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January 31st, 2014 Dear Parents & Students: Lakeview is proud to host its 3rd Annual History Fair

on Wednesday, ar!h 2"th# $his event wi%% now &e he%d in !on'un!tion with our ()i* )an* +i*ht,, a S$- event .eaturin* hands/on e0hi&its# Whi%e our 1istory 2air is the !u%3ination o. a year4s worth o. resear!h and deve%op3ent, severa% students wi%% &e a&%e to advan!e to the 5hi!a*o etro 1istory 2air on 6pri% 7th# 8ur a%%otted a3ount o. pro'e!ts is: 4 -0hi&its 4 We&sites 2 Do!u3entaries 4 9esear!h Papers

Whi%e the .air is %ater in ar!h, the in/!%ass due date wi%% &e 2riday, ar!h 14th# $his a%%ows 3e ti3e to *rade the pro'e!ts in advan!e o. the .air so the students !an 3ake any revisions they4d %ike# -very 2riday in !%ass is (1istory 2air 2riday,, a%%owin* students to 3ake pro*ress with 3y assistan!e# :4ve a%so shared the ru&ri!s with students in !%ass, and have !opied it on the reverse o. this %etter# Students interested in advan!in* to the 5hi!a*o etro 1istory 2air are re;uired to know the ru%es and %i3itations and understand their individua% re;uire3ents# : have shared with students these ru%es< they need to adhere to the3# 9u%es !an a%so &e .ound at www#!hi!a*ohistory.air#or*# : en!oura*e a%% parents to put this date on their !a%endars= +ot on%y is it a we%%/attended event, en!oura*in* your !hi%d to do their &est .or this .air is very rewardin*# :n addition, : a3 seekin* a .ew vo%unteers# :. you4re interested in he%pin* 3onitor students, we%!o3e 'ud*es, and he%p take down the .air, %et 3e know= ost he%p wi%% &e needed &etween 2:30/7:00, with another *roup to he%p a.ter the event around >:30/?:30# 5onta!t 3e via e3ai% and :4%% .o%%ow up ne0t week# $hanks .or your support@ see you in r# Litt%e ar!h==

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