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Research article of classification #01

Title: Using Songs to Encourage Sixth Graders to Develop English Speaking Skills uthors: !"nica Duarte Ro#ero$ %u& !er' Tin(ac) *ernal$ !aril+ ,arrero -livares. /ournal: 0rofile$ vol.11 nu#2er 1$ 311 pages$ 3013.

E4 !0%ES 0age 11. The a2stract.

TE,5678UE Description


:U6,T7-6 To #ention =hat the text contains.

E; %U T7-6 7 think that this description is i#portant for the reader to kno= =hat he is going to read. Those exa#ples are relevant and i#portant 2ecause the' support the idea that English has 2eco#e in a ver' i#portant language. 7 have not studied this techni@ue 'et 2ut 7 think it is eas' to identif'. *esides$ 7 think that this state#ent is i#portant 2ecause it sho=s =hat happens =ith English

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < Exe#plification. Exa#ples of the use of English. :or instance$ in 2usiness$ research$ pu2lic relations and the internet.

0age 13. 7ntroduction.

To prove and support the generali&ation a2out English as a ver' i#portant language. To sho= that as students do not have interactions in English$ it is not #eaningful for the#.

0age 13. :irst colu#n. Second paragraph$ line >.

,ause ? effect.

no=ada's in our societ'. 0age 13. :irst colu#n. :ifth paragraph. A :or those reasons$ BC ,lassification of the #ain ,lassification. o2(ectives using songs. To sho= the t=o o2(ectives the authors had into account. 1. To explore different alternatives for exploiting songs in the English ,lass. 3. To exa#ine studentsD oral production =hen taking part in activities that involve songs in English. To sa' =hat the article contains. 7 found it relevant 2ecause it sho=s us =hat the' are going to 2e focus =ith.

0age 13. :irst colu#n. %ast paragraph. 0age 13. Second colu#n. ,ontext and participants.

Description. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < Description. Exa#ples.

7 think this description is necessar' in order to infor# the reader ho= the text is #ade. 7 think that this description is i#portant$ relevant and necessar'. Ee al=a's have to #ention the =hat$ =here$ ho= and =ith =ho =e #ake a research. 7 think this classification is good 2ecause it lets understand each categor'

To #ention the setting$ =here the research =as #ade and the group the' =orked =ith.

0age 1F. %iterature Revie=.



To classif' the t=o issues the' have in #ind. 1.

dvantages of the use of songs in the English ,lass. 3. ctivities to pro#ote speaking skills =ith songs. 0age 1F. :irst Exe#plification. colu#n. dvantages of the use of songs in the English ,lass. %ine >. Exa#ples. To #ention so#e topics can 2e discussed in class through songs. :or exa#ple$ love$ hate$ revenge$ etc.


Those exa#ples give readers and #a' 2e teachers to kno= the advantages of =orking =ith songs.

0age 1F. %ast Exe#plification. paragraph AG ccording to -rlova A300FC BHC


To give #ore infor#ation a2out the advantages of using songs in class. :or instance$ to practice rh'th#$ teach voca2ular'$ teach gra##ar$ teach speaking$ teach listening$ and develop =riting skills. To #ention =hat so#e authors think a2out songs.

7 think those exa#ples are good in order to kno= =hat kind of things =e can do =ith songs.

0age 1F. Second colu#n. %ast paragraph.

Exe#plification of =hat so#e authors sa' a2out the use of songs A!orales 300I$ 6atasa


ctivities to pro#ote speaking =ith songs.

300>$ %indstro#2erg 3001 and !olinsk' 3000C.

:or instance. !orales A300IC give so#e tips to choose a songJ 1.7t has to introduce ne= ele#ents of the language. 3. %evel of studentsD speaking. F. 7T has to 2e according to studentsD interest.

ll those exa#ples are i#portant in order to clarif' so#e aspects =e

ccording to 6atasa$ teachers and students can change the l'rics in order to kno= #ore voca2ular'.

have to have in #ind. *esides$ to kno= =hat kind of activities =e can perfor#ance in class.

0age 11. :irst colu#n. AGso#e other researchers likeBHC 0age 11 Second colu#n.

Exe#plification Exa#ples of activities. ,lassification of the action of research according to Ke##is ,lassification in four parts.

To #ention so#e activities that can 2e done using songs in class.

To esta2lish the four 7 think that is relevant. aspects that an

:ourth paragraph. %ine L.

and !cTaggart A1MII$ in *urns$ 1MMMC.

1. 0lanning. 3. ction.

action research has.

F. -2servation 1. Reflection. 0age 1>. :igure 1. The role of songs in developing speaking skills. ,lassification. ,lassification. To classif' in t=o the use of songs to develop English oral skills. 1. Songs as a #eans to learn ne= voca2ular' and pronunciation. 3. Sho=ing confidence and #otivation =hen singing. 0age 1L. :irst colu#n. :irst paragraph$ line >. nd the last paragraph$ line 1. 0age 1L and 1I. The extracts of =hat the teacher and Exe#plification. Exa#ples. To clarif' and exe#plif' the state#ent. Relevant. 7 put the t=o paragraphs 2ecause 7 think those exa#ples are at the sa#e level$ 7 #ean$ the' are used for the sa#e purpose. 7t is i#portant 2ecause it #akes the reader understand =hat the' are talking a2out. 7 think it is i#portant 2ecause this classification sho=s =hat kinds of aspects develop the use of songs$ 7 #ean$ one refers to the language and the other refers to feelings.

Exe#plification. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <

To sho= the evidence of their =ork. To sho= =hat the' =ere doing and to clarif' the

so#e students sang.

state#ents a2ove of each extract.

Using song to encourage sixth graders to develop english speaking skills. 7t su##ari&es the article. 7t presents =hat is going to talk a2out the procedures and findings of an investigation #ade in an English class =ith

2stract Talks in a general =a' a2out the i#portance and situation of English in students. 7t situates the research 7ntroductio ,ontext and

%iterature revie=

dvantages of the use of songs in the English class


ctivities to pro#ote speaking skills =ith songs Data collection Exploring ne= voca2ular' and pronunciation =ith songs. 7#proving orall skills

0rocedure Exploring ne= voca2ular' and pronunciation =ith songs. 7#proving orall skills Data anal'sis and Song as a !eans to %earn ner voca2ular' and pronunciation

Sho=ing confidence an #otivation =hen singing

,onclusions and pedag"gica i#plications References 2out the authors

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