette Halley. /veryone survives an! you lose nothing. %. 3ou a4e it safely to the <illa ette Halley, +ut your raft tips. Gne person !rowns an! you lose 1 o'. 6ut an ,D. ne't to the na e of one person to show this person is !ea!. Su+tract 1 o' fro your inventory list. 5. 3ou a4e it safely to the <illa ette Halley, +ut your raft tips. Fo one !rowns, +ut you lose all your o'en an! all your clothes. Su+tract all your o'en fro your inventory list. Su+tract all your clothes fro your inventory list. 4. 3ou a4e it safely to the <illa ette Halley, +ut your raft tips. >wo people !rown an! you lose all your e'tra wagon parts. 6ut an ,D. ne't to the na e of two people to show these people are !ea!. Su+tract all your e'tra wagon parts fro your inventory list. (. 3ou a4e it safely to the <illa ette Halley, +ut your raft tips. Gne person

!rowns an! you lose all your clothes. 6ut an ,D. ne't to the na e of one person to show this person is !ea!. Su+tract all your clothes fro your inventory list. 7. 3our raft sin4s. /veryone !rowns. /verything is lost. Many wagons fail to a4e it all the way to Gregon. 6ut an ,D. ne't to all na es to show everyone is !ea!. :f %; Su+tract #( fro <illa ette Halley. your inventory list. 3ou a4e it safely to the

Fove +er 8, 1848 &he %illamette (alley Su+tract 15 4ilos of foo! per living person fro ,15 ' $$ people in group 8 $$.

your inventory list.

?se your final inventory list to calculate your final score.

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