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Amaranth (Tampala) 6 133 / 4 Feb-Sep T 3 10 9
333 / 20
Arugula / Roquette 12-18 / 6-8 4 bc 1/4 Oct-Feb H 2-4 5 8
Beans, asparagus* (Yard-
Long Beans) 36-48 / 8-12 6 133 / 4 1-2 Mar-Jul T
Beans, Broad (Fava 4-5
Beans, Pigeon Peas) 36-48 / 3-4 / 1-4 1-2 Oct-Feb T months
Beans, Garbanzo 24-30 / 3-4 / 1-4 1-2 Mar-May T
Beans, Goa* (Asparagus
Peas, Winged Beans) 40-48 / 3-6 6 133 / 4 1-2 Jul-Sep T
Beans, Jack* (Sword
Beans) 40-48 / 3-6 /4 1-2 T
Beans, lima* 24-36 / 3-4 6 133 / 4 1 1/2-2 Aug-Apr T 65-75 6-10 Oct-Jun 20 50
Beans, Mung 30-36 / 2-3 /1 1-2 T
Sep & & Mar-
Beans, pole* 40-48 / 3-6 6 133 / 4 1 1/2-2 Jan-Feb T 60-65 6-10 May 20 80
Beans, snap 18-30 / 2-3 6 133 / 4 1 1/2-2 Sep - Apr T 50-70 6-10 Nov-Jun 20 45 9 sh
18-30 / 2-3 b
Beans, dried 40-48 / 3-6 po* 6 133 / 4 1 1/2-2 & Oct-Nov T 2 20 5
Beets, round 14-24 / 3-5 6 133 / 16 1-2 Oct-Feb SH 50-70 3-6 Dec-May 20 75 35
Beets, cylindrical 14-24 / 3-5 8 75 / 16 1-2 Oct-Feb SH 50-70 3-6 Dec-May 20 75 50
55-70 s
Broccoli 30-36 / 12-18 12 33 / 1 1-2 Sep-Jan H 75-80 t 6 Dec-Apr 3-5 50 16
Broccoli, Chinese (Gai
Lon) 9 59 / 2 1-2 Oct-Feb 15
90 s
Brussels Sprouts 24-36 / 18-24 15 18 / 1 1-2 Nov-Dec H 75 t 6-10 Jan-Feb 2 75 10
90-100 s
Cabbage, round 24-36 / 12-24 15 18 / 1 1-2 Sep-Jan H 70-90 t 4 Dec-Apr 2-3 80 h 25
Cabbage, Chinese (Bok 70-90 s
Choi) 24-36 / 8-12 8 75 / 3 1-2 Oct-Jan H 60-70 t 4 Dec-Apr 5-10 80 h 30
Aug-Sep 75-90 s Nov-Dec
Cantaloupes* 60-72 / 24-36 18 14 / 1 1-2 & Feb-Mar T 65-75 t 6-10 & May-Jun 3-5 75 m 12
Carrots 16-24 / 1-3 4 300 / 50 1/2 Oct-Feb H 65-80 9-11 Jan-May 50 100 35
75-90 s

Cauliflower 24-30 / 18-24 15 18 / 1 1/2 Oct-Jan H 55-70 t 2 3-5 80 20

115-125 s
Celery 24-36 / 6-10 10 14 / 2 1/4-1/2 Oct-Jan H 11 5-10 180 sk 25
Celery 24-36 / 6-10 10 14 / 2 1/4-1/2 Oct-Jan H 80-105 t 11 5-10 180 sk 25
50-60 s
Chard, Swiss 15-18 / 4-8 9 59 / 4 1/2 Sep-Apr H 40-50 t 6-20 Nov-July 6 75 25
Chayote* (Vegetable
Pear, Merliton) /1 T
Chufa (nutsedge) 12 / 12 12 32 / 1 1 Mar-Apr T 120 4 Jul-Nov 6-10
48 / 1 (6 70-80 s
Collards 24-30 / 10-18 10 bc) 1/2 Aug-Feb H 40-60 t 8-16 Sep-May 5-10 150 45
Corn, dried 34-42 / 12-18 15 18 1/2 Mar-Apr T 2 20-30 6
Corn, sweet 24-36 / 12-18 12 33 1/2 Aug-Apr T 60-85 1 Nov-Jul 10-20 120 e 11
Cress, upland
(Peppergrass) 6 133 / 4 Oct-Feb H 2 2
50-70 s
Cucumbers* 36-60 / 12-24 15 18 / 1 1/2 Sep-Mar T 40-50 t 8 3-4 100 30
90-100 s
Eggplant 36-42 / 24-36 8 75 / 1 1/2 Aug-Feb T 75-90 t 10 Oct-Jul 3 200 15
Endive / Escarole 18-24 / 8-12 10 48 / 4 1/2 Sep-Jan H 80-95 6 Dec-Apr 8 15
Garlic 12 33 / 6 SH 4 1-3 40 8
Jicama* 1-2 T
Kale 18-30 / 8-16 15 18 / 4 1/4-1/2 Sep-Feb H 50-75 6-15 5 150 18
Kohlrabi 24-30 / 3-5 8 75 / 4 1/2 Nov-Feb H 50-80 2 6-10 100 15
Lagos Spinach / warm
Quailgrass season
75 / 4 (6 50-70 s
Lettuce / Mesclun 12-18 / 8-12 8 bc) 1/2-3/4 Sep-Feb H 40-70 t 3-6 Oct-Apr 10 100 h 18
Malabar Spinach* Mar-Jul T
Malanga Mar-Sep T
133 / 4 (6
Mizuna 6 bc) Oct-Feb H 2 6 15
Mustard Greens 14-24 / 1-6 10 48 / 12 bc 1/2 Sep-Mar H 40-60 6-12 5-10 100 35
New Zealand Spinach 30-36 / 18-24 12 33 / 1 3/4 Jan-May T 55-65 6-12 Mar-Aug 3 22
& Aug-
Okra 24-40 / 6-12 15 18 / 1 1-2 Sep T 50-75 6-12 Mar-Nov 8 70 8
133 / 20 120-160 s 15 fr
Onions, bulbing 12-14 / 3-6 6 (4 at) 1/2-3/4 Sep-Nov H 110-120 t 6 60 st 100 30
Onions, bunching Sep-Mar
(Scallions) 12-24 / 1 1/2-2 4 300 / 36 3/4 (sets) H 50-75 10-12 Oct-Apr 20-25 32
Parsley 12-20 / 8-12 8 75 / 4 1/4-3/4 Sep-Jan H 70-95 2-3 40
10 sh 15
Peas, sn & sh* 24-36 / 2-3 6 133 / 4 1-2 Sep-Feb H 50-70 4-8 Nov-Apr 30-50 40 sn
Peas, southern* 30-36 / 2-3 6 133 / 4 1-2 Aug-May T 70-80 6-10 (2 d) Oct-Aug 15-20 80
75-85 bo

Peanuts 24-30 / 24-48 12 33 / 1 2-3 Feb-Mar T 2-3 5-10 5

Peanuts 24-30 / 24-48 12 33 / 1 2-3 Feb-Mar T ro 2-3 5-10 5
80-100 s
Peppers 20-36 / 2-3 15 18 / 1-2 1-2 Aug-Apr T 60-80 t 8-12 Dec-Aug 1 50 4 ht 14 sw
Potatoes, Irish 36-42 / 8-12 12 33 / 1 3-4 Sep-Jan SH 80-110 2-3 10 150 19
Potatoes, sweet* 48-54 / 12-14 15 18 / 1 3 Feb-Jul T 120-140 4-8 5-10 300 45
Jul-Sep & 90-120 s
Pumpkin, Seminole* 60-84 / 36-60 30 37012 1-2 Jan-Mar T 80-110 t 4-6 2-4 100 25
Radish, Daikon 24-36 / 4-6 8 75 3/4 Oct-Mar H 60-70 5 6-10 50
Radish, rattail 1 3/4 Oct-Mar H 4 1
Radish, round 12-18 / 1-2 3 533 / 50 3/4 Oct-Mar H 20-25 1-2 Nov-Apr 12-20 100 bu 18
Aug s
Rhubarb** 42-54 / 24-30 24 /1 -- Oct-Nov t H 150 8-10 2-3
Shallots 18-24 / 6-8 8 75 / 6 3/4 Sep-Dec SH 75-105 4 24 22
Soybeans, dried 1 1/2-2 T 2 15-20 20
Soybeans, shell 1 1/2-2 T 2 15-20
Spinach 14-18 / 3-5 6 133 / 16 3/4 Oct-Jan H 45-60 3-6 Nov-Mar 20 40 14
90-120 s
Squash, Calabaza* 60-84 / 36-60 30 5/1 1-2 Mar-Jul T 80-110 t 6-12 2-4 100 25
Jan-Mar & 40-55 s
Squash, summer* 42-48 / 42-48 24 5/1 1-2 Sep-Oct T 35-40 t 6-12 Oct-May 4-6 150 40
80-110 s
Squash, winter* 90-120 / 48-72 24 8/1 2 Jan-Feb T 70-90 t 2-4 3-5 300 18
Strawberries 36-40 / 10-14 /3 Oct-Nov H 90-110 t 20
Tomatillos 18 14 / 1 Sep-Mar T 6-12 1-2 56
90-110 s 3-5 fr
Tomatoes* 40-60 / 36-40 15 18 / 1 1/2 Aug-Mar T 75-90 t 6-15 Nov-May 5-10 pr 200 42
Turnips 12-20 / 4-6 9 59 / 20 1/2-3/4 Oct-Feb T 40-60 2-4 Nov-Apr 3-5 150 22
Water Leaves season T
Jan-Mar &
Watermelon* 90-120 / 60-84 24 8/1 2 Aug-Sep T 80-100 6-10 2-4 40 m 28
Jan-Mar & 40-55 s
Zucchini* 42-48 / 42-48 24 8/1 1/2 Sep-Oct T 35-40 t 6-12 Oct-May 1-2 150 35

* - support on trellis or plant bush type

** - perennial treated as annual

H - Hardy, can stand frost and some freezing (32 F) without injury
SH - Slightly hardy, will not be injured by light frosts
T - Tender, will be injured by light frost bc - broadcast (for cut-and-come-again baby greens)
at - after thinning e - ears m - melons sh - shell t - from transplants
b - bush fr - fresh po - pole sk - stalks
bo - for boiling gr - greens pr - for processing sn - snap
bu - bunches h - heads ro - for roasting st - for storage
d - dried ht - hot s - from seeds sw - sweet

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