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About CPEP The Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (CPEP) began in September 2012 as a collective of professors, graduate and undergraduate students from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, and members of the community. The group works to use research, outreach and public events to identify and address problems with the penal system, to educate the public, and to advocate on key issues. We are always looking for more people to become involved.

CPEP Activities (2012 -2013 )

Organized very well-attended public forums on the death of Ashley Smith in prison and on changes to the pardon system, which received local and national news coverage. Organized Breaking the Silence: Artists for Justice benefit event and party at SAW Gallery, featuring musicians, slam poets, and visual artists, as part of Critical Perspectives conference. A similar event is planned for summer 2014. Prepared fact sheets on the Ashley Smith case, changes to the pardon system and Prisoners Justice Day. Coordinated a Public Forum on the conditions at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre which received print and television news coverage. Attendees included: former prisoners, lawyers and prisoner advocates, physicians, members of the public, researchers, community outreach workers and NGO representatives. Held a workshop on how to prepare and file Access to Information (ATI) requests and subsequent requests have been filed as part of the groups work. Next CPEP Event Thursday, January 23, 2014, 6:00 9:00 p.m. University of Ottawa (Room TBA) Beyond the Walls: Community -based Punishments

- Free admission & all welcome If you are interested in helping in any way or want to added to CPEP email list please contact us at cpep.action@gmail.com

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