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President Obamas 2014 State of the Union Address

1. More oil produced at home than in the last 20 years. 2. After years! the US is better positioned for "ro#th than any other country. $. %on"ress passed a bud"et that undid some of the se&uester cuts. 4 'e belie(es that if you #or) hard and ta)e responsibility for yourself! you can "et ahead. . *oo many Americans arent #or)in" today. +. 'e #ill offer proposals that #ill stren"then the middle class and e,pand opportunities for Americans. -. Mrs. Obamas ./ets Mo(e0 pro"ram has brou"ht do#n childhood obesity. 1. 'ard #or) and determination and not #ho you are born to should be the decidin" factor for ones success. 2. /ets close the ta, loopholes for corporations to brin" money and 3obs bac) to the US. 10.4irst class 3obs "ra(itate to first class infrastructure! so! #e should create more infrastructure 3obs. 11. *o help small business o#ners! #e should #or) to"ether on le"islation to promote manufacturin" 3obs in US. 12. /ets pass a patent reform bill to let businesses focus more on "ro#th than la#suits o(er patents. 1$. 5atural "as is the brid"e fuel that can mo(e the US to ener"y independence. 14 'e #ill use his authority to protect federal lands from de(elopment. 1 . 'e #ill set ne# fuel standards for truc)s. 6n the past 4 years! America has reduced its carbon footprint than any other country. 1+. *ime to fi, the bro)en immi"ration system. 1-. 7conomist say immi"ration reform #ill "ro# our economy by more than 81 trillion dollars o(er the years. 11. 'e has as)ed 9P :iden to insure that trainin" centers across America are trainin" people for 3obs needed no#. 12. %on"ress should reinstate the unemployment insurance that e,pired #ith the se&uester cuts. 20. ;e ha(e to prepare tomorro#s #or)force by insurin" American children "et a #orld class education. 21. <esearch sho#s that one of the best in(estments in a childs life is hi"h &uality early education. 22. *oday! #omen ma)e up half of the #or) force but ma)e 2 = less than a man in the same 3ob. 2$. 'e belie(es #hen #omen succeed America succeeds. 24. *he opportunity to achie(e success throu"h hard #or) and initiati(e is #hat America is all about. 2 . 'e is as)in" Americas business leaders to do #hat they can to raise their employees #a"es. 2+. 'e #ill author and si"n an 7,ecuti(e Order to re&uire that "o(ernment contractors pay their #or)ers at least 810>hour. 2-. *omorro#! he #ill direct the Secretary of the *reasury to start M?<A @ a ne# )ind of retirement account built around "o(ernment bonds. 21. :ecause of the A%A! no American can e(er be denied health insurance or ha(e their health insurance dropped because of a preAe,istin" condition. 22. 6t should be the po#er of our (ote and not the siBe of our ban) accounts that determine our "o(ernments. $0. Americas lon"est #ar #ill be o(er #hen #e pull our troops out of Af"hanistan by the end of the year.

$1. Our resol(e is that terrorists #ill not be able to launch attac)s at our country. $2. 6n Syria! #e #ill support the opposition "roup that refutes terrorism. $$. ;e must fi"ht the battles that need to be fou"ht and not openAended #ar that terrorist "roups #ant us to become mired in. $4. 6n a #orld of comple, threats! our security depends on American diplomacy abroad. $ . Our leadership is defined not by our po#er but by our ability to assist others nations in buildin" stron" democracies. $+. ;e #ill al#ays ta)e care of our (eterans #ith faster deli(ery of 9A benefits includin" mental health care.

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