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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan Coulomb Date: Subject Area(s): Social Studies

Name Allison

Title of Lesson: George Washington: Our First President Grade Le el(s): !indergarten


K.1 The student will recognize that history describes events and people of other times and places by a) identifying examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical accounts of owhatan, ocahontas, !eorge "ashington, #etsy $oss, and %braham &incoln'

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K.) The student will identify and use the following in wor*s of art+ 1. ,olor-red, blue, yellow, green, orange, violet, brown, blac*, white .. &ine-straight/curved, thic*/thin, long/short, up/down/across 0. 1hape-circle, s2uare, triangle, rectangle, oval
#ontent Objecti e(s): The student $ill be able to na%e so%ething the& learned about George Washington' The student $ill create their o$n (ortrait of George Washington'

)*P Goal+Objecti e: The student $ill co%(lete the $riting of at least one $ord fro% the da&s lesson' Accommodations/ Differentiation Assess%ent (based on objecti es): The students will be assessed by the sentence they write based on the information they learned about George ashington!

,aterials: George Washington -oo.s (/0) 1ello$ Pa(er Stri(s (/0) #otton -alls Washington Faces (/0) -lue Pa(er -ibs (/0) -lue Pa(er hats (/0) )ntegration of technolog&: George Washington S%artboard Song htt(:++$$$'&outube'co%+$atch2 3sD4-56bT7/A (onl& sho$ the first half of the ideo) Alternati e Plan: 8a e the song (rinted out and just (ulled u( on the co%(uter' AccommodatiTime ons/ Planne Differentiatio d n

Antici(ator& Set (8oo. 9 Agenda): :Toda& $e $ill learn about George Washington; $hat he did and $ho he $as' We $ill %a.e and read a boo.let that su%%ari<es (arts of his life' We are also going to create a (a(er (ortrait of hi% and ha e &ou $rite a sentence about $hat &ou learned'=

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Access+>e ie$ Prior !no$ledge: Sho$ the students a (icture of George Washington' As. the% if the& .no$ ho he is and $hat he did' What?s his na%e2 What $as his job2

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"isual and 75 %in Teaching Process 9 ,odeling (#ontent is (resented; accessed; or built): 8earing Guided Practice 9 #hec.ing for Anderstanding: )%(aired )nde(endent Practice: students need to sit close to 3 On the car(et; the students $ill $atch a s%artboard song about the s%artboard George Washington 3 The teacher $ill %odel ho$ to fold the George Washington boo. to the class 3 The students $ill then fold their o$n boo.s ($ith hel( if needed) 3 We $ill then read the boo.: ) $ill read the boo.; $e $ill choral read the boo. and then the students $ill read the boo. 3 After the boo. is read the students $ill create their o$n George Washington (ortrait out of the %aterials (ro ided ((a(er bibs; stri(s; faces and hats) 3 The students $ill then $rite a co%(lete sentence about George Washington fro% the infor%ation the& learned

#losure: :Toda& $e learned about the life of George Washington; $hat he did; $ho he $as and $h& he $as i%(ortant' Are there an& Buestions about toda&s lesson2 To%orro$ $e $ill learn about another i%(ortant President; Abraha% Lincoln'= Declarati e State%ent Su%%ar&: :George Washington $as the father of our countr&' Without hi% $e $ouldn?t be $here $e are toda&'=

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