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**This content was developed in collaboration with Ashley Silvera

Standard IV: Use a variety of strategies to assess their students construction of knowledge and depth of understanding
Artifact I: In this artifact! a rubric of a pro"ect! the teacher is giving the students the opportunity to understand what #aterials they will be graded on for a history pro"ect This a #eans by which the teacher can read and interpret student perfor#ance and work while allowing the# to visuali$e their personal develop#ent Assessment Rubric

Making A Poster : Vietnam Scenario!

Teacher Name: A. Silvera Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Attractiveness

The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms o desi!n" layout" and neatness#

The poster is attractive in terms o desi!n" layout and neatness#

The poster is accepta$ly attractive thou!h it may $e a $it messy#

The poster is distractin!ly messy or very poorly desi!ned# %t is not attractive#

Content Accuracy

At least & accurate acts are displayed on the poster#

'() accurate acts *(+ accurate acts ,ess than * accurate are displayed on the are displayed on the acts are displayed poster# poster# on the poster#

se o! Class "ime

-sed time .ell durin! each class period# /ocused on !ettin! the pro0ect done# Never distracted others#

-sed time .ell durin! each class period# -sually ocused on !ettin! the pro0ect done and never distracted others#

-sed some o the time .ell durin! each class period# There .as some ocus on !ettin! the pro0ect done $ut occasionally distracted others# All $ut 3 o the re2uired elements are included on the poster#

1id not use class time to ocus on the pro0ect OR o ten distracted others#

#e$uire% &lements

The poster includes All re2uired elements all re2uired elements are included on the as .ell as additional poster# in ormation#

Several re2uired elements .ere missin!#

'no(le%ge )aine%

Student can accurately ans.er all 2uestions related to acts in the poster and processes used to create the poster# Capitali6ation and punctuation are correct throu!hout the poster#

Student can accurately ans.er most 2uestions related to acts in the poster and processes used to create the poster# There is 3 error in capitali6ation or punctuation#

Student can accurately ans.er a$out &'4 o 2uestions related to acts in the poster and processes used to create the poster#

Student appears to have insu icient 5no.led!e a$out the acts or processes used in the poster#


There are 7 errors in There are more than capitali6ation or 7 errors in punctuation# capitali6ation or punctuation#

Artifact 2: This artifact is an e%a#ple of a for#al assess#ent of what knowledge students have gained after a unit on world geography This illustrates one e%a#ple of how teachers #ay understand the progress of his&her students to further deter#ine short and long range plans
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/orm Title

+AS" ,AM& -

./#S" ,AM& -

"*e annual glo0al 1o1ulation gro(t* rate increase% a11ro2imately 233 years ago a!ricultural revolution demo!raphic revolution

%ndustrial Revolution medical revolution increase in the crude $irth rate in North America" only "*e num0er o! live 0irt*s 1er 14333 1eo1le in a year is crude $irth rate crude death rate total ertility rate natural increase rate increasin! in more developed countries "*e average num0er o! 0a0ies a (omen is e21ecte% to 0ear in *er c*il%0earing years is crude $irth rate crude death rate in ant mortality rate total ertility rate li e expectancy "*e average num0er o! %eat*s 1er 14333 in one year is crude $irth rate crude death rate in ant mortality rate total ertility rate li e expectancy 5! t*e !ollo(ing continents4 (*ic* *ave t*e *ig*est rates o! natural increase6 North America Europe A rica Australia Antarctica 5! t*e !ollo(ing locations4 (*ic* *ave t*e lo(est rates o! natural increase6 Ni!eria Europe A rica Southeast Asia <exico

.or every 14333 0a0ies 0orn in Mo7am0i$ue t*is year4 nearly 183 o! t*em (ill %ie 0e!ore t*eir !irst 0irt*%ay. "*e rate o! 183 1er 14333 0irt*s is kno(n as t*e crude death rate in ant mortality rate li e expectancy total ertility rate terminal population rate "*e largest gro(t* in 1o1ulations over t*e ne2t 83 years (ill occur in <ore 1eveloped Countries ,ess 1eveloped Countries in the -SA" only in $oth A = > none o the a$ove 5ne o! t*e main reasons (omen in +9C:s *ave *ig*er C;#:s an% ".#:s is %ue to havin! too much money a lac5 o political sta$ility in the country a lac5 o education a supportive social system .here .omen are treated e2ually none o the a$ove

;a0ies in M9C:s (oul% 0e consi%ere% more o! a<n= economic asset social $urden economic $urden social asset none o the a$ove
A%% item Con irmation 9a!e

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Sen% !orm

Artifact 3: A potential artifact for this standard well defined observation while students are doing group work or a group pro"ect 'hen students are working the teacher can walk around and listen and watch students to deter#ine their progress! which students are struggling! which students are succeeding! and what needs to be changed to #ake the activity #ore effective and gauged towards fulfilling student learning

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