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I Have

The Executive Branch


Who Has?
Power to ENFORCE laws

I Have
The main purpose of the Constitution

Who Has?
To replace the Articles of Confederation & set up a NEW government

I Have
The Legislative Branch

Who Has?
Make the laws, Raise an army & navy, declare war, coin & print money

I Have
The Judicial Branch

Who Has?
Interprets (gives the meaning) of Laws

I Have
The Three Branches of Government

Who Has?
Judicial, Executive, & Legislative

I Have
The Preamble

Who Has?
Explains the basic functions of the US government

I Have
Checks & Balances

Who Has?
Separation of powers to keep any one branch from becoming too powerful

I Have
Thomas Jefferson

Who Has?
Anti-Federalist, writer of Declaration of Independence, third president of U.S.

I Have
Supreme Court Justices

Who Has?
Nominated by President of the United States

I Have
Changes to the Constitution

Who Has?

I Have
Supreme Court Justices

Who Has?
Nominated by President of the United States

I Have
Changes to the Constitution

Who Has?

I Have
A synonym for justices

Who Has?

I Have

Who Has?
To approve

I Have
Wanted a STRONG national (federal or central) government

Who Has?

I Have
Opposed the ratification of the US Constitution; opposed a strong federal government

Who Has?

I Have
The First Ten Amendments of the Constitution

Who Has?
Bill of Rights

I Have
An idea for a new law

Who Has?

I Have
Our Countrys Birthday, July 4, 1776

Who Has?
When the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence

I Have
Purpose of Continental Congress 1st

Who Has?
To share grievances concerning the Intolerable Acts

I Have
Purpose of Continental Congress 2nd

Who Has?
Appoint George Washington as Commander-in-Chief of Continental Army, establish full-time army, and decide on unified money

I Have
The Virginia Plan

Who Has?
Proposed 2 houses in the Congress; both houses would be based on that states population

I Have
The New Jersey Plan

Who Has?
Proposed one house in Congress and all states would be equally represented

I Have
The Great Compromise

Who Has?
Two houses in Congress--one house would be based on the population of each state, and the other would be equally represented

I Have
Our Countrys Birthday, July 4, 1776

Who Has?
When the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence

I Have
Purpose of 1st Continental Congress

Who Has?
To share grievances of the Intolerable Acts

I Have
Three-Fifths Compromise

Who Has?
How slaves would be counted towards a states representation in Congress

I Have

Who Has?
The people choose representatives to run the government

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