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Only battery- or hydrogen-powered cars would be permitted in the development.

Demand for resources will outstrip supply as the number of people inhabiting cities swells from more than three billion today to more than six billion by 2050. rebuilding cities from scratch and could still conceivably save enormous amounts of energy and water, allowing todays cities to flourish for centuries to come a key priority for cities adapting to a world transformed by global warming is increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions Existing cities might also benefit from installing transportation systems originally conceived of for planned eco-cities. Tailpipes in the U.S. spew 1.7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, along with a host of noxious fumes. In contrast, the electric car system proposed for Fujisawa City in Japan would produce no tailpipe emissions In the near term, simple changes, such as converting buses to run on compressed natural gas rather than diesel, can both clean up the air and improve efficiency ensuring that sustainable supplies of freshwater continue flowing to growing urban populations is another daunting task facing the international community Water must also be clean. For most cities, meeting this objective will mean not maintaining the status quo but vastly improving on it Poor waste management is not just a problem for water quality The leftover waste flows into tanks called biodigesters, where microbes turn it into solids that can be converted into meal for animal feed and methane that can be burned for industrial purposes, such as generating electricity Cheapest ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions while making a new natural resource. existing cities will need cutting-edge technology to help achieve their long-term sustainability goals. Cities are an expression of our collective will. Boosting ability to provide clean energy, transportation, food, water and waste disposal will be key strategies to ensuring a brighter future for mankind

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs The article talks about the things we can do to improve the way our city looks and feels also the way we live. It suggests that we improve the way we use our technologies than rebuild the cities for the sake of economy and lot of work. Some of the ways it suggests we do that are electric cars, improved transportation and so on. The main idea behind this is decreasing the emission of greenhouse gases and industrial wastes which are the main sources of pollution. The author recommends modifying the technology we have than fully destroying it.

C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views My opinion on the article is that modifying the way our technology works is a great idea. It doesnt suggest that we change our life style completely but lists many ways we can improve it without costing us so much. For example the easy way is planting trees or It states that the Cheapest ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions while making a new natural resource. Using easy methods to improve the way we live is priceless. So what? We should our natural resources for a sustainable environment Says who? David Biello What if? We took all the measures necessary? We would live in a better environment and better life style What does this remind me of? It reminds me of global warming

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