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AVALIAO DIAGNSTICA - INGLS 8 ANO ALUNO:_______________________________________________________________ TURMA: _________________ ESCOLA:_______________________________________________________________ DATA: __________________

The Earth
The surface of the Earth is covered by land and water. Only about one third (1/3) of the surface of the Earth is covered by land. There are six big areas of areas of land called continents. They are: !erica" Euro#e" sia" frica" Oceania and ntarctica. $ater (rivers" seas" oceans" la%es" etc.) covers about two thirds (&/3) of our #lanet. There are five oceans on Earth: the 'acific" the tlantic" the (ndian" the rtic and the )outhern Ocean.
Apostila Anglo. 1 Acording

to the text America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica are called

a) ( ) continents. b) ( ) lands. c) ( ) oceans. d) ( ) planets.

2- ead the text, choose the correct form for the !erbs in parenthesis and then mar" the option that best complete the sentences. *y na!e is +eborah" but !y friends (call/calls) !e +ebbie. ( (live/lives) in *anchester and ( (s#ea%/s#ea%s) English and )#anish. *y husband,s na!e is *iguel. -e (wor%/wor%s) for a !ultinational co!#any and also (s#ea%/s#ea%s) English and )#anish. -is #arents are fro! )#ain.

a) ( ) call-li!e-spea"-#or"s-spea"s. b) ( ) call-li!es-spea"s-#or"-spea"s. c) ( ) calls-li!e-spea"s-#or"-spea". d) ( ) calls-li!es-spea"-#or"s-spea".

Elaine Maria Geremias Fonseca Analista Educacional SRE Caxambu

3. $he !erbs print, choose, put, draw, lets are used in this text to a) ( ) describe facts. b) ( ) expose ideas. c) ( ) gi!e instructions. d) ( ) narrate a stor%.

& '- ($ )


ead the text belo#.

*/elson *andela" the first blac% #resident of )outh frica" was born in 0unu" a s!all village in )outh frica. -is father was an i!#ortant !an in the village" but he died when /elson was still young.1
Headway IA

$he !erb in bold is in a) ( ) present. b) ( ) future. c) ( ) the past. d) ( ) the present continuous.

ead the text belo#.

The Earth The surface of the Earth is covered by land and water. Only about one third (1/3) of the surface of the Earth is covered by land. There are six big areas of areas of land called continents. They are: !erica" Euro#e" sia" frica" Oceania and ntarctica. $ater (rivers" seas" oceans" la%es" etc.) covers about two thirds (&/3) of our #lanet. There are five oceans on Earth: the 'acific" the tlantic" the (ndian" the rtic and the )outhern Ocean.
Apostila Anglo

Elaine Maria Geremias Fonseca Analista Educacional SRE Caxambu

,rite $rue ($) or -alse (-). ( ) $here are nine big areas of land called continents in the Earth. ( ) $he surface of the Earth is co!ered b% salt and #ater. ( ) $he Atlantic, the Artic and the /acific are three of the fi!e oceans on Earth. $he correct se0uence is a) ( ) $, -, $. b) ( ) -, $, -. c) ( ) -, -, $. d) ( ) -, $, $

1- 2oo" at the strip.


4n the second balloon on the 1st part of the strip, the #ord 2*e1 refers to a) ( ) (mudge. b) ( ) 5imm% -i!e. c) ( ) the rabbit. d) ( ) 6onica.

Elaine Maria Geremias Fonseca Analista Educacional SRE Caxambu

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