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TOTKAS OR SOME EASY METHODS FOR PROSPERITY Many people on this earth dont know their exact birth

dates. That is the reason they are unable to make their horoscopes and find the right solution for their problems. In this case some Totkas are very useful. These methods enable one to find the easy solution of many problems. This article describes some such Totkas . You can be benefitted by following one or t e ot er of t e!e Tot"a!# 1. Offer a bottle of scent to oddess !axmi on "eepawali night or at the time of #clipse. $pply this scent and then go for work. %our business or whatever profession you are in shall prosper. &. Offer 'affron to oddess !axmi on "eepawali night or at the time of #clipse. (ub this saffron with 'andal on a stone and make a paste. $pply this paste regularly on forehead before going to your work place. %our profession shall enhance. ). *ative who has speech disorder like stammering etc. should do this remedy. +urn 11 kodis till they turn into ash on first ,ednesday of 'hukla -aksha. Then immerse this ash in flowing water. "o this remedy for five ,ednesdays. %ou can do this remedy on the day of "eepawali also. .. Take 11 /odis which are said to be prosperity giving 0 1 omati 2hakras and 1 'ulemami 3akiks. -ut tilak with Turmeric powder and place them on yellow cloth at -oo4a place. %ou can make a potli out of all these and keep this potli in the cash box. oddess !axmi gets appeased and shower her blessings 5. Those who have failed to get 4ob after many trials should do this remedy. Take one !emon6 go to 2horaha 7 a place where four roads meet8. 2ut the !emon into four parts and throw all of them in four directions. ,hile you are doing this you should keep your wish in your heart. $fter that0 straightaway come back home. "o this remedy regularly for seven days before 'un rise. 'uccess shall be bestowed on you. 9. ':uee;e 4uice from a !emon and throw this 4uice at clay built place in your shop < profession. $ll problems related to your shop will be solved and your sale shall enhance. 1. To enhance your customers0 take one beetle nut0 a copper coin0 1 omati chakras on "eepawali night or at the time of #clipse0 then keep all these items under a -eepal tree. On coming Monday0 bring a leaf from that tree and keep that under cushion or in cash box of your shop. =. Indrani %antra is an ama;ing yantra for prosperity. If business is completely flopped. 2ustomers dont enter in the shop0 in that case business enhancer Indrani %antra should be established at the -oo4a place of your shop. %ou shall get the results immediately. >. $t the time of #clipse0 or "eepawali night0 light a Mustard oil "eepak and put one black colour kodi into it the whole night. In the morning take out it from the oil. ,ipe it and keep it into your purse. %our purse shall always be full of money. 1?. 2olour raw yarn or thread with 'affron on "eepawali night or at the time of #clipse. /eep it at your work place or cash box. %our prosperity shall enhance. 11. If your profession is completely flopped0 or you are the victim of evil eye0 in that case tie 11 omati 2hakras in red cloth and make a potli out of this. then tie it on the main entrance door or on the frame of the door of the shop. Immediately0 all evil effects of

Tantrik activities shall come to an end. 1&. Tension between husband @ wife often destroys the peace @ happiness in the family. There are so many issues that become the cause of tension between marital relationships. In that case this remedy is very useful. /eep 11 omati 2hakras in a container of red vermillion 7sindoor8. /eep this container at home. -eace @ happiness shall stay for long time in the family. 1). On ,ednesday0 Take eight omati 2hakras0 rotate two omati 2hakras around your head and throw them in one direction. "o the same with other omati 2hakras and throw them in four directions. This shall remove the evil effects of Tantric /armas performed on you. 1.. If you are facing any legal hassle0 in that case keep 5 omati 2hakras in your pocket before going to the court. /eep that foot first which side breath is going on6 you shall get victory in the case. 15. /eep 11 omati 2hakras in pure water0 after that give this water to drink to the patient who has been suffering since long. The patient shall be recovered very soon. 19. Those who aspire for promotion0 offer &1 omati 2hakras to lord 'hiva Temple. The hurdles in your promotion shall be removed. 11. if you have credited your money. +ut the person is not returning your money0 In that case0 take 11 omati 2hakras. +ring the image of that person in front of you and re:uest to your favorite "eity by your heart that your money should be returned to you soon. $fter that0 burry these omati 2hakras near -eepal Tree. 1=. If the patient is not cured even after regular medication in that case0 rotate 11 omati chakras around the head of the patient and immersed them in flowing water. ,hile you are doing this 0re:uest to od to cure the patient soon. -atient shall start recovering very soon. (epeat this remedy consecutive for five Mondays. (emember this. "uring this process0 medicine of patient should not be stopped. 1>. If you feel0 that someone has cast evil eye on you0 and you have been undergoing turmoils for long time0 or there is pitra "osha or prAt "osha which puts hurdles in your success. In that case do this remedy for .) days. Take some milk and mix into it nine drops of 3oney. Then sprinkle this Milk in each @ every corner of the house. !eft over Milk should be poured on the main entrance door of the house. This remedy shall remove many evil effects of the family. &?. If you are victim of bad dreams0 ghosts0 evil souls trouble you0 and you are not able to sleep due to this reason in that case. +ring a branch of -eepal Tree at home. ,ash it with anga4al and keep it under the pillow while sleeping. %our problem will be solved. &1. +urn dry *eem Tree leaves near the bed of diseased person0 who is afflicted by superficial hindrances. &&. Take whole 'alt0 $lum0 oogle0 loban0 ,hite 'andal powder and mix them all. +urn them on 2ow "ung 2ake and show the smoke in the entire house. Its smoke has the potential to remove all superficial hindrances. &). /eep 1?? gm (akt un4a in red small pouch and keep it under the pillow0 while sleeping. The patient will not be scared @ can have sound sleep. If you feel that your house is under the influence of evil spirits0 in that case to remove the evil effects you should establish +hoot prAt +adha *iwaran %antra at your -oo4a place and light a Mustard oil lamp everyday in front of this %antra in the evening. This shall not only remove all obstacles but open the new ways to progress.

&.. If you face obstacles in your marriage and not able to find the suitable spouse 0 in that case0 offer a crest to !ord Bishnu in laxmi *arayan temple on Thursday along with &1 +asan ladoos. $ll obstacles shall be removed and the native gets married soon. &5. Take an old opened lock and rotate this anti clock wise around that person whose marriage is getting delayed. $fter that0 keep it at the place where four roads meet in the night :uietly0 without disclosing it to anyone. "ont see backward and come back home. This remedy should be done on Thursday of 'hukla paksha. The native shall get marry very soon. &9. There are plenty of marriage proposals but no proposal get materiali;ed0 in that case take 1 dry 2oconuts and rotate them 1 times around the head of affected boy or girl and immerse them into flowing water. &1. If the native is overage of marriage and there is absolute denial of marriage proposal. In that case0 the girl should establish katyayani Mahayantra along with 'hri %antra at -oo4a place in her house. 'he will be blessed with groom very soon. &=. 'tand under the shade of -eepal Tree and pour water to the tree in which raw milk and sugar is mixed. 'tart this remedy from first 'aturday of 'hukla paksha. Make it a regular routine to offer water to -eepal Tree as it removes many hurdles coming on the way of your prosperity @ success. &>. If there are fre:uent fights between husband @ wife0 in that case0 wife should offer some part of her food to the fire on which food is cooked and sprinkle Milk to calm down the fire. In cities0 cooking gas is mostly used for cooking6 sprinkle some milk before switching off the gas. %ou shall get the relief from the fights and there will be peace at home. )?. If someone is not keeping well in the family since long and medicine doesnt work in that case make a ball of kneaded dough. Cill a vessel with water and rotate this water and ball around the head of the patient 1 times. $fter that pour this water into the plants and give this flour ball to 2ow. "o this remedy for consecutive 11 days. )1. If you are a government employee and wants your transfer at the desired place. Offer water to rising 'un in the morning. Mix &1 seeds of red 2hillies into this water. "o this remedy for consecutive .) days. %our wish shall be granted very soon. )&. If the child is the victim of evil eye and trouble a lot in that case take a 2otton whick. "ip it into the Mustared oil and rotate this anticlock wise around the head of the child 1 times and burn it in one corner of the room. It shall remove the evil eye. )). In order to take prevention of superficial spirits0 never ever urinate under a tree < in water < in fire and in the direction which faces 'un. +urn dry *eem leaves near the bed of superficial spirits affected person. +eside this burn whole 'alt0 $lum0 oogle0 loban0 white 'andle powder on 2ow "ung 2ake. 'how this smoke in every place of the house. That shall liberate one from all the turbulence caused by superficial spirits.

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