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Anatomy of the Soul (Nous)

Nous - The eye of the soul - The essence of the soul Logos - Reason Spirit - Life-giving Image of God Father : Nous Son : Logos Holy Ghost : Spirit


Rational (Nous) - Reason - Noetic energy Incensive - Courage - Imagination - Instinct Appetitive - Nourishment - Growth

Passible (Irrational) Parts of the Soul


Power Virtue Rational (Nous) Contemplation and knowledge of God Logismoi (thoughts), remembrance of sins, conceptual images, submission to passible powers Incensive Love for and struggle to attain communion with God, meekness Anger, irascibility, rage Appetitive Longing for God, selfcontrol Lust, gluttony


When the soul, the image of God, attains to the virtues perfectly, it acquires also the likeness of God, which is theosis.


The nous must take leadership over the passible powers of the soul. When it fails at this, sicknesses arise in a manner that correlates to the failure (i.e., a failure of the nous to lead the soul in self-control gives rise to excessive desire for things of the world, rather than for God).

A note on the Nous: The Nous is simultaneously the whole soul, a part of the soul, and a power of the soul. In the souls triadic mirroring of God, it images the Father. Like God, the nous functions as both energy (the rational power) and essence (the eye of the soul). Nous can also refer to the heart, which is the seat of the soul, where Christ dwells. Finally, nous can refer to its own energies, the thoughts and conceptual images, which is the mind.

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