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CHAPTER ONE THE room had fallen into a terrible silence.

No one moved, no one spoke, the horror that was ever o!n" woman#s worst ni"htmare $ammin" the ver air that s!rro!nded them. %haan had dropped into the nearest chair, her face t!rned chalk&white with shock. Pressed between her knees and half&b!ried in the soft folds of p!re white silk and delicate lace were her hands. 'ce&cold and n!mb, the were cr!shin" the sin"le sheet of notepaper Rafe had $!st "riml handed to her. #(ear %haan,# it said. (ear %haan... #How co!ld he do it)# Her !ncle#s harsh cr broke into the terrible silence, so!ndin" hoarse and stricken and "rievo!sl bewildered. Nobod answered him. %haan co!ldn#t, and Rafe obvio!sl wasn#t prepared to. He stood b the window, effectivel disconnected from it all now his part in the dirt deed was done, while o!t there, onl a few short miles awa , was a ch!rch packed f!ll of "!ests, all dressed in their best weddin" finer , waitin" for a bride and "room who wo!ld not be t!rnin" !p. * now the wo!ld have be"!n to s!spect that somethin" terrible had "one wron", the fact that Piers and Rafe were not in their places b the altar eno!"h to aro!se s!spicion alone. Her a!nt wo!ld be $!mpin" all over the place with worr and +emma, her onl bridesmaid, lookin" foolish in her prett pink dress, wo!ld be waitin" $!st o!tside the ch!rch for a bride who was no lon"er wanted. #, -od. He co!ldn#t have c!t it an finer, co!ld he)# her !ncle raked o!t an"ril . #No,# Rafe decided to answer that one, tho!"h his voice so!nded deepl constricted, as tho!"h he#d onl $!st "ot the sin"le s llable past his tensel locked throat. %haan didn#t so m!ch as move, her e es/ dark, dark brown !nder normal circ!mstances/lookin" so black in her pale face that the seemed !tterl bottomless. The were not seein" m!ch. The looked inwards, starin" into the cold, dark recesses of her mind where horror, h!rt and h!miliation were waitin" to "rab hold of her once the all&encompassin" n!mbness of shock had worn off. 0as

Rafe in shock too) she fo!nd herself wonderin". %he s!pposed he m!st be. He certainl looked pale beneath that warm, "olden tan his skin alwa s wore. And he was dressed for a weddin" in a formal "re mornin" s!it. He co!ld not have s!spected Piers was "oin" to do an thin" 1!ite so crass as this. Piers... Her "a2e dropped to her hands, where her fin"ers c!rled ti"htl aro!nd the sin"le sheet of notepaper. #'#m so sorr to have to do this...# Her lips 1!ivered, b!t not the rest of her/that was held in a kind of fro2en stillness that barel allowed her eno!"h room to breathe. Her mo!th felt dr , so dr that ever thin" had cleaved to ever thin" else. And her heart was p!mpin" oddl /not in her breast b!t in her stomach, h!"e, "reat, throbbin" p!lses which were makin" her feel di22 and sick and/ #-od/# Her !ncle broke into s!dden movement. #' have to "o and warn all those poor people waitin" at the/# #There#s no need,# Rafe p!t in "riml . #'#ve alread seen to it. ' tho!"ht it /best,# he finished inade1!atel , hatin" the sit!ation Piers had thr!st !pon him so m!ch that the words came o!t terse and clipped. %!re eno!"h, and as if on c!e, the so!nd of a car p!llin" !p o!tside the smart 3ondon town ho!se alerted them to the first horrified arrivals back from the ch!rch. Too soon, %haan tho!"ht n!mbl . '#m not read for them. ' can#t face/ #%haan.# 't was Rafe#s voice, so!ndin" raw with concern, and a moment later she felt herself bein" ca!"ht $!st before she toppled sickenin"l forward. #' don#t want to see an one,# she whispered threadil /not act!all !nconscio!s, b!t di22 in"l close to it. #Of co!rse not.# Rafe was s1!attin" in front of her, holdin" her sl!mped !pper torso a"ainst him, the fine t!lle veil coverin" her thick mane of $et&black hair r!stlin" a"ainst his face. He was tremblin", she noted va"!el , his heart th!nderin" beneath her restin" brow.

#'t#s %heila...# Her !ncle Thomas had moved to peer o!t of the window. #'t#s o!r a!nt, %haan,# he m!rm!red soothin"l . #%he/# At that moment the front door b!rst open, and %haan be"an to shake/ shake violentl . Rafe !ttered a soft c!rse and shifted his bi" frame so he co!ld "ather her deeper into the protective cocoon of his arms as the sittin" room door flew open. #%haan.# a hi"h&pitched, near h sterical voice cried o!t. #Oh, o! poor bab .# #No,# she whimpered a"ainst Rafe#s sho!lder. #No...# %he didn#t want this, co!ldn#t cope with it. Not her a!nt#s "rief, not her !ncle#s/not even her own. Rafe m!st have sensed it, beca!se he stood !p s!ddenl , p!llin" her !pri"ht with him, and in the ne4t second she was bein" lifted into his arms, her ice&cold face pressed into his warm, tense throat. #%he#s fainted,# he lied. -od alone knew wh , b!t %haan was "ratef!l to him. #Her room, ,rs 3ester/ show me where her room is.# #Oh, %haan.# A!nt %heila/her 1!iet, soft, s!per, "en& the a!nt %heila who rarel let an thin" ripple the calm waters s!rro!ndin" her life/went completel to pieces, droppin" down into one of the chairs to sob !ncontrollabl . 5ncle Thomas went to her while Rafe m!ttered somethin" beneath his breath and strode o!t of the room witho!t waitin" for direction. The hall was packed with people. %haan co!ld sense their horrified presence even while Rafe kept her face hidden in his throat. '"norin" them all, he took the stairs like a mo!ntain climber, the an"r adrenaline p!mpin" in his blood powerf!l eno!"h to send him !p there witho!t him so m!ch as takin" a breath. %he heard several horrified "asps, and +emma# s voice, 1!estionin" and sharp with concern. Rafe answered ti"htl , b!t she didn#t know what he said. %he was hoverin" somewhere between this world and another, ridin" on a fl!ff "re clo!d $!st above pained realit . #0hich room)# His voice was terse, raspin" eno!"h to score thro!"h the clo!d. *!t altho!"h she tried to concentrate on the 1!estion she co!ldn#t. %he was barel aware of where she was. On another m!ttered c!rse Rafe

be"an openin" doors, throwin" them wide and "lancin" inside before movin" on to the ne4t one, !ntil he came to the one which co!ld onl be the bride#s room, beca!se of the mad scatter of weddin" paraphernalia all over the place. Once inside, he sat her down on the end of the bed and then t!rned to slam the bedroom door sh!t. Then silence hit, the same hard, dr!mmin" silence which had closed them all in downstairs, after Rafe had delivered his letter. Rafe $!st stood there, "larin" at her downbent head for a few moments, then s!ddenl strode over to "rasp the short t!lle veil she still wore. Careless of the amo!nt of pins holdin" it in place, he ripped it from her head and threw it aside. #%orr ,# he m!ttered tensel . #*!t ' co!ldn#t...# %wal& lowin", he sp!n awa , thr!stin" clenched fists into his pockets. Her scalp be"an to tin"le from his ro!"h handlin", b!t %haan didn#t mind. 'f an thin" she was "lad of the feelin" beca!se it told her that she was at least partl still alive. And she even !nderstood wh he#d done it. %he m!st look pathetic, reall pathetic, sittin" here in all her bridal finer while her "room made off in the opposite direction. Then it reall hit/self&rev!lsion s!r"in" !p from nowhere to brin" her sta""erin" to her feet, the letter, still cr!mpled in one hand, fallin" for"otten to the floor as she be"an a mad clawin" at the tin pear. b!ttons holdin" the front of her lac bodice to"ether. #Help me.6 she pleaded in chokin" desperation, fin"ers tremblin", bod shakin", her e4pression !ntil now !ncannil still breakin" into a war of tort!red loathin". The silk ripped as she t!""ed, b!t she didn#t care/ s!ddenl it was the most essential thin" in her life to "et o!t of this dress, remove ever thin" even remotel connected with Piers or her r!ined weddin" da from her bod . #Help me, for -od#s sake.# #%haan, ' can#t.# Rafe so!nded act!all shocked, which bro!"ht her e es $erkin" !p to his face. #0h not)# she demanded in ti"ht, thick condemnation. #7o!#ve done ever thin" else o! co!ld possibl do to r!in toda for me. 0h can#t o! help me r!in this dress, too.#

Her s!dden attack sent him back a step, set a nerve tickin" at the side of his ri"idl held $aw. His !s!all implacable "re e es "oin" dark with emotion as he opened his mo!th to sa somethin"/and %haan#s chin came !p, dark e es darin" him to den what she#d said. He co!ldn#t, and his mo!th closed a"ain into a hard, ti"ht line of self&contempt. On a fresh wave of inner violence, %haan "ave a vicio!s ank at the bodice so that the two pieces of fine fabric sheared apart to send tin b!ttons fl in" ever where, droppin" on the bed, on the floor, one fl in" across the room to land on the soft ma!ve carpet at Rafe#s feet. Rafe stared down at it, his dark head lowered so she co!ldn#t see the e4pression on his "rim face. %he t!rned awa on a r!stle of silk to finish the complete destr!ction of the dress as, witho!t a sin"le care for its cost, she took malicio!s pleas!re in rippin" it from her bod !ntil she stood, tremblin" and cold, in the lovel white lace bas1!e and silk stockin"s, which was all she wore beneath. #This feels worse than rape,# she whispered, her arms wrappin" ti"htl aro!nd herself. #-od, %haan. (on#t...# he m!ttered, takin" a half&step towards her with his hand o!tstretched in a kind of distressed appeal. Then it fell heavil to his side beca!se he knew there was nothin" he co!ld sa /nothin" that co!ld ease the pain and de"radation she was s!fferin" ri"ht now. 'nstead, he t!rned for the door, his broad sho!lders stiff beneath the smooth "re cloth of his formal mornin" $acket. #'#ll/"o and "et someone to/# #No.# The protest rasped from somewhere deep down inside her. And she t!rned to look at him as he stopped dead one step from the door. #No,# she repeated h!skil . #7o! can "o if o! want,# she allowed. #*!t ' don#t want an one else comin" an where near this room.# 't was one thin" havin" Rafe witness her complete downfall, since it was he who had effectivel bro!"ht it abo!t, b!t it was 1!ite another havin" all those others witness it too. %he wanted nobod here. Nobod . Not her best friend, +emma, nor even her a!nt.

%he didn#t care abo!t Rafe, or the fact that she was wearin" ne4t to nothin" in his presence. Rafe had openl held her in contempt from the ver first moment Piers had introd!ced her as his/ #No.# Tho!"hts of Piers bro!"ht the sickness back, ch!rnin" aro!nd in her stomach, so that she had to heave in some deep, controllin" breaths to stop it overwhelmin" her alto"ether. Her nails bit into Che soft flesh of her !pper arms with eno!"h cr!elt to draw blood. Then she felt somethin" cold press a"ainst her skin, and remembered. Her lon" lashes flickered !pwards as she !ndipped her left hand from her arm and spread the cold and tremblin" fin"ers o!t in front of her. A h!"e diamond winked ta!ntin"l back at her, and with an an"r t!" she wrenched it from her fin"er and sp!n to face Rafe a"ain, her black e es spearin" bitterness into his tensel "!arded "re ones. #Here,# she said, and threw the rin" at his feet. #7o! can "ive that back to him when o! see him ne4t. ' don#t want it8 ' don#t ever want to see it a"ain.# T!rnin" awa from the ima"e of Rafe siowl bendin" to pick !p the rin", she walked 1!ickl into her small bathroom, where she wilted shakil a"ainst the closed door. Her insides fell thick and heav , as tho!"h ever f!nctionin" or"an had collapsed in a throbbin" heap deep in the pit of her stomach. Na!sea enveloped her, followed b a black di22iness, followed b a rakin" sense of self&dis"!st which had her bod foldin" ri"ht in on itself. Then, with the s!dden $erk movements of one whose mind was not f!nctionin" with an intelli"ence at all, she was stiffenin" !pri"ht and l!rchin" dmnkenl awa from the door. %he needed a shower. Her cold and tremblin" skin was crawlin" with rev!lsion and she desperatel needed to wash it awa . 't was onl as she wrenched the fra"ile white silk bas1!e from her bod that she saw the pale bl!e satin&and lace trimmed "arter still clin"in" lovin"l to her thi"h, $!st above one white silk stockin", and a smile twisted her bloodless mo!th when she realised $!st how ridic!lo!s she m!st have looked to Rafe, makin" her "rand e4it with this piece of frivolit on show.

Tears blinded her e es, the first of man , she s!pposed, and she wretchedl wiped them awa with the back of an ic hand and stepped into the shower c!bicle. Tremblin" fin"ers fo!nd the tap and t!rned it !ntil the b!rnin"&hot hiss of water "!shed down on her. Then she stood, not movin", $!st lettin" the stin"in" heat wash all over her, e es closed, face lifted !p to it, not carin" if she scalded herself so lon" as she sco!red ever last hint of the bride from her bod . How lon" she stood there like that, she had no idea, beca!se she ref!sed to allow herself to think, or even to feel m!ch. *!t thro!"h the t!nnel&dark recesses of her conscio!sness she was va"!el aware of intermittent knocks so!ndin" on her bedroom door, of voices/one her a!nt#s, so!ndin" hi"h&pitched and shrill, another one, crisp and clear was +emma, so!ndin" demandin". Rafe#s darkl resonant m!rm!rs intermin"led with them, sa in" -od knew what. %he didn#t know nor care, so lon" as he kept them ail awa from her. Then, event!all , the silence fell a"ain, a solid kind of silence which soothed her fl!rried heart and helped keep her face t!rned !p to the hot, hissin" spra . There wo!ld be time eno!"h to end!re all those pit in" "lances and m!rm!red platit!des which were bo!nd to come her wa . These few min!tes were for herself, herself alone, to tr to come to terms with what she now was. A $ilted bride. A nerve $erked at the corner of her mo!th. H!miliation sat in the empt hollow where her heart !sed to be. A fool, more like, she corrected herself r!thlessl , a fool for ever believin" that Rafe (anvers wo!ld let her marr his brother. %he had known from the first time she stood there in front of him, with her hand ca!"ht possessivel in Piers# hand, that Rafe was "oin" to do an thin" in his power to break them !p. Piers... Oh, -od, she tho!"ht wretchedl as his handsome, smilin" face loomed !p to torment her. How co!ld he) How co!ld he do this9

#%haan...# The fo!d knock so!ndin" on the bathroom door made her $!mp, her feet almost slippin" on the wet tiles at the deep, h!sk so!nd of that voice. %o, Rafe hadn#t "iven in to all those other concerned voices and made "ood his escape like his brother had, she noted "riml . He was still here, standin" $!st on the other side of her bathroom door, as alwa s read to see his responsibilities thro!"h to the bitter end. %he had told him she didn#t want an one else near her and he had taken her at her word/which therefore meant he co!+d not desert her himself !ntil he was satisfied he had seen this responsibilit thro!"h to !s concl!sion. 0hich was/what) she asked herself. Rafe. The older brother. The more s!ccessf!l one. The head of the "reat (anveis empire. A man with sho!lders more than broad eno!"h to take whatever was thr!st !pon them. And Piers had certainl thr!st her !pon Rafe toda , she tho!"ht with a bitter little smile. #%haan...# The voice came from m!ch closer and she opened her e es, t!rnin" her head to stare blankl thro!"h the thick bank of steam permeatin" all aro!nd her/to find Rafe#s "rim fi"!re standin" with a towel at the read $!st o!tside the open shower c!bicle door. #0ho said o! co!id come m here)# she said, too n!mb to care abo!t her own nakedness/both inside and o!t. The water was still "!shin" over her. He didn#t move his "a2e from her face/not even to make a sweepin" inspection of her naked bod . #Come on,6 he said 1!ietl , the towel held o!t& stretched between his hands. #7o!#ve been in there lon" eno!"h.# %he la!"hed/wh , she didn#t know/b!t it was a so!nd that fell a lon" wa short of h!mo!r and probabl so!nded more bleak and helpless than an thin" else. 3on" eno!"h for what) she wondered. After alt, '#m not "oin" an where, am ') Closin" her e es, she lifted her face back to the spra , effectivel dismissin" him. #Hidin" in here isn#t "oin" to make it all "o awa , o! know,# he said

1!ietl . #3eave me alone, Rate,# she threw back flatl . #7o!#ve achieved what o! set o!t to do8 $!st leave me alone now.# #'#m afraid ' can#t do that.# One hand dropped a corner of the towel so he co!ld reach into the c!bicle and t!rn off the water. The new silence was en"!lfed in steam, emanatin" !p from the wet tiles at her feet, and she "lanced down to watch it swirl aro!nd her bod , coilin" !p her lon", slender le"s and over the ro!nded conto!rs of her hips, caressin" as it wo!nd aro!nd the firm swell of her breasts. #He didn#t want me,# she m!rm!red d!ll . #After all he said. He didn#t reall want me.6 The towel came softl abo!t her sho!lders, Rafe#s hands holdin" it there as he "entl !r"ed her o!t of the c!bicle and t!rned her into his arms. #He wanted o!, %haan,# he told her h!skil . #*!t he loved ,adeleine. 'n all fairness, he had no ri"ht to promise an other woman an thin" while he still loved her.# 7es, ,adeleine, she tho!"ht emptil . Piers# first and onl love... #And o! had to brin" her back into his life,# she whispered acc!sin"l . #7es,# he si"hed, his hand movin" "entl on her back. #7o! won#t believe this, %haan, b!t '#m sorr . ' reall am sorr ...# :or some reason his apolo" c!t so deepl into her that she reared back from him and, with ail the bri"ht, b!rnin", bitter condemnation b!bblin" hotl inside, she threw her hand hard a"ainst the side of his face. He took it, look it all, witho!t even flinchin". He didn#t even release ihe hold he had on her, b!t $!st stood lookin" back at her with those cool "re e es opalescent in his "raven face, his mo!th a thin, "rim line. %he wanted to cr , b!t she co!ldn#t. %he wanted to kick and scream and hit o!t at him a"ain and a"ain and a"ain, in an effort to release all the h!rt and an"er c!lminatin" inside her, b!t she co!ldn#t. That one brief flash of violence seemed to have taken what bit of ener" she had left from her. All she co!ld do now was stand there in the circle of

Rafe#s arms and stare !p at him thro!"h h!"e black ha!nted e es, wonderin" if that "rim look he was wearin" hid satisfaction or an "!ilt at all for what he had done. Rafe had warned her/as lon" as si4 weeks a"o, he had warned her he wo!ldn#t $!st stand aside and let her marr his brother. :rom the first moment their e es had met across the ele"ant width of Rafe#s l!4!rio!s home, his contempt for her had been there, vibratin" on defences she hadn#t even known she possessed, !ntil she clashed with that look. 5ntil that moment she had $!st been %haan %aketa, lovin" da!"hter of the +afe and m!ch missed Tari1 and ,ar %aketa, pro!d of her mi4ed blood beca!se she had never been made to feel otherwise/!ntil those silver ice e es had "one slidin" over her. Then, for ;he first time in her life, she#d e4perienced what real pre$!dice fell like, and the rare combination of thick, strai"ht $et&black hair, dark brown e es and skin as smooth and pale as milk, which had been t!rnin" people#s heads in admiration all her life, s!ddenl became somethin" to be sensitive abo!t. %he#d had to steel herself to act!all take the hand Rafe had held o!t to her in formal "reetin", knowin" b sheer instinct that he

had no wish to to!ch her or even be in the same room as her. 7et, oddl , not onl had he taken the hand b!t he had held onto it/and cl!n" to the new, ver defensive look in her li1!id brown e es/the dark, dire e4pression in his had mana"ed to chill the blood in her veins in appalled acknowled"ement of what his "rim e4pression was tellin" her. 't had been the moment when Rafe (anvers had made s!re she was rawl aware of her complete !ns!itabilit to become one of the "reat (anvers famil . 0ell, toda he had won his battle. And now he co!ld afford to be a little charitable, she s!pposed. 3end comfort to the defeated. %he moved o!t of his arms, cl!tchin" the h!"e bath sheet aro!nd her tremblin" fi"!re as she went back into

her bedroom. ,irac!lo!sl , there wasn#t a sin"le si"n of bridal attire abo!t the place. The whole room had been completel swept clean of ever thin" while she#d been hidin" in the bathroom. The dress, the mad scatter of bits and pieces were all "one, leavin" onl her rose&pink bathrobe folded on the end of the bed, and her s!itcases/so caref!ll packed the ni"ht before/still stacked neatl beside the bedroom door. %he dropped the towel and picked !p the robe, !ncarin" that Rafe had followed her back into the room and that she was once a"ain e4posin" her nakedness to him. 't didn#t seem to matter, not when the si"ht of her bod held no interest for the man in 1!estion. %he t!rned to "lance at him, tho!"h, as she cinched the robe belt aro!nd her narrow waist. He was standin" in the bathroom doorwa , not leanin", b!t tense, his hard e es hooded. #7o!r s!it is wet,# she told him, sendin" a flickerin" "lance alon" his bi", hard frame where the pale "re showed dark patches where she had leant a"ainst him. He shr!""ed with indifference and moved at last, walkin" across the now neat bedroom to her dressin" table. #Here,# he said, t!rnin" back to her and holdin" o!t a "lass half&f!ll of what co!ld onl be brand . %he smiled wr l at it. #,edicinal)# she mocked, takin" it from him and lowerin" herself caref!ll onto the end of the bed. :rom bein" r!bber& limbed with shock, she was now stiff with it/so stiff, in fact, that even the simple act of sittin" down was a painf!l effort. #0hatever o! want to call it,# he replied. #As it is...# He t!rned a"ain, liftin" another "lass in r!ef!l acknowled"ement to her. #'#m in need of the same.# And he came to sit down beside her. #(rink it,# he advised. #' can ass!re o!, it will help.# %he swirled the dark amber li1!id aro!nd the "lass for a moment before liftin" it to her bloodless lips. He did the same, sittin" close to her, his arm br!shin" a"ainst hers as he moved it !p and down. 't was stran"e, reall , b!t, havin" spent the last si4 weeks avoidin" to!chin" her at all costs/e4cept for that one brief contamination when the had been formall introd!ced/Rafe now seemed 1!ite happ to

be as close to her as he co!ld "et. %he "lanced at him from beneath her thick black lashes, seein" the ri"id tension in his s1!are $aw, in the harsh line of his stron" profile. He was nothin" like Piers to look at. The two brothers were as different in ever wa as two men co!ld possibl be. 0here Rafe was dark, Piers was fair/so fair, it hadn#t come as a complete s!rprise to her to find o!t later that the were onl half&brothers. 0hich also answered the 1!estion as to the ten& ear "ap in their a"es. Piers was the handsome one of the brothers, the one with the !ncomplicated smile which went with his !ncomplicated character. Or so she had believed, she amended "rimi as she took another sip at the brand . 't b!rned as it went down,

and the taste was "ross, b!t it did at least p!t some warmth back inside her. #0hat happened to ever thin" in here)# Rafe "lanced aro!nd the pristine, tid room. #7o!r a!nt and o!r friend cleared it all o!t while o! were b!s in the bathroom,# he e4plained. #The /needed to feel !sef!l.# #'#m s!rprised +emma didn#t throw o! o!t,# she m!rm!red. #Not o!r a!nt)# he 1!eried c!rio!sl . #No.# %haan shook the thick, wet pelt of black hair. #, a!nt has never been r!de to an one in her home in her life.# #5nlike me.# #5nlike o!,# she a"reed, not even tr in" to work o!t wh the were sittin" here havin" this st!pid conversation in her bedroom of all places/he bein" who he was and she... #+emma tried throwin" me o!t,# he admitted, takin" a 1!ick sip at his drink. #*!t '/convinced her that o! wo!ld handle all this better with me here rather than an one else.# #*eca!se o! don#t care.# %he nodded !nderstand&in"l . %he knew e4actl wh she had cl!n" to Rafe rather than an one else.

#That isn#t entirel tr!e, %haan.# He so!nded "r!ff all of a s!dden. #' know o! won#t believe this, b!t ' knew from the be"innin" that Piers was not the man for o!. All ri"ht,# he conceded at her deridin" "lance, #'#m relieved he came to his senses before it was too late. *!t ' am not pro!d of the time he took to do it Nor will ' for"ive him easil for the wa he#s h!rt o! toda . No one,# he finished ro!"hl , #has the ri"ht to wo!nd another h!man bein" like he has done... 'f it "ives o! an satisfaction at all to know it, ' can tell o! that he and ,adeleine are not pro!d of themselves for/# #'t doesn#t,# she c!t in, risin" abr!ptl to her feet. #And ' reall don#t want to hear it.# 3iftin" the "lass to her mo!th, she tossed the f!ll contents to the back of her throat, then stood, back arched, e es closed, breath held, while she absorbed the lick of li1!id heat and waited for it to be"in n!mbin" her a"ain. %he didn#t want to feel an thin" et. %he wasn#t read . %he didn#t even want to think/not abo!t herself, not abo!t Rafe, and especiall not abo!t Piers and ,adeleine. #All ri"ht, Rafe.# P!ttin" down the "lass, she t!rned s!ddenl on him. Her e es were still too bi" in her pale face, b!t her mo!th was steadier, the colo!r be"innin" to ease back into her shock&whitened lips. #' know this has all been an ordeal for o!, and ' thank o! for the bother o!#ve taken with me, b!t '#m "oin" to be all ri"ht, and ' wo!ld like o! to leave now.# Now, before it all came h!rtlin" on top of her, before the real h!rtin" be"an, before... *!t he "ave a "rim shake of his dark head, not even attemptin" to "et !p, and %haan $!mped in alarm when his hand snaked o!t to close aro!nd her wrist, the s!dden tin"le of her defences warnin" her that she wasn#t completel n!mb as he p!lled her back down to sit beside him. #'#m not "oin" et,# he informed her bl!ntl . #' have a proposition to p!t to o! first. And ' want o! to hear me o!t before o! sa an thin". ' know o!#re in shock, and ' know o! can#t possibl be capable of makin" decisions of an kind. *!t '#m "oin" to force this one on o! for the simple reason that ' think, if o! a"ree, we can at least save o!r pride if nothin" else from this mess.#

He pa!sed, then t!rned to look directl at her, those "re e es of his ver "!arded b!t !nwaverin" as the ca!"ht and held onto her own "a2e. #0ill o! marr me instead of m brother, %haan)# he re1!ested "ravel . CHAPTER T0O :OR a sin"le, short, breath&lockin" moment %haan e4& , perienced a complete mind black&o!t. Then, #/Have o! "one mad/)# she choked. #0h , o! despise the ver si"ht of me.# <That isn#t tr!e, %haan,# Rafe denied. Not listenin", she tried to "et !p, b!t fo!nd her le"s wo!ldn#t let her. Her whole bod had t!rned to cr!mblin" stone, the shock waves of the past co!ple of devastatin" ho!rs be"innin" to crack her wide open inside. His hands came o!t to capt!re her own, closin" al= fo!r of them ti"htl to"ether on her lap and compellin" her to t!rn aro!nd and face him. He looked tense, as white as she felt, b!t determined. %he was tremblin" so badl now that even her head shook, 1!iverin" on the slender c!rve of her neck, her breathin" "one ha wire beca!se of the ti"ht contraction of her l!n"s. #' know '#m not Piers,# he "riml conceded. #Nor ever will be for that matter. He#s m half&brother, and as different from me as/as ,adeleine is from o!. *!t/# ,adeleine. The name was be"innin" to ha!nt her, like the face/that sweet, "entle face, with its bi" bl!e v!lnerable e es s!rro!nded b a clo!d of soft "olden hair. ,adeleine was the archet pal pocket >en!s, the fine porcelain doll. 0hile %haan/she was the/ #%he#s ri"ht for Piers, %haan.# Rafe said fiercel , as tho!"h her tho!"hts were so open to him that he co!ld easil make them his own. #%he alwa s was. The were childhood sweethearts, o!n" lovers before a st!pid mis!nderstandin" had ,adeleine fl in" off to live with her mother in America last ear...# #' told o! ' didn#t want to hear an of this.# she cried, tr in" desperatel to str!""le a"ainst the black clo!d threatenin" to

completel overtake her. #All ri"ht.# he rasped, s!ckin" in a tense breath, then lettin" it o!t a"ain. #3isten to this instead,# he insisted. #'n three da s# time, o!r a!nt and !ncle sho!ld be leavin" on a three&month lon" world cr!ise. (o o! think the #ll even consider "oin" now, after what#s happened to o! toda )# %he stared at him, havin" for"otten all abo!t her a!nt and !ncle#s deli"hted plans to take their dream cr!ise now the niece the had taken care of so lovin"l for the past nine ears was leavin" the fold, so to speak. <The don#t have to worr abo!t me,# she said shakil . Til tell them/# #Tell them what)# he challen"ed when she fell silent, her mo!th movin" so!ndlessl . #That o!#ll be fine sittin" here all on o!r own for the ne4t three months "rievin")# #' don#t intend to "rieve,# she denied, stiffenin" in affront. ?-ood.# He nodded his dark head in approval. #'#m "lad to hear o!#ve "ot more spirit than to do that. *!t wo!ld o! leave them on their own if somethin" as devastatin" as this had happened to them) Of co!rse o! wo!ldn#t.# He answered for her. #And if o! did mana"e to convince them to "o, do o! think the #d en$o themselves, knowin" how the #d left o! behind)# #'#ll "o and sta with +emma...# #+emma is "ettin" married herself in a few months,# he reminded her. #How did o! know that)# she "asped in shaken ama2ement. He shook his head, dismissin" that 1!estion as insi"nificant. #3et#s $!st leave it that ' do know. To inflict o!rself on +emma now wo!ld spoil the e4citement fc her, beca!se o!r own r!ined weddin" da will sit over o! all like a thick black clo!d.# #0hich doesn#t mean ' need to inflict m self on o! instead.# she cried, h!rt b the cr!ell bl!nt wa he had made her face that fact. #0h not)# he demanded, "riml determined "re e es borin" strai"ht into her wo!nded brown ones. #'f an one deserves it, then ' do. 7o! said o!rself that this was all m fa!lt, and ' damned well know it.# he admitted ro!"hl . #'t was me who called ,adeleine to warn her abo!t o! and Piers, 't was me who advised her to "et back here if she still

felt an thin" for m brother. And it was me who enco!ra"ed them to see each other at ever possible moment ' co!ld arran"e, to make Piers see what a dreadf!l mistake he was makin" b marr in" o!.# ?-od, ' hate o! so.# she choked, t!rnin" to flin" herself face&down on the bed, her poor bod h!rtin" in so man different places that she act!all shook with it. #3isten to me.# To her s!rprise he la back too, stretchin" o!t beside her as tho!"h he had ever "iven ri"ht to be this close to her, when onl esterda he had shied awa from even lookin" at her. #%haan...# His hand came o!t to stroke down the silk wet pelt of her hair, his fin"ers tremblin" sli"htl . #' admit it. ' feel lo!s abo!t it all. -!ilt , if o! want to call it that. ' owe o!. 3et me help o! "et thro!"h this with at least some di"nit .# #* offerin" o!rself in o!r brother#s place)# %he la!"hed, the so!nd shrill with near h steria. #How old are o!)# she demanded, t!rnin" onto her back to "lare bitterl !p at him. He "rimaced. #Thirt &fo!r.# #' am twent &two ears old,# she informed him. #Piers is twent &fo!r.# #All ri"ht,# he bit o!t, $erkin" !p and awa from her. #%o '#m no bar"ain when compared to m brother. '#m not askin" o! to love me instead, $!st/"ive me a chance to help o! thro!"h these ne4t few months while o! "et over this.# %he didn#t think she wo!ld ever "et over this. #And what will o! "et o!t of it)# %he hadn#t spent the last three ears of her life workin" for the (anvers compan witho!t learnin" ver earl on that their revered chairman didn#t do an thin" witho!t a damned "ood reason for doin" it. #3ike o!,# he said, #' save the famil face.# #7o!#re that concerned with famil hono!r)# Her sceptical look made his mo!th "row ti"hter. #, brother sho!ld be whipped o!t of town for the wa he !sed o!, %haan. 't makes the (anvers name dirt .# 5sed... %he sank back a"ainst the pillows, her e es clo!din" over darkl . 7es, Piers had !sed her8 all alon" the line he had !sed her, with his declarations of !nd in" love and passionate promises.

He hadn#t $!st !sed her, he had "rossl defiled her. And the onl savin" "race she co!ld "lean for herself o!t of it all was the knowled"e that he hadn#t "iven in to her pathetic little pleas to make love to her before the married. #-od, ' feel sick.# Rollin" di22il off the bed, she ran, st!mblin", into the bathroom, where she was horribl and h!miliatin"l sick while Rafe stood there beside her, holdin" her hair awa from her face, "riml takin" her wei"ht while she leaned weakl over the bowl. Here she stood, she fla ed herself bitterl , a vir"in on her weddin" da /with no "room to care one wa or another that she had saved herself for him. The bitterness welled !p and sliced thro!"h her e es as she ran the cold tap so she co!ld splash her clamm face with water. Rafe was wron" abo!t one thin" if he tho!"ht himself no bar"ain compared to his brother. He was worth ten of Piers/and that had nothin" to do with looks or charm, or even the love still throbbin" in her breast for his brother, despite all the h!rt he had inflicted on it. 't had to do with this/this deepl inbred sense of responsibilit he possessed. The kind which had made him warn his brother#s e4&lover abo!t what Piers intended to do. 't had to do with this/this need to p!t ri"ht what one of his own had messed !p. Her life/the famil name. Their m!t!al hono!r. T won#t marr o!, Rafe,# she said, leanin" heavil a"ainst the wash basin. #Not to save o!r face or m own face. ' won#t de"rade m self an f!rther b panderin" to $!st another (anvers method of e4ploitation.# #'#m not tr in" to e4ploit o!,# he denied "r!ffl . #7es o! are.# %he lifted her head to stare bleakl at his "rim, hard face in the bathroom mirror, then $!st stood there, starin" instead at the empt void which was her own !nreco"nisable face. The tears be"an to b!rn at the backs of her e es, and she covered them with her hands, her bod be"innin" to sh!dder in another bo!t of weak self&pit .

Rafe#s hands were firm on her sho!lders as he t!rned her into his arms. And she felt his heav si"h as she str!""led a"ainst the onset of tears once a"ain. #' have nothin" left...# she whispered bleakl . #Nothin"...# #*!t o! will a"ain soon,# he m!rm!red reass!rin"l , and s!ddenl his arms were ti"htl cr!shin" bands aro!nd her. #Come awa with me now, %haan,# he !r"ed her h!skil . #At the moment, onl o!, me and Piers know what he act!all said in his letter. Onl we three know the real reason wh there was no weddin" toda . Even o!r !ncle didn#t reall !nderstand/onl that Piers had decided not to marr o!. #0e can tell them he fo!nd o!t abo!t !s, that o! and ' had fallen in love. Piers won#t tr to den it. He#ll $!st be relieved that we#ve fo!nd some wa of makin" him come thro!"h it smellin" cleaner. The #re alread spec!latin" down there as to wh o! wanted me with o! rather than an one else. 3et#s "o and tell them that o! and ' are "oin" awa to"ether to marr 1!ietl somewhere. 3et#s "ive them somethin" to clin" onto, %haan/ a bit of hope.# #Ever thin" has been packed,# she whispered into his sho!lder. T h& haven#t "ot an thin" to wear.# #0e can soon remed that,# he said, the tension seepin" o!t of him when he reco"nised her words as a statement of defeat. His arms ti"htened on her in a short moment of enco!ra"ement, then he was takin" her back into the bedroom and over to the stack of s!itcases waitin" b the door. #0hich one shall ' open)# he prompted h!skil . %haan stared down at them. Her tro!ssea!, she tho!"ht emptil . The clothes she#d spent weeks "atherin" to"ether for the e4press p!rpose of pleasin" Piers. Pointin" to one of the cases, she t!rned abr!ptl awa , sh!dderin", beca!se the ver idea of wearin" an thin" she had packed in those cases filled her with horror now. Rafe "lanced sharpl at her, b!t didn#t sa an thin", his face ti"htenin" with a new a""ression as he picked !p the small weekend case and laid it on the bed so he co!ld flick open the catches. %haan came to stand beside him, lookin" into the case with him. 'nside

la a variet of female fripperies, from the e4pected toiletries to a neat pile of brand&new silk !nderwear, and the tension l in" between them be"an to p!lse with a new knowled"e. This was the case she wo!ld have !sed for her weddin" ni"ht. 't contained onl the kinds of thin"s a new bride wo!ld want to have aro!nd her on s!ch an important occasion. %oft, delicate, se4 thin"s, to tantalise her new h!sband with. 0itho!t a word, her lips s!cked back hard a"ainst her ti"htl clenched teeth, she reached down and selected a pair of white silk briefs and matchin" bra. Then she took o!t the !ncr!shable silk +ac1!ard s!it in a bold apple&"reen colo!r that she had packed to wear after their stop&over in Paris. After that the had been s!pposed to "o on to the %e chelles for a month&lon" hone moon. Then she t!rned, walkin" awa towards the bathroom, her dark head held hi"h. The door closed behind her and Rafe stood, starin" at the closed door for a lon" time, before t!rnin" slowl back to the case. Then, on an act of violence which wo!ld have startled %haan if she#d been there to witness it, he sent the small case fl in" to the floor with a sin"le, vicio!s swipe of his hand, "larin" down at the t!mbled arra of feminine items scattered at his feet. 0hen she came back, tho!"h, dressed, her hair contained in a simple knot at her nape, she fo!nd the room neat and tid . Rafe was standin" b the window, lookin" bi" and dark and forbiddin", with that black scowl on his face. *!t the moment he saw her he smiled, albeit "riml , and came over to her side. #O@)# he asked. %he nodded, knowin" she sho!ldn#t be allowin" this to happen, b!t somehow !nable to find the stren"th to p!t !p an more opposition. Rafe was ri"ht abo!t one thin"/he was the onl person she felt she co!ld share the torment with beca!se he had been the one to insti"ate it in the first place. #3eave the talkin" to me,# he advised as he t!rned her towards the bedroom door. %he didn#t answer/co!ldn#t have if she#d tried/b!t she nodded. %he had to tr!st in him to be the sane one. 't was the onl wa she co!ld

cope ri"ht now. The went to the sittin" room. Her a!nt, her face red and swollen with cr in", looked nothin" like the bri"ht, happ , if over&e4cited woman %haan had watched leave for the ch!rch earlier toda . -one was the h acinth&bl!e dress she had been wearin", and the h!"e, frivolo!s hat %haan and her !ncle had teased her abo!t the da she had bro!"ht it home and showed them. %he came to her feet as the entered, still so shaken that she needed her h!sband#s help to do so. And s!ddenl the looked old and frail, so !tterl !nable to cope with the horror and emotion of it all. :or nine ears of her life these two people had loved and cared for her, taken !p the responsibilit of Tari1 and ,ar %aketa#s child after she#d been left orphaned b a dreadf!l accident. Even tho!"h the had been well into their fifties then, and !n!sed to havin" children aro!nd them, the had been "ood and lovin" towards her, had "iven her ever thin" it was in their power to "ive her, p!t their own lives on hold for her sake, and been happ to do it. %eein" %haan safel married to Piers had meant the end of their commitment to her. And while she had been b!s plannin" her weddin" da , these two wonderf!l people had been $!st as e4citedl plannin" their dream world cr!ise like two teena"ers set free from parental control at last. And Rafe was ri"ht, she co!ldn#t spoil that for them as well. #%haan...# Her a!nt#s hoarse and tremblin" voice bro!"ht fresh tears to %haan#s e es as she h!rried forward to "ather her into her arms. #'#m all ri"ht,# she ass!red her, closin" her e es beca!se she co!ldn#t bear all this. Co!ldn#t bear their pain alon" with her own pain. #Reall ' am.# Over the top over her a!nt#s soft "re head, %haan looked at her !ncle. #'#m so sorr ,# she whispered, !nable to stop herself from sa in" it. Rafe moved !p beside her, his hand slippin" aro!nd her waist in an act of "rim s!pport. #,r 3ester...# #' hope o!r brother has it in him to feel shame for what he#s done

toda ,# %haan#s !ncle said ti"htl . #0ith all respect, sir,# Rafe came back politel , #m brother was at libert to chan"e his mind ri"ht !ntil the last moment/$!st as %haan was at libert to chan"e hers also,# he added s!ccinctl . #Oh, m poor child.# her a!nt sobbed, and, !sin" what was left of her depleted banks of ener" , %haan helped her back to the sofa, aware that she was !nable to s!pport herself for ver m!ch lon"er. Rafe let her "o, his hand droppin" to his side as he stood watchin" the "entle wa %haan seated both herself and her a!nt before "atherin" the older woman close while she cried softl . #Nevertheless, he sho!ld be made to face !p to his obli"ations,# %haan#s !ncle contin!ed, aimin" the bl!nt criticism directl at Rafe. #'f onl in his d!t to let m niece down less cr!ell than waitin" !ntil she was read to leave for the ch!rch before p!llin" this treacher .# #'n this case, '#m afraid that kind of d!t doesn#t co!nt,# Rafe replied, his "rim "a2e not reactin" to the o!tri"ht attack. #7o! see,# he went on cooll , #m brother ref!sed to marr %haan beca!se he had discovered that she is in love with me.# %haan leaned her head back a"ainst the soft leather head& rest and closed her wear e es. %he had never felt so drained and empt in her whole life. Rafe drove the car in silence, "rim faced and with& drawn now the worst of it was over. Oh, he had been ver clever, ver alert all the wa thro!"h the ordeal. He had not allowed her to be spoken to alone, he had not even allowed her !ncle to 1!estion her on an of Rafe#s tersel delivered statements. And, oddl , her !ncle had seemed to respect the wa Rafe had been determined to protect what he was now claimin" as his own. Rafe had $!st told them in crisp, simple En"lish that he and %haan had fallen in love on their first meetin", that the two of them had been tr in" to fi"ht their feelin"s ever since, and that/as her !ncle wo!ld e4pect of her/%haan had ref!sed to t!rn back from a marria"e she felt alread committed to. 'n the end, o!t of desperation, Rafe had said, he himself had approached his own brother to plead with him on their behalf onl that mornin".

That Piers had, of co!rse, backed o!t of marr in" a woman who was in love with his own brother was perhaps onl nat!ral !nder the circ!mstances, the #d been told. He was sorr for all the heartache and embarrassment the had ca!sed ever one, he#d "one on. *!t he was not sorr for stoppin" the weddin" from takin" place. Rafe had then calml told them that he was now "oin" to take %haan awa and marr her himself, 1!ietl , and that, like themselves, the intended leavin" the co!ntr on a lon" hone moon !ntil the f!ss died down. And now the were drivin" to/she had no idea, nor did she care. %he took with her the small consolation of knowin" that somehow Rafe had mana"ed to convince her !ncle and a!nt that ever thin" had been done for the best. That, far from bein" broken in two b Piers# desertion, %haan was act!all relieved that she had not "one ahead and married him. %he had left their ho!se knowin" that the wo!ld be takin" their world cr!ise as planned, in the knowled"e that their niece, whom she s!spected the were disappointed in, was in safe and lovin" hands. *!t, altho!"h Rafe mi"ht have saved her from bein" labelled a $ilted bride, he was mistaken if he believed his sol!tion had done an thin" to ass!a"e her pride, beca!se it hadn#t. :or now she knew she looked like the $ilter rather than the $ilted, and reall that was $!st as bad, $!st as !nacceptable to those people who mattered. On top of that she still felt !sed, defiled and re$ected. And no lies, no matter how convincin"l presented, co!ld ease the terrible sense of loss and inade1!ac she was s!fferin" ri"ht now. The car drew to a halt, and she opened her e es to find herself starin" at the (anvers famil #s ele"ant home, set in its own "ro!nds in this presti"io!s part of 3ondon. 0itho!t a word to her, he climbed o!t of the car, lookin" faintl ridic!lo!s in his formal clothes as he came aro!nd to open her door and help her o!t, leadin" her in e1!al silence into a ho!se she had never felt even the sli"htest bit welcome in. As the stepped into the hail, a short, d!mp woman with fri22led hair and a harassed face came b!stlin" towards them. #Oh, ,r (anvers,# she "asped o!t in a"itated breathlessness. #'#m so "lad o!#re home.

The telephone ref!ses to stop rin"in"/# %!re eno!"h, as if on c!e, the phone be"an pealin" o!t even as the woman spoke. #Ever one wants to speak to o!, and ' $!st didn#t know what to sa to them. The sa ,r Piers has $ilted his...# %he noticed %haan then, half&hidden behind Rafe#s frame, and went as red as a beetroot, then as white as a sheet. #Oh, dear, '#m so sorr . '...# Rafe made a "est!re of impatience. #P!ll the blood pl!" on that phone, ,rs Clo!"h.# he commanded "r!ffl , and t!rned to stretch an arm aro!nd %haan#s sho!lders. He be"an "!idin" her !p the stairs and alon" the !pper landin" into a room which co!ld onl be his own private s!ite $!d"in" b the sheer masc!line power of the place. #%it down,# he told her, movin" awa from her and indicatin" a brown leather armchair placed beside a h!"e old oak fireplace. #' won#t be lon". ' $!st want to chan"e o!t of these clothesA He went, disappearin" thro!"h another door, leavin" her starin" n!mbl at the chair. Her mind had "one blank, reaction settin" in to take her off somewhere deep inside herself where no one else co!ld "o. %he tried to move and fo!nd she co!ldn#t/co!ldn#t remember how to make her limbs work. Her face felt stiff and drawn downwards, her sho!lders achin" from the rod of tension braced across them. Her head was throbbin", her stomach was 1!eas , and her e es were b!rnin" in their sockets/not tearf!l, b!t hot and dr . %he heard the faint so!nd of "!shin" water, reco"nised it as a shower, b!t that was abo!t all. Time ticked b , the 1!ietness of the room havin" no effect on her whatsoever. Her hands h!n" limpl at her sides, the fin"ers feelin" oddl heav . Her mo!th drooped downwards too, as tho!"h a wei"ht was t!""in" on each corner. %he contin!ed to stare blankl at the chair. Rafe came back, comin" to an abr!pt halt when he saw her. The smell of clean, male soap permeated the air aro!nd them while he st!died her thro!"h narrowed, faintl worried e es. #%haan.# he said her name caref!ll . %he didn#t t!rn/co!ldn#t. %he heard him, b!t co!ldn#t seem to respond. The heaviness had transported itself to her limbs now, dra""in" down on them, holdin"

her like a h!"e block of wood pinned sec!rel to the "ro!nd. And her head felt heav , the ver top of it feelin" as tho!"h someone was pressin" forever harder down on it, tr in" to p!sh her into the carpet beneath her feet. Rafe came over to her, the clean smell of soap stren"thenin" as it came with him. 't was a ver stran"e feelin", this paral sin" wei"htiness which was disablin" ever thin" b!t her senses. The still seemed to be workin" fineB her sense of smell, of hearin", even her sense of to!ch seemed intact, as he reached o!t to "rasp her chin, liftin" her face so he co!ld st!d it. %he saw him frown, saw the "re e es darken in con& cern. %he saw that he had showered, his dark hair was l in" slick a"ainst his head now. %he saw he had chan"ed into a pale bl!e shirt and cas!al linen tro!sers that fitted cleanl on his trim waist. #Are o! "oin" to faint, b an chance)# he m!rm!red en1!irin"l . 7es, she tho!"ht, ' think perhaps ' am. And she closed her e es at the e4act same moment that she swa ed towards him. He ca!"ht her, m!tterin" and c!rsin" as he lifted her into his arms, and once a"ain she fo!nd herself bein" carried b this man who had r!ined her life, thro!"h to the ne4t room and over to a h!"e emperor&si2ed bed, where he laid her before disappearin" into what co!ld onl be the bathroom, $!d"in" b the so!nd of water r!nnin" a"ain. He came back with a "lass of water and a facecloth. He p!t the "lass down on the bedside table, then sat down on the bed beside her to appl the cloth to her clamm brow. His to!ch was "entle, the cloth delicio!sl cool and refreshin"8 his thi"h where it rested li"htl a"ainst her own was stran"el comfortin". #7o! remind me of a doll,# he informed her dril . #A rather fra"ile, ver temperamental clockwork doll who#s had her ke removed.6 (ra""in" open her e es, she mana"ed a weak smile for him. He smiled too. 't was a rare si"ht, somethin" she had never seen him do before, and it chan"ed the whole str!ct!re of his face, softenin" its a""ressivel male lines and addin" an e4tra dimension to his persona that she fo!nd rather pert!rbin". 0h , she didn#t know, and she frowned as she closed her e es a"ain.

#Here, ' want o! to take these...# Her lashes flickered !pwards to find that Rafe was now holdin" the "lass of water in one hand and two small white pills in the palm of the other. %haan stared at them for a moment, then shook her head. #No,# she ref!sed. #' don#t want sleepin" tablets.# #These are not sleepin" tablets as s!ch,# he ass!red her. #The #re simpl some ver mild rela4ants o! can b! over the chemist#s co!nter witho!t a prescription. ' !se them to "et me thro!"h lon" plane $o!rne s,# he e4plained at her d!bio!s e4pression. #7o! won#t sleep !nless o! want to, b!t the will help o! to rela4. 7o!#re as str!n" !p as piano wire, %haan,# he added "entl , and to!ched the back of her hand. 't was shock. Not so m!ch his to!ch, b!t the s!dden realisation that both her hands were clenched into white&kn!ckled fists at her sides. Her arms were tense, her sho!lders, her neck, her le"s/all locked in a tension so stron" that she was literall tremblin" !nder the press!re. #And an wa ,# he added softl , # o! aren#t bein" "iven a choice...# And before she co!ld do an thin" abo!t it he had pressed her chin downwards and popped the two pills into her mo!th. %he almost choked on the water which 1!ickl followed the pills. #%orr A he apolo"ised at her acc!sin" look. #*!t o! need to be b!llied a bit ri"ht now. 't will save o! from havin" to think for o!rself.# 7es... she had to a"ree with that. Thinkin" meant h!rtin", and at the moment she was h!rtin" eno!"h/more than eno!"h. On a si"h that seemed to come from some deep, dark place in her, she let her e es close a"ain, sh!ttin" him o!t/wantin" to sh!t it all o!t and $!st let the pills do whatever the were s!pposed to do. 't was shock/the dela ed kind of shock o! hear of people e4periencin" where the "et hit b a car then "et !p and walk awa , onl to discover the sho!ld not have been walkin" an where beca!se the were so badl in$!red. That was what she had been doin" since Rafe had arrived this mornin" to smash her whole world apart. %he was one of the walkin" wo!nded,

not 1!ite read et to face what had reall happened to her. 0hich meant when she did find the co!ra"e to face it she was "oin" to fall apart. And when that happened she co!ld well find herself involved in a second accident. One which trapped her so completel that she wo!ld not be able to walk awa even if she wanted to. #0e sho!ldn#t be doin" this, Rafe,# she m!rm!red worriedl . #'t isn#t ri"ht. 't isn#t/# #' tho!"ht we#d $!st decided that ' was "oin" to do all the thinkin",# his 1!iet voice interr!pted. The hand still coverin" one of her clenched ones, s1!ee2ed "entl . #Tr!st me, %haan,# he m!rm!red. #And ' promise o! ' won#t let o! down.# On a si"h that si"nalled the end of her small b!rst of spirit, she retreated into malleable silence a"ain. Rafe remained where he was for a few moments lon"er, watchin" her. %he co!ld feel his e es on her and wondered d!ll what it was he tho!"ht he was seein". A pitiable creat!re called his brother#s $ilted bride) Or that other %haan, the one who had been so completel overwhelmed at their first meetin" b his clear dislike of her that the person she reall was had literall shrivelled !p in his presence) #(o o! dislike me so m!ch beca!se of ,adeleine) Or beca!se of m mi4ed blood)# she heard herself ask, witho!t reall knowin" she was "oin" to sa it. %till, his response bro!"ht her e es flickin" open. #0hat/)# he rasped. #(id ' hear o! correctl ) 0ere o! $!st acc!sin" me of racial pre$!dice then)# %he hadn#t meant to offend him, et seemin"l that was e4actl what she had done. #7o! hated to to!ch me,# she reminded him. #Or even to look at me if o! co!ld avoid it. 0hat else was ' s!pposed to think)# #0ell, not what o! did think, that#s for damned well s!re.# He "ot !p, and she felt oddl lost witho!t him close to her. #7o! act!all believed me crass eno!"h to dislike o!r relationship with m brother beca!se of o!r mi4ed race)# He was obvio!sl havin" diffic!lt takin" that in. %he closed her e es a"ain, too trapped in this feelin" of m!scle&locked

apath to do m!ch more than smile r!ef!ll at his resentment. *eca!se the real point was, if it wasn#t her mi4ed race, then what was it he didn#t like abo!t her) *eca!se there was definitel somethin". #-et some rest,# he said "r!ffl . #0e#ll talk abo!t it later.# 7es, later, she a"reed silentl as her m!scles be"an to slacken o!t of the tension&lock that shock had held them in. The co!ld disc!ss all of that later... CHAPTER THREE #'T#% all arran"ed.# Rafe came into the drawin" room with his now ver familiar a""ressive stride, makin" %haan $!mp beca!se it felt as if he had onl $!st walked o!t before he was back a"ain. *!t then, he had not left her alone for more than a few min!tes at a time d!rin" the last fort &ei"ht ho!rs. And ever time she had fo!nd herself with a few moments# respite from his a""ressivel dictatorial presence, it had alwa s been with a terse ass!rance from him that he wo!ld be back in seconds, makin" s!re she knew that she wo!ld not have time to sink into the broodin" miser the both knew l!rked beneath the fra"ile s!rface of her ha2 e4istence. #0e "et married in the mornin" $!st before o!r a!nt and !ncle leave for their cr!ise.# #Oh.# %he went pale, the s!dden sinkin" of her heart tellin" her that she sho!ld not be allowin" this to happen. Rafe "lanced at her, "re e es hardenin" when he saw the wa her small white teeth be"an to press into the soft c!shion of her f!ll bottom lip. #+emma has a"reed to stand witness for o!,# he went on firml . #%he wants o! to rin" her8 ' said o! wo!ld.# A wr ish twist to!ched his mo!th. #%he#s worr in" in case '#m holdin" o! here a"ainst o!r will, so o!#ll have to ass!re her that '#m not/won#t o!)# A challen"e8 she was receptive eno!"h to note the challen"e in his voice on that last 1!estion. #'...# #Have o! "ot an thin" s!itabl white to wear inside those s!itcases we bro!"ht with !s)# he asked as she opened her mo!th to answer the first real 1!estion he had asked her in

fort &ei"ht ho!rs/onl to find herself !tterl thrown b the second one. #'... es...n&no... ' d&don#t know...# %he blinked, her still shocked mind havin" diffic!lt keepin" !p with him for half of the time/and as for the other half, he $!st didn#t allow her to keep !p. ?0&wh ...)# she mana"ed to ask. #To marr me in,# he si"hed, shovin" his hands into his tro!ser pockets as he "lared into her blank black e es. #7o! ripped o!r weddin" dress to shreds, if o! remember)# 7es, she remembered, and sh!ddered. %he#d ripped her lovel dress to shreds in front of Rafe, had stood totall naked in front of Rafe. %he had been ph sicall sick in front of Rafe, had let him talk her into lettin" him take the place of his brother... %he#d let him constr!ct a pack of lies for her famil , let him brin" her here to his ho!se, which had been t!rned into a positive fortress within min!tes of them arrivin". The bi" iron "ates had been locked to an visitors, and the smalt cl!ster of reporters who bad collected o!tside them had been completel i"nored. He was, she was comin" to learn, the most ama2in"l determined man when he set his mind on somethin". :rom the moment she#d conceded to bis cra2 s!""estion in her bedroom two da s a"o, he had not "iven her a sin"le opport!nit to withdraw her a"reement. 'f she opened her e es, he was there. 't didn#t matter what time of the da or ni"ht it was, Rafe was alwa s there. %ittin", standin", pacin" abo!t the room like a ca"ed animal !ntil she opened her e es. Then the orders wo!ld be"in. -et !p, sit down. (rink this, eat that. Take a shower, "et into bed, "o to sleep. C!ite simpl he had taken her over, and in doin" so demanded her f!ll compliance to his ever wish and command. And if he ca!"ht her broodin" at an time he snapped her o!t of it with the "!tt!ral bark of his voice, almost cr!el in his methods of keepin" her mind off his brother. Piers. A kind of an"!ished desolation washed over her, takin" what little colo!r she had in her face alon" with it. #%haan.#

The bark hit her eardr!ms, makin" her wince, "ratin" alon" her nerve& ends as she forced her e es back into foc!s to find him "larin" at her, e es like silver lasers borin" into her, b!rnin" o!t ever thin" else b!t the power of his presence. #0hite,# he prompted. #' want o! to marr me in white. Think. Have o! "ot an thin" white in o!r s!itcases)# 0hite. Her mind went white, a complete white&o!t, as she tried hard to remember what her lovel tro!ssea! consisted of. Then she la!"hed, a hi"h&pitched, sli"htl h sterical so!nd that hardened his face as he stood there "larin" down at her. #A white silk ni"htdress and matchin" ne"li"ee,? she said, and nodded, seein" herself as she had the da she#d tried it on in the e4cl!sive 0est End lin"erie shop. %oft and slink , it had cl!n" to the slender conto!rs of her bod , from the narrow bootlace straps which had seemed too fra"ile to hold !p the two trian"les of fine silk that had covered her breasts to her ankles. %he remembered the delicio!s tremor of anticipation she had e4perienced as she#d stood there lookin" at herself in the f!ll&len"th mirror in the shop, seein" herself as Piers wo!ld see her/the white for p!rit , the silk for sens!alit , its sheerness offerin" an enticin" "limpse of her woman#s naked bod waitin" for him beneath. *reasts f!ll and ro!nded, nipples d!skil invitin". The flatness of her stomach and the narrowness of her waist. The sed!ctive clin" of the fabric aro!nd the swell of her hips and the hollow of her navel. And the velvet dark shadow at the $!nct!re with her thi"hs which marked the embodiment of her womanhood. #' don#t s!ppose o!#ll want me to wear that,# she concl!ded, lettin" o!t another of those strained little la!"hs. His frown blackened. #No, ' don#t s!ppose ' wo!ld,# he a"reed, and abr!ptl t!rned his back on her. #Rin" +emma,# he commanded. #-et her to pick somethin" s!itable o!t for o! to marr me in and brin" it with her in the mornin". -od knows,# he si"hed, #neither o! nor ' dare step o!tside m blasted "ates !ntil this damned thin" is over.# R!nnin" a wear hand thro!"h his hair, he walked o!t of the room, leavin" her to chew pensivel on her bottom lip, beca!se she had

s!ddenl realised that this m!st be $!st as bi" an ordeal for him as it was for her. 0ell, almost. He hadn#t lost someone he loved/he was $!st marr in" someone he didn#t. %he ran" +emma as instr!cted, b!t rel!ctantl , beca!se she still wasn#t read to speak to an one/+emma perhaps least of all. Her friend was no fool. %he#d been well aware of how blissf!ll and blindl in love %haan had been with Piers. #0hat#s "oin" on, %haan)# +emma demanded the moment she knew who it was. #:or -od#s sake, love, what are o! tr in" to do) 7o! can#t replace one brother with the other. 't#s a recipe for disaster.# , life is a disaster, she tho!"ht tra"icall , and closed her e es a"ainst the never far awa threat of tears. #'t#s what ' want,# she stated 1!ietl . #'t#s what we both want.? #*!t o! don#t even like Rafe.# +emma cried, so!ndin" an"r and bewildered. #7o! even admitted to bein" a little afraid of him.# ?' was afraid of the wa he made me feel,# she ar"!ed, thinkin" b!t it was close to the tr!th8 she had alwa s felt Rafe was a threat to her happiness. #*eca!se o! were fallin" in love with him)# 3ove/what#s love) she wondered blankl . %he was s!re she didn#t know an more. #7es,# she replied. #And now o!#re "oin" to marr him instead of Piers,# +emma concl!ded. #7es,# she said a"ain. #7o! sho!ld be relieved, not an"r ,# she said, then added dril , #7o! alwa s did hold Piers in contempt.# #He was devio!s.# +emma defended her opinion. #%omeone who smiled as m!ch as he did $!st had to be hidin" somethin". *!t ' never tho!"ht for one moment it wo!ld be another woman.# That h!rt, and %haan flinched. #0hich $!st "oes to show what a l!ck escape we all had, then, doesn#t it)# she mocked rather bitterl , recallin"/as no do!bt +emma was recallin"/the headline on ,rs Clo!"h#s dail newspaper which had said, (AN>ER% *ROTHER% %0AP *R'(E% 'N %EN%AT'ONA3 3O>E T5%%3E. 0hat a $oke, %haan tho!"ht bitterl . And what a pack of lies for the

sake of a catch headline. Rafe didn#t love her, and ,adeleine had never been his bride. %he was now Piers# bride, tho!"h, %hann recalled d!ll . The article had said soB #Piers (anvers married ,adeleine %teiner onl an ho!r after he sho!ld have been marr in" %haan %aketa#. 0hich meant that Piers m!st have been plannin" to let her down lon" before he bothered to tell her he no lon"er wanted her. There had been more in the article, b!t Rafe had happened to walk into the kitchen then, and snatched the newspaper awa from her. His black f!r at ,rs Clo!"h for brin"in" it into his ho!se had been eno!"h to t!rn the other woman white, while %haan had $!st sat there sh!dderin" in sick dis"!st at the depths of Piers# deceit #(o o! think o!#ll have time to pick somethin" s!itable o!t for me to wear tomorrow)# she asked +emma now, dra""in" her mind awa from the onl moment since this had all be"!n when she had been in real dan"er of breakin" free from this n!mbin" shock she was hidin" behind. Rafe had stopped her8 he had bodil lifted her off the kitchen chair and marched her into his st!d , then d!mped her down in front of a PC, switched it on and shoved a handwritten twent &pa"e doc!ment in front of her. #7o! can t pe, can#t o!)# He#d mocked her look of bewilderment. #%o/t pe. ' need it b l!nchtime.# #7es, of co!rse ' will.# +emma#s voice seemed to reach her from some totall alien place o!tside her m!ddled tho!"ht patterns. #*!t ' wish o!#d take a little time o!t to think abo!t this before doin" it,# she added worriedl . #7o! co!ld be $!mpin" strai"ht o!t of the fr in" pan into the fire/have o! tho!"ht of that)# Of co!rse she had. 0hen Rafe "ave her the chance to think for herself, that was. And that had definitel not been esterda , when he#d heaped piles of work on her, she recalled r!ef!ll . *!t thinkin" didn#t help. Nothin" helped. %he simpl did not care what happened to her. %o, #' love him,# she claimed, the realit of the words meanin" nothin" to her an more. #He#s what ' want. (on#t spoil it for me, +emma.# #All ri"ht# +emma#s si"h was lon"&s!fferin" b!t her manner softened a

little when she added, #'#ll see o! tomorrow.# +emma#s choice was a ,ondi s!it in the severel tailored st le that partic!lar desi"n ho!se had made its own in recent ears. The skirt was darin"l short and needle&slim, and the matchin" $acket mo!lded %haan#s slender fi"!re to low on her hips and was fastened with "old militar b!ttons to match the militar braidin" aro!nd the sleeve&c!ffs and the collar. There was no blo!se. The fitted st le of the $acket left no room for a blo!se, and the shortness of the skirt seemed to add an alarmin" len"th to her slender le"s, which were encased in the sheerest white silk. Too short)# she asked +emma pensivel , "ivin" a self&conscio!s t!" at the skirt&hem. #Are o! $okin")# +emma scoffed, standin" beside %haan to view the finished prod!ct in the f!ll&len"th mirror. #Rafe#ll need holdin" back when he sees o! in this. 7o! look fab!lo!s, %haan,# she added softl . #5tterl st!nnin".# *!t %haan didn#t feel st!nnin". %he felt as if she was lookin" at a total stran"er. As if that "irl, with the bi" brown empt e es and $et&black hair swept sleekl awa from her face into a silken knot on the crown of her head, was someone else entirel . 'n fact the onl thin" she did reco"nise, which said it reall was herself standin" there, was the fine "old chain aro!nd her throat, with its heart&shaped locket s!spended from it, which held photo"raphs of her parents# beloved faces. Cold fin"ers tremored !p to "entl to!ch the familiar locket, and s!ddenl tears were floodin" to bl!r o!t the reflection. #0h the tears)# 0ith a small start she blinked the moist!re awa , lon" lashes flickerin" down and !pwards as she bro!"ht her "a2e into foc!s on +emma#s "rave face in the mirror. #' tho!"ht brides were allowed to be weep ,# she parried. #%!re,# +emma a"reed. #The #re even allowed to look all pale and tantalisin"l ethereal.# Her voice was loaded with mocker . #All o! have to do now is smile and ' mi"ht even be"in to believe that o!

reall want this.# #(on#t,# %haan pleaded hoarsel , hoodin" her too revealin" e es. #(on#t probe, +emma. ' don#t think '#m !p to it ri"ht now.# #0h )# her best friend demanded. #*eca!se o! know deep down inside that this/marria"e, for want of a bet& ter word for it,# she tossed off tartl , #won#t stand !p to scr!tin )# %haan#s heart fl!ttered in her breast/the first si"n she#d had for da s that life act!all still e4isted inside her/as a moment#s desperation welled !p. Her lashes flickered a"ain, and a brief "limpse of that desperation revealed itself to +emma. On a "asp, she sp!n %haan aro!nd to "ive her a small shake. #:or "oodness# sake.# she said fiercel . #0hat the hell is reall "oin" on here)# The bedroom door opened, and as if Rafe co!ld act!all sense that %haan#s co!ra"e was be"innin" to fail her he walked arro"antl into the room, his silver&hard "a2e flashin" from one tense female face to the other. %haan went hot, then cold, starin" at him thro!"h a ha2 mist which wasn#t entirel d!e to her lin"erin" tears. Rafe was wearin" a simple dark b!siness s!it over a plain white shirt and dark silk tie. Nothin" special. 7et there was somethin" abo!t him/the red rose he wore in his lapel ma be/which seemed to make a statement of possession in itself, that trapped the air in her l!n"s and sent a pricklin" sense of awareness trippin" tho!"h her. #%haan, o! look bea!tif!l,# he m!rm!red br!s1!el . #%hall we "o)# 3ike a woman in a trance, she nodded m!tel and walked obedientl towards him, feelin" +emma#s silent, pleadin", helpless protest followin" behind her in !r"ent waves b!t !nable to stop herself. 'n a few mad da s, Rafe had made himself so indispensable to her that she co!ld den him nothin". He was the rock she cl!n" to in the storm& wrecked destr!ction that had taken place inside her. As if he knew it, he took her hand as soon as she was in reach, drawin" it firml into the crook of his arm and holdin" it there with his own hand. There, o!#re safe now, the "est!re seemed to sa ,

and she lifted her br!ised e es to his and smiled/albeit weakl , b!t it was a smile. %he didn#t hear the soft "asp her friend !ttered when she saw that smile, nor did she see the hard look of tri!mph Rafe sent +emma, beca!se she had alread lowered her head and was lost in that ha2 world of nothin", rel in" totall on this man beside her for her ver s!rvival. 't was a brief civil ceremon /a relief to %haan, who didn#t think she co!ld have coped with an thin" more. Her a!nt and !ncle were there. The h!""ed and kissed her and told her to be happ , b!t she saw the look in their e es and knew the were still s!fferin" a similar shock to herself over what had happened. +emma was more direct. %he took hold of her friend#s sho!lders and made her look directl at her, takin" her chance while Rafe stood across the room talkin" "riml to a man he had briefl introd!ced as, #%a!l, m second in command.# #An thin",# +emma said !r"entl . #'f for an reason o! need me for an thin"/ o! $!st call and '#ll come. 5nderstand)? %haan nodded, her e es h!"e and dark and empt in her pale face, #Thank o!.# %he leaned forward to br!sh a kiss across +emma#s warm cheek. #Please don#t worr abo!t me, +em,# she pleaded as she drew awa a"ain. #Rafe will look after me.# #0ill he)# +emma#s sceptical "a2e lifted to take in the man in 1!estion. #He better had, or the (anvers famil will have me to contend with.# %haan mana"ed to smile at that, reco"nisin" the threat for what it was /a weak one, since +emma was in no position to do the (anvers famil an harm. *!t the meanin" was clear/+emma was not fooled. %he was p!22led, b!t not fooled, and she considered the (anvers famil had done eno!"h to her friend witho!t h!rtin" her an more. There was no weddin" breakfast. Rafe r!shed her strai"ht into a waitin" limo!sine the moment the left the re"ister office. He said it was beca!se the had a plane to catch, b!t %haan had to wonder if he was r!shin" her awa beca!se he knew their deception wo!ld not hold !p to an real scr!tin .

And the irritatin" press didn#t help. Their flashb!lbs had been e4plodin" in their faces from the moment the had stepped o!t of Rafe#s ho!se, and hadn#t stopped since. * the time the cha!ffe!r& driven limo!sine sped awa from the kerb, %haan was wiltin" with fati"!e, the act of pla in" the blissf!l bride havin" drained her to the ver dre"s. #All ri"ht)# Rafe en1!ired, his hand coverin" her cold ones where the la to"ether on her lap. %he nodded, si"hin" as she leaned back into the soft, s1!ash leather seat. #0ill o!r pict!re be splashed all over the papers a"ain tomorrow) 6 Her tone alone said she didn#t relish the idea. #That depends,# he replied, #on whether there#s a disaster between now and then. 0e are classed as e4pendable news.# He answered the p!22led look she sent him. #The $!ic fill&in to help sell their ra"s if nothin" better comes alon"/v!l"ar, isn#t it)# #How do o! live !nder s!ch constant notoriet )# she asked with a small sh!dder. #' don#t/!s!all ,# he replied, and she sh!ddered a"ain, in bleak reco"nition this time that it was her fa!lt that he was havin" to end!re it now. #'#m/sorr ,# she whispered. #0h sho!ld o! be sorr )# he clipped. #'t wasn#t o! who ca!sed this partic!lar sensation, %haan. 't was me.# #And Piers,# she added hollowl . #The (anvers brothers, then.# He nodded, and leaned forward to press a b!tton on the console in front of him which sent the sheet of "lass that partitioned them off from their driver slidin" downwards. #,ake s!re o! lose them before we head for the airport,# he commanded. #The #ve had their floorshow8 now the can take a r!nnin" $!mp.# The man nodded and "lanced in his rearview mirror, and swerved neatl into the o!ter lane, takin" a ri"ht t!rn at the ne4t set of traffic li"hts, then a 1!ick left, appearin" to an one who knew 3ondon well that he was takin" them directl back to Rafe#s 3ondon address, his sharp "a2e constantl checkin" his rearview mirror. *!t after a while he chan"ed direction, sweepin" them o!t of 3ondon and toward

Heathrow. #7o!#ve $!st "ot time to chan"e o!t of that s!it before we board,# Rafe told her when the #d booked into the first class depart!re lo!n"e. And he handed her a fli"ht ba" before directin" her to the ladies room. %he nodded and went, comin" back ten min!tes later dressed in a soft cream cotton shirt and a pair of b!ff&colo!red tro!sers that ,rs Clo!"h m!st have packed for her, beca!se she certainl hadn#t done it for herself. %he fo!nd Rafe lo!n"in" b the wall not three feet awa . He hadn#t chan"ed, b!t, then, his o!tfit was not so obvio!sl bridal. The red rose had "one from his lapel, tho!"h, and his face was wearin" that harsh, implacable look she hadn#t seen at all that mornin". His e es "littered oddl as the "lanced over her, sprinklin" her with a stran"e sense of intimac that she fo!nd !nnervin" simpl beca!se she did not !nderstand it. Then he was reachin" o!t to take the fli"ht ba" from her, and the odd look was "one. #0e#re r!nnin" late,# he said, c!rvin" a hand aro!nd her arm to be"in "!idin" her thro!"h the millin" thron" of fellow travellers. He was r!shin", and she had to r!n to keep !p with him as he strode towards the lon" row of depart!re "ates linked b a movin" pathwa . The entered the plane via a connectin" corridor. Their seats were the best in the first class section of the 9D9. :eelin" sli"htl bewildered, and not a little harassed after all the r!shin" abo!t, it felt to %haan as if the #d onl $!st "ot settled when the plane was in the air. And it was onl then that she realised she had no idea where the were fl in" to. #0&where are we "oin")# she 1!estioned. #' wondered how lon" it wo!ld take o! to ask that.# Rafe#s smile was ti"ht. #A lon" wa ,# he answered. To Hon" @on", to be e4act.# Hon" @on") %he blinked. #How lon" will that take !s)# #:ifteen ho!rs if we#re l!ck , seventeen if we#re not.# He hailed a passin" hostess and ordered some soft drinks, then sat back, fishin" in his $acket pocket for somethin". #Here, take these.# A!tomaticall she held o!t her hand to receive the two small pills.

#*!t...# #No b!ts,# he said. #'t#s a hell of a fli"ht8 better to sleep as m!ch of it awa as o! possibl can.# The hostess ret!rned with their drinks8 she had a "entle smile and oriental e es. Rafe took the drinks and held one of the "lasses to %haan#s lips. #Pop the pills, %haan,# he ordered flatl . 0itho!t botherin" to ar"!e, she did as he told her, then drank to wash them down. #And ma be it#s a "ood time to warn o! that those two pills are the last o!#re "oin" to "et,# he informed her as she settled back into her seat with a si"h. %he t!rned her head to look at him 1!estionin"l . #'t#s time to be"in standin" on o!r own two feet, %haan,# he e4plained 1!ietl . #Pill&poppin" onl d!lls problems8 it doesn#t c!re them.# #' never wanted the pills in the first place,# she reminded him. #'t#s o! who#s been forcin" them onto me.# #0ell, not an more,# he promised. #Now, tell me abo!t o!r parents,# he re1!ested. #7o!r father was a 3ebanese doctor, wasn#t he)# How did he know that) she wondered as she nodded in confirmation. #*!t he trained here in 3ondon,# she informed him. #0hich is where he met m mother. %h&she was a n!rse workin" at the same teachin" hospital... The were killed,# she m!rm!red, a fine&boned hand driftin" !p to her throat to close over the little "old locket she alwa s wore there. #* a car bomb in *eir!t whilst the were o!t there workin" for an international aid a"enc .# #How old were o!)# #Thirteen.# %he smiled sadl . #' was sta in" with m a!nt and !ncle at the time, so ' simpl /went on sta in" with them. The #ve been ver "ood to me,# she added on a soft si"h. #*!t o! still miss o!r parents,# he 1!ietl concl!ded. #7es.# ?%hh,# he m!rm!red, when her dark e es "la2ed over with a wall of warm moist!re. He did a stran"e thin" then. He reached !p to "entl take the "old locket from her fin"ers, lifted it !p, br!shed it a"ainst her lips like a

kiss, and caref!ll lowered it back to her throat a"ain. #-o to sleep,? he commanded "entl . 't was the last thin" she remembered. The lift she was travellin" in s!ddenl dropped ten floors in as man seconds. Her e es flew open, that awf!l sinkin" sensation leavin" her stomach alive with b!tterflies. Then she $!st stared, completel bewildered as to where she was. 't took several more tro!bled seconds to remember, then that now familiar feelin" of desolation washed over her. 'f needed several more min!tes of "rim, ta!t stillness before she mana"ed to contain it eno!"h to take an interest in her s!rro!ndin"s. The cabin was in darkness, the distant h!m of the plane#s powerf!l en"ines barel impin"in" on the 1!ietness s!rro!ndin" her. %omeone had reclined her seat and covered her with a li"htwei"ht blanket, and a pillow had been positioned beneath her cheek. The sh!tters were down on the porthole windows, b!t it onl took a "lance in that direction to realise it was as dark o!tside as it was inside the plane. T!rnin" her head slowl , she fo!nd herself lookin" directl into Rafe#s sleepin" face. His !ne4pected closeness ca!"ht at her breath. :or some reason she hadn#t e4pected him to be asleep. Over the last few da s she had never seen him an thin" b!t a""ressivel alert, and she fo!nd it rather disconcertin" to see him like this. 3ike her own, his seat was reclined, his dark head rela4ed on his sho!lders and facin" her wa . He had removed his $acket at some point d!rin" the fli"ht and his tie had "one too. The top few b!ttons of his shirt had been t!""ed loose and the sleeve&c!ffs rolled !p to reveal the crisp, dark coverin" of hair on his tanned forearms. His hands la in a loose link across the flatness of his stomach, the "old rin" he had insisted she place on his left hand "leamin" softl in the dimness. %he "lanced at her own hands, clasped in a similar wa to his, and st!died the matchin" rin" she was wearin". ,arried, to a stran"er. A wr smile to!ched her lips and she t!rned to look back at him. 0hat did he think) she wondered. 0hat did he reall think abo!t the cra2 liaison the had embarked !pon) His face told her nothin", as !s!al. Even in repose it still kept its

tho!"hts to itself. 7et, with his winter&"re e es hidden beneath lowered lashes that formed two shadowed arches a"ainst his hi"h cheekbones, there was a "entler look to him, while those to!"h lines of a""ressive determination were eased awa b sleep. And his mo!th looked softer, kinder, the lips formin" a smooth bow shape that s!ddenl str!ck her as s!rpris&in"l sens!al. %!rprisin" beca!se she had never tho!"ht of Rafe in that wa before. *!t now she felt somethin" be"in to stir inside her, somethin" like the fine br!shin" of fin"ertips on the linin" of her stomach, and her heart "ave a low, dronin" th!d in response. No8 she denied it and closed her e es a"ain, blockin" it o!t/blockin" him o!t. Rafe mi"ht have made himself virt!all indispensable to her ver e4istence at the moment, b!t she didn#t want to start feelin" like that abo!t him. 't smacked too m!ch of desperation. And her emotions were tra!matised eno!"h. Piers. A si"h whispered from her, saddened and pained. #Are o! awake)# %he opened her e es a"ain to find herself starin" directl into Rafe#s, smok "re and less probin" in the darkness. (id he act!all know the ver moment she be"an thinkin" of his brother) she wondered. 't was certainl !ncann the wa he alwa s mana"ed to interr!pt her tho!"hts before she had even "ot as far as con$!rin" !p Piers# smooth, handsome face. #7es.# %he softl stated the obvio!s. #How lon")# she asked him. He lifted an arm, e es narrowin" as the s1!inted at the l!mino!s hands on his watch. #Ei"ht ho!rs, "ive or take,# he informed her. #Not bad.# His hand came !p, fin"ertips br!shin" a stra strand of black hair awa from her cheek. The action startled her/not beca!se he had to!ched her, b!t beca!se that same fl!tterin" sensation skitterin" aro!nd her stomach had made her flinch defensivel awa from it. %he co!ld not have offended him more if she#d s!ddenl started verball attackin" him, she realised on a r!sh of achin" remorse. All hint of softness disappeared from his face,

and in the ne4t moment he was sittin" !p, his seat drawn into its !pri"ht position, and he had flicked on the overhead li"ht. %haan sta ed where she was for a few moments lon"er, "!ilt s1!ee2in" at her chest. Then she sat !p slowl . #'#m sorr ,# she m!rm!red. ?'/# #' s!ppose o!#re read for a drink.# C!ttin" ri"ht thro!"h her apolo" , he pressed the call b!tton for the hostess, and %haan "rimaced, acknowled"in" that perhaps she deserved it. Rafe had been nothin" b!t steadfastl s!pportive towards her8 it was onl nat!ral that he sho!ld like to believe he co!ld to!ch her witho!t her reactin" so violentl . The rest of the $o!rne was an ordeal. ,ainl beca!se she fo!nd she co!ldn#t sleep an more of the lon" ho!rs awa , and had to sit 1!ietl beside Rafe while he immersed himself in paperwork. He had prod!ced a briefcase that %haan had not noticed him brin"in" with him !ntil he#d p!lled it o!t from beneath his seat. And, other than to $oin her for the odd li"ht refreshment to break !p the tedi!m, he proceeded to i"nore her for the rest of the $o!rne . %he onl $!st mana"ed to contain the ne4t nervo!s start, when he s!ddenl reached across her, his warm bod br!shin" a"ainst hers as he flicked the cover awa from the window. #'f o! want to see one of the most spectac!lar si"hts o!#re ever likel to see, then look o!t there,# he s!""ested, movin" smoothl back into his own seat. Her e elashes fl!ttered, a moment#s blank incomprehension holdin" her completel still while she fielded the li"ht tin"les the innocent br!sh of his bod had activated in her. No, she told herself conf!sedl . 't was s!rprise which had ca!sed the sensation, not/ ?%haan)# he prompted. %he s!cked in a shak breath and p!lled herself to"ether, "lancin" to her ri"ht/then she "asped. The s!n was shinin", and below them the waters of the famo!s >ictoria Harbo!r "listened "old in the bri"ht li"ht And stretchin" as far as she co!ld see stood the b!ildin"s. Tall, individ!al thin"s, of all shapes and si2es, packed in ti"htl , one on top of the other, et e4!din" a stran"e kind of bea!t that e4cited the senses.

#,eet Hon" @on",# Rafe said 1!ietl . #The !ndeclared $ewel of the so!th China seas. An thin" that is worth an thin" is traded here. :or a tin o!tcrop of rock, it wields more corporate power than most of the world#s "overnments wo!ld dare to admit.# %he co!ld believe it, %haan tho!"ht as she stared in awe at the kind of sk line that co!ld "ive ,anhattan a r!n for its mone . #Over si4 million people live and work in that tin plot of land,# he contin!ed. #And on some da s o! can believe it,# he added dril . #7et, havin" said that, ' have been comin" here almost all m ad!lt life, and '#ve et to see a scrap of paper on the floor or a hint of vandalism an where. Hon" @on" is pro!d of itself and its achievements, and the people reflect that pride in the wa the . care for their cit . #The have a transport s stem that p!ts 3ondon to shame, whether it be the old&fashioned trams that r!n packed to the "!nnels for hardl an char"e at all, or $ the %tar :err which connects Hon" @on" itself with the @owloon penins!la, or the !nder"ro!nd s stem, efficient, spotlessl clean and bea!tif!ll air&conditioned, hi other words, o! can "o an where with the minim!m of effort/so lon" as o! don#t "o b road,# he added r!ef!ll . #*!t that reall wasn#t what ' meant when ' s!""ested o! look,# he said as the plane banked s!ddenl , then flattened o!t a"ain. #' was act!all meanin"/this...# His timin" was perfect. Her hand went o!t. 't was p!rel instinctive to want to "rab hold of somethin", and it happened to be Rafe#s arm as she let o!t a sharp "asp in !tter disma . #, -od, Rafe,# she breathed. #0e can#t be more than ten feet from the tops of those b!ildin"s.# #Hair&raisin", isn#t it)? He "rinned, watchin" her e4pressive face instead of the view of @owloon that seemed to come !p to meet them as the flew in. <The consider it the most dan"ero!s airport approach in the world, et its safet record is impeccable. 0e#ll make it, never fear,# he ass!red her softl . 't was then that she realised $!st how fiercel her nails were c!rlin" into his arm, and on a s!dden fl!sh of colo!r she !ndipped them. #'#m so sorr ,# she m!mbled. #' $!st didn#t/# 'n answer, Rafe took hold of her hand, placed it back on his arm and

held it there. #' tho!"ht o! knew, %haan,# he m!rm!red. #7o! can clin" to me as fiercel as o! like. 't#s what '#m here for. 't#s what ' want.# Her l!n"s drew in air on a soft "asp at the e4pression in his e es. *!t, no8 she denied it, shakin" her head. Rafe didn#t want her/co!ldn#t want her. The mi"ht be married, b!t it was no ordinar marria"e. 't was simpl an e4ercise in savin" face. %he co!ldn#t bear it to be otherwise. Not now, not et. ,a be never... CHAPTER :O5R O5T%'(E, the h!midit hit %haan like a hot, wet blanket bein" slapped into her face. #Come on.# Rafe took her arm as she pa!sed, havin" to fi"ht to dra" the thick, h!mid air into her l!n"s. #There#s a limo waitin"8 let#s "et inside it before we melt.# Once the were inside, the car moved off with a silent smoothness and %haan let her head fall back a"ainst the soft leather c!shions. %he felt like a limp ra", whilst Rafe looked as alert and as fresh as he had when he#d escorted her o!t of his ho!se this mornin"/or had it been esterda mornin") %he co!ldn#t remember, hadn#t taken the tro!ble to find o!t what the time difference was. #0hat time is it)# she asked, totall disorientated. #Almost noon,# he said. #3ocal time,# he clarified when he ca!"ht her e4pression. #Abo!t fo!r in the mornin" to !s.# No wonder she felt dead on her feet.# Her e es were havin" diffic!lt even foc!sin", the felt so tired. The car battled its wa thro!"h the snarlin" traffic and into a t!nnel which she ass!med was takin" them beneath the water to Hon" @on" itself. Then the were movin" alon" the rows of tall b!ildin"s where the modern splendo!r of plate "lass and for"ed steel stood alon"side old and cr!mblin" colonial stone. There seemed to be no rh me nor reason as to wh one b!ildin" plot had been transformed into a plate "lass towerblock while the one beside it bore the resemblance of a sl!m. 7et between them both, the onl added to the charm of the cit interest. which was alread be"innin" to spark her

The p!lled !p o!tside the ele"ant&lookin" place with a porticoed entrance and white !niformed porters waitin" to $!mp to open the car doors for them. #0elcome, ,r (anvers, ,rs (anvers.# The o!n" Chinese man who bowed to them s!rprised %haan with his personal knowled"e of who the were, b!t it did not seem to s!rprise Rafe at all. #, wife is e4ha!sted, 3ee,# he said with the brisk informalit of one who came here a lot. #Are we in m !s!al s!ite)# #7es, sir.# 0ith a snap of his fin"ers, 3ee had two more porters r!nnin" to "et their l!""a"e from the boot of the limo. #'f o! will follow me, we will deal with the formalities.# 0ith a $a!nt lilt to his stride, he moved off in front of them, leavin" %haan feelin" sli"htl overawed b all the special treatment as she followed m!tel behind, with Rafe#s hand possessivel on her arm. %he had alwa s known he was important/ after all, he was head of the "reat (anvers Corporation. *!t she tho!"ht this kind of treatment was reserved for "overnment di"nitaries and film stars onl . %i"nin" in took mere seconds, then 3ee was leadin" them off towards the lifts and politel invitin" them to precede him inside before he stepped in with them and set the lift movin". %haan felt so tired she was in dan"er of wiltin". And, indeed, when Rafe#s arm came abo!t her sho!lders to !r"e her a"ainst him, she didn#t bother to str!""le8 it was that necessar to let him take at least some of her wei"ht for her. #Han" on a little lon"er,# he m!rm!red !nderstand&in"l . #Then o! can have a nice lon" shower to freshen o! !p before we "o in search of l!nch.# 3!nch) #All ' want to do is fall into bed,# she told him on a stifled awn. #No can do, '#m afraid,# he ref!sed. <The best wa to combat $et la" is b fi"htin" it. -et thro!"h the rest of toda witho!t sleep and o!#ll feel a whole lot better for it tomorrow. Tr!st me,# he added at her protestin" look&Tr!st me#. His favo!rite two words, she tho!"ht as she s!bsided wearil a"ainst him. A small smi=e to!ched his mo!th as he watched her, b!t there was no hint of E softenin". That solid chin of his still $!tted o!t in st!b&8 born determination, and she let o!t a stifled

si"h. #One? da soon '#m "oin" to p!t a stop to o!r b!ll in", Rafe,6 she promised him on another awn. #Reall )# he said. #-ood. '#ll look forward to it.# %haan "lanced !p at him, lookin" for the e4pression that sho!ld have "one with that dist!rbin"l san"!ine. tone, b!t, as !s!al, his face told her nothin". The man was an eni"ma, she decided. A total eni"ma,. Their room was a l!4!rio!s s!ite, with a rich rosd carpet and cream damask f!rnishin"s. %he barel had$ time to take in the spacio!s sittin" room, with its soft, c!rvin" settees and ele"ant dinin" table complete with8 candelabra, before Rafe had hold of her arm a"ain. 3ee was dismissed, and Rafe took her thro!"h another door.$ 't was a bedroom, f!rnished in the same soft colo!rs. b!t with a h!"e do!ble bed covered with a cream satin 1!ilt. #The bathroom is thro!"h there,# Rafe indicated with= a nod of his dark head. #-o and take a shower, wake o!rself !p, while ' check on the ba"s.# Twent min!tes later, wrapped in a snow white bath# robe she had fo!nd han"in" behind the bathroom door, she came back into the bedroom to find that ever thin" had alread been !npacked and p!t awa for her. And han"in" on the wardrobe was a fresh set ol clothes/ et another displa of Rate#s peremptor manner. He#d selected a plain linen shirt&waister dress in a nat!ral wheat colo!r, with brown leather b!ttons !p the front and a matchin" brown leather belt. %he had never seen it in her life before/or the matchin" brown bla2er that h!n" beside it. Or the brown leather shoes sittin" neatl to attention on the floor, and the cream silk !nderwear draped on the bed. 0ith a p!22led frown, she stepped !p to the wardrobe and slid open the door. 't was a shock. %he reco"nised nothin" of her own in there. 0hat the hell...) she wondered in a moment#s blank incomprehension, then felt the first r!mblin"s of m!tin be"in to b!bble inside her. :rom the moment she#d left her a!nt and !ncle#s ho!se she hadn#t

seen a sin"le piece of her own l!""a"e. %ome of the domes she had so lovin"l bo!"ht for her hone moon with Piers had appeared in the wardrobe back at Rafe#s ho!se, b!t a lot of them hadn#t, and the s!itcases she had never seen a"ain. Even her fli"ht ba" had been a different one. 'nstead of the black leather ba" that matched her old l!""a"e, Rafe had come !p with a velvet soft tan one, made of the finest kid leather, in which he#d told her to place her personal items. #:eelin" better now)# Rafe appeared in the doorwa to the bedroom. %haan p!shed her hands into the deep robe pockets and t!rned slowl to face him. #0here did these come from)# she demanded. There was a moment#s pa!se. #0h )# he co!ntered cas!all . #(on#t o! like them)# #'t isn#t a case of like,# she said. #' $!st don#t reco"nise them.# #Ah,? he said. #The #re new,# he e4plained. #' had o!r si2es fa4ed o!t here, so ever thin" sho!ld fit...# :a4ed) :a4ed o!t where, and to whom) #*!t where are m own thin"s)# #*ack in En"land.# He shr!""ed and "lanced pointedl at his watch. #' have one or two phone calls to make before we/# #Rafe.# %he stopped him before he co!ld t!rn awa . #Have/have o! discarded all m other staff)6 she asked him incred!lo!sl . #(id o! want to see it a"ain)# he asked, dist!rbin" her insides with the narrowed coolness of his re"ard. #'...noA she admitted, feelin" the colo!r recede from her face. #*!t/# #There is no b!t,# he c!t in. #7o! hated the si"ht of those thin"s and ' hated them too. %o ' "ot rid of them, O@) And even if it isn#t O@ it#s too damned late. 7o!#re m wife now, %haan,# he added "riml . #Not Piers#. And thin"s o! bo!"ht to please him will certainl not please me.# #*!t all that mone , Rafe.# she cried. 0hether he was ri"ht or wron", she was horrified b the !nnecessar e4trava"ance. #0hat mone /Piers# mone )# His mo!th t!rned down into an !"l sneer when %haan lowered her e es in "!ilt. 7es, Piers had paid for her tro!ssea!. %he had been nothin" b!t a ver $!nior secretar who needed ever penn of her income $!st to live. As Piers had pointed o!t to her when the #d disc!ssed their hone moon,

she wo!ld be his responsibilit b then, so wh sho!ldn#t he pa for the kind of clothes he wo!ld e4pect to see his wife wearin") #0ell, then, don#t tro!ble o!rself abo!t it,# Rafe said ti"htl . #*eca!se an mone Piers spent on o! initiall came from me, so the/<e4trava"ance< is m problem, not o!rs. -et dressed,# he commanded, an"er flashin" across his e es as he watched her sink heavil onto the ed"e of the bed. #0e have a b!siness dinner to attend this evenin", and we have to "et across the cit to m offices to pick !p some papers ' need to st!d before we meet these people.# #0e)# Her head came !p sharpl , alarm makin" her catch her breath. #*!t o! don#t need me to/# His harsh si"h c!t her short. He strode over to her then bent to lift her back to her feet, his fin"ers h!rtin" where the pressed into the delicate str!ct!re of her sho!lders. #3isten,# he said. #'n the e es of ever one who matters, we are man and wife. And in the role of wife it is o!r d!t to be at m side when ' entertain. 's that askin" too m!ch)# #'... No, of co!rse not,# she answered stiffl . #-ood.# He nodded. #%o, do o! come with me to m offices, or wo!ld o! prefer to sit here mopin" over o!r lost tro!ssea!)# 't was meant to c!t, and it did. 0hat she didn#t !nderstand was wh he was s!ddenl attackin" her like this. 't didn#t make an sense. #'#ll come with o!,# she conceded d!ll . #+!st for the record,# she added on a s!dden flash of rare defiance, #' co!ldn#t care less what o! did with m other thin"s. *!t ' do ob$ect to o! impl in" that ' was some kind of "old&di""er.# ' was in love with Piers) And ' was marr in" him for the man ' tho!"ht he was/not for what ' tho!"ht ' co!ld "et o!t of him.# #7et o! !se the past tense alread ,# he threw back cooll . #(oes real love wither into the past tense that 1!ickl , %haan)# %he lowered her head, the cr!el ta!nt killin" that small flare of defiance as neatl as if he had taken it between his fin"er and th!mb and sn!ffed it o!t. #3ook,? he contin!ed, t!rnin" impatientl awa from her, #if o! co!ld

h!rr !p in here, ' wo!ld appreciate it. Onl ' need a shower and a chan"e of clothes m self before we/? #0&what do o! mean)# %haan "asped, be"innin" to feel di22 with all the shocks he seemed hell&bent on la in" on her. Rafe was slowl t!rnin" back to look at her, his e es narrowed and ver "!arded as he prompted caref!ll , #Abo!t what, e4actl )# One of her hands made a fl!tterin" movement o!t in front of her. #Rafe,# she breathed, a deep sense of !nease sendin" the tip of her ton"!e on a moistenin" fora aro!nd her s!ddenl dr lips. #'... 0e aren#t/sh&sharin" this bedroom, are we)# #Of co!rse,# he confirmed, e es narrowin" even f!rther when what bit of colo!r she had left in her face drained awa . #This is a one bedroomed s!ite. Of co!rse we have to share it.# %haan stared at him in horror. A one&bedroomed s!ite, she repeated feverishl to herself. 0ith onl one bed. #No,# she whispered as alarm shot like a tho!sand sharp needles thro!"h her. #That#s not fair. '/'#ve done ever thin" else o!#ve e4pected me to do, Rafe. *!t ' will not sleep in the same bed as o!.# #And wh not)# he demanded, so!ndin" so arro"antl s!rprised that she wanted to hit him. #There is no sin that ' know of in a man and wife sharin" the same bed.# #'n this case there is,# she disp!ted, tr in" hard to keep her voice as even as his, so he wo!ldn#t know how close to h sterics she was act!all becomin". %leep with Rafe/close to Rafe) %he shook her lon" mane of hair. %he $!st co!ldn#t do it, and she was h!rt that he was e4pectin" her to. #0e have a deal, o! and '. A deal which involves savin" face and nothin" else.# #E4actl ,# he a"reed, so!ndin" anno in"i calm and lo"ical in the face of her 1!iverin" alarm. #This is the best one&bedroomed s!ite this hotel has to offer. 't#s the one ' alwa s !se when ' come here. People know me in this hotel, %haan,# he said "riml . #How do o! think it wo!ld look to them if ' s!ddenl asked them for one of their two&bedroomed s!ites when the know '#ve $!st taken m self a lovel bride)? %he swallowed, !nderstandin" him e4actl . 'n this partic!lar sit!ation, Rafe was savin" his own face. And she knew/knew even as ever

sense she possessed was clamo!rin" in opposition to it/that she did not have a sin"le protest she co!ld offer a"ainst him doin" that Rafe knew it, too. The wa he stood there, drawin" o!t the new throbbin" silence between them to deliberatel p!nct!ate her n!mbin" defeat, said it all. Then the telephone in the other room be"an to rin". #*e a "ood "irl and "et dressed,# he said as he t!rned to "o and answer it, addin" cas!all over his sho!lder, #' ma as well order !s some l!nch here now the ho!r is "ettin" so late. Ten min!tes, %haan,# he concl!ded peremptoril . No wonder he was s!ch a brilliant b!sinessman, she tho!"ht as she was left starin" blankl at the empt space Rafe had left behind him. The man co!ld c!t an ar"!ment to shreds witho!t even havin" to tr hard. And she sho!ld have remembered that, she told herself "riml , floppin" back onto the bed to stare at the ceilin" with a feelin" of st!nned helplessness. 0orkin" for the (anvers Corporation herself, she wo!ld have to had to be blind and deaf not to know all abo!t the man who paid her wa"es. Not that she had ever had an contact with him/nor so m!ch as set e es on him in mat vast m!lti&store office block where the top&floor chief rarel set foot in the !nhallowed halls of his workin" minions. E4cept once, she recalled, thinkin" back to that one brief moment in time, before she#d even met Piers, when her e es had clashed with those of Rafe (anvers. A da when she had fo!nd herself accidentall tan"led !p in a s!dden wall of bodies that had come s!r"in" o!t of one of the mana"erial offices on her floor. %he#d been walkin" down the corridor, her arms f!ll of files she had $!st picked !p from the filin" department. Restricted as she was, she#d had no hope of dartin" to one side as the #d come like a herd of cattle !pon her. The #d tried to avoid her, she allowed. *!t one rather b!llish& lookin" man wearin" an a""ressive scowl on his face had looked ri"ht thro!"h her as if she hadn#t been there, knockin" so violentl a"ainst

her arm that she#d sta""ered, the files "oin" one wa , she "oin" the other. He hadn#t even apolo"ised, stridin" off witho!t so m!ch as t!rnin" his head to see the destr!ction he had left behind him. 't had been Rafe who had pa!sed, Rafe who#d t!rned to see what all the clatter was abo!t. Rafe who#d come back and apolo"ised for the accident, and en1!ired if she was all ri"ht. The knock had left her breathless, and the fact that she#d reco"nised him instantl as the bi" white chief few ever saw off his own e4ec!tive floor had onl made her more fl!stered. %he co!ld remember bl!shin", remember slidin" her e es 1!ickl awa from the hard impatience "lintin" o!t of his and m!mblin" some incoherent ass!rance that she was fine as she#d bent down to "ather to"ether the scattered files. %he had e4pected him to leave her then/had wanted him to, so she co!ld r!b her arm where the other man had bar"ed into her. *!t he hadn#t. 'nstead he too had come down on his ha!nches, dark tro!sers stretchin" across his powerf!l thi"hs as he#d helped scoop papers back into spillin" files. And that had basicall been it, she recalled. E4cept for her m!mblin" a breathless thank o! when he#d silentl handed her back her files, and he noddin" in acknowled"ement before risin" back to his f!ll, da!ntin" hei"ht a"ain. 't was then their e es had clashed/$!st one tin speck of time when she#d "lanced !p and he#d looked down and the world had seemed to "rind to a di22 , swirlin" halt as those sharp silver points seemed to pierce ri"ht into her. Then he#d nodded his head a"ain and strode off, leavin" her standin" there starin" blankl after him as he went to $oin his impatientl waitin" herd. That sho!ld have been the end of it as far as she was concerned. %o she#d been s!rprised when later on that da the man who had knocked into her t!rned !p at the side of her desk and co!"hed !ncomfortabl . #' believe ' owe o! an apolo" ,# he#d said, his b!llish face ti"ht, as if apolo"ies did not come easil to him and he resented "ivin" this one. %haan had $!st blinked !p at him, wonderin" who had sent him and, more to the point, how the #d fo!nd o!t who she was. %he was, after

all, nothin" b!t a ver $!nior secretar amon"st a whole arm of secretaries who filled !p all the desks in the h!"e t pin" pool. 't was a few weeks later, when she#d been sent to do some !r"ent processin" for Piers, and the #d s!ddenl discovered an attraction for each other, that he had referred to the incident himself, then "rinnin"l filled her in with what had happened afterwards. #Rafe hit the roof,# he#d told her. #The moment he "ot !s all back !pstairs, he t!rned on poor +ack ,ellor and tore him to shreds.# His e4pression alone had said he fo!nd it all rather am!sin". #%aid if +ack wasn#t capable of appl in" even the basics in "ood manners then what the hell was he doin" workin" for him) +ack $!st stared at him, wonderin" what the hell he#d done to brin" on s!ch a rakin" attack. %o Rafe told him/in that neatl slicin" wa he has of diminishin" someone to the ranks of idiot witho!t havin" to tr ver hard/and poor +ack was ordered off to find o!t $!st who o! were, apolo"ise personall and then report back to him.? 'n her mind#s e e, %haan co!ld still see the wa Piers had shaken his fair head r!ef!ll . #' don#t think +ack will ever for"ive Rafe for showin" him !p like that in front of the rest of !s. %ince we were all a bit taken aback b his reaction over s!ch a sill little incident, we half e4pected to hear that o!#d been r!shed to hospital or somethin", with at least some broken bones for o!r tro!ble. *!t o! didn#t even receive a scratch, did o!)# he#d 1!i22ed c!rio!sl . *!t it was onl now, as she la there across the bed8 she was "oin" to have to share with Rafe toni"ht, that it occ!rred to her that the wa Piers had been talkin" had p!t him amon"st that tramplin" herd that had come bearin" down !pon her. %he hadn#t realised that before/ certainl hadn#t noticed him. And onl Rafe had cared eno!"h to stop. Onl Rafe had considered it more than $!st the #sill little incident# Piers had obvio!sl considered it. Piers. A wei"ht pressin" heavil down on her chest sent the air seepin" painf!ll from her l!n"s. Piers, the o!n"er one, the more handsome and s!nn one of the (anvers men. Piers, the less intimidatin" and far less complicated one. And, she now knew, the shallower, more selfish and/ #%haan.# The

so!nd of that harshl raspin" voice callin" from the other room bro!"ht her e es $erkin" open in startled s!rprise. #Comin".# she answered shakil , $erkin" off the bed to stand, swa in" with a mi4t!re of !tter fati"!e and miserable conf!sion as to where her life was "oin" to take her from here on. %he looked down at the bed, ima"inin" two dark heads on the snow white pillows/and sh!ddered in !tter re$ection of what ne4t went skitterin" thro!"h her mind. #No,# she whispered to herself. #No. Never. Rafe doesn#t want me like that. ' know he doesn#t.# And with that comfortin" tho!"ht she made herself "et dressed, determined to be as cool and collected abo!t all this as he was bein". Even if it killed her to do it. Their l!nch was $!st bein" wheeled in as she let herself into the other room. Rafe#s voice so!nded impatient as he instr!cted the waiter to leave the heated trolle b the dinin" table before dismissin" him. (rawn b the delicio!s aroma of freshl "ro!nd coffee, %haan walked over to the table and sat down, her e es caref!ll averted from the lancin", probin" look Rafe sent her. The telephone ran" a"ain while she was po!rin" herself a c!p of coffee, and it was onl as Rafe strode across the room that she realised there was a h!"e cedarwood desk she hadn#t noticed before, the top of it alread lost in a mo!nd of paperwork. No wonder he looks so impatient, she tho!"ht r!ef!ll . 0hile '#ve been ho""in" the bedroom, he#s been workin" like a do". #Coffee)# she offered, strivin" to so!nd at ease when reall she was str!n" !p like piano wire. #Or wo!ld o! prefer to shower first)# He "lanced at his watch, "rimaced, then si"hed. #Coffee,# he decided. #*lack, no s!"ar,# And he made a visible effort to rela4 some of the tension o!t of his sho!lders as he came to $oin her. He had onl taken one step when the telephone be"an rin"in" et .a"ain. On another si"h he t!rned back to the insistent machine and snatched !p the receiver. #No more calls for the ne4t half ho!r,6 he

instr!cted whoever was on the other end, then dropped the phone back on its rest, his e4pression lon"&s!fferin" as he came to sit down opposite her. ,!tel , %haan handed him a c!p, her "a2e watchf!l as she sipped slowl at her own. He "lanced !p, ca!"ht her st!d in" him and "ave a ti"ht, wr smile. :or some reason that smile melted somethin" inside her/"ave her co!ra"e to smile back and ask 1!ietl , #(o o! alwa s have to work at s!ch a pace)# #One of the trials of bein" a hi"h&fl in" b!sinessman,# he dril mocked himself. #All work and no pla ,# she $oined in the $oke. His e es came to life s!ddenl . #Not all work,# he corrected, and watched the embarrassed colo!r sweep her cheeks as his meanin" hit home. Piers had told her all abo!t his women. And if Piers was to be believed /which she wasn#t s!re of an more/Rafe#s women were ver bea!tif!l, ver sophisticated, and ver independentl s!ccessf!l/ women who did not clin" and !nderstood that the took second place in his life to his $ob. #A whole collection of them,# Piers had described ver mockin"l . #%pread o!t in a strin" across the world, all happ to make themselves available to him when he happens to be in town.# One in ever port, %haan m!sed r!ef!ll . (id that mean he had a woman in this port) #Here,# he said, placin" a covered plate in front of her and removin" the domed lid to reveal the li"htest, fl!ffiest omelette she had ever seen. %he stared down at it and decided she did not want it. 'n fact her stomach had $!st closed !p at the ver tho!"ht of food enterin" it %he swallowed tensel , aware of his e es on her, aware that her s!dden lack of appetite was d!e to the s!dden s!spicion that he had indeed "ot a woman t!cked awa somewhere in this crowded cit . And wh sho!ld that bother her) she asked herself "riml . His private life was none of her b!siness. #Eat,# Rafe commanded, after watchin" her stare at her food for too

lon". %he ate, forcin" each morsel into her mo!th and havin" to work at swallowin" it. 't was a relief when the phone started rin"in" a"ain, so that she co!ld desert what was left on her plate when Rafe "ot !p to answer it. #Ri"ht.# He t!rned towards the bedroom the moment he came off the phone. #'#ll be abo!t ten min!tes. 'f the phone rin"s take an messa"es and tell them '#ll "et back to them as soon as 6 can.# #*!t ' don#t speak Chinese.# %haan protested in alarm as he reached the bedroom door. Ama2in"l he was "rinnin" when he t!rned back to face her. #7o! idiot,# he chided. #This is Hon" @on"/ the most cosmopolitan cit in the world. There isn#t a person on this crowded little rock worth their salt who can#t speak better En"lish than we do o!rselves.# #Oh,# she said, feelin" foolish. #Ten min!tes,# he repeated, and was still la!"hin" at her when he disappeared into the bedroom. 0hen he came back, she was standin" b the window "a2in" across ;he ba towards the +ess famo!s sk line of @owloon. #No calls)# he asked. %he t!rned to find him standin" there in a bea!tif!l slate&"re s!it and pale bl!e shirt, with a slim nav tie knotted at his throat. His hair was still sli"htl damp, his tanned $aw swept clean of the shadow that had darkened it before. He wasn#t lookin" at her b!t was concentratin" on t!""in" his shirt&c!ffs into a neat line aro!nd the c!ffs of his $acket, and so missed the silent "asp she co!ldn#t hold back as her senses reacted to how !nnerv&in"l attractive he was. #No,# she answered, feelin" sli"htl breathless. He "lanced !p. Perhaps some of her a"itation was showin" in her voice. His e es narrowed on her face, cooll assessin" as the e4plored her pale, rather conf!sed, e4pression. #0hat#s the matter)# he demanded. #'...nothin",# she denied, lookin" 1!ickl awa from him. #0&will ' need m $acket)# #,a be not o!tside,# he answered, after a short, sharp pa!se that said

he did not believe her. #*!t the b!ildin"s are all air&conditioned and it can be 1!ite cool inside them. And, an wa ,# he added as he strode past her hook her $acket off the back of the chair she had draped it on, #despite the heat, people dress conservativel here. 0itho!t the $acket o! look like a to!rist. 0ith it,# he added, settlin" the silk&lined linen across her sho!lders, # o! look like the ele"ant wife of a b!sinessman.# He came ro!nd to stand in front of her, the clean smell of him f!rther dist!rbin" her alread dist!rbed and conf!sed senses. He stood a f!ll head taller than she did, p!ttin" her e es on a level with his s1!are, cleanl shaven chin. #%haan...# he m!rm!red slowl , #...if o!#re worr i abo!t o! and ' sharin" a bed toni"ht, men don#t.# Tm not.# she denied. #No)# he mocked. #0ell, somethin" is certainl blin" o!.# He lifted a hand to her chin, his fin"e "entl !r"in" her to look at him. #'t/it $!st doesn#t feel ri"ht,# she e4plained shakil$ #AH this/enforced intimac with a man ' hardl /# #3ike)# he inserted. #' never said that.# she denied, liftin" protestin" e e to his. His e4pression was disbelievin" and she si"hed, wishin" he wo!ld $!st "ive her a little space so she co!ld !ntan"le the mess her emotions were in. #7o!#re diffic!lt to/# To i"nore, she had been "oin" to sa , b!t stopped herself beca!se she knew he wo!ldn#t !nderstand. *!t that was e4actl the ri"ht wa to describe the problems she was str!""lin" with $!st now. %he needed/ wanted/to be able to i"nore him as a livin", breathin" se4!all attractive male, b!t she co!ldn#t, beca!se with each passin" min!te she spent in his compan she was becomin" more and more aware of him. A man she co!ld 1!ite easil t!mble headlon" into love with. No. The wa her brain flashed that fri"htened protest at her made her stiffen !p like a board. #Can we $!st "o now)# Her e es pleaded so an4io!sl that he "rimaced, then si"hed in e4asperation. #%!re,# he a"reed. #0h not)# And he let "o of her, leavin" her ver aware that she had $!st mana"ed to

offend him/a"ain. CHAPTER :'>E 'T 0A% a tr in" afternoon, if onl beca!se Rafe was so determined to fill ever second of it. He discarded the idea of !sin" one of the hotel#s cha!ffe!r&driven cars in favo!r of travellin" on the !n der"ro!nd. This was an e4perience in itself to %haan, after bein" !sed to 3ondon#s a"ed !nder"ro!nd s stem, b!t she wo!ld have appreciated it more if she hadn#t been so tired/and if that last little scene in their hotel s!ite hadn#t placed some stiffness between them. The left the !nder"ro!nd at a place called Central, which bro!"ht them smack ban" into the middle of corporate Hon" @on". And the moment the stepped o!tside it was like havin" that wet blanket slapped in her face a"ain. #Two min!tes and we#ll be o!t of it,? Rafe ass!red her, and, with a hand on her arm, r!shed them across a b!s road and in thro!"h a pair of h!"e plate "lass doors which led/thankf!ll /back into blissf!l coolness. His Hon" @on" branch office was sit!ated in a b!ild&in" that resembled a f!t!ristic space rocket strai"ht o!t of a +!les >erne novel. %haan left her stomach behind when the lift rocketed them !p thirt floors in half as man seconds. Then the doors opened, and she fo!nd herself starin" at the most bea!tif!l oriental woman she had ever seen. %milin" in welcome, her lovel sloe&shaped e es were fi4ed directl on Rafe. %he sent him a bow and said somethin" in Chinese to him, which he replied to in the same lan"!a"e. Then she looked c!rio!sl at %haan. #%haan, meet %! 3in", o!r :ar Eastern sales director. %! 3in",# he smoothl concl!ded, #m new wife, %haan.# The woman wasn#t s!rprised, and as she bowed politel to %haan, %haan r!ef!ll pres!med the news of their ver p!blic marria"e had

preceded them even this far. #' am happ to meet o!, ,rs (anvers,# she m!rm!red in a bea!tif!ll accented, sens!o!sl soft voice. #,a ' offer o! both m sincere con"rat!lations)# #Thank o!,# %haan answered awkwardl , feelin" like a fra!d. Thankf!ll , Rafe started demandin" attention, askin" 1!ick&fire, well informed 1!estions as he "!ided %haan across a "racio!s fo er of pale whites and "re s and in thro!"h a door to an ele"ant room walled almost completel in "lass. 't was an office, s!mpt!o!s in its !ltra&modern desi"n, f!rnished almost entirel in "re . -re carpet, "re walls, "re cabinets, "re leather sofas and chairs. A lar"e "re desk took !p almost the whole of one plate "lass wall, and the standard office paraphernalia that was set neatl on top of it was simpl a darker shade of the same nondescript "re . #Coffee wo!ld be nice,# Rafe m!rm!red, and, with a smile and a bow, %! 3in" went off to or"anise it, leavin" Rafe and %haan alone. <This sho!ldn#t take lon",# he promised, "!idin" her over to one of the soft leather sofas and seatin" her on it. The moment she was seated, his attention left her, shiftin" over to the bi" desk where a neat pile of files drew his interest. %haan sat 1!ietl watchin" him as once a"ain he immersed himself in work, sittin" behind the desk on a hi"h&backed "re leather office chair, his lean face sharpened b concentration. He wasn#t a handsome man, she decided as she st!died him. Not in the tr!e, classical sense of the word an wa . Piers was that/a tr!l handsome man with a classicall perfect profile whereas Rafe#s attraction was d!e more to the irre"!larities of his feat!res than their perfect s mmetr . His nose, for instance, was lon" and thin, with a b!mp in the middle of it that s!""ested he m!st have broken it at some time in his life. As if to confirm that theor there was a scar to the side of the b!mp/$!st a tin , thin white line. There was nothin" sinister abo!t it, b!t it prompted c!riosit as to how it had "ot there, s!""ested that Rafe had not alwa s been a man who relied e4cl!sivel on his mental stren"th, as he did these da s. That ma be, in his past, he had been 1!ite

willin" to !se a bit of ph sical stren"th, too. *!t b no stretch of the ima"ination co!ld Piers be called a ph sical man. 3ike the perfect conto!rs of his face, his bod was whip&cord lean, with no obvio!s m!scle to spoil the line of his clothes, whereas Rafe#s clothes/e4pensive and bea!tif!ll tailored as the were/co!ld not 1!ite hide the e4panse of hard m!scle that made !p his bi""er frame. *oth brothers were abo!t the same hei"ht, b!t when the were standin" side b side Rafe ph sicall overpowered Piers in ever wa , with his broader sho!lders, wider chest and a definite an"le to his torso where it narrowed down to lean, ti"ht hips. The line of Piers# bod was smoother, sleeker, b!t it lacked that air of masc!line power that Rafe e4!ded. Even their hair was different. The silk , strai"ht fairness of Piers# hair s!ited the kind of man he was, $!st as Rafe#s thick, dark, sli"htl wav hair s!ited him. Piers smiled a lot, b!t she co!ld co!nt on the fin"ers of one hand how man times she had seen Rafe smile, and she had et to see him smile with an real h!mo!r. Piers co!ld find h!mo!r in $!st abo!t an thin"/ whether the moment deserved it or not. 'n fact, she realised s!ddenl , when she reall tho!"ht abo!t it Piers had a nast habit of la!"hin" at others# misfort!nes/like the time he#d la!"hed at +ack ,ellor#s discomfort at bein" ordered to search her o!t and apolo"ise. 7o!n"er, she reminded herself. Piers was ten ears o!n"er than Rafe and therefore looked at life from a different perspective. And, beca!se he was o!n"er, perhaps she was not bein" fair in tr in" to compare him with his older, far more sophisticated and wordl brother. 7et/ %he frowned, findin" herself comin" !p a"ainst a solid wall which blocked o!t the answer to that # et#. 7et what) she wanted to know, and fo!nd it fr!stratin" to have no answer. #How "ood is o!r shorthand)# %haan blinked, brin"in" her bi" e es back into foc!s to find Rafe st!d in" her narrowl . #'...# %he didn#t reall know how to answer him. Her shorthand was "ood, ver "ood, b!t b Rafe#s hi"h standards that mi"ht not be "ood

eno!"h. #Ade1!ate, ' s!ppose,# she compromised waril , wonderin" wh he wanted to know. #Ade1!ate eno!"h to take down some notes for me while '#m r!nnin" thro!"h these)# He flapped a sheaf of papers at her, with an odd smile pla in" aro!nd his mo!th that almost hinted at wr appeal. #'/s!ppose so,# she answered !ncertainl , "ettin" nervo!sl to her feet. #-ood. Thanks.# (roppin" the papers, he reached down and opened a drawer in his desk, p!lled o!t a notebook and a co!ple of sharp pencils and slid them across to her. #P!ll !p that chair, then, and let#s "ive it "o,# he invited, wavin" her towards a strai"ht backed iair standin" at ri"ht an"les to his own. %he did as he bade, movin" nervo!sl to "et the chair en sittin" down on it, before pickin" !p the notepad and pencil. Rafe barel "lanced at her, his attention seemin"l fi4ed on the papers in front of him. There was a moment or two#s silence while he "athered his tho!"hts, and she had to stop herself chewin" nervo!sl on the tip of her pencil. Then he be"an, voicin" remarks in clear, precise tones that she had no diffic!lt transcribin" for him. 'n a matter of min!tes her nervo!sness had "one, swept awa b the 1!ick&fire wa he dealt with the information in front of him. 't soon became clear that he was readin" some kind of sales pro$ection report, and she was deepl impressed b the wa he cooll and shrewdl picked it to bits, askin" 1!estions and makin" pointed remarks that were "oin" to make the poor person who had compiled it s1!irm in their seat. *eca!se even in her small e4perience there was one thin" she was s!re abo!t/and that was that b the time this report landed on Rafe#s desk it sho!ld have been absol!tel 1!estion&and comment& free. %! 3in" appeared at one point, loaded down with a tra of coffee thin"s. %he pa!sed, s!rprise showin" in her lovel e es when she realised what was "oin" on, then Rafe waved her impatientl across the room, dismissin" her with thanks that bordered on the br!s1!e. %he had barel closed the door behind her before he was back at work, his !se of acid wit as he ripped the report apart drawin" more rel!ctant

appreciation from %haan as she noted it down. 't went on and on, pa"es of 1!estions and comments that held her so en"rossed she act!all $!mped when Rafe spoke to her directl . #(o o! think o! "ot all of that)# Her head came !p, her dark brown e es warmed b a li"ht that hadn#t been in them for da s now. #7es.# she said, then smiled a little wr l at the note of s!rprised pleas!re in her voice. #' ma be trained to take dictation...# she sh l e4plained the s!rprise #...b!t since ' $oined o!r compan '#ve had ver little opport!nit to !se it. ' work mainl for o!r arm of salesmen, and the tend to dictate onto their mini&recorders then pass the cassettes on to be transcribed.# %he "ave a little shr!". #' e4pected to be a lot r!stier than ' was.? 'n fact, she remembered silentl , the onl time she#d had ca!se to !se her shorthand skills recentl had been for Piers, and he had s!ch an eas , laid&back attit!de to dictation that it reall had not been an kind of test of her abilities. Not like $!st now/not like Rafe, who/ #%haan)# %he blinked, brin"in" her mind back to the man sittin" at ri"ht an"les to her. He was watchin" her narrowl and she realised that, once a"ain, he had known the ver moment when Piers# name had popped into her head and was respondin" accordin"l /snappin" her o!t of her reverie before it took too ti"ht a hold. #(o o! think,# he went on once he had her f!ll attention, # o! co!ld transcribe that lot for me if 6 find o! a word processor to !se)# #Of co!rse,# she said, feelin" more comfortable with this boss&secretar relationship than their other, m!ch too intimate one. #-ood.# He nodded, then bent down to open the lar"e bottom drawer in his desk. To her s!rprise he came !p with a lap&top comp!ter which he p!t down on his desk in front of her. #Ever !sed one of these)# he asked, and at her m!te nod d!mped a set of cables on her lap. #Then ' can leave o! to set it !p while ' po!r !s some coffee)# He "ot !p, stretchin" o!t his lean frame in a lon", la2 wa which drew her rel!ctant "a2e to the m!scles fle4in" alon" the ri"id walls of his stomach. Her mo!th went dr and she looked 1!ickl awa , fin"ers s!ddenl all th!mbs, beca!se a stran"e kind of heaviness was

attackin" her own m!scles. +et la", she decided firml . The sensation had nothin" to do with Rafe. After all, his constant closeness was somethin" she had become more than familiar with over the last few da s. 7et, when he moved awa , she let "o of the breath she had not realised she had been holdin" !ntil that moment and frowned, not likin" the s!spicion that she was becomin" more and more aware of him as a real flesh and blood man. * the time he bro!"ht two c!ps of coffee back to the desk, %haan had the lap&top $!mpin" into life. The machine was loaded with the same kind of software she was !sed to !sin", and she opened !p a new file and set her mind to the task in hand while Rafe immersed himself in et more paperwork. The worked in companionable silence for a while, he flickin" thro!"h papers, pickin" !p his pen to score the odd remark across a para"raph, or $!st la2in" back in his chair to read. 't was a stran"e kind of sit!ation, %haan m!sed at one point when she pa!sed to sip at her c!p of coffee. Here the were, stran"ers/enemies to a certain de"ree/b!t newl married and, as far as an o!tsider was concerned, s!pposedl here on their hone moon. 7et at the first opport!nit he "ot, Rafe kept on p!ttin" her to work. #0hat#s the smile for)# His deep voice intr!ded. (id the man ever miss an thin") she wondered r!ef!ll as she "lanced !p to find that far from concentratin" on his own work, as she#d tho!"ht him to be doin", he was sittin" back in his chair, concentratin" on her instead. #' was wonderin" what o!r staff m!st be thinkin" of o!, p!ttin" me to work like this,# she told him tr!thf!ll . #' wo!ld rather know what o! think of me,# he co!ntered softl . %haan lowered her e es, cheeks s!ff!sin" with self& conscio!s colo!r. #' think o!#re a slave&driver,# she said li"htl , decidin" to p!t his potentiall loaded remark in the conte4t she had placed her own remark in. *!t the colo!r remained hi"h in her cheeks for a lon" time afterwards,

and ever time she "lanced !p she fo!nd him still sittin" there $!st watchin" her. 't was dist!rbin". 't was tro!blin". 't made somethin" deep down inside her coil !p ti"htl , as tho!"h it was makin" read to sprin" wide apart at the sli"htest provocation. +et la"8 she blamed it all on that once a"ain/desperatel . '#m "oin" mad with the need for sleep, she told herself firml . That#s all it is. An ho!r after that the were back in the lift. Then swiftl back to the f!t!ristic fo er. #0here to now)# she asked, hopin" he was "oin" to sa back to the hotel for a rest. *!t he didn#t. #To "et o! fi4ed !p with some clothes.# #Oh, Rafe.# she "roaned. #Please, no.# %he was so tired she was almost droppin". #7o!#ve $!st d!mped a whole load of new clothes on me witho!t m knowin" it. ' don#t want an more.# #There#s a shoppin" mall across the road from here,# he said, as if she hadn#t spoken. #7o! can b! an thin" from Chanel to +oe *lo""s there.# Two ho!rs after that, he had her sittin" in an 'talian&st le cafe in the same mall, sippin" stron" black espresso to help keep her awake. ?' think ' hate o!,# she m!rm!red when she ca!"ht him watchin" her with an anno in"l wr smile on his face. #0h are o! doin" all of this)# * #this# she meant the criminal arra of e4cl!sive desi"ner ba"s stacked all aro!nd them both. #'t#s not as if '#ll ever "et aro!nd to wearin" them all.# #' had to keep o! awake somehow,# he replied, seem& in"l indifferent to the amo!nt of mone it m!st have cost him to #keep her awake#. #No pills toni"ht, remember)# #@eep o!r sill pills,# she told him. #+!st find me a c!shion, and 6?66 fall asleep ri"ht now, with m head on this table. How lon" have we been awake now, an wa )# He "lanced at his watch. #Onl twelve ho!rs since o! woke !p on the plane,# he said blandl . #'t feels like a lifetime.# #(rink o!r coffee.# He "rinned. #And o! can stop that, too,# she snapped. #Orderin" me aro!nd like a p!ppet.# His e es narrowed, the silver behind them "lintin" as he st!died her

tho!"htf!ll for a moment. #(o o! still work for me)# he asked c!rio!sl . #(o o! mean <work< as in am ' still emplo ed b o!r compan )# she asked. He nodded. %o she did. #'#m d!e back in the office three weeks on ,onda .6 #Then stop ar"!in" with o!r boss,# he commanded. #'#m on holida ,# she reminded him. The wa he reached across Che table to "rab hold of her hand was so !ne4pected that she $!mped in s!rprise. #7o!#re on hone moon,# he corrected, with softl ta!ntin" emphasis. He watched her "o pale at the reminder and knew she was thinkin" of Piers, not of him. He dropped her hand a"ain. #And don#t flinch ever time ' to!ch o!,# he added, in et another harsh reprimand. #'#m/sorr ,# she m!rm!red, ever hint of new&fo!nd spirit drainin" ri"ht o!t of her. Rafe let o!t a heav si"h of irritation. 't was odd, reall , b!t she had a feelin" it was aimed at himself rather than her. #Come on, let#s "o,# he said "riml . 't sho!ld have been a relief to "et back to their s!ite, b!t it wasn#t. %he was in desperate need of some space on her own, witho!t the threat of Rafe (anvers invadin" it, b!t he wasn#t havin" that. He made her han" !p all her new thin"s. He made her sit down with him in the sittin" room and share a pot of coffee. He made her watch CNN news with him on the T>, And ever time her e es started to close he made them open with some remark that re1!ired concentration and an answer. (id the man never need to rela4 himself) she wondered crossl when, at last, she was allowed to escape to the relative privac of the bathroom while she showered and "ot chan"ed for dinner. (inner. O!t to dinner. 0ith other people/stran"e people. As if she hadn#t been thro!"h eno!"h toda to make her want to sit down and weep at the stress of it all, the were "oin" o!t to dinner with a lar"e "ro!p of his b!siness collea"!es. #Oh/damn o! to hell, Rafe (anvers,# she m!ttered as she fo!"ht with hair that did not want to "o !p in the neat b!n she was tr in" to pin it into. 't took a "ood half&do2en pins to event!all sec!re it/a half&

do2en too man pins, $!d"in" b the wa her scalp was protestin". Half&dead on her feet with $et la", face fl!shed with impatience at her hair, and literall dancin" inside with the state Rafe had p!t her nerves in, she stood and stared at herself in the f!ll&len"th mirror. The dress she was wearin" was a strapless short black silk and t!lle cocktail dress, which ti"htl mo!lded her slender fi"!re from "entl thr!stin" breasts to the ver ape4 of her thi"hs, where it flared o!t in a mid&thi"h&len"th skirt of r!stlin" black t!lle and left too m!ch of her lon" black&stockin"ed le"s on show for her likin". *!t Rafe himself had chosen it/of co!rse/onl this afternoon. He#d forced her to tr it on for him, then f!rther discomfited her b allowin" his e es to lin"er on her m!ch lon"er than the sho!ld have done before he#d said, #0ear that for me toni"ht,# in a ro!"hened tone that had set the m!scles in her stomach tin"lin"/beca!se the tone had matched the e4pression in his e es, and she hadn#t liked that either. The knock so!ndin" at the o!ter&s!ite door made her $!mp in alarm/ another indication of how str!n" o!t she was, she realised tensel as she listened to Rafe#s lon" stride as he went to answer it. Then she stood, starin" blankl at her own face witho!t seein" the v!lnerable tilt to her soft r!b &painted mo!th, or the wa her bea!tif!l black e es revealed how !tterl defenceless she felt. %he onl saw how e4ha!stion was hollowin" o!t her cheeks, and how she#d had to do a caref!l bit of coverin" !p to hide the dark circles aro!nd her e es. (id the strai"ht line of this bodice sit too low on the cream slopes of her breasts) she wondered an4io!sl . And the skirt was definitel too short, she decided, bitin" pensivel down on her f!ll bottom lip as she "ave an e4perimental swin" of her hips and watched in the mirror the wa the fl!ff skirt billowed o!t to show even more le". #>er nice,# a deep voice m!rm!red h!skil from behind her, and she almost cried o!t in alarm beca!se she hadn#t heard him come into the room. Now her war "a2e flickered !pwards to clash with his in the mirror. #'/? That was all she mana"ed8 she was s!ddenl str!ck breathless and d!mb b the hei"ht of him, the width of him, the powerf!l attraction in that dark, to!"h, a""ressivel handsome face

lookin" back at her over the top of her own dark head. Havin" to fi"ht with herself to do it, she dra""ed her e es back to her own reflection and "lared at the dress. #'t#s too short,# she complained. #And too ti"ht.# #R!bbish,# he dismissed. #'t#s perfect.# Then in a d!sk voice that set her nerve&ends tin"lin", <7o! #re perfect. Or o! will be when we#ve added this...# He stepped to one side, movin" o!t of the mirror#s ran"e and directl into her f!ll, !nprotected view as he came to stand in front of her. And her heart "ave a 1!iverin" fl!tter. He was wearin" black, like herself/a conventional black dinner s!it and a slender black bow&tie tied neatl aro!nd the collar of a snow white dress shirt that did nothin" to hide the e4panse of solid flesh b!l"in" beneath it. He smelled different too/of somethin" warm and spic , sens!al, ver all!rin"/and she fo!nd herself s!ddenl overwhelmed b the sense of his dark presence/b the sheer maleness of the man. * the power of his se4!alit . Oh, -od. #Here,# he said, brin"in" her e es into foc!s on the small hi"h&domed bo4 he was holdin" in his hand. And she went perfectl still, her blood r!nnin" cold as she reco"nised the bo4 for e4actl what it was. No, she be""ed silentl . Please, no. *!t even as she made the achin" plea Rafe sent the lid flickin" !pwards, and her heart 1!ivered, then fell like a stone to her stomach as she stared at the contents. An en"a"ement rin"/it $!st co!ld not be an thin" else/sittin" in the centre of a black velvet c!shion. Even her novice e es reco"nised the 1!alit of the bi" oval r!b nestlin" in its circle of bri"ht, sparklin" diamonds. #7o!r hand, please, %haan,# Rafe re1!ested 1!ietl , with no idea of the horror she was feelin" inside as he lifted the rin" from its velvet bed. As thin"s stood between them now, the merel had a bar"ain, drawn !p on practical "ro!nds with a simple "old band to

seal the civil contract the had both si"ned. *!t this/this bea!tif!l rin" of dancin" fire s!""ested so m!ch more. Too m!ch more. 't s!""ested love, romance, a hot, sparklin" passion. 't made a "lowin", !nmistakable statement of ownership/possession in the most intimate sense of the word. *!t it was a he/s!ch a dreadf!l lie. 3ike the bea!tif!l diamond rin" Piers had "iven her. #%haan)# Rafe prompted when she made no effort to lift her hand. %he sh!ddered, feelin" sick, compelled to look at him simpl beca!se she had become conditioned over the da s to respondin" to that tone in his voice. *!t her e es were dark pools of an"!ish when she lifted them to his, her soft mo!th tremblin" in wretched appeal. #Please, Rafe,# she whispered, #don#t make me wear it.# #0h not)# he demanded in frownin" s!rprise. #7o!#re m wife. 't is e4pected that o! wear m rin".# #7es,# she conceded. #*!t...# %he s!cked in a ti"ht breath of air, tremblin" so badl now that even her breasts 1!ivered. #*!t it means nothin", does it)# she b!rst o!t painf!ll , her e es willin" him/be""in" him/to !nderstand what she was tr in" to sa here. #' $!st can#t wear somethin" as s&special as that when it means nothin".# He said nothin" for a moment, his e es holdin" that pained appeal in her e es !ntil she tho!"ht she mi"ht pass o!t as the cr!el cl!tch of emotion she was e4periencin" made her ribca"e ache at the ti"ht band of tension wrappin" aro!nd it. Then, 1!ite r!thlessl , he said, #7o! wore m brother#s rin" and that meant nothin".# %haan closed her e es, almost swa in" as that partic!& larl cr!el thr!st hit home. #*!t ' didn#t know it was worthless when ' accepted it,# she whispered thickl . #0hich is not the case with this one,# he br!tall pointed o!t. #%o "ive me o!r hand.# A heav si"h shivered from her. He was so immovable, so damned intractable. Abo!t as sensitive to her feelin"s as a wall of solid rock. #%haan.#

(amn. Her hand lifted. His fin"ers were warm and smooth a"ainst her own, stead where hers trembled, as he slid the lovel rin" home. ,!tel , she stared down at it. The dark stone flashed in what felt like mocker where it settled a"ainst her plain "old weddin" band. The air aro!nd them be"an to throb with somethin" that bro!"ht tears sprin"in" into her e es, tho!"h she was bewildered as to what that somethin" was. #3et#s "o,# he said, and stepped aro!nd her, leavin" her standin" there, frownin", wonderin" if she had misheard that new, ro!"hened note in his voice. 't was a ni"htmare. The whole wretched evenin" was $!st another wakin" ni"htmare. A lon", e4ha!stin" ro!nd of warm con"rat!lations and smilin" thanks and, worse, the c!rio!s looks which made it clear that ever one present here toni"ht knew that Rafe had married his brother#s bride. And, on top of all of that, from the moment the all met !p in the ele"ant fo er of one of Hon" @on"#s top resta!rants, %haan knew she was wa , wa o!t of her depth with these people. There were fo!r co!ples, incl!din" themselves. Not Chinese, b!t *ritish. *ritish e4pats who had made their homes in Hon" @on". And all of them were of Rafe#s ilk, which placed a whole "eneration between herself and the 1!ick&witted, sophisticated conversation that flashed from one to the other, leavin" her feelin" like a bem!sed spectator standin" on the ver perimeter of it all. The men were slick, smooth operators, with an air of power and s!ccess abo!t them that was clearl stamped into their female co!nterparts too. The were bea!tif!l women, e4pensive women, with !nimpeachable class and st le, sleek smiles, and a sharp e e for what was "oin" on aro!nd them. 't was no wonder Rafe had wanted her to look "ood. Ne4t to these women she m!st appear ver o!n" and ver "a!che/not that the went o!t of their wa to make her feel like that, she had to acknowled"e. 'f an thin", the tried their best to make her feel one of them, their smiles warm and "en!ine/like the 1!estions the p!t to her in an effort to draw her into their sophisticated circle.

*!t she felt too awkward, too self&conscio!s and sh to respond with an ease. And it didn#t help that she fo!nd no consolation in Rafe#s solid presence, beca!se he was as m!ch a stran"er to her as the rest of them were. 7et the wa he kept her clamped to his side, with an arm at a s!pportive an"le across her back and his fin"ers restin" in the trim c!rve of her waist, as the stood in a "ro!p sippin" pre&dinner drinks, made a statement to the contrar . As did the warm smiles he kept sendin" her/and what he did when their first drink arrived and ever one lifted their "lasses to them in a con"rat!lator toast. He bro!"ht her to stand ri"ht in front of him, held her sh "a2e with a dark intimac that set her senses fl!rr in", to!ched his "lass to hers, watched while she sipped selfconscio!sl at her simple dr vermo!th/then bent his head and kissed her. The feel of his mo!th, warm and smooth a"ainst herE vermo!th&moistened lips, made her 1!iver in s!rprise. 't was $!st an act8 she knew that as she str!""led not to show how !nfamiliar those lips were to her. Rafe was simpl actin" o!t his role as lovin" bride"room while she/she was left feelin" tro!bled and conf!sed b the brief b!rst of pleas!re she e4perienced. +et la"8 she blamed the !ne4pected response on it as she stood, e es lowered, so no one co!ld read what was "oin" on inside her. 't was simpl $et la" that was makin" her le"s feel !nstead and her insides c!rl !p with some !nfamiliar tension. *!t, no, she had e4perienced this odd feelin" before, she recalled. On the da when she#d been presented to him as his brother#s f!t!re wife. 't had felt then as tho!"h she#d received a hi"h&volta"e electric shock, a feelin" overlaid with a s!dden b!rst of dread that had held her white& faced and still and sent her shiftin" closer to the protection of Piers# comfortin" presence. 7et Piers had not been the protector she#d believed him to be, she reminded herself d!ll . And the flash of an"r contempt she had seen in Rafe#s e es then had not been aimed at her personall , b!t at the disastro!s sit!ation he m!st have seen loomin" !p on the hori2on beca!se of what his brother was doin".

And Piers, Piers had been so tri!mphant, so/sm!" in the wa he had introd!ced her to Rafe. And it was onl now, as she allowed herself to repla that scene knowin" what she now knew, that she realised he had not been like that beca!se he was pro!d to present her, b!t beca!se of some secret little battle he#d been havin" with his brother which had revolved aro!nd ,adeleine and what Rafe knew abo!t Piers and the other woman. ?%haan.? %he "lanced !p, pain and contempt for Piers showin" in her dark, dark e es. Rafe saw it, and his fin"ers fle4ed a"ainst her waist, his e es flashin" silver m!rder at her $!st before the fin"ers d!" in painf!ll to p!ll her an"ril a"ainst him and his mo!th swooped in another brief b!t p!nishin" kiss that totall silenced their small "ro!p of onlookers. #:or"et him,# he m!ttered as he slid his mo!th to the sensitive hollow of her ear. #Piers is no lon"er o!rs to dream abo!t.# *l!shin" fiercel , and totall disconcerted b his s!dden attack, she "asped. #*!t ' wasn#t/# #' think we sho!ld feed these two 1!ickl and let them "o,# one of their "!ests m!rm!red teasin"l . Rafe mana"ed a la!"h, his moment#s an"er smoothl hidden b a cloak of r!ef!l h!mo!r %haan wished she possessed too. #'t is, after all, technicall still o!r weddin" da ,# he drawled. #Tho!"h "oodness knows,# he added on a si"h, #it has to be the lon"est one on record.# %till) %haan repeated to herself as ever one#s am!sed la!"hter wafted aro!nd her. 't co!ldn#t reall be this mornin" that the #d married in that little civil ceremon which was s!ch a ha2 memor to her that she co!ld barel recall it) 't was a relief that the waiter came to show them to their table men8 she was be"innin" to feel so stressed o!t that she needed to sit down or she had a feelin" her le"s wo!ld "ive !p on her. *!t the meal was interminable, co!rse after coi e41!isitel presented Chinese dishes appearin" in fror of her for her to pick at, while the conversation seemed to edd to and fro with her barel re"isterin" most of it. %he felt lost and marooned, so totall o!t of her depth that it took all

she had in her to smile, to concentrate on the 1!estions p!t directl to her and answer them with at least some hint of intelli"ence. No one was cr!el or !ncarin", et she felt battered and br!ised b the eas camaraderie she $!st co!ld not $oin in with. 'f Rafe noticed/and she was s!re he m!st have/he said nothin". *!t each time she happened to "lance at him his e es were on her, !tterl inscr!table b!t on her, and she felt even more !ncomfortable beca!se she knew he m!st be seein" how totall inade1!ate she was for this. #Come and dance.# The li"ht clasp of his hand on her arm as he propelled her to her feet was a sheer relief. (ance, he#d said, and she was read to do an thin" $!st to "et awa from the ordeal she was wallowin" in. The m!sic was slow and eas , the dance floor a small circle of polished wood set in the centre of the cl!ster of dinin" tables. Rafe drew her into his arms, p!llin" her close so her chin br!shed a"ainst the lapel of his $acket, and !r"ed her into a slow, swa in" movement, one hand restin" li"htl on her waist, the other li"htl claspin" one of hers close to his heart. %he co!ld feel his breath dist!rbin" the fine hairs at her temple, warm and faintl scented with the dark red wine the had been drinkin". Her other hand rested on his sho!lder, low down where the m!scle c!rved towards a b!l"in" breastplate. #Now o! can rela4,# he s!""ested, makin" her heavil aware that the tension she was s!fferin" m!st Ae been ver noticeable. #'#m sorr ,# she felt constrained to sa . #' know '#m not makin" a ver "ood impression for o! with o!r friends.# #7o!#re not here to impress m friends,# he responded. #7o!#re here beca!se it#s where ' want o! to be. And, an wa ,# he added softl , #the are !tterl enchanted with o!, so stop fishin" for compliments.# #' was not.# she denied, flashin" a protestin" "lance !p at him, onl to si"h r!ef!ll when she saw his teasin" e4pression. *!t she still felt compelled to add, ?' still

think that the think o!#ve "one a little mad, marr in" someone so obvio!sl o!t of their lea"!e as ' am.# #And o! think ' care what the think)# he co!ntered. No, she accepted, on another small si"h. This man did not care a $ot what an one tho!"ht of him/or he wo!ldn#t have married his brother#s $ilted fiance#e in the first place, wo!ld he) #7o! all seem to know each other ver well,# she remarked. #That#s beca!se ' !sed to live here,# he m!rm!red, smilin" briefl at her look of s!rprise. #' ret!rned to 3ondon to r!n the compan after m father died. *!t '#ve been comm!tin" here on a fairl re"!lar basis ever since. And we all tend to meet !p at least once for dinner like this while '#m here.# %he frowned. #*!t ' tho!"ht o! said this was a b!siness dinner.# Not that she#d heard m!ch b!siness mentioned d!rin" dinner, she realised. #'t is in a wa ,# he confirmed. #The are all b!siness collea"!es as well as friends. That#s how it works, '#m afraid,# he added rather r!ef!ll . #*!siness and friendship tend to melt into one at o!r level. 0hich is wh ' co!ldn#t afford to offend them when the offered !s this/a weddin" celebration dinner toni"ht.# 0as that what it was) %haan s!ddenl felt even more "!ilt for not mana"in" to rise to the occasion. #'#m sorr if it#s all been a bit too m!ch for o!.# #'t hasn#t,# she 1!ickl denied, knowin" it was a lie even as she said it. #The all seem ver nice people. 't#s $!st that '#m so/tired,# she finished lamel . #0ell, a few more min!tes of this,# he m!rm!red as he drew her even closer to the solid warmth of his bod , #and ' think we can leave witho!t offendin" an one.# 't was an ass!rance that took some of the tension o!t of her as the contin!ed to swa to"ether like that Tho!"h it felt stran"e, ver stran"e, to be held this close b a man she hardl even knew. %he was !sed to dancin" with Piers, b!t Rafe was so m!ch bi""er than Piers/harder than Piers, she added, with a new feelin" of breathlessness as her senses re"istered the ti"ht firmness of the well&

str!ct!red bone and m!scle she was bein" pressed "entl !p a"ainst. 0ith Piers, who was so m!ch more slender and lithe, she#d !sed to feel 1!ite e1!al to him when the had danced like this. *!t with Rafe she felt small and rather delicate/#female# was the s!rprisin" word which flashed into her mind. No match at all, in fact, for the latent power he e4!ded. And where Piers had alwa s been la!"hin", chattin", teasin", f!ll of a li"ht&hearted e4!berance she#d alwa s fo!nd eas to respond to, Rafe was 1!iet and more controlled abo!t ever thin" he did. 7et, she realised, tho!"h she mi"ht have fo!nd Piers easier to be aro!nd, in a sit!ation like this, where she felt stressed o!t, v!lnerable and tired be ond belief, she wo!ld rather have Rafe#s 1!iet, solid presence than Piers# nois e4!berance. #Rafe,# she tho!"ht contentedl , and didn#t even know she had si"hed his name o!t lo!d as she rela4ed more heavil a"ainst him. *!t he heard it. His e4pression was diffic!lt to define, b!t the wa he "entl lifted her hands !p and placed them ro!nd his neck before he "athered her in even closer was a messa"e in itself/if %haan had been alert eno!"h to pick !p on it. As it was, she simpl lifted her face to smile at him/ then fo!nd herself drownin" in a pair of darkened "re e es which held her !tterl transfi4ed. 't was desire she read there, a desire Rafe was doin" absol!tel nothin" to hide from her. 't made her lips part on a soft, breath "asp as f!ll awareness shivered thro!"h her. Then, as if that soft "asp was the answer to some 1!estion he#d been askin", Rafe lowered his mo!th down onto hers. %he stopped movin", the arrival of that mo!th renderin" her !tterl breathless while she absorbed with a shock how pleasant she fo!nd the contact. *!t this was Rafe, she told herself ha2il . 't made no difference8 his lips be"an to move "entl on her own and she fo!nd herself instinctivel respondin". And in the middle of a dance floor, in the middle of a resta!rant packed f!ll of people, somethin" be"an to slowl er!pt inside her. The er!ption of an answerin" desire. 't went 1!iverin" thro!"h her like

a feather caress on her most intimate senses. %he arched her spine so she instinctivel moved closer to its so!rce, her fin"ers c!rlin" into the silk&fine hair at his nape, her heart breakin" into a clamo!rin" stammer. 't didn#t last lon", barel more than a few seconds, b!t her breathin" was fract!red b the time he drew awa a"ain, and her e es were "la2ed b conf!sion. #Now o! look as a woman sho!ld look on her weddin" ni"ht,# he m!rm!red. And, with that one softl voiced sentence, broke the spell completel . 0as that wh he#d done it) @issed her like that simpl to create the ri"ht impression for the benefit of his friends) Relief swept thro!"h her/followed so 1!ickl b a dist!rbin" sense of ac!te disappointment that it act!all st!nned her for the few moments it took her to p!ll herself to"ether. No8 she denied it. (on#t be st!pid. Rafe doesn#t want o!. And o! certainl don#t want Rafe. 7o!#re $!st so tired at the moment o!#re capable of mistakin" an & thin" ri"ht now/even a li"ht kiss aimed e4cl!sivel at addin" a little a!thenticit to this relationship. #Can we leave now)# she asked a little desperatel . #Of co!rse,# he a"reed. #' wo!ld even "o as far as to sa it is e4pected of !s that we do leave.# *eca!se he had achieved what he had set o!t to achieve, she acknowled"ed s!ddenl , feelin" so heart&sore and wear that the tiredness she had been tr in" to hold at ba all evenin" dropped over her like a bi" black clo!d. CHAPTER %'F %HAAN had almost totall s!cc!mbed to the clo!d b the time the "ot back to the hotel, and Rafe had to prop her !p in a corner of the lift and hold her there with his hands while the were transported !pwards. The so!nd of his softl am!sed la!"hter was like the final nail in the coffin of her sense of e4ha!stion. #'t isn#t f!nn ,# she protested,

complainin"l . #7o!#ve p!t me thro!"h hell toda , and ' think o! did it all 1!ite deliberatel .# #,a be,# he half conceded. #' feel like '#ve been awake for ever,# she si"hed. #%haan...# he said softl . #'t#s onl ten o#clock in the evenin".# #0hat)? Her lashes flickered !pwards so she co!ld stare at him in disbelief. He arched an e ebrow in mocker at her, his e es still la!"hin". 't s!rprised her, beca!se she had never seen la!"hter in his e4pression before, and it was nice, conta"io!s. %he fo!nd herself smilin" with him, albeit r!ef!ll . #People tend to eat late here,# he e4plained. The like to make a ni"ht of it. *!t ' onl a"reed to that dinner if we ate earl , otherwise o!#d onl be lookin" at o!r second co!rse b now.# -ood "rief. %he sh!ddered. #Aren#t o! tired)# she asked him then. After all, he had been awake as lon" as she had. He didn#t answer for a moment. Then, #'#m !sed to it,# he answered cas!all . Then the lift stopped, and she was havin" to dra" herself !pri"ht/with Rate#s help a"ain, ,s arm slidin" aro!nd her waist to offer s!pport d!rin" the walk down the corridor to their room. 't was sheer bliss to step inside there and know that this was it. No more diversions. %he co!ld crawl into bed and $!st die. %he didn#t even care that the were "oin" to have to share that bed toni"ht. The wa she was feelin" ri"ht now, Rafe co!ld even have his evil wa with her/so lon" as he didn#t wake her !p while he was doin" it. %he felt that done in. %omeone had t!rned down the bed while the #d been o!t, and an o ster silk ni"htdress had been artisticall arran"ed on one side of the bed, a pair of black silk p $amas on the other. %t!bbornl i"norin" the p $amas, she picked !p the ni"htdress and took it with her to the bathroom. :ive min!tes later, hair br!shed loose, face scr!bbed clean of make&!p, she crawled into the bed, p!lled the sheet over her sho!lder and dropped like a stone into a deep, dark pool of warm sl!mber... %he drifted awake once d!rin" the lon" ni"ht. And she awoke frownin",

aware of the alien presence of a wei"ht l in" across her bod . Her e es fl!ttered open then $!st stared, and a tin"lin" sensation shivered thro!"h her when she fo!nd herself starin" directl into another face, l in" no more than a foot awa from her own. Rafe. Rafe, sleepin" beside her, his thick lashes l in" in two "racef!l crescents on his prominent cheekbones, mo!th rela4ed, lips sli"htl parted, breathin" deep and soft and stead . %harin" a bed with an one was a new e4perience for her. %harin" a bed with a man was totall alien and stran"el ...intri"!in"/that she co!ld lie here like this reasonabl ass!red of her own safet while he was obvio!sl so !naware. 'n the still, 1!iet darkness she co!ld $!st make o!t a naked sho!lder and the shadow o!tline of dark bod hair on his wide chest, the sheet havin" been p!shed down to somewhere between the be"innin"s of his rib&ca"e and his lean, ti"ht waist. %he co!ld feel his breath on her face, feel the warmth comin" from his bod and the wei"ht of his arm where it rested in the c!rvin" hollow of her hip. %he co!ld see thro!"h the dimness the rich "old colo!r of his skin, see the wa his bod #s nat!ral oils laid a polished sheen over well developed m!scles/ No p $amas, she realised with a s!dden widenin" of her e es in shocked consternation. He had dared to climb into bed with her wearin" nothin". Or at least nothin" on his top half. *!t/no, she toid herself. %!rel he wo!ldn#t be so insensitive as to have left off his p $ama bottoms too) 0ell, one thin" was for s!re/she wasn#t "oin" to check. *!t her e es drifted lower, to the lon", c!rvin" shape of him hidden b the covers. And, on a tell&tale moistenin" of her lips, she fo!nd herself wonderin" what the rest of him was like, her mind con$!rin" !p pict!res that had her bl!shin" even if the were onl pict!res in her own mind. %he had never once ca!"ht herself ima"inin" what Piers wo!ld look like !ndressed. :or all their sometimes 1!ite passionate interl!des, she

had never felt this almost !ncontrollable !r"e to to!ch his naked skin, e4perience its warmth and its te4t!re, as she was havin" to str!""le a"ainst doin" now with Rafe. *!t then, she added heavil , she had never lain like this with Piers. He had never allowed thin"s between them to "et this far before caref!ll coolin" thin"s down, smilin"/alwa s smilin", his e4c!ses f!ll of words like #love# and #respect#, tellin" her what the had was #too special to r!sh#. *!t now, with hindsi"ht, she had to wonder if it had merel been indifference. 'f there had been no li"ht of passion to make him want to to!ch her more intimatel . Or to have her to!ch him. A shadow moved over her heart/the dark knowled"e of inade1!ac that she had a horrible feelin" was "oin" to be the real le"ac Piers# re$ection had left behind him. #%haan)# As alwa s when tho!"hts of Piers tormented her mind, Rafe#s voice, deep and h!sk , broke thro!"h the heav clo!ds, catchin" her e4posed, v!lnerable, as she lifted tear&washed e es !p to his face to find him awake and st!d in" her sombrel . #:or"et him,# he said "r!ffl . #He isn#t worth the heartache.# #He didn#t want me,# she whispered bleakl , la in" bare for this man of all men what sho!ld be her darkest, deepest secret. His si"h was heav , his smok &"re e es darkenin" with shadows of his own. Then that arm moved, ti"htenin" across her waist and drawin" her closer to that warm, hard bod she had been wantin" so badl to "et closer to. His mo!th fo!nd hers, mo!ldin" it, "entl searchin", and she didn#t p!ll awa , didn#t stiffen in re$ection, didn#t do an thin" b!t let herself sink into the comfort he seemed to be offerin" her. 't went on and on, like a warm blendin" in the darkness, where pleas!re overlaid sadness and instinctivel she was drawn even closer towards it. Her hand reached !p, to!chin" the warm, ti"ht flesh of his !pper arm, then his sho!lder, fin"ers slidin" in a slow, tentative e4ploration which stopped when the reached the cordin" in

his neck, where the c!rled and cl!n" at the same time i broke from her and her lips parted. Rafe lifted his head/onl eno!"h so he co!ld look deepl into her dark, v!lnerable e es. #' want o!, %haan,# he m!rm!red. #' want o! so badl , '#m prepared to take an thin" o! want to "ive me.# He moved, "entl t!rnin" her onto her back so he was half leanin" over her. Her hand was still c!rled aro!nd his nape8 his reached !p to c!p her cheek. #And in ret!rn ' can promise to wipe Piers ri"ht o!t of o!r mind,# he vowed. #The point is, do o! want me to)# (id she) %haan "a2ed into those e es that had "one almost as dark as her own, and was overwhelmed b a desire to simpl dive ri"ht into them. He was tellin" the tr!th when he said he wanted her8 she co!ld feel it in the !nstead throb of his heart a"ainst her breast, see it b!rnin" in the darkness of those e es and the wa his fin"ers were tremblin" sli"htl where the rested a"ainst her cheek. Rafe wanted her, and her own senses responded b t!rnin" to warm, sens!al li1!id that be"an to p!mp desire thro!"h her bod , an answerin" desire she was $!st too v!lnerable to resist. #7es,# she heard herself sa in a soft, breath m!rm!r. ie wanted to feel that mo!th warm on her own a"ain, feel that same r!sh of pleas!re, lose herself in it. 3ose herself in him. #7es, ' want o! to...# He didn#t pa!se, didn#t "ive her time to have second tho!"hts abo!t that decision. His mo!th closed on hers a"ain, and she did not tr to fi"ht him. 'nstead she let her palms slide over ti"ht, corded m!scles, felt the spread of a warm pleas!re !nfold inside her, and on a soft si"h offered herself in f!ll s!rrender. Rafe desired her. And for her there was no stron"er aphrodisiac than to know she was desirable to someone. Tho!"h not $!st an one8 she made that fine b!t important distinction for the sake of her own self&respect. This was Rafe. The man she was married to. The onl man she sho!ld "ive herself to. Oh, -od, make this "ood for me, she pra ed silentl as Rafe received all the ri"ht messa"es and deepened the kiss to a sense&searin" passion. ,ake it "ood for him.

His hand slid down over the ta!t wall of her stomach, alon" her silk& covered thi"h, !ntil he fo!nd the hem of her ni"htdress. 0ith an econom of effort, he stripped the whole thin" from her bod . And for one more brief moment, as she la there naked and e4posed to the b!rnin" lash of his "a2e, she was "iven the chance to chan"e her mind abo!t this. Then his hand was caressin" her, his head lowerin" to p!ll one p!lsin" nipple into his mo!th, and the moment was lost in the t!rmoil that took place inside her. He e4plored her as no man had ever e4plored her, with mo!th and ton"!e and knowin" fin"ers, feedin" the steadil "rowin" ache inside her !ntil it was impossible to lie still witho!t...somethin"/she didn#t know what/and a soft whimper of distress broke in her throat, her hands reachin" o!t in search of that el!sive somethin". Rafe p!t himself there, his stron" arms closin" aro!nd her as he claimed her mo!th with a h!n"er that took her breath awa . #Rafe,# she whispered in near desperation at the speed with which she was bein" carried alon" with him. #7es,# he breathed, as if in answer to some 1!estion she wasn#t aware of askin". #' know, %haan. ' know...# No, o! don#t, she tho!"ht ha2il as his mo!th came back to ravish hers and his caresses "rew bolder, more s!re in their !nderstandin" of what co!ld send her wild with !ncontrollable pleas!re. Then, with a low, deep "roan of helpless fr!stration, she moved restlessl beneath him. He shifted his wei"ht, comin" to hover above her, the m!scles in his aims braced either side of her as at last he lowered himself between her thi"hs. And she was slidin" her hands !p the wall of his chest/ feelin" the po!nd of his heart as it th!ndered a"ainst his ribs, the heat of his skin, the tremor of need held !nder ri"id control/and she e4alted in the whole of it. This was for her. He was e4periencin" all of this beca!se of her. *!t she had a moment#s fear when she felt the ph sical evidence of his desire for the first time. And, tho!"h his entr was "entle, she cl!tched at his sho!lders, fin"ernails di""in" into firm m!scle, tense, breathless,

her bod 1!iverin" in an4io!s anticipation of that tellin" final thr!st. 't halted him. He withdrew a little. #%haan)# No. %he shook her head, her e es pinched ti"htl sh!t in denial. #%haan.# The voice of command. %he responded to it, liftin" dark lashes to find his e4pression so achin"l sombre that she let o!t a wretched little whimper of despair. He knew the tr!th. He saw the tr!th. He now knew that Piers hadn#t even wanted her eno!"h to take this from her. %he saw his kiss&softened mo!th p!ll down sli"htl at one corner in a wr little "est!re that bro!"ht a wash of tears to her e es. #Please, Rafe,# she whispered, too terrified that he was "oin" to withdraw alto"ether to care that she was be""in". 'f an thin", his e es went blacker, a flash of terrible sadness crossin" them, and, wretchedl , she knew that sadness was for her. #7o! fool,# he m!ttered. #7o! bea!tif!l fool.# Then he bent down to kiss her once, ver "entl . And, with a firmin" of his feat!res, p!shed deeper a"ain, takin" what she was offerin" him in a sin"le, smooth thr!st that broke more than the seal of her vir"init . 't broke for ever her belief that o! had to love someone to feel as wonderf!l as this. The short, sharp shock of pain was nothin". The blindin" shaft of sens!al pleas!re which followed it was ever thin". He filled her, and she "loried in the sensation, her thi"hs widenin", drawin" him deeper, le"s wrappin" ro!nd his ta!t, thr!stin" frame. And her arms bro!"ht him even closer, close eno!"h for her mo!th to fi4 itself onto his. And, in that hot, ti"ht, all&encompassin" $oinin" of bod and mo!ths and minds, she willed the wild rh thm to take them over. The po!ndin" beat of his heart and the "aspin" rasp of his breath a"ainst the br!isin" cr!sh of her mo!th were all&necessar , so necessar to the ver s!bstance that was drivin" her/a need to be wanted like this. A need to know she had the power to drive a man o!t of his mind like this. Rafe drove harder, and on a b!rstin" leap of tri!mphant e4!ltation she felt herself catch hold of the s!preme "oal. 't san" thro!"h her blood like the skitterin" crackle of electric li"htnin", then b!rst into a fire&

flood of !nrestrained rapt!re. And, on a s!dden blindin", bri"ht flash of insi"ht, she knew that Piers# re$ection had been his own misfort!ne, not hers. %he had s!rvived it. %he was whole. %he was a warm and sens!al, desirable woman. Rafe followed her, the ti"ht, p!lsin" m!scles dancin" wildl inside her drivin" him to a deep, hot, throbbin" release that conv!lsed his bod and locked the air in his throat as the f!sed to"ether on that wild, wild leap into ecstas . 't kept them like that thro!"ho!t the whole di22 , spirallin" downward $o!rne hack to sanit , where the la in a tan"le ol hot, sweat&slicked, m!scle&wasted limbs, his bod heav on her, hers t!rned to a warm, somnolent li1!id as their hearts th!ndered and their heavin" l!n"s str!""led to recover. Then the silence came, and with it realit . Rafe eased himself from her. %haan kepi her e es closed, aware of the tears hoverin" behind her e elids, aware that she co!ldn#t brin" herself to look at him. %he knew that altho!"h he mi"hl have started if it was she who had damned well finished it, drivin" him on with e4c!ses that seemed !tterl inade1!ate now the need for them was no lon"er then6. %!ddenl she be"an to shiver, feelin" ice cold as reaction set in. Rafe reached o!t to t!" the tan"le of sheet from beneath her and covered them with it. *!t even as she h!ddled "reedil into it he was p!llin" her to him, his hand firm as he sta ed her str!""les, flipped her over, c!rved her into the possessive hook of his bod and held her there while she shook like a terrified animal #Tr not to think,# he m!rm!red with a h!sk , low note to his voice. <+!st lie still and let me hold o!.# (on#t think. %he daren#t think. %he had been thr!st back into a deep state of shock. Onl this was a different kind of shock. The shock of discoverin"the driven depths of her own sens!alit . %he fell asleep like that, lost in the t!mblin" shock of her own discover . Ne4t time she awoke it was to s!nli"ht pressin" at the closed c!rtains,

castin" a ros &pink "low over the whole room, and the familiar tones of a voice so!ndin" harsh and an"r . #No/$!st do it.# 't was Rafe, so!ndin" sli"htl m!ffled b walls and distance, b!t it was most definitel his voice, ti"ht with impatience %till lalf asleep, she responded with instinctive a!tomation to the hard, to!"h command in his tone, sittin" !p and .slidin" her feet to the floor before she was even aware that she d done it. <Then she realised she was naked/&remembered wh she was naked/and "rabbed hold of the sheet, dra""ed it ro!nd her. and then $!st sat there sh!dderin" while a $!mbled mass of fra"mented pict!res t!mbled across ner sleep&scrambled mind. Awf!l pict!res, h!miliatin" pict!res, of her virt!all offerin" herself to Rafe/of herself almost be""in" Rafe. #Oh, -od # A tremblin" hand flew !p to cover her e es in b!rnin" mortification as his voice came a"ain, deep and an"r . #' don<. care if it ca!ses problems.< he snapped #7es, ' know,# he answered to whatever had been said to him. #*!t it will $!st have to sta on the backb!rner !ntil ' "et back... ' don#t know when,# he si"hed 0hen '#m read / 0hen she#s read ...# And %haan slowl strai"htened, the hand slidin" from her face as she realised he. was, talkin" abo!t her here. Piers)# His hard voice "ave a crack of deridin" la!"hter. #%ince when did he "ive a damn abo!t an one else b!t himself)# Oh, damn :eelin" that d!ll th!d as her heart dropped at the mere mention of Piers# name, she came to her feet and $!st stood, swa in" di22il . #Of co!rse he saw it,# he m!ttered. Hell/&didn#t the all see it)# he "rowled m ro!"h derision. #0hat do o! think it was ail abo!t) He wanted to r!m thin"s for me in reven"e for ,adeleine... 0hat) 7es, of co!rse ' still love herA he si"hed #7o! can#. t!rn love on and off like a blood tap $!st beca!se .she happens to love someone else, o! know...< ,adeleine) E es hot and b!rnin", %haan stared o!t at nothin" and saw the cr!el, bitter tr!th leerin" knowin"l back at her.

Rafe was in love with ,adeleine. #, mistake was in not realisin" that he wo!ld sink that low $!st to "et back at me,# Rafe#s voice contin!ed bitterl , while, as if she#d been p!lled helplessl thro!"h the frames of a ver bad dream, %haan fo!nd herself walkin" over to the bedroom door. 0ith the bedsheet cl!tched to her in one cold, tremblin" hand, she reached o!t to "rasp the ed"e of the door with the other, p!llin" it towards her so she co!ld step silentl into the ne4t room. He was standin" at the desk wearin" onl his bathrobe. He had his back towards her and a telephone clamped to his ear. An"r tension p!lsed from ever m!scle in his lon", lean frame. #7o! think ' don#t alread know that)# he m!ttered. #*!t he "ave me no time, no space/nothin" to work with. %haan#s feelin"s certainl didn#t matter to him. As far as he was concerned the were e4pendable...# E4pendable, she tho!"ht painf!ll . 0as that all she was to Piers/&$!st an e4pendable pawn in a fi"ht he had been havin" with his brother over ,adeleine) #7es, well...# Rafe si"hed. #At least he "ot what he wanted o!t of this blood mess. 0hich means ' can do what the hell ' like with the leftovers...# 3eftovers. Her. Oh, -od, she co!ldn#t hold back on the choked "asp of distress that partic!larl cr!el word had dealt her. He heard it and sp!n aro!nd, e es flashin" silver sparks of an"er her wa /!ntil he realised $!st who he was lookin" at, then the look chan"ed to one of !tter, absol!te, $aw&lockin" consternation. %he didn#t speak/co!ldn#t. Her voice felt trapped in her own horror&stricken throat, and neither, it seemed, co!ld he sa a word. 0hat he did do was drop the phone onto its rest witho!t even warnin" the person on the other end that he was "oin" to break the connection. Then he made a "est!re with one hand/a short, an"r , half&helpless "est!re. #(on#t even be"in to think o! !nderstood what that was all abo!tA he clipped o!t "r!ffl . #*eca!se o! co!ldn#t possibl have done.# %he#d !nderstood eno!"h. ,ore than eno!"h. #7o!#re in love with

,adeleine,# she told him in a stark, broken whisper. 'f an thin", he looked even more disconcerted. Colo!r shot across his hi"h cheekbones8 his e es t!rned from silver to dark mirrors of shock. %he#d clearl hit acc!ratel on the tr!th. And while she stood there, starin" at him thro!"h a ha2e of deep personal h!miliation, the whole thin" slotted to"ether like the end of a whod!nnit movie. He hadn#t !r"ed ,adeleine back to En"land to brin" Piers to his senses, b!t beca!se he m!st have believed it safe to brin" her back for himself, with Piers effectivel committed to another woman. And he hadn#t s!""ested this marria"e between the two of them simpl o!t of a sense of famil hono!r and "!ilt/b!t beca!se his own pride had been sli"hted. <'Tiat makes !s both someone else#s leftovers,# she said, then la!"hed as it appeared that once a"ain the 1!ick&thinkin" Rafe (anvers had been rendered !tterl speechless. *eca!se he $!st contin!ed to stand there starin" at her across the f!ll len"th of the room, his clever mind seemin"l "one perfectl blank. #, -od...# she choked, leanin" weakl back a"ainst the frame of the door as f!ll appreciation of the whole morass of deception took the stren"th from her le"s. #0hat a messA she whispered. #0hat a damned mess.# #7o! don#t know what o!#re talkin" abo!t,# he m!ttered. #No)# Her dark e es flashed a look at him/and saw a completel different person from the Rafe (anvers she was !sed to seein". Not that he#d chan"ed, e4actl . 't was her own perception of him that had taken on a radical alteration. %o, she tho!"ht bitterl . This is it. This is him. The real Rafe (anvers. The head of the "reat (anvers empire. The older brother, the darker brother, the stron"er brother. The one with a rin"er on the p!lse of ever sin"le thin" that went on in his ti"htl controlled sphere. And the one who showed no hint of weakness an where in his make&!p. Not like Piers, or so she#d let herself believe. Nothin" like Piers. The o!n"er brother, the e4trovert. The one who smiled at lot where the older brother rarel ever did. The one with the poeticall handsome

feat!res that half the female pop!lation swooned over, the one who liked to be +i+ced and even went o!t of his wa to make s!re that he was liked. *!t she#d alwa s seen Rafe as the kind of man who co!ldn#t care less what people tho!"ht of him/as a man who stood apart from the rest, protected b an impenetrable rin" of stren"th he wore aro!nd himself. Now she realised that, far from bein" protected, he was as v!lnerable as the rest of them. And who to) ,adeleine. His o!n"er brother#s childhood sweetheart. A small, sweet, "entle creat!re, with wheat&blonde hair and corn&flower bl!e e es. The kind of woman who incited a man#s primitive need to love and protect. The kind of woman men like Rafe and Piers, for all their character differences, preferred. The absol!te opposite to herself, in fact. %he sh!ddered, hatin" herself/despisin" Rafe. (id ,adeleine know how he felt abo!t her) Had Piers known) :rom what she#d overheard of that recent conversation, then, es, the whole world e4cept %haan seemed to know. 0hich m!st hit ri"ht at the ver heart of Rafe (anvers# e"o. 't was no wonder he had $!mped in with this marria"e thin". 't was a simple case of dama"e control/not for her sake, partic!larl , b!t for his own damned sake. %o wh did he make love to me) she wondered on a wretched cl!tch of pain that had her fin"ers cr!shin" the sheet where it covered her breasts. Had he been simpl !sin" her/was that it) As he#d acc!sed Piers of doin") Had he been "ettin" a bit of his own back) , -od8 she closed her e es, her bod swa in" sli"htl as she p!shed herself !pri"ht from the doorframe. #' want no more part in this,# she whispered, and st!mbled back into the bedroom, onl to stand lookin" aro!nd her in blank incomprehension of what she was "oin" to do ne4t. #No part in what)# 't was his t!rn to prop !p the doorframe, lookin" more in control of himself now in the wa he had his hands restin" cas!all in the pockets of his white towellin" robe. *!t she knew better now. Ever thin" abo!t the (anver brothers was a damned cleverl erected lie. Piers with his warml smilin", open

e4pression of love, Rafe with his o!&can&depend&on&me facade. 3ies. (amned lies. #' won#t pla s!bstit!te for et another damned (anvers man,# she declared. #No one is e4pectin" o! to,# he said 1!ietl . #No)# Her chin came !p, dark brown e es shro!ded in br!ises of deep personal pain as she bitterl contested that. The shocked look had "one, she noted, the consternation at bein" e4posed now wiped clean from his face. *!t he was war /ver war /she co!ld see that in the wa he was lookin" at her, as tho!"h he wasn#t 1!ite s!re what was "oin" to come o!t of this. #Are o! in love with ,adeleine)# she demanded o!tri"ht. He didn#t answer for a moment, the e4pression in his e es shaded b some deep thinkin" of his own he seemed to be doin". #' don#t see what that has to do with this sit!ation,# he replied caref!ll at last. #7es, o! do,# she ar"!ed. #*eca!se if o!#re in love with her then it makes o! no better than o!r brother.# #*eca!se ' wanted to marr o! in his place)# %he made a so!nd of scorn at that. #(on#t make this a bi""er farce than it alread is, Rafe. 7o! didn#t want to marr me. 7o! merel wanted to save face.# #7o!r face.# #, face/ o!r face.# %he shr!""ed awa the difference. #0hatever, o! were still !sin" me to cover !p o!r own fail!res.# #And o! weren#t !sin" me in e4actl the same wa )# Oh es, she acknowled"ed heavil . >er m!ch so. #At least o! knew m reasons.# she flashed at him an"ril . #*!t o! had no intention of revealin" o!rs to me, did o!)# #' didn#t see them as relevant,# he replied. #0ell, ' do.# she cried. #0h )# 0h ) %haan stared at him blankl , the 1!estion totall throwin" her, beca!se she didn#t reall know wh an of this was relevant. Onl that it was/ver relevant. Then the answer hit her, and a s!dden cold shiver shook her, sendin" her arms inside the sheet wrapped ro!nd her slender frame in protection.

#,adeleine,# she whispered thinl . 't all revolved aro!nd ,adeleine. Piers loved ,adeleine. Rafe loved ,adeleine. Neither loved %haan, b!t both were prepared to !se her for their own p!rposes. #+ealo!s of her, %haan)# Rafe ta!nted silkil . #7es.# she cried, tears washin" across her e es at the bl!nt, cr!el wa he#d made her face that. #(on#t o! think that it#s h!miliatin" eno!"h to know she took the man ' loved awa from me, witho!t knowin" she was there ha!ntin" ever moment we shared to"ether last ni"ht)# #And Piers wasn#t ha!ntin" ever moment alon" with her)# he threw ri"ht back in shrewd comparison, and watched stark realisation wipe what was left of the colo!r from her face, leavin" her totall e4posed and painf!ll v!lnerable. :or some reason her reaction inf!riated him. He strode forward, his hands cr!el as the fi4ed on her sho!lders. #0ell, let#s "et one thin" strai"ht,# he "ritted. #No other man ha!nts m bed, %haan. And if o!#ve a modic!m of pride inside o! o! won#t allow another woman to ha!nt o!rs.# #Never a"ain.# she a"reed. #No.# His e es narrowed. #0hat#s that s!pposed to mean)# he demanded #-et o!r hands off me, Rafe.# %he tried to p!sh him awa . *!t he wasn#t lettin" "o. #E4plain what o! meant,# he insisted "riml . Her chin came !p, brown e es flashin" with a bla2e of that pride he had $!st challen"ed. #%ince it won#t be happenin" a"ain,# she informed him stiffl , #neither of !s has to worr abo!t an resident "hosts/ which also renders this disc!ssion red!ndant.# Once a"ain she tried to shr!" him free, and once a"ain his "rip ti"htened. #*eca!se o! overheard somethin" o! didn#t like)# he prompted derisivel . Her e es flashed a"ain. #*eca!se it sho!ldn#t have happened in the first place.# she snapped, still str!""lin". #*!t it did happen,# he pointed o!t. #0e made love, %haan/# #0e had se4.# she scathin"l corrected his interpretation. #%e4, then,# he conceded. #*!t incredible se4. ,ind blowin", o!t&of&o!r&

heads se4.? #0hich o! wo!ld know, wo!ldn#t o!)# she threw at him bitterl . ?7es,# he si"hed. #' wo!ld know.# Then his e es darkened to a look that was almost primitivel possessive. #*!t o! wo!ldn#t know,# he added s!ccinctl , and watched the colo!r r!sh into her cheeks as his meanin" sank in. #%o ' am tellin" o! this so o! won#t be labo!rin" !nder an mis"!ided notion that what we shared last ni"ht co!ld be had with an one, beca!se it co!ldn#t.# he stated "r!ffl . #'t was special/too damned special for o! to mock it.# %he wasn#t mockin" it8 she was do!btin" it. #*!t that is not the point at iss!e here,# he went on "riml . #The point at iss!e is whether, when o! took me inside o! with all that/# He stopped, somethin" cra2il like a"on rakin" across his hard, handsome face. #0ith all that wretched, be""in" passion,# he finished rawl #were o! pretendin" to o!rself that ' was m damned brother)# #No.# %he hotl denied that, mana"in" at last to p!ll herself free of him and almost trippin" over the trailin" sheet as she did so. The action ta!tened one corner, t!""in" it loose from her fin"ers so it dropped down to e4pose one cream sho!lder and the "lobe of her breast, where the nipple still protr!ded, ti"ht and sore after last ni"ht#s ravishment. #Oh.# she choked in wretched disma , embarrassed heat po!rin" into her cheeks as her fin"ers "rappled with what was left of the sheet in an effort to cover herself. *!t Rafe#s hand was there first/not helpin", b!t claimin" possession of that e4posed mo!nd with lon" fin"ers that stroked arro"antl , then c!pped, so his th!mb&pad co!ld r!n a knowin" caress over that cr!ell sensitive nipple. And s!ddenl the an"r mood flipped over into somethin" m!ch more dan"ero!s as she stood there starin" down at those tanned fin"ers a"ainst her cream flesh and felt the hot stin" of desire drown o!t an abilit to protest. He stepped closer. Her e es flicked !p to plead with him, then st!ck when she saw that same dark, ro!sin" heat b!rnin" in his e es. #Please don#t,# she wrenched o!t shakil .

*!t he shook his dark head. #7o!r bod wants me, %haan,# he stated h!skil . #Even if o!r mind wants to re$ect that fact.# Her bod wanted him. Tears slashed across her e es. Her bod wanted him so that made it all O@, did it) #(on#t o! !nderstand)# she choked. #' feel as if '#m betra in" m self.# #*eca!se o! don#t love me)# #Or o! me,# she threw ri"ht back. #0e both tried love once,# he stated br!tall . #And what did it brin" !s b!t a load of pain and heartache)# #And o! think this is a less painf!l option)# she flashed back. :or an answer, his th!mb moved on the p!lsin" tip of her nipple, she s!cked air into her l!n"s on a sharp "asp of pleas!re. His mo!th stretched in a "limmer of a satisfied smile. #'t seems to me,# he m!rm!red h!skil , #to be the perfect option.# And before she co!ld think to stop him he reached !p with his other hand and stripped the sheet from her bod . Naked, e4posed, 1!iverin", aro!sed, she made her e es plead with him as he took that last vital step which bro!"ht him hard !p a"ainst her. #Rafe/# she mana"ed to "asp o!t in a last&ditch plea, before his mo!th covered hers. #No,# he m!ttered. #7o! want this as m!ch as ' do.# #*!t it feels wron".# she "roaned. #0here is the wron" in o! and ' helpin" each other "et thro!"h a bad time in o!r lives)# he 1!estioned. Her e es "la2ed over with tears of pain/his pain, her own pain8 the two were be"innin" to bl!r into one now. #0as she there instead of me last ni"ht)# she heard herself ask him thickl . #No.# 't was !tterl !ne1!ivocal, his darkened e es never waverin" from her own helplessl v!lnerable ones. #' can honestl sa , %haan,# he went on h!skil , #that ,adeleine never so m!ch as entered m head last ni"ht. ' didn#t want her there. ' wanted o! there.# #*!t/# #No,# he said a"ain. #No more so!l&searchin".# And he cr!shed whatever she had been tr in" to sa to him back into her mo!th with the !r"ent press!re of his lips.

The bed waited. He lifted her onto it, then knelt, straddled across her, while he stripped the robe from his own bod . Her heart slammed once, hard, a"ainst her breast as she la there starin" !p at him. He was so ma"nificent to look at/bi" and lean, dark and tanned, with that c!rlin" mat of bod hair arrowin" downwards to the potent proof of his se4. Her own senses stirred, that slow, deep, salacio!s c!rl of e4citement spirallin" !p from the ver pits of Gm stomach, floodin" heat into her flesh as to!ch&sensitive nerve&ends crowded to the s!rface of her skin in ea"er anticipation of his remembered caresses. He was so aro!sed. *!t then, she realised hopelessl , so was she. There was an alien moistness formin" between her softl throbbin" thi"hs that seemed to be be""in" for his to!ch. 5nable to resist the need, she let her hands come !p, slidin" into the thick silken mat of hair at his chest, feelin" warmth and life and stren"th as the travelled slowl !pwards !ntil the co!ld reach no f!rther, stillin" on the solid mass of m!scle at his breastplate. Then, liftin" bottomless black e es !p to his, she stared at him in m!te s!rrender. He accepted it with a "rowlin" tri!mph that p!t the seal on her fate. He devo!red her then8 there was no other wa to describe it. He stormed her, invaded her, con1!ered and devo!red her. This is it, %haan,# he sl!rred into the bone&meltin" aftermath. He was still l in" on top of her, holdin" her trapped b his ph sical stren"th and the d namic stren"th of his sens!alit . #This is what we have. 0hich is a darn si"ht more than most people have. And if o!#ve an sense o!#ll tr to b!ild on that instead of pinin" for the !nattainable.# He meant Piers and she knew it. (id that also mean that he was not "oin" to let himself pine for the !nattainable) #0hat time is it)# she said. #'#m so dreadf!ll thirst .# 't was another s!rrender. He knew it, she knew it. His mo!th came down to take hers once a"ain in a sin"le hard, br!isin" kiss meant to claim that s!rrender.

#Come on.# He smiled, "ettin" !p and p!llin" her with him. #3et#s "o and order some breakfast.# CHAPTER %E>EN THREE da s later, showered, hair p!lled into a simple pon tail, and wearin" a plain white sleeveless s!ndress, %haan was sittin" at the dinin" table nibblin" at the last slice of toast while she waited for Rafe to shower and "et dressed himself. *reakfast, Rafe called it. %!stenance more like, she tho!"ht, and "rimaced as she swallowed. ,akin" love "ave o! an appetite/ %he felt her cheeks "row hot as she sat there hardl able to believe the person she had become. Or been t!rned into, she corrected that tho!"ht be&m!sedl . The had hardl moved o!t of these rooms for the last three da s and ni"hts. The man, she had discovered, was virt!all insatiable/and if an one had told her that a sh , almost reticent o!n"&for&her&a"e twent &two& ear&old co!ld become a slave to her own bod pleas!res so 1!ickl , she wo!ld have scoffed them o!t of the room. #Now look at o!rself,# she m!rm!red, and had to stand !p as that now familiar restlessness be"an attackin" her insides a"ain. 7o! can still feel him deep inside o!, she admitted shamef!ll , "oin" to "a2e si"htlessl o!t across the "litterin" waters towards the @owloon sk line. And it feels wonderf!l. 0arm and head . 7o!r breasts are still alive with the pleas!re of his to!ch, the nipples p!lsin" a delicate plea for his mo!th to close aro!nd them. 'n fact, if he came in here ri"ht now and said, #3et#s do it a"ain#, o!#d be rippin" o!r clothes off. And Piers) she tho!"ht s!ddenl . 0hat has happened to o!r feelin"s for Piers within ail this new self&awareness) -one, she realised with a shock that filled her with a new sense of horror %he co!ld barel mana"e to con$!re !p Piers# face now, never mind that deep well of love she#d !sed to e4perience ever time she tho!"ht of him. %o, what did that make herH she then wondered bleakl . :ickle)

Or $!st a ver v!lnerable woman on the rebo!nd from a broken heart and desperatel "raspin" at the first bit of feelin" somebod tossed her wa ) 't was not a 1!estion. %he ref!sed to make it a 1!estion beca!se if she did she wo!ld have to answer it. And she didn#t think she wo!ld like the answer an better than the tho!"ht. *eca!se she had an !ncomfortable s!spicion that #fickle# wo!ld win over #rebo!nd#. And that love was somethin" she reall knew nothin" abo!t. *eca!se if she had to describe the emotion then she wo!ld have to now call it/ Rafe. As if on c!e, his hands slid aro!nd her slender waist and closed across the Hat of her stomach. #0hat have o! seen that#s so fascinatin" o!t there)# he en1!ired la2il . %he blinked herself 1!ickl back into foc!s. #A sampan/look.# %he pointed with a fin"er towards the boat makin" its slow wa thro!"h the water. #:or the first time ' feel as if '#m near China.# #'t#s a $!nk,# he corrected h!moro!sl . #And Hon" @on" belon"s to China now, in case o!#ve missed the world news for the last five ears while *ritain wran"led with them over their takeover.# #That#s ri"ht.# %he si"hed censorio!sl , liftin" her mood to match his. <,ake me feel like a thick&headed bimbo. 6 am onl aver poorl paid $!nior secretar . o! know,# she said teasin"l as she t!rned in his aims to face him. #' don#t have o!r/ OhA she finished on a small s!rprised "asp. #0hat)# He was smilin", p!22led/so different from the man who had walked o!t of this room a mere fifteen min!tes a"o that he rendered her breathless. He had showered, shaved and smelled delicio!sl of somethin" spic . His hair was still damp and combed ri"ht back from his face. And he had swapped his bathrobe for a pair of li"htwei"ht linen tro!sers and a white collariess shirt that was both cas!al and class , and did thin"s to her metabolism that she was be"innin" to reco"nise with dread. #7o! look/nice,# she m!rm!red sh l . #%o do o!,# he ret!rned. #Nice eno!"h to eat/onl , ' think we#ve both eaten eno!"h of that partic!lar

dish for a while at least,# he added wr l . %he bl!shed at his meanin". He bent down and kissed her. 't felt different, this kiss. 0arm and slow and tender. ,ore like the kiss the had shared the other ni"ht on the dance floor. And her hands reached !p, $!st as the had done then, fo!nd his head and held it mere to prolon" the pleas!re. His hands were clasped at the base of her spine now, "entl !r"in" her closer, and the world faded awa on a bea!tif!l moment she knew she wo!ld treas!re for ever. He broke it/rel!ctantl /his mo!th ret!rnin" almost immediatel to to!ch hers a"ain in a stran"el poi"nant "est!re. And his e es when she dared to look into them were darkened b a mood she co!ldn#t 1!ite define. #7o!#re/special,# he said "r!ffl . #(o o! know that)# %o are o!, she wanted to sa , b!t didn#t have the co!ra"e. %o instead she reached !p to ret!rn the small to!ch of lips and was bl!shin" sh l as she drew awa a"ain. The rest of the da went like that/soft, eas , almost romanticall perfect/as Rafe took her o!t to show her Hon" @on", and seemed 1!ite content to pla to!rist with her, en$o in" her fascination with all the new si"hts, so!nds and smells. The ended !p on the @owloon side via the %tar :err , which looked so old she worried it mi"ht sink halfwa across b!t in act!al fact sped them over the water with an e4hilaratin" efficienc . The ate an earl dinner in a small Chinese resta!rant in a backstreet Rafe knew abo!t that looked rather d!bio!s to her b!t served the best Chinese food she had ever tasted. Afterwards he decided to show her the Temple %treet ni"ht market. #@eep close to me,# he warned as the t!rned a corner into a positive sea of market stalls and people. #And watch o!r pockets.# #' haven#t "ot an ,# she informed him la!"hin"l . The hadn#t been back to the hotel all da so she was still wearin" the simple white s!ndress, her onl accessor a tin white leather ba" str!n" at an an"le from her sho!lder on its lon", thin strap across her bod . All that held was a lipstick and a handkerchief, so an thief stealin" that wo!ld be disappointed.

*!t she held ti"htl to Rafe#s hand as the pl!n"ed into the @owloon e1!ivalent of 3ondon#s Portobello Road. The wandered down thro!"h lon" rows of stalls h!n" with top desi"ner wear, ladies# wear, men#s wear/most of which were ille"al copies of the most e4cl!sive brand&names. P!re silk s!its were sold off the pe", with an old treadle sewin" machine at the back of the stall to make instant alterations. Camera stalls, electrical stalls/all held state& of&the&art merchandise. +eweller stalls sold a 1!alit of prod!ct that to her novice e es was e41!isite. And her e es be"an to "low with e4cited enchantment at the whole mad kaleidoscope of shapes and so!nds and colo!rs. 't seemed to her wonderf!ll bewildered mind that o! co!ld b! an thin" here, from the most e4pensive perf!me in the world to the most e4pensive watch in the world/all for ne4t to nothin". %he pa!sed b one stall, sp in" somethin" that ca!"ht her e e. #Rafe, have o! "ot some cash o! can lend me)# she asked him imp!lsivel . #Onl '#ve not had the chance to cash a traveller#s che1!e, and ' want one of these.# #0hat/a watch)# he 1!i22ed, so!ndin" la2il ind!l"ent. #,mm,# she nodded. #' left mine behind in o!r ho!se in 3ondon, o! see,# she e4plained. He stared down at her for a moment, his e4pression comicall d!bio!s to sa the least. #7o! are $okin", of co!rse)# he m!rm!red event!all . #7o! don#t serio!sl want to b! one of these cheap copies)# #' am not $okin".# she declared. #And ' do want one. The #re not e4pensive,# she added 1!ickl when he "ave a rather contempt!o!s shake of his head. #' $!st heard someone pa onl five Hon" @on" dollars for one/ that#s hardl an thin" in sterlin", is it)# #'f o! want a watch, %haan,# he said dril , #then we#ll "o and find a proper $eweller#s and '#ll b! o! one. A real one,# he added, with a "lance of derision at the stall stacked with cheap copies. Her e es widened at the derision, then snapped with impatience. #Oh, don#t be so st!ff ,# she said. #'#ll pa o! back tomorrow when ' cash a che1!e.#

%he t!rned her head then, to catch the vendor#s e e, havin" no idea how her #st!ff 6 1!ip had ca!"ht Rafe on the raw. 't t!rned him to stone for the few moments it took him to come to terms with the !nhapp fact that she was ri"ht and that he was bein" st!ff . * then she was deep into bar"ainin" with the vendor, knockin" his price down as she had watched others doin". And with a mockin" little smile which was aimed entirel at himself, Rafe took a metaphorical step to one side to en$o watchin" this twent &two& ear&old woman he had married sportil pla the vendor at his own "ame. %he en$o ed it too. 't showed in the sparkle of her dark brown e es when she event!all remembered him. #Ri"ht,# she said briskl . #0e#ve str!ck a deal.# #How m!ch)# Rafe asked lan"!idl . He had his arms folded across his chest, one ankle restin" on the other one, and his e es were ali"ht with iron . <Two dollars fift A she declared tri!mphantl . He p!lled a wr face. #0ell done,# he complimented her, and slowl !nfolded his arms to di" a hand into his tro!ser pockets. Then, as if it went a"ainst his masc!linit to let her close the deal, he t!rned to the vendor and handed him the two dollars fift . The vendor handed Rafe somethin" that had him str!""lin" to keep the horror off his face. 't was a watch, all ri"ht, he conceded r!ef!ll . A watch with a wide bri"ht pink plastic strap, a black face/and ,innie ,o!se hands. %he hadn#t even "one for a class fake/she#d chosen this...a fake to . #' don#t believe this,# he m!ttered #'t#s c!te,# %haan told him, holdin" o!t her arm so that he co!ld fasten the watch to her wrist with a fatalistic twist to his mo!th. #'s it tellin" the ri"ht time)# she en1!ired when he#d finished. Rafe checked the time on his own "en!ine solid "old Role4, looked at the time ,innie#s arms were indicatin", and "rimaced. #To the nearest second, b the look of it,# he conceded rather ca!sticall . #Oh, "ood.# E4tendin" her arm o!t in front of her, she made 1!ite a drama o!t of st!d in" her brand&new p!rchase. #:or the

first time since ' arrived in Hon" @c ' will act!all know what time it is.# she declared in clear satisfaction. Rafe frowned. #'s that wh o! wanted it)# #,mm,# she confirmed. #And beca!se ' liked it,# she added, even white teeth pressin" into her f!ll bottom lip as she lifted "ravel innocent e es to his, beca!se she knew e4actl what he was thinkin" and was en$o ins teasin" him abo!t it. :or a moment he took the bait/b!t it was onl for a moment. #7o! provokin" little madam,# he acc!sed. #,mrn,# she said a"ain. And then it happened/$!st like that. The pla f!l mood flipped over into somethin" else entirel . 'n the b!siest, most crowded place in the !niverse, their e es locked and the s!ddenl stood alone, lost in the heated "rip of a st!nnin" m!t!al awareness. %omeone accidentall $ostled her from behind. 't p!shed her forward a step towards Rafe. His arm came o!t and aro!nd her in instinctive protection. Their bodies to!ched. The heat sparked like static all over both of them. %he 1!ivered. His chest moved in a hard, ti"ht "asp for air. #3et#s "o,# he said h!skil . %he didn#t ar"!e, b!t let him fold her beneath the possessive crook of his arm, and like that the for"ed a path back thro!"h the crowds, makin" for the nearest train station. The train was b!s . %haan stood with her back to a piece of metal wall b some doors while Rafe stood in front of her, a hand braced on the rail while the other hand rested at her waist. He didn#t speak and neither did she, b!t she co!ld feel the tension b!ildin" between the two of them as the lon" train snaked its wa towards their stop. * the time the "ot off, she was findin" it diffic!lt to breathe. Rafe#s face was ta!t, !nsmilin", as the rode the escalators !p to street level. Their hotel was a few short steps awa . There the had to share the lift with several other co!ples. No chance to speak/sa somethin" li"ht in an effort to ease what was throbbin" between them. Rafe stood ver close beside her, half&t!rned her wa , so she co!ld feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek, feel the ti"ht, p!lsin" tension in his powerf!l bod . :lickin" a nerv "lance !pwards, she felt her

breathin" cease alto"ether as she clashed with a pair of "litterin" dark e es that sent a wave of prickl heat chasin" thro!"h her. He wanted her, and he wanted her badl . %!ddenl she co!ld feel him deep inside her a"ain, hot and throbbin". 't was awf!l/shockin". %he looked 1!ickl awa , her mo!th "oin" dr , her heart p!mpin" madl in a conf!sin" mi4 of tin"lin" e4citement and real alarm at the sheer ferocit of it. ,a be the others in the lift felt it too/she wasn#t s!re, b!t there was a silence in the compartment that seemed to throb with shared tension. And she spent what was left of the short ride to their floor with her dark head lowered so her hair co!ld hide the self&conscio!s heat she knew was b!rnin" in her cheeks. Rafe#s hand ca!"ht hers a"ain the moment the stepped into the corridor, p!llin" her alon" the thick carpet to their room, then inside it He didn#t stop !ntil he strode into the bedroom, where he let "o of her at last, closed the door, then leaned back a"ainst it, e es closin", chest heavin" on a tense si"h of what she s!pposed was relief, tho!"h it didn#t seem to relieve an thin". Then his e es snapped open, and she was takin" a startled step back at what she saw b!rnin" there. #Rafe.# she "asped as he started to walk towards her, not s!re whether she fo!nd all this comp!lsive desire incredibl e4citin" or absol!tel terrif in". 0hichever, he was too lost within whatever it was that was drivin" him to notice an apprehension on her part as he reached for her and be"an "riml openin" the b!ttons down the front of her dress. As it was her bod #s senses were not "ivin" off ne"ative si"nals8 her breathin" was r!pt!red, her p!lses racin", breasts alread swollen and ti"ht in achin" anticipation of what the craved the most. The two pieces of the dress parted. His e es b!rned a searin" path down her bod , which was covered b the flimsiest scraps of white silk at her breasts and hips. He released the front catch on the bra, bent his head and s!cked the throbbin" tip of one breast into his mo!th. As her spine arched on a sharp, stin"in" shock of "aspin" pleas!re his arm hooked beneath the dress aro!nd her waist and hoisted her

backwards onto the bed. 0hat happened ne4t left her l in" stretched o!t across the bed, !nable to move in the thick, clamo!rin" silence it left in its wake. Rafe was l in" beside her, his shirt han"in" open, an arm thrown across his face, chest still heavin" from the power of his own d namic clima4. The hadn#t even "ot as far as removin" an clothes. %he still had her dress on, the two pieces of her bra were l in" open either side of her, and her briefs were/somewhere8 she didn#t know where. And as she la there, e4actl as he had left her, with her thi"hs parted and the soft, p!lsin" throb between them a reminder of the hard, hot, sava"e wa he had driven them both to the ed"e and over, she was aware that she had $!st been !tterl ravished b a man who had been completel o!t of control. A man who was now findin" it diffic!lt to come to terms with what he had done. #Rafe/# %he to!ched his sho!lder in a tentative attempt to reass!re him. He $ack&knifed into a sittin" position as if her to!ch had st!n" him, his hand "raspin" at the back of his tense neck while he "lared at the floor, and her fin"ers fl!ttered trem!lo!sl as the slowl lowered a"ain. #'#m sorr ,# he said "r!ffl , after another strained pa!se. #There was no e4c!se for behavin" like a/# He stopped, lost for words apparentl , his $aw clenchin" on a snap of self&contempt. #' apolo"ise,# he clipped o!t. Then "ot !p, walked into the bathroom and sh!t himself inside. 0itho!t so m!ch as "lancin" at her once, %haan noted painf!ll . Oh, she wasn#t h!rt b the st!nnin" swiftness with which desire had taken him over/it had done the same to her. And, after all, she#d en$o ed it, 1!ick as it had been8 she#d been ri"ht with him all the wa . %o what if the #d never 1!ite mana"ed to "et their clothes off) Or so she wo!ld have tho!"ht, and passed it off as et another mind blowin"l new variation on the wild $o s of se4/if he hadn#t reacted like a "!ilt man. And a "!ilt man was !s!all a man who had set o!t to p!nish. 0as

that what Rafe had been doin" while she had been so "lorio!sl o!t of her head with it all) Had he been p!nishin" her for somethin") P!nishin" her for/what) ,adeleine. The name sl!nk like the ic draft of a "hostl spectre across her flesh, and she shivered, "rabbin" the sides of her dress to"ether and c!rlin" ti"htl onto her side. #-o awa .# she whispered wretchedl to that other woman#s beastl presence. The so!nd of movement from the bathroom had her rollin" off the bed to 1!ickl strip the dress from her bod and replace it with her satin wrap. Her fin"ers shook as she belted it aro!nd her, teeth "ritted behind ti"htened lips as an"er be"an to b!bble !p inside her. '#ve kicked Piers o!t of this marria"e, she tho!"ht bitterl to herself. Rafe can damned well kick ,adeleine o!t. The bathroom door opened and she stalked towards it, with chin !p and e es flashin" in bri"ht, blindin", bitter f!r . #(on#t ever/do that/ to me a"ain.# she spat into his tense pale face, and stepped past him into the bathroom, slammin" the door sh!t behind her. Her breasts were heavin", her fin"ers clenchin" and !nclenchin" at her sides, that "reen&e ed monster called $ealo!s so completel overwhelmin" her that she wanted to scratch his damned l in" e es o!t. He was the one who#d insisted that Piers and ,adeleine were to sta o!t of their bed. He was the one who had forced this damned se4 thin" on her in the first place. %he railed on f!rio!sl as she stripped off what was left of her clothes, st!ffed her hair into a shower cap and stepped beneath the shower. He was the one who/ #Oh.# A h!"e sob broke from her8 she co!ldn#t seem to stop it. Then another/and another. 't was like bein" on an emotional roller coaster and she didn#t think she co!ld take m!ch more of it. And s!ddenl she was doin" what she hadn#t done even when Piers had $ilted her. %he was sobbin" her heart o!t beneath the warm hiss of

water. And once a"ain he was there. A hand switchin" off the shower. A hand closin" aro!nd her arm, drawin" her o!t of the c!bicle and a"ainst his chest. Ne4t thin" the shower cap came off her head and a bathrobe settled over her sho!lders with his arms closin" ro!nd it. He didn#t sa a word, not a sin"le word, as she leant there a"ainst him and $!st let it all come po!rin" o!t of her. %he felt limp afterwards, limp and lifeless. And still he didn#t sa an thin" in the ens!in" d!ll throb of silence that followed her emotional storm. He $!st fed her limp arms into the sleeves of her robe, folded it aro!nd her bod , tied it sn!"l , then lifted her into his arms and carried her to bed. %he fell asleep wrapped in a bathrobe, wrapped in his arms, "ainin" a pec!liar kind of comfort from the fact that Rafe did not remove his own robe so the la in a sn!" b!ndle of soft white towellin". 'n the mornin" she woke to find him "one, not $!st from the bed b!t from the s!ite, with onl a brief note which told her where he#d "one b!t "ave no cl!e as to how he was feelin" abo!t her foolish breakdown the ni"ht before. And foolish she did feel in the cool li"ht of da . Rafe was a man of thirt &fo!r, for "oodness# sake. He was !sed to slick, smooth, sophisticated women in his bed, who knew how to respond to a comple4 man like him. He was not !sed to an over&emotional female fallin" into a h sterical fit beca!se he#d ind!l"ed in a bit of ro!"h se4 with her/which she had en$o ed an wa , she reminded herself. 't was ,adeleine#s "host she co!ldn#t cope with. And even her arrival in the bedroom last ni"ht had been at her biddin", not Rafe#s. %he si"hed, hatin" her own sense of fail!re. And hatin" Rafe for d!ckin" o!t on her this mornin", leavin" her to sweat alone on what his mood mi"ht be. Then almost instantl her own mood flipped over to a chin&liftin" defiance. 'f he co!ld escape a showdown men so damn well co!ld she. #*!siness meetin"#, his brief note said. #*e back aro!nd one o#clock and

we#ll "o for l!nch#. 0ell, she wo!ldn#t be here at one o#clock. she decided. Tho!"h where she wo!ld "o she had no idea. All she did know was that the need to "et awa from this damned s!ite of rooms was "rowin" stron"er as each second passed b while she h!rriedl h!nted thro!"h her fli"ht ba" for her passport and traveller#s che1!es. Ten min!tes later, dressed in a simple white soft cotton blo!se and a pair of white cotton tro!sers held !p b a contrastin" cerise belt, she was travellin" down in the lift with her passport and traveller#s che1!es safel stashed in her sho!lder ba", alon" with a pair of s!n"lasses and her p!rse. E4chan"in" a che1!e for some Hon" @on" dollars was made eas b the hotel#s own b!rea! de chan"e. 't was while she was waitin" her t!rn there that she was drawn into conversation with a sweet old American co!ple who were standin" in the same 1!e!e. The were, %haan discovered, abo!t to embark on an or"anised to!r of the island with a whole "ro!p of fellow Americans. 't was p!re imp!lse that made her ask if there mi"ht be room for one more on their coach. After that, the final decision was taken ri"ht awa from her, beca!se her newl fo!nd friends simpl took over. #Tho!"h wh a lovel o!n" thin" like o! is alone in Hon" @on" is incredible,# the lad remarked as the went to search o!t the to!r "!ide. #, h!sband/? that felt stran"e to sa o!t lo!d, she tho!"ht as somethin" ti"htened !p inside her #/is involved in b!siness toda ,# she e4plained. #*!siness) 'sn#t that $!st like a man)# was the scathin" repl to that one. #0ell. , name is %adie and this is m h!sband, +osh.# %adie made the introd!ctions. A spare seat was happil fo!nd for her on the coach, and half an ho!r later %haan fo!nd herself s!rro!nded b twent friendl Americans who made the da a sheer deli"ht after too m!ch of Rafe#s abrasive compan . The be"an the to!r with a hair&raisin" trip on the Peak Tram to the top

of >ictoria Peak that made %haan wish she#d bro!"ht a camera with her. The view from the top was spectac!lar, the $o!rne back down nerve&rackin". :rom there the visited Aberdeen Harbo!r, where the bi" floatin" resta!rants were moored and the water was like a floatin" cit of residential $!nks in itself. After that the travelled alon" the coast to a place called %tanle , and %haan marvelled at the abr!pt chan"e from heavil b!ilt !p Hon" @on" to a tropical paradise. 't was bea!tif!l on this side of the mo!ntains, hardl a b!ildin" to be seen, and the air was less h!mid. %tanle had its own h!"e market/nothin" like as fascinatin" as the ni"ht market Rafe had taken her to, b!t, still, she fo!nd a cerise silk scarf that matched the belt aro!nd her waist, and bo!"ht it. Then on imp!lse she bo!"ht her a!nt and +emma a similar one each, pl!s a small $ade *!ddha she spied that she tho!"ht her !ncle mi"ht like. On f!rther imp!lse she bo!"ht one for Rafe, too. -!ilt conscience, she reco"nised, even as she did it. Onl , she#d happened to "lance at the time and realised with a shock that it was alread wa past one o#clock. He sho!ld know b now that she#d escaped, and a tin shiver trickled down her spine as she wondered how he was takin" the discover . The l!nched in %tanle itself, and b the time the all climbed back onto the coach it was alread well past three o#clock. The travelled back via >ictoria Peak a"ain, where the sta ed to watch the s!n "o down. #'#ve been in some bea!tif!l places in m time,# %adie m!rm!red softl beside her, #b!t '#ve never seen a s!nset as "lorio!s as this one.# And it was, bea!tif!l/ma"ical, m stical. And while %haan stood there, feelin" the power of it sink into her ver bones, she s!ddenl wished Rafe were here with her to share it. 0ished it so m!ch, in fact, that she be"an to re"ret comin" on this to!r at all. 0hich rather defeated the ob$ect, she r!ef!ll acknowled"ed as the all climbed back on the b!s so the co!ld be ferried back to their hotel. 'n the fo er, %haan thanked her new friends and said "oodb e to them, beca!se the were leavin" Hon" @on" for %in"apore first thin" in the mornin". Then, tired, b!t feelin" more at peace with herself than she

had felt since Rafe strode in and took over her life, she rode the lift !p to her floor. %he onl be"an to feel an4io!s when she opened the s!ite door. The li"hts were on, the c!rtains not et drawn, and Rafe was standin" in front of the window, stiff backed, ti"ht&sho!ldered, with his hands st!ffed into his tro!ser pockets. He sw!n" aro!nd the moment she stepped into the room. #0here the hell have o! been)# he bit o!t f!rio!sl . Her chin came !p, a!tomatic defiance takin" over from an idea she mi"ht have had of smilin" at him. ?7o! know where '#ve been,# she replied. #' left a messa"e for o! at Reception.# #To hell with that,# he said an"ril . #Have o! an idea how h!miliatin" it was havin" no idea where m wife/m new wife/had "one when ' bro!"ht some people back here to meet o!) 7o!r messa"e arrived five min!tes after we did.# he ta""ed on stin"in"l . #* then ' was alread tearin" m hair o!t.# 0ith an"er, not worr , %haan "riml ass!med. #3ook.# %he tried for a bit of placatin". Tm sorr . 't wasn#t m fa!lt if the messa"e arrived late. *!t if it will make o! feel better, '#ll apolo"ise to o!r friends for not bein" here.# #7o!#ll damn well do that.# he snapped. #'n e4actl /# he stabbed a silver "lance at his watch ?/one ho!r from now, since we#re meetin" them for dinner.# CHAPTER E'-HT ('NNER.# O!t to dinner. 0ith total stran"ers/a"ain. And with him in this mood. #Oh, damn it,# %haan m!ttered as she fo!"ht with hair that did not want to "o !p in the :rench pleat she was tr in" to p!t it in, and, in the end, she dropped her achin" arms to her sides and $!st stood starin" at herself in the f!ll&len"th mirror. The dress she was wearin" was another new one bo!"ht b Rafe since the #d arrived here. 't was a p!re silk, slinkil c!t traditional mandarin dress that seemed to mo!ld $!st abo!t ever sens!al c!rve of her fi"!re. 't was deep, dark red in colo!r, and piped in black with "old&

threaded embroider . 0ith her loose black hair she looked even more e4otic than she#d ever seen herself look. 't was a shock/a bi" shock/beca!se the woman standin" inside that mirror had #sed!ctress# written all over her. There was no wa she co!ld "o o!t lookin" like this. she decided on an !ps!r"e of stomach&clenchin" disma which had her fin"ers reachin" for the hi"h&b!ttoned mandarin collar with the intention of !nfastenin" it. Then, what#s happened to o!) she pa!sed to ask her own !nreco"nisable reflection. 0here#s the meek and conservative little mo!se o! !sed to be/"one) 0hat even made o! choose this dress from all the other less provocative dresses han"in" on the rail) ' don#t know, she answered herself with a wretched kind of helplessness. ' don#t seem to have an idea who ' am or even what ' am an more. #%haan .? %he $!mped, that harshl impatient voice rakin" across nerve&ends so on ed"e the literall vibrated. He was back to snappin" o!t commands at her, she noted on a tension&packed little si"h. And she was back to $!mpin" to order, she ta""ed on "riml as her fin"ers snapped awa from her collar. And instead of takin" the dress off she "ave her reflection a final, helpless "lance before forcin" her shak le"s across the bedroom floor and into the other room, hopin" to -od that he wo!ldn#t see what she#d seen when she looked at herself. He did, or at least somethin" ver like it, beca!se his silver&"re e es raked an"ril over her and he m!ttered a strin" of m!ffled c!rses beneath his breath. *!t all he act!all en!nciated clearl , was, ?Can we leave now)# He said it "riml , ti"htl /so damned sarcasticall she wanted to hit him. Her tin black patent evenin" ba" cl!tched ti"htl in one hand, she sp!n stiffl towards the s!ite door. %he heard him let o!t another stran"led c!rse, and realised with stin"in", helpless, wretched despair that her back view was no less provocative than the front view owin" to the wa the centre back split in her skirt showed more le" than it

had a ri"ht to do. *!t/what the hell) she told herself an"ril . 't was Rafe who had helped choose the damned dress in the first place. He who#d created this new monster called ,rs %haan (anvers, who was s!ch a complete antithesis of the old %haan.6 %o he co!ld $oll well p!t !p with her, she decided m!tino!sl as her nerve&ends be"an screamin" as he came !p behind her. *!t all he did do was reach aro!nd her and swin" the door open so she co!ld precede him o!t into the corridor. %he swept past, head hi"h, an"r defiance sparkin" in her ebon e es. * the time he#d closed the door and $oined her, she was alread standin" at the wall of lifts. #0here did o! "o)# he demanded. #-o to hell,# she said ti"htl . #7o! had o!r chance for an e4planation and missed it. There won#t be another one.# #At least tell me who o! went with.? he bit o!t. #No.# The lift doors opened. %haan stalked inside, t!rned and kept her e es "larin" directl ahead, completel i"norin" Rafe as he stepped in beside her and stabbed at the lift console as if it were one of her e es. The doors closed. The were alone and the tension was si22lin". #All o!r note said was that o!#d "one si"htseein" with some new friends o!#d met,# he snapped. 7o!r note said even less, she tho!"ht, b!t kept her lips clamped ti"htl sh!t. #0hat new friends)# No answer. #0here did o! meet them)# No answer. *!t her senses be"an to b!22 warnin"l beca!se she co!ld feel the an"r fr!stration in him reachin" o!t towards her. #0as it a man)# #7es.# she flashed at him. #'t was a man. An AmericanB wonderf!ll mannered, attentive to a fa!lt. And he smiled a lot.# she ta""ed on with a stin" to her tone. #0hich was a darn si"ht more pleasant than bein" scowled at.#

His hand, hittin" the #stop# b!tton on the lift console, set her heart hammerin" and her e es blinkin" as he sp!n ro!nd an"ril to face her. #Now listen,# he m!ttered, clampin" hard hands on her sho!lders. #7o!#re an"r . '#m an"r . 0e need to talk, b!t we can#t do it now beca!se we#re alread late for dinner, and it#s ver important to me that we "ive a "ood impression of married bliss/"ot that)# #7es.# %he ref!sed to look at him, her e es flashin" all over the place rather than clashin" with his. %he was p!lsin" inside with a desire to break free of somethin"/all of it, she s!spected. -ivin" in to that bo!t of weepin" last ni"ht had onl been the tip of the iceber". Now it was all be"innin" to b!bble !p inside her. O!tra"e at the cavalier wa Piers had $ilted her. Resentment at the wa Rafe had so "allantl stepped into his brother#s shoes like some white kni"ht to the resc!e of the poor heartbroken maiden. Then had come the se4. #'ncredible se4#, Rafe had called it. #,ind&blowin" se4#. %o she m!st not for"et the se4, m!st she) Or ,adeleine, come to that/dear, sweet, bl!e&e ed, blonde&haired ,adeleine m!st not be left o!t of this carna"e her life had become. #%haan/# #%top doin" that.# she snapped, lettin" her e es clash with his for a brief second before flickin" them awa a"ain. #(oin" what)# He was taken aback, which was ver "ratif in". #%a in" m name like a teacher who is abo!t to reprimand a child,# she said, almost dancin" on the spot with her need to let it all blow now. He frowned. #'s that what ' do)? #7es, all the time.# #And o! don#t like it)# #No, ' do not.# #Then ' apolo"ise,# he said stiffl . #0ell, there#s a first,# %haan drawled, and knew even as she said it that she was behavin" more like the child in need of reprimand than she had ever done. He m!st have tho!"ht so too, beca!se he let o!t a heav si"h, his e es closin" as he seemed to make an effort to "et a hold on himself. #0e#d better "o,# he m!ttered "riml . #*efore this thin" de"enerates into a real fi"ht.#

#0hat/another one)# she ta!nted recklessl . #' tho!"ht we had one last ni"ht.# His face ti"htened, the shaft hittin" well and tr!l home, which almost immediatel made her feel ashamed of herself for !sin" it. Then he reacted. His hands ca!"ht her aro!nd the waist and ph sicall ha!led her !p a"ainst the wall of the lift before she#d done more than "asp in s!rprise. Her e es widened, real alarm showin" in their t!rb!lent dark depths while he stood there in front of her, p!lsin" with/somethin"/ tho!"h she wasn#t 1!ite s!re what. #3ook/'#m sorr abo!t last ni"ht, all ri"ht)# he bit o!t ta!tl . #' didn#t mean to !pset o!. 'n case o! didn#t notice it, ' also !pset m self.# #'...#<:rom feelin" reckless with provocation, she now fo!nd herself feelin" wretched with remorse. #' didn#t !nderstand wh /wh o! were so an"r A she e4plained a little !nsteadil . #' know.# %omethin" flashed across his e es/more an"er, she s!spected, b!t co!ldn#t be s!re, and the fin"ers he lifted to to!ch her cheek were incredibl "entle. #*!t ' wasn#t an"r with o!,# he said. #' was an"r with m self, for losin" control like that.6 #' tho!"ht o! m!st have been wishin" ' was ,adeleine.? However she#d e4pected him to react to that honest little confession, it was not how he did react. His e es closed, his mo!th clenched, his bi" chest movin" !p and down on a fierce t!" of air. ?Oh, hellA he m!ttered, and looked at her a"ain. #%haan/abo!t ,adeleine/# ?No.# Her fin"ers $erked !p to cover his mo!th. #Please don#t,# she whispered, s!dden tears shinin" in her e es. #' don#t think ' co!ld bear it if o!...# %he co!ldn#t finish what she had been "oin" to sa beca!se it revolved aro!nd his love for ,adeleine, and that was e4actl what she co!ldn#t bear. #Can#t we $!st for"et it ever happened and "o now)# she pleaded an4io!sl . He contin!ed to stare "riml at her for a few moments lon"er, takin" in the read tears, her 1!iverin" lips, and lifted a hand to clasp her fin"ers mat still covered his mo!th.

He said ver h!skil , #7o! bea!tif!l fool.# And bent his head to kiss her. He said that to me once before, she recalled ha2il as her lips parted in helpless s!rrender to the needs of his mo!th. #:or"et ,adeleineA he m!rm!red "r!ffl as he drew awa a"ain. #' haveA As she realised she had for"otten Piers) she wondered, and felt a new warmth s!ff!se her as hope be"an to blossom. Hope for what) %he didn#t know. %he didn#t even want to bother searchin" for the answer, beca!se she co!ld s!ddenl feel him as tho!"h he was deep inside her a"ain, and she wanted him there in realit . #(o we reall have to meet these people)# she m!rm!red h!skil . #' co!ld plead a headache and o! co!ld p!t me to bed and t!ck me in, o!#re ver "ood at doin" that..A He let o!t a soft la!"h, his hands spla in" over her slender hips where the were sens!all mo!ldin" themselves to his. #And to think,# he m!rm!red r!ef!ll , #' tho!"ht o! were s!ch a sh little thin"A #(isappointed)# she asked. #No/enchanted,# he replied, and capt!red her mo!th a"ain. #(oes this mean we can "o back !pstairs)# she 1!estioned hopef!ll some lon", ver satisf in" min!tes later. And, like a woman with a brand&new weapon in her possession, she be"an sed!cin" him with soft, clin"in" kisses interspersed with, #Please)# Her fin"ertips ran inside his $acket so the co!ld stroke lon", sens!al caresses alon" his lean ribca"e, and her slender hips slowl " rated a"ainst the steadil b!ildin" tension in his. #Please...)# she kept on whisperin". #Please, Rafe/ please...)# 5ntil the kisses "rew lon"er and stron"er and deeper, and her new& fo!nd powers of sed!ction "rew bolder when it became clear that he wasn#t "oin" to brin" a halt to what she was incitin" here in the hotel lift of all places. Her fin"ers be"an to slide loose the black bow&tie at his snow white collar and he didn#t do a sin"le thin" to stop her. And here it was, et another variation on the act of lovin", where she sed!ced him, not the other wa ro!nd. 0here she made his heart po!nd with desire and made his skin b!rn beneath her delicate to!ch. Tri!mph whistled thro!"h her when, on a painf!l "roan, he reached o!t

and hit the b!tton which wo!ld take them back to their floor a"ain/ the tri!mph of knowin" that she had the power to make him want her above ever thin", even his precio!s b!siness dinner. #7o! are a witch,# he m!ttered !nsteadil , as if catchin" hold of her tho!"hts and answerin" them. #7o!#ve cast a damned spell on me.# The lift stopped. The doors slid open to reveal a +apanese co!ple waitin" to come inside. The looked rather shocked as Rafe "riml p!lled %haan past them and back down the corridor to their own room. '#ll never live this down if an one finds o!t,# he m!ttered once he had them safel locked inside their s!ite a"ain. #' won#t tell,# %haan promised softl , her fin"ers alread b!s with his shirt b!ttons. Her fin"ertips ran li"ht, scrapin" caresses over hair&ro!"hened flesh, felt m!scles inside him dance with pleas!re, felt the heat bo!ncin" from him, felt the need throbbin" in him, and p!lled the shirt free from the waistband of his tro!sers. 0ith a boldness that mana"ed to shock even herself, she ran her hands over his hips, down his lon", powerf!l thi"hs, then sens!all back !p a"ain over the swollen evidence that was the ver essence of the man himself. He sh!ddered violentl , his mo!th leavin" hers so he co!ld release the air from his tense l!n"s on a pleas!rable hiss. And in all the had shared d!rin" these last few d namic da s she had never felt so aware of her own femininit as she was at that moment. *eca!se he was en$o in" this/losin" himself in it. His e es closed, e4pression ta!t with a passion that wo!ld have alarmed her if her own h!n"r passions hadn#t been as throbbin"l intense. And it was those h!n"r passions that "ave her the co!ra"e to "o for the kill. 0ith her e es locked on his face and the delicate pink tip of her ton"!e probin" between the provocative set of her even white teeth, she reached for the clasp on his tro!sers, flicked it free, then smoothl slid down the 2ip/and to!ched him. 't was a shock. No matter how intimate the had become over these last few da s, this was the first time she had act!all vol!ntaril to!ched him like this. And the shock was in the fierce heat of him, the !nbelievable tension, the power of him p!shin" a"ainst the final barrier

of stretch black !nderwear. #(on#t stop now,# he m!rm!red h!skil when her fin"ers went s!ddenl still. #(on#t stop#, he#d said, and she didn#t want to stop. %he wanted to overwhelm him with the power of her sens!alit $!st as he had done co!ntless times to her. *!t... %he "lanced !p, fo!nd his e es open, saw the twin fires of desire b!rnin" in their smok depths and $!st stared rather helplessl at him /be""in", she s!spected, for him to take over now her co!ra"e was be"innin" to fail her. *!t Rafe shook his dark head in ref!sal. #This is o!r sed!ction this time, %haan,# he said "r!ffl . #7o! be"an it, o! finish it.# He meant that what had happened the ni"ht before had been entirel his sed!ction and, since neither of them had liked what had happened then, he was therefore relin1!ishin" all control this time to her. *!t she s!ddenl discovered that she didn#t want it. %he liked him to overwhelm, overpower and devo!r her. %he liked to kid herself that he allowed her no choices in this wild, sens!al madness that formed the ver cr!4 of their relationship. %he liked to see herself as the innocent victim of the r!thless (anvers brothers beca!se if she didn#t see herself in that wa then she wo!ld have to start lookin" at what she reall was. :ickle. That word came back to ta!nt her. :ickle in her feelin"s, fickle in her alle"iance. :ickle in the wa she co!ld s!pposedl love one man et be like this with another. :ickle. Then he moved, one of his hands comin" !p so he co!ld "entl comb his fin"ers thro!"h her lon", loose hair, and her whole bod shivered on a shak si"h, breasts heavin" behind their ti"ht coverin" of silk, and she t!rned her mo!th into that warm, male palm as her senses went ha wire. :ickle or not, she told herself fatall as she wo!nd her arms inside his "apin" shirt and reached !pwards for his mo!th a"ain, she wanted this

/needed it now/so badl that nothin" else seemed to matter. And thro!"h all of it came the one tellin" little tr!th that had s!pported her own actions thro!"ho!t the whole of this thin" with this manB the knowled"e that he wanted her, desired her, co!ldn#t "et eno!"h of her, %haan, $ilted bride of his brother. No matter what ,adeleine meant to him, Rafe still wanted her. And if that made them both fickle then so be it. *eca!se at this moment in time she wanted him more than she co!ld ever remember wantin" an thin". An thin". 0anted this/this wonderf!l, head sense of elation she was e4periencin" as her hands went back to caressin" his bod , feelin" his p!lsin" responses, his m!scles ripplin" with pleas!re when her fin"ers br!shed over them, findin" his mo!th a"ain time after time, drownin" him in hot and moist, wanton kisses. #0hat abo!t o!r friends)# she mana"ed to recall in the middle of their ne4t wave of heated passion. #'#ll rin" themA he m!ttered. #3ater.# He sh!ddered at the sens!al rake of her nails down the satin smooth skin of his back. #,!ch later,# he added, and bent to scoop her !p in his arms, then carr her thro!"h to the bedroom. :rom there on Rafe took over/of co!rse he took over8 he wo!ld not have been the forcef!ll virile man she wanted if he had been content to lie back and let her do all the sed!cin". And what followed was a slow, hot, flesh&stirrin" lovin" that was the complete antithesis of what had "one the ni"ht before. 't was as if he needed to demonstrate to her that he co!ld be warm, "entle, bea!tif!ll controlled, and still be devastatin"l passionate. He kissed her all over, left no place !nto!ched, !ntil she la there a weak, boneless mass of p!lsin" sensation before he slid slowl inside her. Then stopped. 't bro!"ht her e es flickerin" open, blackened b desire, to find his face wearin" a sombre cast to it that act!all h!rt somethin" deep inside her. #7o!#re bea!tif!l,# he m!rm!red h!skil . #' adore o!.#

0as adorin" somethin" similar to love) she wondered ha2il . 0el+, if it wasn#t, it was close, ver close/close eno!"h for her to feel the e4act same wa abo!t him. %o, #7o! too,# she whispered, and watched his e es t!rn to silver, felt him swell inside her as if her simple repl had the power to incite him, and she closed her e es as her bod t!rned to li1!id a"ain. A moment after that he was movin" in her with deep, slow, rh thmic thr!sts that filled her with a ma"ical sense of both his and her own entit . 't was wonderf!l. 't was special. 't was all the more enriched b those few small words of m!t!al carin" which seemed to transcend the mere ph sical which the had been rel in" on !ntil now. And the clima4, when it came, was more like a "entle flood than a wild torrent, en"!lfin" her in a warm, la2 sea of sensation that seemed to "o on and on and on into a softl p!lsin" world of p!re ecstas ... #Are o! "oin" to tell me where o! were toda )# He was l in" propped !p on an elbow beside her, watchin" her make that slow, sinkin" $o!rne back to earth a"ain while the back of one fin"er "entl stroked her heated cheek. 't was a nice, soothin", almost tender "est!re, and so bea!tif!ll in keepin" with what the had $!st shared to"ether. %he opened heav e es, too sens!all lan"!id to do m!ch else, and fo!nd his own e es, darkened b similar satiation, restin" on her. #Not if o!#re "oin" to start sho!tin" a"ain,# she warned. #*eca!se '#m $!st too content to listen.# His small h!ff of la!"hter accompanied the soft slide of his fin"er across her kiss&swollen mo!th. #'f ' promise not to sho!t, then)# he offered la2il . #+osh,# she said. #' was with an American called +osh.# The caressin" rin"er went still. #He has a wife called %adie and the are both in their seventies. ' asked if ' co!ld $oin them on an or"anised to!r of the island. The a"reed, and ' had a lovel time into the bar"ain.# He didn#t sa a sin"le word for the space of several ta!t seconds. #-od, o! know how to p!nish a man,# he m!ttered then. #7o! deliberatel let me ima"ine o! swannin" all over Hon" @on" with some h!nk of a

"! .# #7o! promised not to sho!t,# she reminded him po!t&in"l . #%o ' did,# he r!ef!ll a"reed, and the fin"er be"an movin" a"ain, slidin" across her cheek to be"in "entl strokin" her hair behind her ear while somethin" else passed across his e es/she wasn#t s!re what, b!t it warmed a special spot inside her to see it. Tenderness8 that was what it was. Tender am!sement. And wr ind!l"ence for her teasin". And/ #%o, where did o! "o with these nice Americans who took o! !nder their win")# he m!rm!red. %he told him, "ivin" him a detailed acco!nt of her whole da /then she remembered somethin" when she reached the part abo!t %tanle market. %!ddenl she $!mped off the bed to r!n naked across the room and collect the carrier ba" of the p!rchases she had made toda . #' bo!"ht o! a present,# she said, e4plainin" her s!dden fit of ener" . #Not a new watch, ' hope,# he drawled mockin"l , his e es la2il ind!l"ent as the followed her. #No/not a watch,# she said, t!rnin" to teasin"l wrinkle her nose at him. He was still l in" as she had left him, reclinin" on his side with the sheet ne"li"entl draped over his lean hips while the rest of him was wonderf!ll naked. He looked so "or"eo!s it stopped her breath for a few throbbin" moments, and then she came back to sit cross&le""ed on the bed near to him so she co!ld place the ba" on her lap while she r!mma"ed inside it. #Now, let#s see...# she m!rm!red, prod!cin" first the cerise scarf she had bo!"ht for herself, which she draped aro!nd her neck, then showin" him the ones she had bo!"ht for her a!nt and +emma. Ne4t came the tin $ade *!ddha for her !ncle, and, finall , the sli"htl lar"er one she had bo!"ht for Rafe. <The #re s!pposed to be l!ck ,# she e4plained. #'f someone else b! s one for o!. %o...? :eelin" s!ddenl awkward and sh , she handed the patm&si2ed sc!lpt!re to him. #*e l!ck , Rafe,# she m!rm!red softl . :or a few moments he didn#t move a m!scle, and she co!ldn#t see his

e es to know what he was thinkin" beca!se he had them lowered while he stared at her small pale "reen offerin". Her stomach m!scles be"an to knot, her chest "rowin" ti"ht in tense anticipation, white teeth pressin" into her f!ll bottom lip as the silence stretched witho!t him so m!ch as sa in" a word. O@, she be"an thinkin" an4io!sl . %o it wasn#t the best $ade the world co!ld offer, and it certainl hadn#t cost the earth to b! , b!t the tho!"ht co!nted for somethin", s!rel ) Even with this man, who co!ld afford the ver best in an thin" he wanted) Then his e es lifted and she saw it/and her heart flipped over. He was moved/act!all moved. His free hand snaked !p, ca!"ht the two ed"es of her new scarf and t!""ed, p!llin" her face down towards him. #Thank o!,# he said "r!ffl , and kissed her. And it was special, this kiss, beca!se it held not a hint of se4!al passion. Onl / #%haan...# he m!rm!red as he drew awa a"ain, with a sombreness that did not 1!ite fit the occasion. #' want o! to know that '#m not pla in" "ames with o! here. ' want this marria"e to work. ' want !s to work.# #Can it work)# Considerin" the wa it had started, %haan didn#t reall think it had a chance. #7o! mean beca!se we started with nothin")# he asked. #0ell...# A powerf!ll m!scled sho!lder moved in a shr!". #0e can b!ild on nothin". 'n fact, ' wo!ld "o as far as to sa ,# he added, #that it#s probabl a darn si"ht easier to b!ild on nothin"...# He pa!sed. Then, on a small si"h, he concl!ded, #' s!ppose the point ' am tr in" to make is /do o! want to tr )# #7o! mean '#m bein" "iven a choice here)# %he tried mockin" the serio!sness o!t of the moment. 't didn#t work, tho!"h he did allow himself a "rimace at the $!stice in her ta!nt, beca!se the both knew that !ntil now Rafe had not reall "iven her an choices abo!t an thin" that had happened between them. *!t, #7es,# he replied, and his e es remained serio!s/deadl serio!s. Her e elids lowered while she tho!"ht abo!t what he was act!all tellin" her here. He was talkin" permanence. He was offerin" permanence. #'s it what o! want)# she asked.

#7es.# 't was "r!ff and it was sincere. #Piers and ,adeleine/# #No.# His warnin" t!" on the cerise scarf stopped her. #The no lon"er belon" in the e1!ation,# he stated firml . #This is between o! and me, and what we#ve discovered we can have if we $!st tr to work at it.# #%e4# was the word %haan wo!ld !se to describe it. *!t then it was her t!rn to "rimace, beca!se she#d tried love witho!t se4 and had "ot nothin" back from the relationship. %o ma be Rafe was ri"ht, and the did have a chance of b!ildin" from nothin"/with se4 as their fo!ndation instead of that more intense emotion called love. #Are o! a faithf!l man, Rafe)# she asked him 1!ietl . #7es,# he replied. And she fo!nd she believed him. There was somethin" abo!t this conversation which insisted on honest . *!t, still, she wanted clarification on that point. #No other women on the side) No little stop& overs in brief ports of call)# #0ho#s been talkin")# he si"hed, then "rimaced. #Or don#t ' need to ask)# #+!st answer the 1!estion,# she insisted. #'#ve been fooled b one man in that wa too recentl to let another one walk me into the same trap.# #R!mo!rs abo!t m love life have been "reatl e4a""erated,# he informed her satiricall . #*!t, no, no other women.# His e es ca!"ht hers a"ain. #+!st o!, me and a chance of somethin" special.# %omethin" special. %omethin" special so!nded temptin". %omethin" special was what she was alread be"innin" to feel for this complicated man with his hard cr!st of r!thlessness and his mind& blowin" sens!alit , and this/this warmin" show of honest sincerit was perhaps worth more than all the rest p!t to"ether. *!t... 3owerin" her e es awa from him, she contemplated her fin"ers while her mind tried to come !p with a catch in all of this. *eca!se there had to be a catch, didn#t there) 't was all $!st too "ood to be tr!e/too dam eas /and that prodded at another little sore point she had been str!""lin" with. This 1!ick, this ri"ht and this eas /that did make her fickle.

Or "!llible) she s!""ested to herself soberl . -!llible in a lot of wa s. -!llible to Piers# false kind of charm, "!llible to Rafe#s more a""ressive kind, and "!llible to/this, this need to be wanted as hotl and as passionatel as he clearl wanted her. Co!ld the b!ild on that) 0as it at least worth tr in", or was she $!st askin" for more heartache at the end of it all) #0ell)# he prompted when she took too lon" to answer. #O@, we#ll work on it,# she heard herself s!rrender. His e es flashed, and in the ne4t moment he was p!shin" her onto her back and comin" to lie across her, his mo!th hot and !r"ent as it covered hers. 0hen she lifted her arms so she co!+d b!r her fin"ers in his hair and hold his mo!th on hers, he ca!"ht one hand with his own, his fin"ers pleatin" with her fin"ers as he pressed them back a"ainst the bed. And it was onl when she felt the cold, solid press of somethin" sandwiched between their two warm palms that she remembered the little *!ddha she had $!st "iven to him. :or l!ck, she had said. %he onl hoped there was some tr!th in it, for she had a feelin" the were "oin" to need it if the were to make an thin" of this odd liaison that never sho!ld have be"!n in the first place/or come as far as it had done since. And ma be Rafe#s tho!"hts were movin" alon" similar lines, beca!se as he "!ided them both thro!"h et another storm of heated passion he kept that little *!ddha pressed between their heated palms, and even afterwards still kept it there as the slid into a lan"!id sleep. Oddl , she felt comforted feelin" it there. ,a be there was more to its m th than mere fiction. %he hoped so8 she reall hoped so. %o the worked at it/both of them. 0orked at it thro!"h the rest of their two&week sta in Hon" @on" and the weeks followin" when the ret!rned to 3ondon. And it went ver well/aided and abetted b the fact that the kept themselves ver m!ch to themselves for most of the time, which meant that no o!tside infl!ences co!ld p!t a spanner in the works. And the also !tilised to its f!llest potential the main in"redient that kept it

"oin". The se4, to p!t it cr!del . %e4 in the mornin", se4 in the evenin", se4 when a certain look or a to!ch wo!ld set the whole ca!ldron of desire b!bblin" !p witho!t warnin". %e4, se4 and more se4. 't seemed to completel take her over. %he tho!"ht of little else, she wanted little else, and it never occ!rred to her to 1!estion the sense in s!ch a blinkered view of their marria"e. *eca!se she had firml locked awa , in a mental bo4 somewhere inside her head, all the reasons wh se4 co!ld not and sho!ld not be eno!"h to s!pport a relationship. 3ocked awa the fact that what she had act!all done was accept ph sical love in place of emotional love. The relationship reall didn#t stand a chance, and was $!st be""in" for somethin" or someone to come alon" and smash the blinkers from her e es. CHAPTER N'NE #0E33/T +emma demanded. #Are o! in love with him or aren#t o!)# (ressed in a wheat&colo!red tro!ser s!it that was s!pposed to be cas!al wear b!t still mana"ed to look o!tra"eo!sl e4pensive, %haan sat at a small table in what had !sed to be her favo!rite 3ondon wine bar, watchin" the b!s t!rnover of l!nchtime c!stomers mill aro!nd in front of her while she decided how best to answer that. 't was odd, she m!sed idl , b!t she felt 1!ite o!t of place here now. 'n fact, she wo!ld "o as far as to sa that she didn#t even know who %haan %aketa was an more, beca!se ,rs Rafe (anvers was an entirel different bein" alto"ether. %he had been back in 3ondon a week, after spendin" two weeks in Hon" @on", and it was d!rin" those first two weeks that %haan (anvers had been created/ mo!lded b clever hands to s!it the man she was now married to. 'n ever sense of the word. Her clothes, the wa she carried herself, the wa she looked at life and even the wa she perceived herself had all completel altered. *!t, perhaps most si"nificantl of all, "one was the strained&faced, empt &e ed, lost&lookin" creat!re +emma had worried so m!ch abo!t the last time she had seen her, and in her place sat this all!rin"l

bea!tif!l woman whose dark e es now wore the look of dist!rbin"l sens!al self&knowled"e. A fact an of the men present in the crowded bar wo!ld ea"erl vo!ch for. %he seemed to "low with f!lfilment. 't was se4 . 't was enticin". 't talked to a man#s se4!a. antennae and told him that there sat a woman who knew how to make a man feel fantastic abo!t himself. 'n short, she was special. And she belon"ed to someone special, if the wa those se4 e es barel noticed an other man was a $!d"e. And, whoever the "! was, the rest of them envied him and h!n" aro!nd perhaps lon"er than the sho!ld in the hope of "ettin" a "limpse of this member of their se4 who was l!ck eno!"h to have her. #'s the answer that diffic!lt)# +emma mocked dril when the silence between them went on too lon". #7es, act!all ,# %haan m!rm!red, brin"in" her e es back into foc!s with a smile so sens!all eni"matic that it almost made +emma "asp. #'t is that diffic!lt.# #7o! said o! loved him,# she reminded her. #*efore o! married him, o! promised me that o! did.# #Ah.# %haan rela4ed back into her chair, takin" her "lass of chilled white wine with her. #*!t we were all pla in" at make&believe then, weren#t we)# she r!ef!ll pointed o!t. #Pretendin" ever thin" had worked o!t perfectl beca!se it was the onl wa we co!ld deal with the tr!e horror stor .# #And now)# +emma mi"ht not be a man, b!t she wasn#t blind. %he too co!ld see the new sens!al awareness "lowin" in those l!4!rio!s e es /co!ld feel it too, almost p!lsin" in the ver space %haan occ!pied. #The horror stor is no lon"er a horror stor ,# %haan answered simpl . #Rafe and '/!nderstand each other.# %he decided this said it best. #0e#re happ .# 'n o!r own little world so lon" as no one else tries to infiltrate it, she added silentl . #Happ with a .ot of thin"s, b the look of o!,# +emma "r!nted, not comfortable with an of this/not the new %haan she was bein" offered here, or the answers that new %haan was "ivin" her.

*!t then she hadn#t been comfortable with it from the be"innin", she recalled. And that discomfort had incl!ded %haan#s association with Piers (anvers, never mind his older, to!"her, and far more formidable brother. #0hat#s the matter, +emma)# %haan 1!estioned li"htl . #(on#t o! think ' sho!ld be happ ) 's that it)# #How do ' know when o! won#t tell me an thin")# Her best friend si"hed in e4asperation. '#ve told o! more than '#ve told an one else, %haan tho!"ht. #' ref!se to tempt providence b dissectin" what we have,# was all she act!all said, then caref!ll t!rned the s!b$ect. #Tell me how the weddin" plans are "oin".# 't was a br!sh&off in an one#s books, and +emma noted it as s!ch, b!t was determined to have her final sa an wa . #0ell, ' think o!#re headin" for a mi"ht fall if o! don#t watch o!t,# she predicted. *!t, havin" merel received one of those anno in"l eni"matic smiles back in ret!rn, she allowed the conversation to be t!rned to the less titillatin" s!b$ect of her own weddin" da which was d!e to take place in a co!ple of months. And ma be %haan sho!ld have listened to that final warnin". *!t as it was she was happ , and when o! were happ o! didn#t "o and spoil it all b thinkin" !nhapp tho!"hts, did o!) %o she and Rafe contin!ed to en$o what the seemed to have fo!nd in each other, and for the ne4t few weeks ever thin" drifted alon" bea!tif!ll . %haan did not ret!rn to work for him. 't was her own decision, beca!se she felt it wo!ldn#t look "ood for Rafe if his new wife still worked in his t pin" poo= while he lorded it/as she teasin"l called it/!p there on the !ppermost floor. And she wasn#t a fool8 she knew the people she !sed aro!nd them now that she was the chairman#s wife. :!nn , reall , beca!se she hadn#t s!ffered the same 8 workB there as Piers new wife. *!t then, Piers was not the bi" boss, onl a little boss. He had headed the compan sales team, which p!t him in dail contact with

the (anvers6 lower echelons, which in t!rn made him more accessible. And Piers liked to be liked, was alwa s 1!ick with the li"ht $oke and the eas smile which helped p!t people at their ease with him. Rafe wasn#t the kind of man who cared if he was liked or not. He was the man at the top who ever one else looked !p to. The bi" decision man. The man who co!ld hire and fire the rest, promote their careers or r!in them if he felt so inclined. And never in a million ears co!ld %haan see Rafe strollin" down to his own t pin" pool to blithel plonk himself on the corner of her desk& for a li"ht chat the wa Piers had !sed to do witho!t an one else so m!ch as battin" an e elid. 'n other words, Rafe was a man to be in awe of/not to be comfortable with. %o it therefore followed that no one was "oin" to feel comfortable with %haan workin" with them an more, knowin" that she wo!ld be listenin" in on all their conversations, hearin" their "ripes and "roans and perhaps reportin" them to Rafe. 3ike a sp in their midst. And even tho!"h %haan knew she wo!ldn#t dream of tellin" tales on an of them she in t!rn wo!ld feel like a sp . Nor did she fanc havin" to face the kind of c!rio!s spec!lation that m!st be r!nnin" rife aro!nd the b!ildin" abo!t the bi2arre events leadin" !p to her marria"e. %o, in the end, the decision not to "o back to work there was eas . And the fact that Rafe didn#t tr to chan"e her mind had to mean that he, too, didn#t fanc the idea of havin" his wife workin" for him an more. *!t neither was she prepared to sit in his ho!se like some pampered doll, with nothin" more to do than fill her da s makin" herself desirable for him when he "ot in from work each ni"ht. %o she $oined !p with a secretarial tempin" a"enc and, once she "ot !sed to movin" aro!nd from place to place like a transient, fo!nd she rather en$o ed it. %he en$o ed the fact that it "ave her a bit of anon mit , beca!se she was never at one place lon" eno!"h foi an one to "row c!rio!s eno!"h to start askin" her 1!estions abo!t her personal life, and therefore

inevitabl p!t two and two to"ether with the (anvers name and the sensational headlines which had appeared in the tabloids several weeks earlier. And, to top all of that, it also "ave her an interest and a sense of independence/and somethin" to talk abo!t in the evenin" with this passionate man she had married which didn#t revolve aro!nd bed and se4. *ed and se4/the onl two thin"s the reall had in common, if she#d onl had the sense to take the blinkers from her e es. *!t she didn#t, so ever thin" $o""ed alon" perfectl for those few more blissf!l weeks. And if +emma#s ca!tion did pop into her head once or twice, to tr to warn her that this e4tended hone moon co!ld not "o on for ever, she i"nored it '"nored, too, what the warm "low of pleas!re she e4perienced ever time Rafe walked into the room was tr in" to tell her. *eca!se to face it meant threatenin" the precario!s little boat of contentment she was happil sailin" in. %o fate did it for her. :ate, cr!el fate, took the decision to reach o!t and rip the blinkers from her foolish e es. And the fact that it happened in the middle of a b!s 3ondon street was a f!rther cr!elt , beca!se it left her so open and p!blicl e4posed to what she was bein" forced to see. Rafe was s!pposed to be awa /a three&da b!siness trip to the %tates, he had told her. 't was the first time the had been separated since the da the had married, missed him beside her in their bed ever ni"ht/missed him dreadf!ll . He ran" her, tho!"h. Ever ni"ht before she went to bed he wo!ld call to sa "oodni"ht, his voice warm and tender, h!skil sincere when he said how m!ch he was missin" her. 'n fact, his whole manner towards her had become warm and tender over the last few weeks, the passion tempered to somethin" which ver"ed almost on lovin". +!st another ill!sion fate decided to shatter. %o it was perhaps fort!nate that +emma was there to catch %haan when she finall saw the f!ll depths of her own del!sions.

't was 0ednesda , and she and +emma were on their wa to their re"!lar 0ednesda l!nch to"ether at their il wine bar. Rafe was d!e back toni"ht, and %haan was lost in her own tho!"hts as the walked alon", thinkin" of his ret!rn and all the plans she had made to s!rprise him when he "ot home. 't was ,rs Clo!"h#s da off, so she was plannin" to a cook a ver special dinner for them herself, and she had bo!"ht a new dress that was hardl more than a co!ple of scraps of chocolate&brown silk, the fabric so fine that it didn#t allow an thin" else to be worn beneath it. 'n short, she planned to sed!ce him from the moment he walked in thro!"h the door. Her e es "lowed with a darkl l!mino!s anticipation for the moment as she walked down that b!s 3ondon street, hardl hearin" a word +emma was sa in" to her abo!t table arran"ements and flowers and all the other weddin" details which were fillin" her best friend#s mind.

Then she saw them comin" o!t of a hotel entrance on the other side of the street and ever thin"/ever thin" livin" inside her/slammed to a stark, sh!dderin" stop. 't was Rafe with ,adeleine. The pa!sed on the hotel steps. He t!rned towards her at the same moment that she t!rned towards him/a tin creat!re who had to tilt her "olden head ri"ht back so she co!ld "a2e into his lean dark face. Her hands came !p, to!chin" his lapels as she m!rm!red somethin" !r"ent to him that made him brin" his own hands !p to cover hers while he made some e1!all !r"ent repl . The "olden head shook as she m!rm!red somethin" else, and, on a si"h that seemed to rasp from the ver depth of his so!l, he m!ttered somethin" ti"htl /then lowered his dark head to kiss her. #No,# %haan whispered, still tr in" for denial. 7es, insisted fate. This is it. Tr!th time. 3ook at it. 3ook at it. And to make s!re that she did the veil of self&del!sion was ripped cleanl from her e es so that she was seein"/seein" it all/in a wild, wretched kaleidoscope of cr!el ima"es. All of them revolvin" aro!nd Rafe.

Rafe, the man she#d married. Rafe, the man she had "iven herself to ni"ht after ni"ht after ni"ht. Rafe, the man she had come to tr!st and believe in. The man she had fallen madl , blindl /st!pidl /in love with while he still loved ,adeleine. Had never stopped lovin" ,adeleine. %he m!st have sta""ered, tho!"h she wasn#t aware of it, b!t somethin" alerted +emma. #%haan)# she 1!estioned sharpl . #0hat the hell/)# Then, #, -od,# she "asped o!t rashl . #'sn#t that Rafe over there with that woman...)# %haan heard no more, beca!se she was s!ddenl r!nnin"/r!nnin" madl , blindl , in an effort to "et awa before she fell apart inside. #%haan.# %he i"nored +emma#s sharp call of alarm, i"nored the m!ttered complaints from people she b!mped into, i"nored ever thin" as she ran, swervin" aro!nd corners and crossin" b!s roads witho!t lookin", r!nnin" awa from herself as m!ch as she was r!nnin" awa from Rafe. #%haan.# 't was +emma#s hand closin" aro!nd her arm and ankin" fiercel on it that stopped her from r!nnin" o!t beneath the wheels of a car. #:or "oodness# sake.# she "asped in shaken f!r . #0hat are o! tr in" to do/ kill o!rself)# #' have to/"et awa ,? %haan panted, be"innin" to shake/shake violentl . #7o! have to calm down,# +emma co!ntered sternl . And, keepin" a firm hold on %haan#s arm, she "lanced impatientl aro!nd her. #Come onA she said. #0e#re onl a step awa from the wine bar. 3et#s "o and "et o! a stiff drink, then o! can tell me what the hell all of this is abo!t...# -riml she "!ided %haan alon" the street and in thro!"h the wine bar doors. #Now,# she said once she had sec!red them a table over in the corner of the room and set a stiff brand in front of %haan. #0ho was that woman) (id o! know her)# #That was ,&,adeleine,# %haan whispered shakil . #7o! mean the same ,adeleine Piers married)# +emma said frownin"l . #*!t what#s so wron" with that) %he is Rafe#s sister&in&law, after all.# #He#s in love with her. He alwa s has been.# Alwa s will be, she added

silentl , and closed her e es as she be"an to shake a"ain, so badl that +emma picked !p the brand "lass and p!t it to her lips. #(rink,# she commanded. #7o! need it. (rink.? Almost desperatel , %haan drank, felt the b!rnin" vapo!rs permeate thro!"h her s stem, and at last be"an to "et a hold on herself. The terrible shakin" slowed and the colo!r in her face ret!rned, easin" into somethin" a little less corpse&like. #Now e4plain what o! mean,# +emma insisted "riml after watchin" all of this happen. E4plain. %haan#s lon" lashes fl!ttered open to reveal dark brown irises "one !tterl bottomless with a shock and horror Rafe wo!ld have instantl reco"nised if he had been there to see it happen. *!t as it was Rafe was with ,adeleine. #Rafe is in love with ,&,adeleineA %haan repeated threadil . #' th&think the even "ot to"ether for a timeA she added. #5ntil ,&,adeleine became conf!sed as to which brother sh&she reall loved and ended !p r!nnin" awa f&from both of them to her mother in the %tates.# #And how do o! know all of this)# #Rafe told me.# And, if it was possible, her e es went even blacker. #'/ overheard s&somethin" he said on the telephone and/and faced him with it.# %he swallowed thickl . #%o he told m&me...# +emma stared at her, shocked/ et not shocked, beca!se she had alwa s s!spected that there was some hidden reason wh Rafe (anvers had taken his brother#s place. *!t beca!se he loved his brother#s wife) #And o!#ve sta ed with him)# she m!ttered as an"er be"an to b!rn !p inside her. #After findin" this o!t)# #'#d $!st lost Piers,# %haan answered lamel . #And Rafe had lost ,& ,adeleine.# %he co!ldn#t even sa the other woman#s name witho!t st!mblin" sickenin"l over it. #As he said, wh not console each other...)# #Oh, ver c!te,# +emma an"ril derided. <The schemin" rotter.# Her e es be"an to flash. #(idn#t he bother to consider what an arran"ement like that was likel to do to o! after

what o! had $!st "one thro!"h with Piers)# #0e both went thro!"h it,# %haan corrected. #And h&he#s been ver "ood to me,# she added defensivel / tho!"h wh she was defendin" him after what she had seen toda , she didn#t know or !nderstand. #' can#t believe he wo!ld do an thin" to deliberatel h&h!rt me.# . #%o wh are o! sittin" here ri"ht now/h!rtin" so badl o! can barel cope)# +emma mocked all of that ti"htl . #(on#t...# %haan whispered, lowerin" her dark head. #(on#t)# +emma repeated. #'#d like to throttle the devio!s life o!t of him, the !nderhand bastard.# #He can#t help lovin" her, +emma,# %haan choked o!t thickl . #Oh, no)# %he mocked that too. #%o if Piers happened to walk in here ri"ht now, o! wo!ld feel $!stified in fallin" into his arms, wo!ld o!)# No8 %haan shook her bowed head. #Not Piers,# she whispered. *!t if Rafe sho!ld walk in here.... #Oh, noA +emma breathed, be"innin" to catch on at last. #7o! fool, %haan,# she m!ttered. #7o! damned blood fool...? And fool $!st abo!t said it, %haan accepted bleakl . %he was a fickle, b!nd, "!llible fool. #Here.? The brand "lass appeared in front of %haan a"ain. #(rink some more of this.# %he was tremblin" a"ain, she realised as the "lass chattered a"ainst her teeth. #%o, what are o! "oin" to do now)# +emma asked her 1!ietl . ' don#t know, she tho!"ht, and closed her e es a"ain/then wished she hadn#t when she saw Rate#s e4pression $!st before he#d kissed ,adeleine. 't had been pained. 't had been racked b an an"r , helpless, !seless fr!stration. And it split %haan#s heart in two, beca!se it had been the look of a man who was an"ril aware that his love was !nre1!ited. %he reco"nised it beca!se she knew the feelin", and it h!rt/h!rt like hell. 7et what ri"ht did she have to be sittin" here feelin" h!rt and betra ed when she#d alwa s known where Rafe#s tr!e feelin"s la ) 't wasn#t Rafe#s fa!lt that she had done the st!pid thin" and fallen in love with him.

He hadn#t asked for love from her, had he) *!t he had insisted that both Piers and ,adeleine were kept o!t of their marria"e, she "riml reminded herself. And him bein" with ,adeleine was a betra al of the tr!st she had placed in him to keep his side of that vow. #Are o! "oin" to leave him)# 3eave) Panic swept thro!"h her. A terrible, terrible panic that filled her with a sickenin" horror that t!rned her flesh to ice. Oh, -od help me. she pra ed, when she realised $!st how far she had fallen. #' can#t think now,# she whispered, p!shin" tremblin" fin"ers to her b!rnin" e es. #' need some time/some space to/# #0hat o! need, %haan/# +emma c!t in with a blis? terin" impatience #/is to "et those damned blinkers off. 0asn#t it bad eno!"h when o! wore them all the time Piers was aro!nd, witho!t o! doin" the same thin" with his thankless brother)# %haan#s head came !p. #0&what do o! mean)# she "asped at the an"r o!tb!rst. +emma "lanced awa , her e es flashin" with a bitter disdain that literall shook %haan to her ver core. #Piers made a damned mocker o!t of o! from da one,# she bit o!t ti"htl . #Ever one else co!ld see it /see those charmin" smiles of his and that eas "oin" manner was all $!st an act. *!t o!, o! fell for it all like the tr!stin" little fool o! are, and "ot well and tr!l h!rt for it. Now o!#ve been doin" the same damned thin" with his brother.# she si"hed o!t an"ril . #%o do o!rself a favo!r, %haan,? +emma finished h!skil , #and "et o!t from !nder it all before the damned (anvers brothers reall tear o! apart.# Too late, %haan tho!"ht tra"icall . The #ve alread torn me apart. #0hat do o! think the were doin", comin" o!t of that hotel in the first place)# +emma 1!estioned s!ddenl . Oh, m -od. %haan stood !p, !nable/$!st !nable/ to cope with the obvio!s answer to that one. #' h&have to "o,# she m!rm!red shakil . #No, %haan.# +emma#s hand, "rabbin" hold of hers, stopped her from movin", her e es f!ll of a pained remorse beca!se she knew she had $!st cr!ell hit %haan below the belt. #'#m sorr ' said that. Please.# she pleaded. #%it down a"ain while we disc!ss this. 7o!#re in no fit state to

"o an where $!st et.# No fit state. %he was still in no fit state b the time she let herself into Rafe#s ho!se over an ho!r later. %he sho!ld have "one back to work, b!t she hadn#t been able to. 0hat was the !se when she co!ld barel think, barel walk, barel do an thin" with an intelli"ence, she felt so !tterl fro2en inside. *!t neither did she want to be alone in this ho!se, she realised from the ver moment she entered it. 't had be"!n to feel like home over the last few blissf!l weeks8 now it was back to bein" the most alien place this earth had to offer her. And as she stood there in the middle of all its polished wood l!4!r her mind flicked towards another home, a real home/not a place b!ilt aro!nd an ill!sion. The onl home she wanted to be in at this precise moment in her life... 0hen the doorbell started rin"in" aro!nd ei"ht o#clock that ni"ht, %haan was e4pectin" it, b!t still fo!nd it took a concerted effort to make herself "et o!t of the chair she had been sittin" on the ed"e of while s!pposedl watchin" television. *!t she had reall been waitin" for this. A showdown with Rafe. (r &mo!thed, her face composed b!t ver pale, she made herself leave the sittin" room and walk down the hall towards the front door. %he co!ld see his tall, dark b!lk s!perimposed a"ainst the leaded "lass in the door, felt his an"er reach thro!"h the barrier as he "ave another impatient stab at the doorbell, and she ran decidedl shak hands down the sides of her faded $eans. %he hadn#t worn these $eans since she#d left here/ her a!nt and !ncle#s ho!se/almost two months a"o/ or the simpl knitted waist& c!t bl!e top she had on. *oth were part of the hod"epod"e of personal items she had left behind here and never 1!ite "ot aro!nd to comin" to collect. Now it was Rafe#s ho!se where clothes of hers had been left han"in". 'n fact, she hadn#t bro!"ht an thin" with her, had not been able to bear the tho!"ht of walkin" into the bedroom the #d alwa s shared to

"o and pack them. %o all she had done was "o into his st!d so she co!ld write him a note which she had sealed in an envelope alon" with her bea!tif!l en"a"ement rin". Not her weddin" rin"/she felt her official stat!s as his wife compelled her to contin!e wearin" that/b!t as for the rest... %he had taken nothin" from that ho!se/nothin"/ leavin" her set of ho!se ke s and the envelope on the hall table so he wo!ld see them the moment he came home. The note was short and to the point/b necessit / beca!se she needed to finish this with at least some semblance of pride left intact, and the onl wa she co!ld do that was b not tellin" him that she had decided to leave him onl beca!se she had discovered that he had betra ed her first. %o, #' can#t "o on livin" a He like this. '#m sorr #, was all she had written. And now here he was, as she had e4pected, come to make her face him with the wh s that she had no real answers to if she wanted to conceal the tr!th. The tr!th. , -od, she "roaned inwardl as the f!ll, wretched tr!th of it all went washin" thro!"h her on a wave of !tter miser . 7o!#re a fool, %haan, she told herself "riml as her shak fin"ers f!mbled with the door lock and slowl drew the door open. 7o! st!pid, "!llible fool. Then her heart 1!ivered, the morass of pained emotions all t in" themselves into knots $!st as the had alwa s done from the moment she had ever set e es on this man. He was standin" there in the same clothes he had been wearin" when she saw him with ,adeleine. The same iron&"re s!it he had cr!shed the other woman a"ainst when he#d bent down to kiss her. %ame bri"ht white shirt, same striped bl!e tie/onl the fine silk had been anked loose abo!t his tense, tanned throat and the top few b!ttons on his shirt had been impatientl t!""ed free. His face wore the "rim, ti"ht mask she reco"nised from somewhere, b!t at the moment she was $!st too str!n" o!t to want to recall where. His "re e es were flat as the searched her set pale face for a si"n

that this was all $!st some kind of ver bad $oke. *!t it wasn#t, and he seemed to accept that it wasn#t. #,a ' come in)# he re1!ested 1!ietl . 0ith her lon" dark lashes flickerin" downwards to cover her too& revealin" e es, she took a small step sidewa s in silent permission for him to enter. He did so, makin" her heart stop beatin" alto"ether when he came to a halt directl beside her. Her fin"ers ti"htened into a white&kn!ckled cl!tch on the solid brass door lock. And for a moment the contin!ed to stand there like that, locked into a circle of !nbelievable tension, while the f!ll power of his ma"netic presence bombarded her with all the weak reasons wh she sho!ld not be doin" this. Then his hand came !p, makin" her stiffen in silent re$ection beca!se she tho!"ht he was "oin" to to!ch her and she co!ldn#t bear him to to!ch her. *eca!se she knew that the whole roller coaster of emotion wo!ld sprin" free from the ti"ht band of control she had it trapped in. And if that happened she wo!ld fall apart/ she was s!re of it. *!t all he did was caref!ll take the door from her cl!tchin" fin"ers and 1!ietl close it before movin" off towards the sittin" room. 3eavin" her standin" there tremblin" and shaken, needin" to take a few more moments to p!ll herself to"ether a"ain before she fo!nd the co!ra"e to "o and $oin him. CHAPTER TEN RA:E was standin" in the middle of the room, $acket p!shed back, clenched hands restin" on his hips in a post!re that co!ld onl be read as a""ressive. #Now o!#d better e4plain to me what this is all abo!t,# he said. #And it had better be "ood, %haan,# he ta""ed on warnin"l . #*eca!se ' am tired and '#m $et la""ed and '#m in no mood for an of this.# %he co!ld see that. %he wasn#t a fool. %he co!ld see that he was an"r /p!lsin" with it, act!all . Throbbin". #' told o!/in m noteA she said. And looked down and awa from him/simpl beca!se it h!rt too m!ch to look !pon that bi", lean bod and that hard, handsome face, look !pon the man who, somewhere alon" the line, she had allowed herself

to ima"ine reall did belon" to her. And that had been her bi""est mistake, she realised now/for"ettin" how the #d be"!n all of this and believin" the ill!sion. #Abo!t livin" a lie) 's that what o! think we#ve bein" doin", livin" one bi" lie)# #7es.# 't was that honest, that simple. %he didn#t even need to e4pand on it. *!t neither co!ld she contin!e to $!st stand here, lovin" him/hatin" him. 0ishin" she had never seen him with ,adeleine. *eca!se all she co!ld see now was him holdin" ,adeleine. And it h!rt /h!rt so damned m!ch that she had to do somethin", an thin", to override that vision. 't was then that she noticed the television set talkin" awa to its lost a!dience, and she !sed that as her e4c!se, movin" stiffl across the room to reach down and switch it off/then almost immediatel wished she hadn#t when a new kind of silence be"an throbbin" in the laden atmosphere. #%o o! leave me, $!st like that,# Rafe pressed into that thickened silence. #No disc!ssion. 0itho!t even the sli"htest hint that o! ma feel like this. 7o! $!st wake !p this mornin" decidin" that we#ve been livin" a lie and cas!all walk o!t on me)# His an"er and contempt and derision c!t into her like a knife, and she responded instinctivel . #0hat wo!ld o! have preferred me to do)# she t!rned to flash back at him. #Contin!e pretendin" !ntil o!#d had eno!"h)# That shocked him, the real bitterness in her tone hittin" him on a raw spot that e4panded his wide chest in a sharp intake of air. *!t it also made him look at her/reall look at her/ which in t!rn made her wish she had held her ton"!e. *eca!se she knew he was now seein" the strain in her face, the pallor, the black orbs of pain that wo!ld remind him of another time when he had witnessed her h!rtin" as badl as this. %!re eno!"h, his e es narrowed shrewdl . #There#s somethin" else "oin" on here,# he decided. #'#ve done somethin", haven#t ')# His perception st!nned her. #'#ve !nwittin"l done somethin" that offended o! so badl o! $!st walked o!t on me.# %haan#s heart contracted. #'sn#t it eno!"h that we#ve spent the last two

months livin" o!t a lie to"ether)# she shot back defensivel . #No, it isn#t,# he "riml denied, startin" towards her. And she had to steel herself not to back off, there was so m!ch latent an"er in his manner. #*eca!se what we share ever ni"ht in o!r bed is no lie, %haan, and o! know it.# #There#s more to a marria"e than basic se4, o! know,# she deno!nced as he reached her. #7es,# he nodded. #There#s a thin" called sharin"/ the "ood and the bad thin"s. And another called talkin".# His hand came !p, c!ppin" her pale cheek. #As in disc!ssin" o!r problems and tr in" to resolve them.# #'#ve alread resolved mine,# she snapped. #* leavin".# #0h )# #'#ve told o! wh .# An"ril she slapped his hand awa from her cheek before she did somethin" st!pid like t!rnin" her h!n"r mo!th into it. He simpl p!t it back a"ain. #Then tr a"ain,# he s!""ested. #And keep on tr in" !ntil o! come !p with somethin" ' can accept as the tr!th. *eca!se if o! e4pect me to believe, %haan, that o! can#t stand me to!chin" o!, then o!#re a fool, and, worse, m!st think me a damned fool.# And to prove his point his other hand snaked ro!nd her waist to p!ll her a"ainst the solid heat of his bod . 't was awf!l. %he co!ldn#t even control the sharp intake of air into her l!n"s as the sweet, hot stin" of awareness shivered thro!"h her. #'t was wron", Rafe.# she b!rst o!t in sheer desperation. #' did tell o! from the be"innin" that what we were doin" felt wron" to me.# <0ron".<# His e es be"an to b!rn. #:o!r ni"hts a"o o! la in m arms with o!r le"s wrapped aro!nd me and o!r e es drownin" in m e es while we shared the most/perfect e4perience we have ever shared. And o! dare to tell me it was wron" now)# Oh, -od. %he closed her e es, swallowin" as a dr l!mp of pain lod"ed itself in her achin" throat beca!se she was s!ddenl seein" him l in" with ,adeleine like that, and she co!ldn#t bear it/she co!ldn#t. #' never said the se4 wasn#t "ood.# she responded wretchedl . #Then what are o! sa in")# he persisted relentlessl . #That it isn#t eno!"h an more)#

#'t was never eno!"h.# Not for either of them, obvio!sl . Or he wo!ld not have needed to have secret meetin"s with ,adeleine, wo!ld he) Once a"ain she tried to t!" free of his "rip. Once a"ain he ref!sed to let her "o. #O@,# he m!rm!red. #Then tell me what it is o! do want and '#ll do m best to "ive it to o!.# And his voice was tense/dark and tense/ro!"hened b a bone& meltin" !r"enc that almost had her believin" that he m!st care more than she tho!"ht he did. Then she saw him with ,adeleine and it all fell apart. #7o! can#t "ive me what ' want,# she whispered bleakl . There was silence while he absorbed the f!ll, br!tal thr!st of that, a lon", ta!t, a"onisin" silence while she stood a"ainst him and throbbed with the a"on of her own !nre1!ited love for him. #, -od,# he breathed then as a s!dden tho!"ht hit him. #'t#s Piers, isn#t it)# #0hat)# %haan frowned in conf!sion. #' don#t/# #%h!t !p.# he c!t in, and s!ddenl let "o of her, spinnin" awa , a hand "oin" !p to rake thro!"h his hair before it clamped itself aro!nd his nape and sta ed there while he "lared down at the floor beneath his feet. His bi" sho!lders, bod /ever part of him/was locked in a ri"id pose of tension that held her breathless and silent&Then he let o!t a soft, an"r h!ff of la!"hter. #' sho!ld have "!essed strai"ht awa ,# he m!ttered, more to himself than to her. #The bastard arrives back in 3ondon on ,onda and o!#ve left me b 0ednesda .? #*!t ' haven#t even seen Piers,# she denied, not seein" that he was offerin" her a wa o!t of this !"l scene !ntil it was too late and the denial had alread been made. 't didn#t matter, beca!se he didn#t believe her. #3iar,? he si"hed, !nclippin" the hand from his nape so he co!ld clench it into a fist which he p!shed to his brow. #Of co!rse o!#ve damned well seen him.# Had he come to that concl!sion beca!se of his own clandestine meetin" with ,adeleine) she wondered. And wo!ld have la!"hed at the iron of it/if she had been !p to la!"hin". *!t she wasn#t beca!se she was closer to weepin". Then he let o!t another of those la!"hs, as if he too saw the bitter

iron in the whole wretched mess. #0hat did he do)# he flashed so!rl at her. #%hoot hotfoot ro!nd to see o! at the first opport!nit he had, knowin" ' was o!t of the co!ntr which therefore made the weasel feel safe eno!"h to bare his so!l to o! and be" for"iveness)# 0ell, that#s rich, %haan tho!"ht, comin" from the man she had seen with her own e es be""in" somethin" from ,adeleine. And in an act of sheer defiance she lifted her chin, her mo!th flattenin" into a ti"ht little line in an o!tri"ht ref!sal to answer him. %o he made !p his own answer. #The blood worm,# he "ritted. #How lon" did it take him to slither his wa back into o!r heart, %haan)# he ta!nted $eerin"l . #A co!ple of min!tes) An ho!r, pla in" the poor, conf!sed lover)# #7o!#re be"innin" to so!nd $ealo!s, Rafe,# she hit back ti"htl . 't had the most !nbelievable effect on him. His e es chan"ed, t!rnin" almost as black as her own, and heat po!red into his face as if she#d $!st e4posed some terrible, dark secret that forced the top off his barel held an"er. And it was the si"ht of that an"er which had her st!mblin" back a step in real alarm in an effort to avoid the hard hand that s!ddenl shot o!t towards her. *!t she was too late to stop it from c!rlin" aro!nd the back of her neck and ti"htenin" as he anked her !p a"ainst him. Then his mo!th landed on hers, hot, hard and merciless. And ever thin" special she had ever felt for him dropped like a wo!nded bird to the pit of her stomach and la there 1!iverin" as he proceeded to pl!nder her mo!th with a r!thlessness that !tterl reviled ever thin" the had ever shared before it. * the time he let her "o she was act!all sobbin", her tear&filled e es almost fillin" her whitened face. #-et o!r thin"s o!t of m ho!se,# he "ritted as he sp!n awa from her. ?' don#t want to find a sin"le si"n that o!#ve ever been there b the time ' "et home tomorrow ni"ht/"ot that)# -ot it) Oh, she#d "ot it, all ri"ht, %haan acknowled"ed with a blisterin" f!r of her own as she watched him stride an"ril for the door thro!"h a bank of hot, stin"in" tears. 0hat was O@ for him was !nacceptable for her. #And $!st for the

record,# he added ti"htl as he reached the door, # o! can warn Piers from me that if he h!rts ,adeleine with all of this then '#ll personall sort him o!t.? Ah, tho!"ht %haan with a stran"e little smile p!lsin" across the f!llness of her kiss&swollen lips. %o we come to the nitt &"ritt of all this a""ression. Poor ,adeleine. 0e m!st not !pset ,adeleine. #7o! !tter h pocrite,# she derided. 't stopped him mid&stride, t!rned the f!ll blast of his black f!r back on her as he sp!n to face her. #0hat was that s!pposed to mean)# he demanded. #' saw o! with ,adeleine.# she fl!n" at him acc!sin"l . #0hat)# 't was his t!rn to frown in conf!sion. #0hen)6 #Toda .# 0h , she wondered $ealo!sl , have there been other occasions when o!#ve met !p with her) #On the steps of the Conna!"ht.# On a flash of shakin" contempt she contin!ed, #%o don#t o! dare stand there takin" the moral hi"h "ro!nd over Piers and me when o! are no better o!rself.# Then instantl she wished she had held her st!pid ton"!e when she saw his e4pression take on a s!dden and radical chan"e as all that dark, an"r violence was replaced b a sharp, shrewd intelli"ence. An"r with herself, she sp!n her back to him. #7o! were abo!t to leave, ' think,# she prompted into the new st!nnin" silence, in the va"!e hope that her dismissal wo!ld throw him off the scent. No chance. <That#s it, isn#t it)# he breathed, p!ttin" all that sharp intelli"ence he was so renowned for into words. #'t#s what all of this is reall all abo!t/ not o! and Piers, b!t me and ,adeleine.# ,adeleine. -od/she ph sicall sh!ddered at the damned, blasted name. #0ill o! $!st "et o!t of here)# #Not !ntil ' "et the tr!th o!t of o!.# He was s!ddenl standin" ri"ht behind her a"ain, makin" her nerves stin", makin" her heart ache, makin" the wretched tears b!rn at the back of her throat beca!se she wanted so badl to $!st t!rn ro!nd and throw herself on him.# Throw herself and lose herself. :ind blissf!l relief in the ill!sion a"ain. Rafe did it. 't was Rafe who took hold of her, t!rned her, drew her into the ti"ht confines of his arms and held her there while she tried

desperatel to str!""le free. #3et "o of me.# she choked o!t wretchedl . #No,# he "r!nted, ti"htenin" his "rip. #' want the tr!th.# he insisted. #Have o! seen an thin" of Piers since o! married me)# %he wanted to lie and sho!t es beca!se she knew it wo!ld h!rt him. No matter what he still felt for ,adeleine, she knew now that she still had the power to h!rt him with Piers. *!t she co!ldn#t lie, not an more8 she#d had eno!"h of all the l in". #' did tell o! ' hadn#t seen him.# she snapped o!t in rakin" derision of the 1!ick wa he had $!mped to all the wron" damned concl!sions. 't was a derision entirel wasted beca!se he $!st i"nored it. #*!t o! saw me with ,adeleine toda ,# he persisted. #And on that one si"htin" o! decided to leave me witho!t even botherin" to demand an e4planation. 's that it)# #' did warn o!, Rafe, that ' wo!ld not live with ,adeleine#s "host han"in" over me.6 #And o! think ' co!ld live an easier with Piers# "host han"in" over me)# #7o! have no reason to see his "host.# she flashed at him bitterl . #%ince ' haven#t so m!ch as mentioned him/never mind been secretl meetin" him.# #'t was no secret meetin".# He denied that one. %haan $!st shr!""ed within his "rasp. #'t doesn#t matter. 7o! met her, ' saw o!, and now ' can#t live with o! an more. 't reall is as simple as that.# %he tried to "et awa from him. #The hell it is,# he m!ttered. #'t#s reall as simple as/ this...# This# bein" his mo!th as it closed over her own a"ain. #This# bein" the well of helpless dark need that s!r"ed !p over all the an"er and h!rt and self&contempt she was desperatel tr in" to deal with, drownin" it, smotherin" it, tossin" her into that helpless vorte4 of desire she co!ldn#t seem to contain, no matter how badl he h!rt her. #(o o! kiss ,adeleine that r!thlessl )# she retorted as he drew awa . %he had said it to c!t, b!t all it did was brin" a stran"el mockin" smile to his kiss&warmed lips, and made his darkened e es b!rn a trail from her own an"ril acc!sin" e es to her mo!th, where her lower lip visibl p!lsed now with the power of his two heated kisses.

#,adeleine,# he mocked, #wo!ldn#t know real passion if it $!mped o!t and bit her. 3ike this,# he added softl , and took that p!lsin" lower lip into his mo!th and s!cked so sens!all on it that she "roaned in hatef!l pleas!re. #0hereas o!, m darlin", $!st can#t live witho!t it.# And he set o!t to make her face the h!miliatin" tr!th in that remark b holdin" his mo!th a mere fraction awa from hers then simpl waitin" /waitin" !ntil she co!ldn#t stand it an lon"er and had to be the one who h!n"ril closed the "ap. He had her then, and he knew it. The wa her arms snaked !p and ro!nd his neck confirmed it8 the wa her fin"ers scraped into his silk dark hair so she co!ld keep that mo!th clamped fiercel to her own confirmed it. And the wa her slender bod be"an to p!lsate sens!all a"ainst the hard len"th of his most definitel confirmed it. And the wa he had to !se br!te stren"th to break the kiss and bodil p!t her awa from him "ave the !ltimate confirmation. #' hate and despise o!,# she whispered in pained mortification as she literall shook from head to toe in sens!al deprivation. #%tran"e emotion, hate,# he drawled, mockin" her with the hard tri!mph "lintin" in his e es. #'t has a nast little habit of overwhelmin" ever thin", even love, in the end. Now, "et o!r coat,# he added, arro"antl t!rnin" his back on her. #0e#re "oin" home.# #No.# %haan protested on an !ps!r"e of a completel new set of emotions as real horror at what he was s!""estin" ran like acid thro!"h her heated blood. #'#m not comin" back to o!, Rafe.# %he wo!ld not live !nder ,adeleine#s shadow an more. #7o!#re comin",# he insisted. #*!t wh )# she cried. #0hen o! know o! don#t reall want me there)# #7o! don#t know what ' want,# he derided with a contempt that act!all mana"ed to reach somethin" wretched inside her/ beca!se he was ri"ht. %he didn#t know/e4cept that he still wanted her bod , of co!rse. :or all his ta!ntin" love&pla a moment a"o, Rafe had not been able to hide his own desire as it spran" !p to meet with hers. #*!t it#s time/damned well past time/ o! fo!nd o!t what it is ' do want,# he added "riml . #%o o!#ve "ot ten min!tes to close this ho!se !p. Then we "o home/if ' have to tie o! !p and "a" o! to "et o!

there,# he added threatenin"l . And she believed he wo!ld do it, too. There was somethin" abo!t the hard resolve written in his ti"ht e4I presssion that warned her he wo!ld. #Ten min!tes,# he repeated when she contin!ed to stand there, tr in" to work o!t what he had in store for her when he did event!all "et her home/besides the se4, of co!rse, she acknowled"ed. That part was so stin"in"l obvio!s to both of them that it wasn#t even worth den in" it. And ma be that was all he did want, she s!""ested to herself as she rel!ctantl left the room to "o and do as he had ordered. ,a be it was all he ever wanted with an woman. And that incl!ded ,adeleine, she decided on a small stin" of p!re female tri!mph over the other woman. *eca!se, whatever hold ,adeleine had over Rafe#s heart, she didn#t move him se4!all 8 that m!ch was clear from the wa he had mocked her lack of passion $!st now. #'#m read ,# she said stiffl , comin" to stand at the livin" room doorwa in time to catch him pocketin" his mobile phone. The action made her frown, made her wonder $!st who he had been talkin" to. *!t it was clear from his closed e4pression that he was not "oin" to enli"hten her as he sent a swift "lance aro!nd the room, which, %haan realised, had alread been made safe for their depart!re. Then he was walkin" towards her, one hand "oin" proprietoriall abo!t her waist while the other went to switch off the overhead li"ht. Her spine arched as he to!ched it, sendin" that now familiar prickle of awareness chasin" thro!"h her. #Ne4t time we come here,# he m!rm!red meanin"f!ll , #it will be to welcome o!r a!nt and !ncle home.# %haan said nothin". 0hat co!ld she sa ) That hand restin" on her tin"lin" spine knew it all an wa . %he belon"ed to him. His se4 slave, she mocked herself "riml . 'f he chan"ed his mind and decided to take her here and now in this tin hallwa she wo!ld let him, and the both knew it. *!t, #' still hate o!,# she whispered as he closed the front door on them. ?' knowA he smiled. #Hell, isn#t it) Hatin" someone o! can#t "et eno!"h of)# 0as that empath she heard there) she wondered d!ll . (id Rafe feel

e4actl the same wa abo!t her) lie car $o!rne to his home was completed in a "rim kind of silence neither of them attempted to break. %he wasn#t s!re wh , b!t he was ver tense, "ettin" more tense the closer the "ot to his @ensin"ton home. And that in t!rn made her tense, as if she were havin" to armo!r herself a"ainst some !nseen horror she was abo!t to be forced into facin". As instincts went, she had to acknowled"e that hers were workin" e4tremel well toda , she noted as the p!lled !p beside another car parked in the drivewa . %he didn#t reco"nise it, b!t that didn#t stop her fillin" !p inside with a dark sense of ill omen. #%omeone else is hereA she pointed o!t absol!tel !nnecessaril . #0ho is it, do o! think)# Rafe didn#t bother to answer, his lean face ti"htl closed as he climbed o!t of the car and came aro!nd to help her ali"ht. ,aintainin" a "rip on her arm, he !nlocked the front door and "!ided her inside, then down his bea!tif!l hallwa to the sittin" room door where he seemed to pa!se for a moment as if to "ather himself. Then he was p!shin" the door open and "riml invitin" her to precede him inside. And it was then, and onl then, as her e es locked on the man who stood waitin" inside the room, that she realised what that pa!se had been abo!t. Piers. Piers/lookin" stiff and !ncomfortable, the e4pression in his classicall handsome face ver "!arded to sa the least as he flicked his war bl!e "a2e !p to his brother then back to %haan a"ain. He didn#t speak. No one did. And behind her she co!ld feel Rafe#s tension p!lsin" all over her as he stood there in the s!dden clamo!rin" silence, watchin" both of them. Then somethin" vital seemed to crack wide open inside her, stoppin" her breath and holdin" her pinned like a wei"hted piece of wood to the spot while her mind came to terms with what Rafe was doin" here. ,akin" the $ilter face the $ilted. And, from somewhere within the st!nnin" tension holdin" all three of them captive, %haan reacted.

#0ell, wellA she drawled. <*oth (anvers brothers. This is nice. All we need now is for ,adeleine to appear and we can do a bit of bride& swappin".# Piers flinched. #(on#t, %haan,# he m!mbled !ncomfortabl . (on#t) she tho!"ht f!rio!sl . %o what wo!ld he prefer ' do/fall into a fit of broken&hearted h sterics) #' don#t need this,# she m!ttered, spinnin" back to the doorwa . *!t Rafe stood solidl in her wa . #7o!#re sta in",# he insisted, !sin" his hands on her sho!lders to keep her there. #7o! said o! co!ldn#t live a lie an lon"er, so we#re "oin" to see if o! can live an better with the tr!th.# The tr!th) #(o o! honestl think '#m abo!t to believe a sin"le thin" Piers has to sa )# she demanded bitterl . #7o! will if he val!es his position in this famil ,# Rafe stated "riml /and that was said for Piers# benefit, not %haan#s. ?He knows wh he#s here, and he knows what#s at stake here.# His e es, "one stone&"re with resolve, fi4ed on her own acc!sin" ones. #%o o! sta ,# he repeated. #7o! listen. Then he "oes and we talk.# 0ith that arro"ant proclamation, Rafe !ndipped his hands from her sho!lders then t!rned and walked o!t of the room, firml closin" the door behind him. And the new silence throbbed with a p!lsin" rel!ctance on both sides. 't was Piers who decided to break it. #' think the !nspoken implication there was that ' leave hori2ontall if ' dare to !pset o!,# he s!""ested dril . 't was an attempt on his part to make li"ht of it all. *!t %haan was in no mood for his !ni1!e brand of wit, as her ic e4pression told him when she t!rned ro!nd to face him. He saw it and acknowled"ed it with a r!ef!l little "rimace. #(on#t find me f!nn an more, %haan)# he 1!i22ed. #No,# she replied. #And neither do ' have an thin" to sa to o!,# she ta""ed on cooll . #' didn#t think o! wo!ld.# Another "rimace. #*!t bi" brother insisted/ or at least,# he added, #he maintains that ' have a lot to sa to o!.#

#0ell, ' have no wish to hear it,# she co!ntered stiffl . #'n fact, '#ll even make it eas for o!, Piers, and tell o! that o! did me a favo!r walkin" o!t on me the wa that o! did.# #*eca!se o! "ot Rafe instead of me)# Her chin came !p. #' adore him,? she declared with absol!te honest . #0ithin a week of bein" with him, '#d even for"otten what o! looked like.# He winced at that. #%o, what#s new)# he said, on a si"h that took with it ever vesti"e of h!mo!r. #Rafe has been !psta"in" me all m life, so havin" o! fall o!t of love with me to fall in love with him is no real s!rprise, %haan. 'n fact,# he added "riml , #' alwa s e4pected it.# #0hat is that s!pposed to impl )# %he frowned, not followin" where he seemed to be leadin". #+!st what it said.# And with a small shr!" of his ele"ant sho!lders he t!rned to walk over to the window. 't was dark o!tside, so dark he s!rel co!ldn#t see m!ch f!rther than the paved terrace. 7et Piers mana"ed to fi4 his "a2e on somethin" o!t there. #All m life '#ve been in competition with Rafe over somethin",# he told her heavil . #0hen ' was o!n"er, ' was competin" for m father#s approval, to be an e1!all worth son/the !nattainable,# he mocked, #since ever one incl!din" m self knew ' co!ld never be to him what "ood old Rafe was. His first&born.# He said it dril . #The bi", to!"h, incredibl clever one. 't was the same at school,# he added, thr!stin" his hands into his tro!ser pockets, while %haan 1!ietl moved over to the nearest chair and lowered herself into it. %he was interested in what he was sa in"/despite not wantin" to be. #' attended the same schools where "ood old Rafe had been before me and left behind him the kind of le"ac that was almost impossible to live !p to/tho!"h ' tried,? he confessed, with et more of that "rim self&mocker . #' did at least tr to compete with the damned le"end/ and failed a"ain.# He h!ffed o!t a "r!ff bark of la!"hter. #'t was the same at work. Rafe (anvers the s!per&heav wei"ht vers!s Piers the li"htwei"ht...# %haan fo!nd herself be"innin" to feel $!st a little sorr for him, beca!se he was ri"ht and she co!ldn#t even lie and sa that he wasn#t. Piers was classed as the weaker, less effective brother. The easier one to be aro!nd beca!se he didn#t strike awe into all who met him.

<The onl personA he went on, ?' felt with an absol!te certaint cared more for me than she did for m brother was ,adeleine. %he was mine.# His voice was "r!ff with possession. ?Had alwa s been mine from the first moment we met each other at some sill teena"e part at the a"e of fifteen. 0hen ,adeleine looked at me,# he declared h!skil , #she saw no one else. Not an other man b!t me. ,ine.# he repeated. #7et, in the end, even ,adeleine betra ed me with Rafe.# %haan? s heart s1!ee2ed with an achin" empath beca!se, no matter what Piers had p!t her thro!"h, she co!ld !nderstand what that m!st have meant to him/ simpl beca!se she knew how painf!l that partic!lar betra al felt. #Rafe wo!ld have nothin" to do with her, of co!rse.# Her head shot !p, e es widenin" in disbelief on the back of Piers# fair head. He m!st know/s!rel /that Rafe was in love with ,adeleine) %eemin"l , he didn#t. #He $!st wo!ldn#t do that to me/tho!"h it#s taken me these last few months of ,adeleine#s constant na""in" to make me acknowled"e that fact,# he confessed, with no conception of what %haan was thinkin". #'#d become so !sed to blamin" Rafe for ever fail!re in m life, o! see, that it $!st didn#t occ!r to me that reall he was the onl person who tr!l loved me. Tr!l cared abo!t me and m feelin"s and wo!ld never betra me...# Oh, ' wish that were tr!e, %haan tho!"ht heavil . How she wished it were all tr!e. :or Piers# sake. *eca!se she knew that, no matter how she had been treated b both (anvers brothers, Piers had worse comin" to him if he was now seein" his brother as the noble kni"ht in this terrible farce the were all takin" part in. Had he never heard of 3ancelot and -!inevere) #*!t before ' let m self see all of this o! happened,? he contin!ed. #0ith o!, ' saw m chance to make Rafe h!rt as ' believed he had made me h!rt. And '#m sorr , %haan.# At last he t!rned to face her. #*!t ' went for it witho!t "ivin" a sin"le tho!"ht to how m actions were "oin" to h!rt o! !ntil it was too late to do an thin" abo!t it.# #,e)# %haan frowned, havin" completel lost the thread of this. #*!t wh sho!ld o! think that ' co!ld "ive o! the power to h!rt Rafe in an wa )#

He frowned too, as tho!"h her 1!estion had thrown him. #0e all saw it, %haan,# he proclaimed, as if that sho!ld make it all clearer. #Ever one of !s that was involved in that bit of b!lldo2in" we did at work the da we all b!mped into o!. 0e all stood there and watched in st!nned disbelief the "reat man himself fall like a ton of bricks for the little t pist from his own t pin" pool.# He let o!t a "rim crack of la!"hter while %haan came slowl to her feet as the f!ll, "hastl e4tent of Piers# reven"e plan on his brother be"an to take shape in her head. ?7o! mean...)# %he had to stop to swallow, havin" diffic!lt p!shin" words thro!"h the s!dden bank of an"er be"innin" to p!lse inside her. #7o! mean, o! sin"led me o!t and made me fall in love with o! simpl beca!se o! believed o! were stealin" somethin" that Rafe wanted for himself)# He didn#t answer/didn#t need to/beca!se it was all so horribl clear now. Piers had c nicall !sed her, pla ed on her feelin"s, cooll stretched the whole farce o!t to their act!al weddin" da before decidin" to p!t a stop to it/and all beca!se he#d believed he was "ettin" one back at Rafe) #*!t Rafe was never in love with me, o! cr!el, crass, blind fool, Piers.# she spat at him an"ril . #7o! p!t me thro!"h all of that for nothin".# #Of co!rse he is,# he maintained/and had the damned "all to start "rinnin" at her. #'t was the b!22 of the ear aro!nd the e4ec!tive offices. Rafe of all people,# he m!rm!red with cr!el, dr satire, #losin" to!ch with his !s!al impre"nable cool while he bit +ack ,ellor#s head off and scrambled aro!nd lookin" for an e4c!se to send him off to apolo"ise to o! so he co!ld discover who o! were witho!t bein" too obvio!s abo!t it.# He let o!t a r!ef!l la!"h, his bl!e e es ali"ht with en$o ment at the memor of the whole novel e4perience. #'f he hadn#t been fl in" off to Hon" @on" that same da , he wo!ld have been la in" sie"e at o!r door, %haan, '#m tellin" o!,# he insisted. #He was hit that hard and that badl .# Co!ld it be tr!e) The ver s!""estion was eno!"h to take %haan#s le"s from !nder her.

%he sank back into the chair as she be"an to teeter on the ver ed"e of a desperate hope. #*!t what abo!t ,adeleine)# she whispered. #,adeleine)# Piers stiffened sli"htl , and all si"n of that sardonic h!mo!r was wiped clean from his feat!res as he s!ddenl became "r!ff&voiced and defensive. #%he#s over him nowA he said. #'t was all $!st a sill female cr!sh she had on him,# he e4plained, #which Rafe tried tellin" me often eno!"h witho!t me wantin" to listen,# he added. #*!t it h!rt that ,adeleine of all people wo!ld t!rn awa from me towards Rafe. And ' think Rafe had to be 1!ite br!tal with her in the end to snap her o!t of it. #*!t,# he si"hed, #b then ' wanted nothin" to do with her, so she ran awa to her mother in Chica"o, and we didn#t see each other a"ain !ntil Rafe dra""ed her back here when he realised what ' was tr in" to do with o!.# None of which meant that Rafe was not in love with ,adeleine himself, %haan told herself firml . Onl that he had too m!ch inte"rit to steal the woman his brother loved. 5nlike Piers8 she made the "rim comparison. #Tell me, Piers,# she 1!estioned 1!ietl , #wo!ld o! have "one ahead and married me if ,adeleine hadn#t come back)# His sho!lders h!nched inside the ele"ant c!t of his $acket, his fair head dippin" so he co!ld stare down at his feet for a moment. #' didn#t p!ll back from marr in" o! for ,adeleine#s sake,# he told her. #' did it beca!se Rafe came to me and be""ed me not to do it to o!.# #Oh, come off it, Piers.# %haan crossl deno!nced that. #7o!#d alread arran"ed to marr ,adeleine on the same da o! were s!pposed to be marr in" me.# His head came !p, "!ilt colo!r hei"htenin" his cheekbones. #' was "oin" to leave ,adeleine standin" at the altar, not o!, %haan...# And he acknowled"ed %haan#s shocked and horrified e4pression with a "rimace of real self&contempt. #' wo!ld have done it too,# he admitted. #'f Rafe hadn#t come to me that mornin" lookin" desperate and so damned wretched that '...# He stopped to swallow, then on a tense si"h went on. #7o!#re ri"ht, %haan. ' am crass. ' know it, o! know it, and, m -od, b!t ,adeleine and Rafe both know it.#

There was another pa!se, another self&contempt!o!s "rimace that said he wasn#t likin" this person he was revealin" himself to be. #Rafe laid his damned so!l bare for me that mornin",# he said hoarsel . #And '#ve never felt so damned despicable in all m wretched life for forcin" him, of all people, to have to do that.# Rafe had act!all "one to Piers that mornin" and be""ed him not to marr her) #%o o!#d better damned well love him, %haan,# Piers m!ttered threatenin"l . #*eca!se a man who is prepared to la his pride at the feet of another man for the woman he loves deserves onl the best kind of love back in ret!rn.# He#s "ot it, she tho!"ht as a warm "low be"an to s!ff!se the ver centre of her bein". Oh, es, he#s most definitel "ot it. CHAPTER E3E>EN 'T TOO@ %haan a while to find Rafe beca!se he wasn#t in an of the rooms downstairs, tho!"h she checked inside them all. Event!all her search took her !pstairs to their private s!ite of rooms/where she fo!nd him reclinin" in one of the bi" armchairs b the fireplace with his bare feet restin" on the low coffee table in front of him. He had $!st taken a shower, she ass!med b the dampness still clin"in" to his silk dark hair, and he was wearin" nothin" more than his white towellin" bathrobe. A "lass of what looked like his favo!rite whisk sat on the carpet b the chair/!nto!ched b the look of it, beca!se he seemed to have fallen fast asleep of all thin"s. +et la", she remembered, and felt her heart flip in s mpath beca!se he looked so !tterl wear , even in repose. *ein" caref!l not to wake him, she tiptoed f!rther into the room and 1!ietl closed the door behind her, then $!st stood there, takin" a moment to lovin"l drink in the si"ht of him while he co!ldn#t know she was doin" it. This man loved her, she told herself warml . This man loved her so m!ch that he had "one to his own brother and be""ed him not to marr her. This man loved her so d namicall that he had then taken her over, married her himself, possessed and devo!red her in his 1!est

to hold onto her. He had wrapped her in l!4!r , cocooned her in the dark, dist!rbin" heat of his powerf!l sens!alit . He had fo!"ht for her, made a fool o!t of himself for her in the e es of his peers, and finall , and perhaps most bea!tif!ll of all, he had p!t his pride on the line a second time b lettin" Piers e4pose the tr!th to her. The tr!th. Her arms went wrappin" aro!nd herself so she co!ld ti"htl h!" that precio!s tr!th. A tr!th that deserved tr!th back in ret!rn, she decided as she stood there simpl drinkin" in the lovel si"ht of him. And s!ddenl she was rememberin" the last time she had fo!nd him stretched o!t in that chair like this. Onl he hadn#t been asleep then, $!st rela4in" with a whisk . 't made her smile, beca!se she co!ld still hear the echo of her own teasin" la!"hter as she#d strolled in here from the bedroom wearin" nothin" b!t his cast&off shirt, left han"in" open on her own bra2en nakedness, and with her hair in wild disarra over her sho!lders beca!se she had $!st been made wonderf!l love to. 0hich was wh he#d been sittin" in that chair, wearin" a look of p!re masc!line "ratification on his hard, handsome face. #7o! look as if o!#ve $!st been ravished,# she#d heard herself m!rm!r teasin"l . #There#s a wicked witch livin" in this ho!se,# had been his sardonic repl . #%he#s se4&mad. ' need s!stenance.# And r!ef!ll he had lifted the whisk to his lips. #%o does the witch,# she#d responded, with so m!ch sens!al provocation that she felt her cheeks "row warm as in her mind she watched that wicked creat!re stroll over to him and straddle his o!tstretched le"s before she took the whisk "lass awa from him and bent to replace it with her own h!n"r mo!th. How lon" a"o had that been) Two/ma be three weeks) 7et she co!ld still feel the electric contact of his hands closin" on her naked hipbones so he co!ld draw her down on top of him. Once a"ain co!ld feel him throbbin", deep, deep inside her, p!lsin" as he strove to "ive her all of

himself. All of himself. %haan h!""ed that tho!"ht to herself too, b!t with more meanin" than ever wrapped in its warml sens!al "low now she knew what she did know. AH of himself... The words had a ma"ical taste to them that filled her with a s!dden desire to recreate those special moments, and, creepin" 1!ietl across the room so as not to waken him, she disappeared into their bedroom. He was be"innin" to stir b the time she came back, with her hair han"in" loose abo!t her sho!lders the wa he liked it and her freshl showered bod wrapped in a white fl!ff robe to match his. Her heart was beatin" a little too fast, beca!se it was takin" a lot of co!ra"e to "o over to him dressed like this, not knowin" what mood he was in. His e es were still closed, b!t one lon" fin"ered hand was cradlin" the s1!at cr stal whisk "lass now. #Hi,# she m!rm!red sh l , !ns!re of her welcome. His e es were slow to drift la2il open. That face, that bea!tif!l, lean, dark face was "riml implacable as he looked !p at her. #Had o!r tr!th now)# he 1!estioned flatl . #7es.# %he smiled softl , #And how was it)# He took a sip of his drink. #Nice,# she admitted. Then, before he had a chance to protest, she straddled his thi"hs with her own silken ones, bent to take the "lass from his fin"ers, discarded it and sat herself down on his lap. #%o ma ' kiss o! for it)# she re1!ested. #Or are o! still too cross with me to want me to)# He didn#t answer, that "riml implacable e4pression sta in" firml in place as he merel closed his e es a"ain. And %haan had to r!ef!ll accept that he wasn#t "oin" to make this eas for her. #' co!ld alwa s "o awa a"ain, if o!#re reall that indifferent,# she offered. No comment/a"ain, the r!thless devil. He didn#t even flicker a silk black e elash. #The tro!ble is,# she went on rather tra"icall , # o!#re reall m!ch too old for me...# %he decided to rile him o!t of his wretched apath .

't didn#t work. #' know,# he a"reed. Her chest heaved on a small si"h. #7o! have twelve whole ears more e4perience than me of how to pla these scenes. 't isn#t fair.# The e es opened, foc!sin" directl on her. #Are o! askin" me to wait aro!nd for twelve ears while o! tr to catch !p)# he en1!ired ver dril . #0hat !se wo!ld that be)# she si"hed. #7o!#ll alwa s be twelve ears better at it than me.# #0ell...# The e es closed a"ain. #'f it makes o! feel an better, then ' don#t feel twelve ears older/' feel fift .# #Oh, poor old man,# she mo!rned. Then ca!"ht his face in her hands and kissed him. 't took him completel b s!rprise. *!t he didn#t reall stand a chance an wa . Tho!"h, to be fair, he did tr to p!t !p a fi"ht, "oin" all tense beneath her, his hands snappin" to her waist and tr in" to p!ll her awa from him while his mo!th remained !tterl !nresponsive a"ainst the coa4in" press!re of hers. *!t, havin" ca!"ht him off "!ard she was determined to keep him off "!ard, so she proceeded to press soft, sed!ctivel moist little kisses alon" the !nresponsive line of his lips !ntil the tension be"an to leave him and his hands stopped t!""in", and his mo!th finall caved in and be"an kissin" her back instead. #0hat was that for)# he "r!nted when she event!all let them both !p for air a"ain. #*eca!se, old man or not, ' love o!,# she replied, and watched his mo!th take on a c nical twist that completel derided that claim. #0here#s Piers)# he asked then, as if he a!tomaticall related the word #love# with Piers# name where she was concerned. #-one,# she said. #*ack to his insipid little wife who can#t kiss for toffee.# %ilk dark e ebrows arched at that. #He said that, did he)# #No.# %he shook her head. #*!t o! did. Tho!"h wh

' sho!ld believe a sin"le word that o! sa when o! lie as well as o! do, ' don#t know,# she added sa"el . #Ah.# He was be"innin" to catch on at last. #%o he told o! it all, did he)# #He feels "!ilt ,# %haan e4plained. #*eca!se he forced o! into havin" to be" him to let me "o.# #*e")# he said in protest. #The liar. ' threatened to kill him if he didn#t p!t a stop to his st!pid "ames, b!t ' ob$ect to bein" acc!sed of be""in".# %haan $!st shr!""ed. #0ell, Piers saw it as o! be""in". And...# her dark e es took on the l!stro!s 1!alit of wicked, dan"ero!s teasin" #...' rather like the idea of o! be""in" him to $ilt me so o! co!ld $!mp into his place.# #'#d watch m step, if ' were o!, %haan,# he warned ver 1!ietl . #*eca!se ' am still damned an"r with o!.# #,mm,# she acknowled"ed. #*!t '#ve bro!"ht o! a present,# she anno!nced. #A peace&offerin", if o! like, for m not appreciatin" the len"ths o! were prepared to "o to "et me...# And even white teeth be"an pressin" down into her f!ll bottom lip, li1!id dark e es pleadin" with him thro!"h the penitent sweep of her lon" dark lashes while she waited for a response. 't was a look he had seen before, ri"ht in the middle of the world#s b!siest street market, and his e es darkened at the memor of what that look had done to him then/beca!se it was all p!re female "!ile, that look. ,addenin", teasin", pla f!l, incitin"/and it reacted on his senses like the sirens# son" that had been l!rin" men to their deaths thro!"h the a"es. He let o!t a si"h/the mark of his own imminent death at this be"!ilin" woman#s hand. #-o on,# he conceded. Til fall for it. 0hat kind of present)# 'nstantl her hands went to the knotted belt holdin" her towellin" robe to"ether. *!t one of his hands closin" over hers stopped her. #0hat are o! doin")# He frowned. #5nwrappin" o!r present,# she said. #'t#s me,# she added softl . #'#m o!r present. 'f o! still want me after the blindl st!pid wa ' behaved

toda , that is...# His bi" chest heaved on a short tense s!ck of air, his e es closin", then openin" to reveal irises "one almost as dark as her own l!mino!s e es as he m!ttered somethin" hoarse beneath his breath. #Oh, come here.# He reached for her then, p!llin" her a"ainst him. #Are o! reall so blind, %haan,# he si"hed, #that o! reall can#t tell when a man is heart and so!l in love with o!)# #' s!ppose ' m!st be,# she conceded sadl . #*!t '#m heart and so!l in love with o!, too, Rafe.# she added !r"entl . #'#ve been in love with o! so lon", in fact, that ' can barel recall m life before o! took it over.# #-ood,# he said, and ca!"ht her mo!th in a short, hot,masterl kiss. #@eep it like that,# he "riml commanded. #*eca!se '#m ver possessive of ever sin"le moment in o!r life.# #And o! think '#m not the same with o!)# she said, then contin!ed on a s!dden flash of blisterin" posses&siveness, #%o if ' ever see o! so m!ch as peck ,adeleine#s cheek a"ain,# she warned fiercel , #' shall walk o!t on o! and never come back.# #The woman is a pain in the neck,# he "rimaced. #%he was a pain in the neck while she had her sill cr!sh on me a co!ple of ears a"o and she was a pain in the neck toda , when she met me at the airport so she co!ld spend the time it took me to deliver her back to the Conna!"ht tr in" to talk me into for"ivin" Piers for the wa he#d !sed o!.# #0h the Conna!"ht)# %haan frowned. After all, Piers had his own apartment ri"ht here in 3ondon. #'t#s where she and Piers are sta in" beca!se the #ve sold his apartment.# His hand came !p to "entl smooth the frown from her brow. #The #re "oin" to live in Chica"o,# he e4plained. #Piers is "oin" into partnership with his father&in&law. And to be honest,# he added heavil , #' think it will do him "ood to "et o!t from beneath m shadow.# #7o! still haven#t for"iven him, have o!)# she realised. His bi" sho!lders shr!""ed. #*eneath all that s!rface charm he#s not a ver nice person, o! know.# #' know,# %haan si"hed. #*!t ' think he#s be"innin" to realise that himself, now, if it#s an consolation.#

#The onl consolation ' need ri"ht now,# he said soberl , #is the ass!rance that ' am what o! reall want, and not $!st the "! who ca!"ht o! on the rebo!nd from Piers.# #Oh, don#t,# she m!rm!red as she saw the ache of real !ncertaint "lint across his e es. #'#m sorr if what Piers and ' almost did h!rt o!, Rafe. *!t ' can#t think of a wa to make that memor "o awa . E4cept to sa that from the first moment ' saw o! after Piers and ' "ot en"a"ed ' was more obsessed with o! and what o! tho!"ht of me than ' was with an thin" else/and that incl!ded Piers. %o ma be ' was alread fallin" in love with o! witho!t reall knowin" it,# she s!""ested an4io!sl . #,a be ' was even too fri"htened to +ook an closer at wh o! dist!rbed me so m!ch in case ' had to face what a terrible mistake '#d made.# To her s!rprise, he started smilin". #At the risk of so!ndin" arro"ant,# he drawled, #' am man eno!"h to know m own worth. All ' needed was time with o!. Time ' didn#t think ' was "oin" to "et...# #7o! said that on the telephone in Hon" @on",? %haan recalled. #' also said ' was in love with o!, onl o! chose to believe ' was talkin" abo!t ,adeleine.# #'#m sorr ,# she m!rm!red. #(on#t be.# He "rimaced. #To be honest, ' was never more relieved than when o! mis!nderstood that conversation, since it meant ' co!ld at least han" onto a bit of m pride.? #0hile o! spent the ne4t two weeks ravishin" me,# she added acc!sin"l . #Now that#s a moot point,# he mocked, #as to who act!all ravished who most of the time.# #Now, now,# %haan protested. #*e caref!l who o! mali"n here, beca!se ' have a witness.# And to prove it she held o!t her wrist where ,innie ,o!se still kept perfect time. #Ah, b!t so do '.# Rafe responded, and d!" into his bathrobe pocket to come !p with the palm&si2ed $ade *!ddha. #7o! said, <*e l!ck , Rafe</ remember)# he m!rm!red h!skil . #0ell, ' am, %haan. >er l!ck ...# He kissed her then, lon" and soft, and so deepl sinkin" ri"ht into him. %haan felt herself

#Come on,# she whispered, climbin" off his lap and catchin" hold of one of his hands to t!" him !p with her. #0here are we "oin")# he asked, as if he didn#t reall know. #To !nwrap o!r present,# she said, p!llin" him with her into their bedroom. Their bedroom. Their home. Their life. Their love. No i++!sion. Nothin" fickle or "!llible or dishonest abo!t it. *eca!se this was it. The real tr!th. %haan loved Rafe. Rafe loved %haan. 't reall was as bea!tif!ll , "lorio!sl simple as that.

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