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Characteristics Lesson Plan Aye 1

Teacher Candidate: Jasmine Aye Subject/Grade: Second/Language Arts Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify characteristics within a story with 80% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.3 Describe characters in a story, and how characters respond
to major events and challenges.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Lesson Objective(s) Students will be able to identify characteristics of characters with 80% accuracy. Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre-Assessment: Ask the students what are characteristics that they can identify by looking at the cover of the book? (record answers) During Assessment: Interaction in partner talks and probing questions After Assessment: Complete worksheet that answers the questions what does the character do, what does the character say. What is the physical description of the character, and what do others say about the character. Use of Formative Assessment Identifying characteristics of main characters sharpens students ability to successfully identify characteristics in stories. Students will be able to use the concept in other subjects.

Accommodations: If needed, I will give my ESOL and RTI students extra time on the assignment. If they have trouble comprehending, or identifying characteristics they will need more instruction. Those unable to identify characteristics will be given an index card including a list of characteristics. The teacher will be sure to institute least restrictive environment for all students, whether faced with disabilities or not. The teacher will be available throughout the classroom, at all times. Materials: Book The Rough-Face Girl Smartboard Worksheets activity Pencils Procedures: 1. Ask the class, Does anyone remember what characteristics are? PAUSE- Yes! Thats right. (engage

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with students as they tell characteristics)Now turn and partner talk about what each of you think characteristics are before we read this book. 2. Take a look at this book (Hold The Rough- Face Girl up for the class to see) what are some characteristics that you see here on the cover? What characteristics do you think that the person on the cover will have? 3. Now this book is about a girl thats not treated well by her family and friends. I want you to listen very carefully as I read the story, and think to yourself what characteristics you see in her. 4. After reading about the sisters of The Rough-Face Girl, ask the students what characteristics they see in the sisters. 5. After the Rough Faced- Girl goes to see the Invisible Being, tell the students to partner discuss if they believe that he will marry the Rough- Face Girl. 6. Complete the story and ask them to tell the characteristics that they saw in the Rough Faced Girl and the sisters. 7. Write the characteristics on the smartboard. 8. Once the discussion has come to an end, give the students the worksheets and read the directions and instructions. Ask them the questions listed on the worksheet activity. 9. Ask the class if they have any questions and then send back to their desk to start the activity. 10. Once every student has completed the activity, collect the worksheet for data. Activity Analysis: Reading the story The Rough- Face Girl, earns the attention of the students while identifying the characteristics of the students. This activity is important for the students to participate in to sharpen their skills of recognizing and identifying characteristics. Technology: The technology utilized in this lesson includes the classrooms smartboard. The smartboard will be used to write the characteristics for the entire class to see. The smartboard will also be used to answer the questions that they will complete for the entire class. Higher Order Thinking Questions: 1. What is a characteristic? 2. Are there other characteristics revealed in the story? 3. Why do we need characteristics? 4. How do we use characteristics? References: Martin, Rafe. The Rough-Face Girl. The Putnam & Grosset Group. New York,1992

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