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Chucks Slipper Socks by Amy Dutsch THIS is merely a guide for how to make the slippers.

You WILL have to adjust per your foot size and your crochet tension. Try different weight yarns and hook sizes. You will need to remove or add rows for various size feet. This pattern is being tested, if you find any errors, suggestions, changes, etc, please feel free to message me at

Materials: G Hook Worsted Weight Yarn in white/cream, black and main shoe color Shoelaces LOW TOP VERSION
Women's Size 9-12/Men's Size 7-9 Make TWO In White: Row 1: In Magic Ring, dc 13. Join with slst Row 2: Ch 3, 2 dc in each st. Join with slst Row 3 & 4: Ch 3, dc in each st. Join with slst Change to Main Color (red or chosen color) Rows 5-8: Repeat row 3 Rows 9-19: Working in ROWS now. Ch 3, dc 13 (make sure to dc in the starting ch of previous row). Turn. Repeat row 9 until row 19.

Row 20: For this part of the slipper you'll go back to the unfinished part of Row 9 where the "tongue" of the shoe slipper started. You're now making the "base" of the slipper. Insert the hook as shown

Ch 3, 2 dc in same st as ch, 2dc in next, dc across to the last 2 st. 2dc in each of the last 2 st. 1 dc in the "corner" at the end of the row. Turn.

Row 21-40: ch 3, dc in each st across. Repeat until you reach row 40. Finishing the Slipper Sock: Turn the ends of Row 40 right sides together and stitch together to make a back seam of the shoe. Finish and weave in ends. Adding Embellishments: Weave in white shoelaces just as you would lace up a pair of shoes, slipping in the stitches. Make the White Circle: With G Hook Round 1: make a magic ring, dc 12 in ring, join with slst Round 2: ch 3, dc in same st as ch. 2 dc in each st around. Join with slst, leave a long tail for sewing onto slipper sock. Embroider a black star and stitching on to the white circle. Sew the circle on to the outside side of the shoe. To make it a high top version: Working in ROWS: Starting at your BACK SEAM, count 8 stitches or so over from the center seam. Mark with a stitch marker. Repeat for the other side. Starting at your marker, join same color yarn, ch3 and dc across to the other stitch marker. Turn, ch 3, dc across again. Repeat this until the 'high top' is the length you want, usually 3 rows or so. Try on and see how it feels.

**PLEASE let me know of ANY errors, corrections, or suggestions, this pattern is in progress of being tested. High top version coming. Please email me at


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