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Assessment: 1. Click here for practice quiz 2. Smartboard Jeopardy 3. Unit Test ssential !

uestion" How do the components of our solar system move and interact? I. Key Ideas and Questions: Our moon is the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. The first man landed on the moon in 1969. What are the phases of the moon? Who was the first man to land on the moon? #. The $hases of the moon %. C. The &irst 'oon (andin) The 'oon and the Tides

*. The 'oon and +ra,ity II. Key Idea & Question: There are eight lanets in our Solar System that or!it the Sun. What are the planets? How do they move and how long do they ta"e to or!it the sun? #. 'o,ement 1. -rbit .re,ol,e/ 2. Spin .rotate/ 3. Tra,el To)ether %. $lanets 1. 'ercury 2. 0enus 3. arth 1. 'ars 2. 3eptune 4. Uranus 5. Jupiter 6. Saturn C. III. Click here to find out ho7 lon) each planet takes to orbit the sun Key Idea & Question: The sun is the largest o!#ect in the Solar System. Without the sun$ we would not !e a!le to survive. What are the characteristics of the sun? How does the sun impact %arth and the other planets? #. Characteristics 1. 'atter

2. +ases 3. (ocation 1. Size 2. Temperature 4. (ife Span %. 8mpact on arth and other planets 1. ner)y 2. +ra,ity 3. -rbit 1. (i)ht 2. 9armth a. 8nteracti,e +ame" The Sun and the $lanets Common Core Standards CCSS. (#:(iteracy.;(.2.1 #sk and ans7er such questions as 7ho< 7hat< 7here< 7hen< 7hy< and ho7 to demonstrate understandin) of key details in a te=t. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.;8.2.3 *escribe the connection bet7een a series of historical e,ents< scientific ideas or concepts< or steps in technical procedures in a te=t. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.;&.2.1 ;ead 7ith sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.9.2.2 9rite informati,e>e=planatory te=ts in 7hich they introduce a topic< use facts and definitions to de,elop points< and pro,ide a concludin) statement or section. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.9.2.2 9ith )uidance and support from adults and peers< focus on a topic and stren)then 7ritin) as needed by re,isin) and editin). CCSS. (#:(iteracy.9.2.6 ;ecall information from e=periences or )ather information from pro,ided sources to ans7er a question. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.S(.2.2 ;ecount or describe key ideas or details from a te=t read aloud or information presented orally or throu)h other media. CCSS. (#:(iteracy.(.2.1 *etermine or clarify the meanin) of unkno7n and multiple:meanin) 7ords and phrases based on )rade 2 readin) and content< choosin) fle=ibly from an array of strate)ies. NYS Standard 1" Science" Students 7ill understand and apply scientific concepts< principles and theories pertainin) to the physical settin) and li,in) en,ironment and reco)nize the historical de,elopment of ideas in science. ISTE NETS for Students 2. Communication and Collaboration

Students use di)ital media and en,ironments to communicate and 7ork collaborati,ely< includin) at a distance< to support indi,idual learnin) and contribute to the learnin) of others. Students" a. interact< collaborate< and publish 7ith peers< e=perts< or others employin) a ,ariety of media and formats.

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