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Today, 16 november 2013, you know what this commemorates the day? In
addition Thursday. Now it is 6 days after the hero, this day as the day goes normally,
from speed-up the sun rises I go to study. Before lunch, I went with my friends. During
lunch we discussed where we wanted to go that day. Finally we decided to go to one of
the shows are booming in our campus, RESEARCH WEEK. An English teacher once
our motivator, giving advice to us to come to the event

You know what a great event that is in this week ? Researchweek

ugm.experience of course very valuable for me to take part belonging to enliven
researchweek UGM. The event was excited friends. Events on the theme of renewable
energy this event really opened the minds of the nation. Eits, no fear here is not only no
tools tools renewable energy but there is also a long tool that has been modified into a
more powerful new discovery. you know the xray machine, right? Yups, this tool is a
tool used to perform X-rays, in the event there is a thought that launching a digital xray
tool to facilitate a person in the process of X-ray in the future .A tool created from a
thought is a lecturer at the Faculty of mathematics and natural science,Pak Bayu, no less
powerful than the invention of the digital xray.
There is one invention of the Faculty of Engineering, where they experimented
with making car simulation, there is a crowd in this stand people are excited to see how
great the simulation of a car that works almost the same way with the car as it should
be. very busy people who gathered around the stand this experiment I had to mill about
the current insistence want to see this experiment not only digital xray and simulation of
a car, there are many great inventions such as robots playing football, and most
sensational quitecopter detector is kosher , how something mortal could be detected by
using a discovery tool. Not only themed discovery technology that can be found there,
but we can also find exhibits on domestic culture Country learned the language on this
campus, there are some countries that show off some of their culture such as traditional
dresses such as Japanese and Korean, respectively show clothes their country is a
typical kimono and handbox.
How is enough curious with researchweek UGM ? so let's move closer to the
GRHA SABHA PERMANA, you will get thought provoking that you see going to
motivate yourself.

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