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Name: Anubhav Shrivastava Roll Number: 1005210009 B.Tech [2014 Batch] Computer Science and engineering, Final Year,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To write a program to display an image and its histogram. To write a program to find negative of an image. To write a program for the display of Image in Grayscale, Red, Green and Blue. To write a program to learn Image Segmentation Processing. To write a program to show Image Enhancement. To write a program to show histogram equalization. To write a program to illustrate Gray level(Intensity) slicing. To write a program to illustrate bit plane slicing. To write a program to show edge detection. To write a program to filter image using a high pass filter.
To write a program to apply liner and log transformation on image. To write a program to illustrate the effect of Square Averaging filter of different masks on an image.






To write a program to observe the effect of order-statistics filter like Median Filter of size 3x3 on an image corrupted by salt & pepper noise.
To write a MATLAB program to observe the result of applying the following steps on the given image. 1) Multiplying the given image by (1)^x+y, Computing the DFT, 3) Taking the complex conjugate of the transform, 4) Computing the inverse DFT,and 5) Multiplying the real part of the result by (-1)^(x+y)


Practical -1
AIM : To write a program to display an image and its histogram. MATLAB PROGRAM : clc; A=imread('shivani.jpg'); I=rgb2gray(A); I=im2double(I); imshow(I) figure, imhist(I)

Practical - 2
AIM : To write a program to find negative of an image. MATLAB PROGRAM : %% % Clearing History clear all force close all %% %% % This program finds Negative of Image %% %% % Importing image into Workspace I=imread('person.jpg'); %% %% % Displaying image using imshow imshow(I); %% %% % Converting Image from RGB into gray I=rgb2gray(I); %% %% % Computing size of image; m rows and n columns [m n]=size(I); %% %% % Operations ...first row wise then column wise for q=1:n for p=1:m I2(p,q)=255I(p,q); % By using formula s=L-1-r % Where L is no. of gray Levels of image % and r is Intensity end end %% %% % Displaying Negative of Original Image figure

imshow(I2);title('Negative Image'); %% %% % Both Images in Single Window figure subplot(1,2,1);subimage(I);title(' Original image'); subplot(1,2,2);subimage(I2);title(' Negative image'); %% %% % writing averaged file to disk imwrite(I2,'I_Negative.jpg','jpg'); disp('Image Negated and written to disk with name I_Negative.jpg');

Practical - 3
AIM : To write a program for thedisplay of Image in Grayscale, Red, Green and Blue MATLAB PROGRAM :
clc image1=imread('India.jpg'); image2=rgb2gray (image1); subplot(3,3,4) imshow(image2) title('GRAYSCALE') [r c d]=size (image1); z=zeros(r,c); tempr=image1; tempr(:,:,2)=z; tempr(:,:,3)=z; subplot(3,3,1) imshow(tempr) title('RED')

tempg=image1; tempg(:,:,1)=z; tempg(:,:,3)=z; subplot(3,3,2) imshow(tempg) title('GREEN') tempb=image1; tempb(:,:,1)=z; tempb(:,:,2)=z; subplot(3,3,3) imshow(tempb) title('BLUE')


Practical - 4
AIM : To write a program to learn Image Segmentation Processing. MATLAB PROGRAM : a = imread('India.jpg') b = imresize(a, [512 512]); subplot(4,2,1) imshow(b) title('Resized') c = rgb2gray(b); subplot(4,2,2) imshow(c) title('GrayScale') [m n]=size(c); d = zeros(m,n)

%Conversion to Binary Image for i=1:m for j=1:n if(c(i,j)>128) d(i,j) = 1; else d(i,j) = 0; end end end subplot(4,2,3) imshow(d) title('Binary')

%Processing on Segmentation e = zeros(m/2,n/2) f = zeros(m/2,n/2) g = zeros(m/2,n/2) h = zeros(m/2,n/2)

for i=1:m/2 for j=1:n/2 if(c(i,j) >128) e(i,j) = 1; else e(i,j) = 0; end end end subplot(4,2,4) imshow(e) title('1/4th Segment') for i=1:m/2 for j=n/2:n if(c(i,j) >128) f(i,j-255) = 1; else f(i,j-255) = 0; end end

end subplot(4,2,5) imshow(f) title('1/2th Segment')

for i=m/2:m for j=1:n/2 if(c(i,j) >128) g(i-255,j) = 1; else g(i-255,j) = 0; end end

end subplot(4,2,6) imshow(g) title('3/4th Segment') for i=m/2:m for j=n/2:n if(c(i,j) >128) h(i-255,j-255) = 1; else h(i-255,j-255) = 0; end end

end subplot(4,2,7) imshow(h) title('4th Segment')

Practical 5

AIM : To write a program to show Image Enhancement. MATLAB PROGRAM : clc; a = imread('India.jpg'); subplot(4,2,[1 2]) imshow(a); title('Original') b = rgb2gray(a); c = imresize(b,[256,256]); subplot(4,2,3) imshow(c); title('Graycale') %negetive of Image d = imcomplement(c) subplot(4,2,4) imshow(d); title('Negetive') %Log Transformation const=0.2; e = const*log(1+ double(c)); subplot(4,2,5) imshow(e); title('Log Transformation') %adjust f = imadjust(c,[0.1 0.5],[0.5 0.9],[]); subplot(4,2,6) imshow(f); title('Adjustment') %Contrast Stretching f = imadjust(c,[],[],0.3); subplot(4,2,7) imshow(f); title('Contast Stretching')

f = imadjust(c,[],[],3); subplot(4,2,8) imshow(f); title('Power Law Transformation')

Practical - 6

AIM : To write a program to show histogram equalization. MATLAB PROGRAM : clc; clear all; close all; img=imread('lena.tif'); count=zeros(1,256); a=size(img); for i = 1:1:a(1) for j = 1:1:a(2) count(img(i,j)+1)= count(img(i,j)+1)+1; end
end pdf=count*(1/(a(1)*a(2))) add=zeros(1,256); for i = 1:256 if (i == 1 ) add(i)=pdf(i); else add(i) = add(i-1) + pdf(i); end end

for i = 1:1:a(1) for j = 1:1:a(2) x=img(i,j); img1(i,j)= add(x+1); end end figure() imhist(img) title('Histogram of original image'); figure() imhist(img1) title('Equalized Histogram') figure(),imshow(img) title('Original image'); figure(),imshow(img1) title('Image after histogram equalization');

Practical - 7
AIM : To write a program to illustrate Gray level(Intensity) slicing. MATLAB PROGRAM :
%% %% % This is for Gray level(Intensity) slicing with background %% %% % ClearHistory clear all Close all %% %% % Importing image to Workspace RGB=imread('person.jpg') ; %% %% % Converting image into gray computing size I=rgb2gray(RGB); [m n]=size(I); %% L=255; %% % Creating Array a for formulating [A,B] such % that... B-A=20 a=0:30:(max(max(I))-20) %%






%% % { I(p,q)= L=255 for a<=I(p,q)<=b % I(p,q)= I(p,q) for otherwise } for r=1:length(a) b(r)=a(r)+20; for p=1:m for q=1:n if (I(p,q)>= a(r) & I(p,q)<=b(r)) I6(p,q)=L; else I6(p,q)=I(p,q); end end end

figure,imshow(I6);xlabel(a(r));title('Gray Level slicing with background'); %pause(0.1);close all force end

Practical - 8

AIM : To write a program to illustrate bit plane slicing. MATLAB PROGRAM : clc; close all; clear all; c = imread('lena.tif'); figure(1); clf imshow(c); title('Original image');
% Get all eight bitpl anes logical(bitget(c,2)); b2 logical(bitget(c,4)); b4 logical(bitget(c,6)); b6 logical(bitget(c,8)); figure(2); clf b0 = = = = logical(bitget(c,1)) ; b1 logical(bitget(c,3)); b3 logical(bitget(c,5)); b5 logical(bitget(c,7)); b7 = = = =

subplot(221); imshow(b0); title('b0') subplot(222); imshow(b1); title('b1') subplot(223); imshow(b2); title('b2') subplot(224); imshow(b3); title('b3')
figure(3); clf

subplot(221); imshow(b4); title('b4') subplot(222); imshow(b5); title('b5') subplot(223); imshow(b6); title('b6') subplot(224); imshow(b7); title('b7')

Practical - 9

AIM : To write a program to show edge detection. MATLAB PROGRAM : clf; clc; close all; i = imread('lena.tif'); subplot(1,3,1); imshow(i); title('input image'); w = [-1 -1 -1;-1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1] j = abs(imfilter(double(i),w)); T = 0.04*max(j(:)) j = j >= T; subplot(1,3,2); imshow(j); title('edge detected output 1'); %second method for isolated point detection p = imfinfo('circuit.tif'); q = p.Width r = p.Height s = imsubtract(ordfilt2(i,25,ones(5,5)),ordfilt2(i,1,ones(5,5))); %B=ORDFILT2(A,ORDER,DOMAIN)B=ORDFILT2(A,5,ONES(3,3)) implements a3-by-3 % median filter; B=ORDFILT2(A,1,ONES(3,3)) implements a 3-by-3 % minimum filter; and B=ORDFILT2(A,9,ONES(3,3)) implements a % 3-by-3 maximum filter. B=ORDFILT2(A,4,[0 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 0]) % replaces each element in A by the maximum of its north, east, % south, and west neighbors. T = 0.3*max(s(:)) S = s >= T; subplot(1,3,3); imshow(S); title('edge detected output 2');

Practical - 10
AIM : To write a program to filter image using a high pass filter. MATLAB PROGRAM : clear, X=imread ('lena.jpg'); %read picture as int8 matrix x=single(X(50:200,50:200)); % crop and convert int8 to single figure, imagesc(x), colormap gray,title('oryginal: cropped and converted to single'), % display x=x/max(max(x)); %normalizacja [0,1] filtr=-ones(3); filtr(2,2)=8 % define high-pass filter xf=conv2(x,filtr,'same'); %filtracja xf8=uint8(256*xf); %convert result to uint8 figure, imagesc(xf8), colormap gray,title('filtr=-ones(3); filtr(2,2)=8'), % display imwrite(xf8,'fgp8.jpg','jpg') % save as *jpg file %return filtr=-ones(3); filtr(2,2)=9 % define another high-pass filter xf=conv2(x,filtr,'same'); %filtracja xf8=uint8(256*xf); %convert result to uint8 figure, imagesc(xf8), colormap gray,title('filtr=ones(3); filtr(2,2)=9'), imwrite(xf,'fgp9.jpg','jpg') % save as *jpg file

Practical - 11
AIM : To write a program to apply liner and log transformation on image. MATLAB PROGRAM : %% % Clear History clear all close all %% %% % Importing Image in Workspace I=imread('person.jpg'); %% %% % Converting from RGB to GRAY I=rgb2gray(I); %% % Displaying image imshow(I);title(' Original image'); %% % Linear transformation y=m*x+c ; here m=2 and c=0 I1=2.*I;% Linear transformation y=m*x+c ; here m=2 and c=0 figure imshow(I1);title(' Linear Transformed image , m=2'); %% %% % Linear transformation y=m*x+c ; here m=0.5 and c=0 I2=0.5.*I;% Linear transformation y=m*x+c ; here m=0.5 and c=0 figure imshow(I2);title('Linear Transformed image , m=0.5 '); %% %% % Log transformation s=c*log10(1+r) ; Here c=L/log10(1+L) I3=im2double(I); I3=255.*I3; I4=log10(1+I3); I4=round(104.18.*I4);% Log Transformation s=c*log10(1+r) %Here c=L/log10(1+L) and r=Intensity of Image figure imshow(uint8(I4));title(' Log Transformed image'); %% %% % Both Images in Single Window figure subplot(1,2,1);subimage(I);title(' Original image'); subplot(1,2,2);subimage(uint8(I4));title(' Log Transformed image');

Practical - 12
AIM : To write a program to illustrate the effect of Square Averaging filter of different masks on an image. MATLAB PROGRAM : % Matlab program <image_averaging.m> % This program is used to observe the results of smoothing due to square averaging filters of size m=3,9,15. clc; clea r all; clos e all; A=imread('lena.tif'); sa=size(A) subplot(2,2,1) imshow(A), title('The Original Image'); Ha3= fspecial('average',3); Ia3=imfilter(A,Ha3); subplot(2,2,2) imshow(Ia3), title('Image smoothened by filter of size 3x3'); Ha9= fspecial('average',9); Ia9=imfilter(A,Ha9); subplot(2,2,3); imshow(Ia9); title('Image smoothened by filter of size 9x9'); Ha15= fspecial('average',15); Ia15=imfilter(A,Ha15); subplot(2,2,4) imshow(Ia15), title('Image smoothened by filter of size 15x15');

Practical - 13
AIM : To write a program to observe the effect of order-statistics filter like Median Filter of size 3x3 on an image corrupted by salt & pepper noise. MATLAB PROGRAM : clc; clear all; close all; I=imread('pcb.tif'); figure(1); imshow(I); title('Fig a:The original image: X-ray image of circuit board'); In=imread('pcbn.tif'); figure(2); subplot(2,2,1) imshow(In) title('Fig b:Original image(a)corrupted by salt & pepper noise'); Im = medfilt2(In); subplot(2,2,3) imshow(Im), title('Fig c:Filtered Image with a 3x3 mask on Fig(b)');

Practical - 14
AIM : To write a MATLAB program to observe the result of applying the following steps on the given image. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multiplying the given image by (-1)^x+y, Computing the DFT, Taking the complex conjugate of the transform, Computing the inverse DFT,and Multiplying the real part of the result by (-1)^(x+y)

MATLAB PROGRAM : % This program is used to observe the change that occurs in %the given image after following the steps given above. clc; clear all; close all; A=imread('dip.tif'); s=size(A); M=s(1); x=M; N=s(2); y=N; for x=1:1:M for y=1:1:N t=(-1)^(x+y); b(x,y)=A(x,y).*t; end end Y = fft2(double(b)); YC = conj(Y); Y1 = ifft2(double(YC)); for x=1:1:M for y=1:1:N t=(-1)^(x+y); I(x,y)=Y1(x,y).*t; end end figure(1); imshow(I) title('Fig a:The Output image after applying the given steps.'); figure(2); L = medfilt2(I,[3 3]); imshow(L) title('Fig b:Smoothened image by applying median filter on Fig a');

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