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Bak - 2013

Kitab, rq lklri Beynlxalq Memarlq Akademiyasnn elmi

urasnn qrar il ap olunur (13 noyabr 2013-c il, protokol 3 )
Elmi mslhti: amil Ftullayev-Fiqarov BMA-nn prezidenti, AMEA-nn mxbir
zv, memarlq doktoru, professor
Ryilr: Arif Mmmdov- tarix elmlri doktoru, professor
To iq Mmmdov - tarix elmlri doktoru
Rahib liyeva - memarlq zr flsf doktoru, dosent
Elmi redaktor:
lhami Cfrsoy - ilologiya elmlri doktoru
Snubr Tayeva
lihseynli Sabir Tayev. Azrbaycanda xristian etiqadl trk
abidlri. Bak, Tknur, 2013, 232 sh.
Kitabda mllif Azrbaycan tarixind ilk df olaraq indiy kimi ermni kilslri v qbiristanlqlar kimi tandmz xristian mbdlrinin v qdim xristian qbiristanlqlarnn qdim trklr mxsus olduunu nadir tarixi mnblrin
v bilavasit abidlrin kmyi il sbut edir. Mllif ilk df olaraq kskin kild tkid edir ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn De administrando imperio srinin yunan
dilindn bir baa he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan v Trk
alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn vacib v hllini gzlyn
zruri problemlrindn biridir. Azrbaycanda olan xristian etiqadl mbd v
abidlrin trklr mxsus olduunu elmi dlillr v fundamental aradrmalar
sasnda sbut edn mllif bu bard csartli gedil Macarstanda, zbkistanda, Bakordostanda keiriln beynlxalq qurultay, simpozium v konfranslarda mruzlrl xlar etmidir. Xsusu il d Dnya memarlq v sntind
trklr Uluslarars Simpoziumunun bakan professor Dr.M.Gl AKDENZN 20
mart 2013-c il tarixd internet vasitsi il Sabir mllim nvanlad bayram
tbriki xsusi maraq olduunu cstrir, tsdiq edir: ...Konunuz ilgi ekici,. Ermenilere ait olduu dnlen eserlerin Trk eseri olduunu ispatlaya bilmek nemli bir baar. Baarlarnzn devamn dilerim. Sevgiler, Sayglar,
Prof.Dr. M. Gl Akdeniz.
Odur ki, AMEA-nn Memarlq v ncsnt nstitutunun Memarlq abidlrinin qorunmas v brpas problemlri bsinin byk elmi iisi .S.Tayev
tr indn drd dild buraxlan bu kitab geni oxucu ktlsi n nzrd tutulmudur.

ISBN: 978-9952-445-21-3
.S.Tayev, 2013

10 MAY 1923 - 10 MAY 2013
(Azrbaycan Respublikasnn Konstitusiyas. Madd 77)


MKR, 1995

Yz illik mrmd
Nslimd tkm,
Dndm, dnn:
Trk olu, trkm!!
(Paa kii Taiyev)


n, Azrbaycan Respublikasnn mkir rayonunun rmal kndind kolxozu ailsind anadan

olmuam v hmin kndd d orta thsil almam. Sovet
dvrnd ali thsil aldmdan milli mnsubiyytimin trk
olmamdan inann ki, anlaym bel olmayb. Onun da
saysind yaadm rayonun razisind olan 14 xristian
etiadl kndin hamsnn ermni kndi olduunu eitmim
v onlarn hamsna hmin dvrd ka ir kimi baxmq. Bir
mkirli kimi 2011-ci il qdr mn d el bilirdim ki, rayonumuzda 14 ermni kndi var. 2011-ci ild mkird
tdqiqat apararkn mn mlum oldu ki, bu kndlrin hamsnda yaayan soydalarmz xristian etiqadl trklrmi.
Sn dem ermnilr v ruslar tr indn 1828-1832-ci illr
rzind randan v Trkiydn bu razilr, Qaraban dalq hisssin, rvan quberniyasna v Gnc trafna krlmdr (Cfrov, 2004, s. 164). Hminin bu illrd randan krln ermnilrin hamnn qarsnda utanmadan
dediklri szlrin d yal sakinlr el arasnda bir misal olduunu hl d xatrlayrlar: ran ryini yemkdns, rus
otunu otlamaq daha yaxdr(Qlinka, 1995, s. 30). Onlarda
bu inam Rusiya imperiyasnn 1815-ci ild imali Azrbaycanda Azrbaycan albanlarnn Patriarxal Katalikosluunun,
yni kils metropoliti vzifsinin rus arnn xsusi frman
il buraxlmas olmudu (eromonax, 2005, s.167). 1828-ci
il mqavilsindn 8 il sonra 1836-c ild mart aynn 11-d
imperator I Nikolay Ermni kilslrinin 10 fsil, 111 madddn ibart olan Nizamnamsini tsdiq etmidir. Hmin
nizamnamnin sasnda da Alban Katalikosluu olan Gncsr patriarxl buraxlmdr. Onun vzin is Ermni

Katalikosluu olan Emidzin Patriarxlnn nzdind Artsax-ua v amax kimi iki eparxiya tkil olunmas n
srncam vermidir(eromonax, 2005, s.167). Bu proseslrdn sonra Alban kilslrinin rhbri ermni keilri il
vz olunmaqla Albaniyann xristian etiqadl kndlrinin
hamsna ermni keilri tyin olunub v hmin keilr is
ermni adt-nnlrini, dfn mrasimlrini, milli mnasibt formalarn Xocal soyqrmndan betrin olmaqla qorxu
yolu il mcbur etmkl albanlarn danq dillrini bel dyirk onlar turkitz urdvazladrblar, yni trkdn dnm ermni kimi formaladrblar (lihseynli, 2012, s. 4).
Yen tdqiqatlarn ikirlrin istinad etsk onlarn Azrbaycan albanlarnn, grclrin v ermnilrin mnblrini
real kild aradrdqda faktlar gstrir ki, Qafqazda eramzn vvllrind v ortalarnda ancaq v ancaq qdim Trk,
yni Azrbaycan Albanlarnn v Grclrin kilslri olmudur (eromonax, 2005, s.131). Bizim almimizd n dzlmz hal is 1909-1910-cu illrd Rusiyann Mqdds Sinodunun Emidzin sinoduna v Yerevann ermni qriqoryan
konsistoriyasna tabeliklrind olan eparxiyalarn khn
arxiv sndlrini mhv etmy rsmi kild icaz vermsidir (eromonax, 2005, s.167). Bununla da Azrbaycan Albanlarnn kilslrind saxlanlan arxiv sndlri mqsdynl
kild, dvltin xsusi razl v nzarti il mhv edilib.
Bununla da Azrbaycan albanlarnn min illrl olan tarixi
iki qonu dmnin li il izlrin qdr silinmy allb.
Onlardan ermnilr lazm olanlar saxlanlaraq z xeyirlrin ermni dilin trcm olunub, qalanlar is yandrlaraq
kl evrilib. Bunlara grc tdqiqatsnn tbiri il desk:
Bu mqsdl onlar lazmi hoqqalar xarblar: harda n bacarblar, onu da ediblr, hr cr izi itirmy alblar (avavadze, 1995, s.13). Zaza Aleksidze adnda digr bir grc
tdqiqatsnn Qafqaz albanlar dillndilr kitabnda olan

ikirlr bizim mvqeyimizi tamamil tsdiq edir. Onun hmin

kitabndan Alban yazs v alban dbi abidlri haqqnda
sndlr srlvhli yazsnn bir hisssini diqqtiniz atdrrq: XIX srin 30-cu illrindn itib yoxa xm alban dbi
abidlrinin axtar davam etdirilir. Hmin mddt rzind
dflrl alban lyazmas olan mtnlrin, yaxud epiqra ik
abidlrin akara xarlmas haqqnda (o cmldn Grcstan razisind d) sensasiyal mlumat yayld. Lakin bu
sensasiya vaxtsz yaylmdi: mtnlr o zaman n yad formal olan ermni, yaxud yunan li bas il yazlmd, yaxud
kriptoqram idi. Alban yazsnn hr hans nmunsini z
xarmaq midi artq boa xmaq zr ikn, . Abuiadze Emidzindki (indiki Matenadarandak) lyazmalar arasnda
ermni dilinin qrammatikas drsliyini akara xard. Burada
yunan, latn, grc, Suriya, kopt v rb li balar il yana alban li bas da verilmidi.
Alban li basnn akara xarlmas effekti o qdr gcl
idi ki, elmi dbiyyatda k in tarixi d dqiq qeyd edildi: 28
sentyabr 1937-ci il. Hmin tarix Qafqaz alban ilologiyasnn v Qafqaz alban dilnaslnn tvlld gn saylr.(Aleksidze, 2003, s.37)
Mllif hmin yazdaca ermni aliminin d ikrini ox
gzl vermidir: Grkmli ermni alimi Hr. Acaryan Ermnistan Elmlr Akademiyasnn Xbrlr ilialinda lya Abuladzenin k i il laqdar aadak szlri drc etmidir: 1937-ci
il sentyabrn 28-d Emidzindki lyazmalar arasnda alban
li basn akara xarm gnc grc alimi Abuladze unudulmaz hrt v hrmt qazand.
Hr. Acaryan k in sonrak vziyytini uzun mddt
qaranlqda qalm adamn q ltn ia xmas il mqayis
etmidir.( Aleksidze, 2003, s.37).
Bli, mnim hmkarlarm, bunlar 1909-1910-cu illrd Rusiyann Mqdds Sinodunun Emidzin sinoduna v

Yerevann ermni qriqoryan konsistoriyasna tabeliklrind olan eparxiyalarn khn arxiv sndlrini mhv etmy
rsmi kild icaz vermsinin ac nticlrinin minlrdn
biridir. Ermnilrin zdniraq mllrinin ac nticsini
znz grrsnzm?
krlr olsun Allaha ki, 2011-ci ild mkir rayonunun memarlq abidlrini tdqiq edrkn onun mnblrini
aradran zaman bel problemin qnisoloji kklrin aparacaq crn ucunu tapa bildim. Bu, N.Vlixanlnn 1974-c
ild apdan xm IX-XII sr rb cora iyanas-syyahlar
Azrbaycan haqqnda sri idi (Vlixanl, 1974). srd mkirl bal rhd deyilir: 9. -
. -, -,
(644656) .
. . .
. (.
. . , . 214.

. (
( ),

( ) .( Vlixanl, 1974, sh.48).
Sitatdan gorsnir ki, Nail Vlixanl V.F.Minorskinin

1963-c ild Moskvada ap olunmu storiya irvana i Derbenda srinin 214-c shifsind olan qeyd v rhlr
istinad edib: (De admin. Imperio, . Gy. Moravcsik, , 1949, 38) ,
( ;
) .

, ,
, VIII. ( ) , -
( ), - . (
). (Minorski, 1963, s. 214).
Grdymz kimi V.F.Minorskinin sitat gtirdiyi mnb
is K.Baqryanarodnnn 1949-cu ild ap olunmu De administrando imperio sridir. Hmin srin 38-ci paraqraf
demk olar ki, cmi bir shifdir. Glin birlikd vvlc hmin shifnin ingilis dilind olan variantna, sonra is rus dilin trcm olunmu variantna diqqt yetirk:
38. Of the genealogy of the nation of the Turks, and
whence they are descended.
The nation of the Turks had of old their dwelling next to
Chazaria, in the place called Lebedia after the name of their
irst voivode, which voivode was called by the personal name
of Lebedias, but in virtue of his rank was entitled voivode, as
have been the rest after him. Now in this place, the aforesaid
Lebedia, there runs a river Chidmas, also called Chingilous.
They were not called Turks at that time, but had the name
Sabartoi asphaloi, for some reason or other. The Turks were
seven clans, and they had never had over them a prince either native or foreign, but there were among them voivodes,
of whom irst voivode was the aforesaid Lebedias. They lived

together with the Chazars for three years, and fought in alliance with the Chazars in all their wars. Because of their courage and their alliance, the chagan-prince of Chazaria gave in
marriage to the irst voivode of the Turks, called Lebedias, a
noble Chazar lady, because of the fame of his valour and the
illustriousness of his race, so that she might have children by
him; but, as it fell out, this Lebedias had no children by this
same Chazar lady. Now, the Pechenegs who were previously
called Kangar (for this Kangar was a name signi iying nobility and valour among them), these, then, stirred up war
against the Chazars and, being defeated, were forced to quit
their own land and to settle in that of the Turks. And when
battle was joined between the Turks and the Pechenegs who
were at that time called Kangar, the army of the Turks was
defeated and split into two parts. One part went eastwards
and settled in the region of Persia, and they to this day are
called by the ancient denomination of the Turks Sabartoi
asphaloi; but the other part, together with their voivode and
chief Lebedias, settled in the western region, in places called
Atelkouzou, in which places the nation of the Pechenegs now
lives. A short while afterwards, the then chagan-prince of
Chazaria sent a message to the Turks, requiring that Lebedias, their irst voivode, should be sent to him. Lebedias, therefore, came to the chagan of Chazaria and asked the reason
why he had sent for him to come to him. The chagan said to
him: We have invited you upon this account, in order that,
since you are noble and wise and valorous and irst among
the Turks, we may appoint you prince of your nation, and
you may be obedient to our word and our command.)) But
he, in reply, made answer to the chagan: Your regard and
purpose for me I highly esteem and express to you suitable
thanks, but since I am not strong enough for this rule, I cannot obey you; on the other hand, however, there is a voivode

other than me, called Almoutzis, and he has a son called Arpad; let one of these, rather, either that Almoutzis or his son
Arpad, be made prince, and be obedient to your word. That
chagan was pleased at this saying, and gave some of his men
to go with him, and sent them to the Turks, and after they
had talked the matter over with the Turks, the Turks preferred that Arpad should be prince rather than Almoutzis his
father, for he was of superior parts and greatly admired for
wisdom and counsel and valour, and capable of this rule; and
so they made him prince according to the custom, or zakanon, of the Chazars, by lifting him upon a shield. Before this
Arpad the Turks had never at any time had any other prince, and so even to this day the prince of Turkey is from his
family. Some years later, the Pechenegs fell upon the Turks
and drove them out with their prince Arpad. The Turks, in
light and seeking a land to dwell in, came and in their turn
expelled the inhabitants of great Moravia and settled in their
land, in which the Turks now live to this day. And since that
time the Turks have not sustained any attack from the Pechenegs. To the aforesaid nation of the Turks that settled in
the east, in the regions of Persia, these Turks aforesaid who
live toward the western region still send mer-chants who
look them up, and often bring them back of icial messages
from them.
The place of the Pechenegs, in which at that time the
Turks lived, is called after the name of the local rivers. The
rivers are these: the irst river is that called Bar ouch, the
second river that called Koubou, the third river that called
Troullos, the fourth river that called Broutos, the ifth river
that called Seretos. (Porphyrogenitus, 1985, 38 paraqraf).
ndi is hmin shifnin rus dilind olan variantna
diqqt yetirk:
38. ,

[1] , , - [2].
, , . , ,
, ,
[3]. ,
-[4]. [5], , , ;
[8]. , ,
, , , -
, [9].
. , ( )[10],
, .
, ,
, . , , -
[12], , [13],

, , , , . ,
, , , [],
. : ,
, , ,

[14]. , :
, , [15]. ,
, , , , [16] [17]. ,
, , , . ,
, .
, , , ,
, - ,
. - , - [18] [19].
[21] [22]. ,
, . , ,
, ,
[23]. 13

. , [24], , ,
, [25],

[], ,
, . :
, , , [27], , ,
, [28].( , 1991, 38).
Rus dilin Slavyannaslq nstitutunun mkdalar
-Q.Q.Litavrin v A.P.Novoseltsev tr indn trcm olunmu bir shifd 22 df , ,
kimi szlr ilns d bir df d olsun madyar, madyar kimi szlr ilnmmidir. Bir shiflik 38ci fsl aid
is 28 bnddn ibart drd shiflik qeyd v rhlr, yni
kommentariyalar verilir. Hmin kommentariyalarda is 45
df , kimi szlrdn istifad edirlr.
(, 1991, 38).
Burdan aydn grsnir ki, azrbaycanllarn v trklrin milli mnafelrin uyun he bir mlahizdn shbt
getmir. Onlar ancaq v ancaq zlrinin tmsil etdiklri dvltlrin v xalqlarn siyasi quruluunun tlblrin v milli mnafelrin uyun hrkt ediblr!! Bel olan tqdird
onlara istinadn sitat gtirib tdqiqat aparmaq dzgndrm? lbtt yox!!! Bu xsn mnim almimd z limizl,
qlmimizl, dnc v tfkkr trzimizl mnsub olduumuz xalq thqir etmk, onun tarixini thrif etmk, saxtaladrb mhv etmkdn baqa bir ey deyildir! rhin
4-c bndind: ...
( VIII , . ),... veriln sitatn
sonunda he bir mnb bel yoxdur. Burda bel veriln rh

Minorski tr indn is thrif olunaraq: (

, -
( )
kimi verilir.
Demli, ermnilrin li tarixi mnblri saxtaladrmaqda hmi hr yer uzanql olub. O cmldn hmin
llr Fransada Minorskiy d atb ki, o da bel rh verib.
Biz is il qulanda yatmq v indi d yatrq. Hmi i-idn kendn sonra yuxudan aylrq, onda is gec olur. He
olmazsa atalarmzn ziyanln yarsndan qaytmaq da qazancdr dediyi kimi edk. Bu srin trcmsini he olmasa
bir millt, iki dvltin alimlrinin kmyi il indi is tkil
edk. Ona aid olan qeyd v rhlri is iki dvlt bir milltin
tarixi, dili alimlri versinlr!!!
V.F.Minorskinin sykndiyi trcmnin mlli lri olan
A.P.Novoseltsevin, G.G.Litavrinin hr birinin bu mslni
aradrdqda milli v dvltilik mnafelri olub. Odur ki,
onlar trkn milli mnafeyini mda i edib hmin sahd
dqiq tdqiqat mvqeyind dura bilmzdilr.
K.Baqryanarodnnn rus dilin trcm olunmu Ob
upravlenii imperiyey srinin 38-ci fslin diqqt yetirdikd bir az da qdim getmi oluruq: ...
, ... ,
, , -
-, .... , ,
. ... ,
, , , 15

, ,
Sitatn sonuncu cmlsindki ikr diqqt yetirin.
Demli, Macar torpandak trklr xristianl qbul etdikdn sonra ox ehtimal ki, onlarn diplomatik laqlrinin tsiri saysind mrkzi Tovuz olmaqla Kr aynn sa sahilind Gnc-Ti lis arasndak trklr d yerli xristian etiqadl
albanlarn saysind xristianl qbul ediblr. Trklr avarlara mlub olduqdan sonra ancaq v ancaq latmaz, nyetmz -Nzgr, ardaxl nlibel, Barumen, Barsumen,
rmal, Yanxl, sirlik, Avey, Gyzn, Keiki v s. kimi dalarn zirvlrind mskn sala bilrdilr. Hmin razilrd
qdim memarlq incilri olan xristian etiqadl mbdlrini
tikmkl, llrini is hmin razilrdki qdim qbiristanlqlarda v Macarstanla Bakordostanda da olmaqla, st sal
dal qbirlrd dfn ed bilrdilr. Hans ki, hmin qbirlr
Bakordstanda indi d mqdds yerlr kimi qorunur. Tarix susanda memarlq abidlri, arxeoloji abidlr v qbiristanlqlar danr. Ancaq bizlr bzn hmin haraylar bel
eitmirik. Fikir verin, Macarstranda olan trklr XI sr qdr artq xristianl qbul etmidilr v imperatorun dediyin gr onlarn hmin dvrd Qafqazdak trklrl iqtisadi laqlri var idi. Odur ki, mkir, Gdby, Tovuz, Astafa,
Qazax rayonlarnn dalarndak xristian etiqadl mbdlr,
ancaq v ancaq qdim trklr, sarslmaz sabartalara mxsusdur. Onlarn srasnda Keiki, Avey, Gyzn dalarndak v rmal, Nzgr, Da Cyir, Barumen, Barsumen,
ardaxl, Yanxl v s. kndlrdki mbd v monastrlar da
daxildir. Bunu birdflik isbatsz qbul ediln aksiom kimi
bilmk ninki alimlrimizin, hr bir qafqazlnn mqdds
borcu olmaldr.



kil 1. mkir rayonu rmal kndindki qdim pird AMEA-nn

mxbir zv . Ftullayev-Fiqarov tdqiqat apararkn. 05 may 2005


kil 2. mkir rayonu rmal kndindki qdim pir

konservasiyadan qabaq. 2005.

kil 3. mkir rayonu rmal kndindki qdim pir 2010-cu ild S. Tayev tr indn z vsaiti hesabna konservasiya olunduqdan sonra


kil 4. mkir rayonu rmal kndindki qdim pirin hytind

xa killi da kitablrin srgisi

kil 5. mkir rayonu rmal

kndindki qdim bala pir


kil 7. mkir rayonu Kamandar

kndindki qdim pir

kil 7. mkir rayonu nlibel

(ardax) kndindki qdim mbd


kil 8. mkir rayonu Nrimanl (Nzgr)

kndindki qdim mbd

kil 9. mkir rayonu Nrimanl (Nzgr)

kndindki n qdim mbd


kil 10. mkir rayonu Da Cyir

kndindki qdim mbd

kil 11. mkir rayonu Barsumen kndindki

n qdim mbd


kil 12. mkir rayonu Barumen kndindki birinci

n qdim mbd


kil 13. mkir rayonu Barumen kndindki birinci n qdim mbdin

n trf divarnn yuxar hisssind qdim trklr mxsus xa kli

kil 14. mkir rayonu Barumen kndindki ikinci

n qdim mbd


kil 15. Tovuz rayonu srik Crdaxan kndindki

n qdim mbd

kil 16. Qazax rayonu Kmrli kndindki

qdim mbdin qalqlar


kil 17. Qazax rayonu Kmrli kndindki

qdim Qz qalas

kil 18. Qazax rayonunun Avey dandak

qdim mbd


kil 19. Qazax rayonu Xanliqlar kndindki

qdim didvan brc


kil 20. Astafa rayonu Keikida Dvlt Tarix-Mdniyyt

Qoruundak qdim mbd

kil 21. Qazax rayonu Gyzn dann tyindki qdim xristian

mbdinin fundamenti


kil 22. Qazax rayonu Gyzn dann tyindki

qdim xristian mbdinin plan



kil 23. Aa ayknd (Barum) kndindki aa hisssi

dadlaraq bulaa yol kiln qdim trk qbiristanl


kil 24. Aa ayknd (Barum) kndindki qdim trk

qbiristanlnn bulaa gedn yol n dadlm hisssi


kil 25. Aa ayknd (Barum) kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlnn imal-qrb tr indki bulan qarsnda qbiristanln
st qdim trklr mxsus xa killi dalarndan dzldilmi nov


kil 26. Aa ayknd (Barum) kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlnn imal-qrb tr indki bulan qarsndak novda olan st
qdin trklr mxsus xa killi dalarndan biri


kil 27. Macarstan Respublikasnn arxeoloqlar tr indn taplm Mannesqrafn zrind qdim trklr mxsus xalar olan tac

kil 28. Macarstan Respublikasnn arxeoloqlar tr indn taplm Frauenqrafn zrind qdim trklr mxsus xalar olan tac


kil 29. Yuxar Gy (Barsum) kndindki

qdim trk qbiristanl

kil 30. Sabir Tayev Yuxar Gy (Barsum) kndindki qdim

trk qbiristanlnda tdqiqat apararkn


kil 31. Yuxar Gy (Barsum) kndindki qdim trk qbiristanl

ermnilr tr indn vhicsin dadlaraq raziy yol almdr

kil 32. Ataby kndindki qdim

trk qbiristanl


kil 33. lsgrli (Bada) kndindki qdim

trk qbiristanl

kil 34. Barsumen kndindki yeddi qdim

qbiristanlndan birincisi


kil 35. Sabir Tayev Barsumen kndindki yeddi qdim trk

qbiristanlndan ikincisind tdqiqat apararkn

kil 36. Barsumen kndindki yeddi qdim

trk qbiristanlndan ncs


kil 37. Da Cyir kndindki

qdim trk qbiristanl

kil 38. Da Cyir kndindki qdim trk

qbiristanlnda qbirst abid


kil 39. S. Tayev Tatarl knd sakini Hseyn kii il onun pay
torpandak qdim trk qbiristanlnda tdqiqat apararkn

kil 40. Tatarl kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlndak

qbirst abidlrdn biri


kil 41. S.Tayev Macarstanda Tixan yarmadasndak

Benedikt monastrnn zirzmisind trklrin XII sr aid olan
qdim qbirst abidsini ziyart edrkn

kil 42. Ekskursavod T.Murin Macarstanda Tixan yarmadasndak

Benedikt monastrnn zirzmisind trklrin XII sr aid olan qdim
qbirst abidsi bard material trcm edrkn


kil 43. Gnli kndindki qdim

trk qbiristanlqlarndan biri

kil 44. Gnli kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlndak

qbirst abidlrin yaxndan grn


kil 45. Gnli kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlnda bir metr

yaxn torpaq altnda qalm qbirst abidnin grn

kil 46. Gnli kndindki qdim trk qbiristanlnda bir metr

yaxn torpaq altnda qalm qbirdn taplm insan nsi


kil 47. S.Tayev Gnli kndindki qdim zngin tarixi

abidlri ona gstrn knd mdniyyt evinin mdiri
Eldar Nbiyev tkkr edrkn

kil 48. Kamandar kndindki

qdim trk qbiristanl


kil 49. Kamandar kndindki qdim qbiristanlqda qdim

trklr mxsus xa killi ba dalarndan biri

kil 50. S.Tayev Kamandar kndind qdim trklr mxsus

qbiristanlqda tdqiqat apararkn


kil 51. rmal kndindki

qdim trk qbiristanl

kil 52. S.Tayev rmal kndindki Xan dz deyiln qdim

qbiristanlqdak qbirst abidlrd qdim trklr mxsus
xa killrini akar edrkn


kil 53. S.Tayevin rmal kndindki Xan dz deyiln qbiristanlqda akar etdiyi qdim trklr mxsus xa killi qbirst abid

kil 54. nlibel (ardaxl) kndindki

qdim trk qbiristanl


kil 55. nlibel (ardaxl) kndindki qdim

trk qbiristanlnn uzaqdan grn

kil 56. nlibel (ardaxl) kndindki qdim trk mbdinin

yanndak qdim trk qbiristanl


kil 57. nlibel (ardaxl) kndindki qdim qbiristanlqdak

qbirst abidd qdim trklr mxsus xa kili

kil 58. nlibel (ardaxl) kndindki qdim qbiristanlqdak

qbirst abidd qdim trklr mxsus n qdim xa kili


Nankor ermnilr is 1984-c ild Ermnistan elmlr Akademiyasnn xtti il buraxdqlar

kitabnda IX-XIII srd Azrbaycann razisind qbirst abidlrd v digr sahlrd formalaan xa killi abidlrin hamsn utanmadan, kinmdn zlrininki kimi ustalqla tqdim edirlr ( . ,
, 1984). Fikrimin doruluunu
tsdiq etmk n diqqtiniz Amerika Birlmi tatlarnn vtnda, hquq elmlri doktoru Smyuel A.Uimzin
(Smyuel, 2004) srindki mvqeyini atdrmaq istyirm. Mllif kitabnda ermnilrin br tarixindki bel
mvqelrin el gzl rh verir ki, onu tqdim etmy ehtiyac duyulmur. Sanki rhmtlik biziml bu msl il bal dialoqdadr:- Mn n azrbaycanl deyilm, n grc, n
d trk. Mn amerikanam. Mn ilk otland cdad 1686-c
ild Amerikaya glmi otland-amerikanam. Mn cnubluyam, mrm boyu Baptist olmuam v Amerikaya vergi
dyirm. Bu kitab Vainqton, Roma, Paris, London, Moskva
v stanbul hrlrind apardm ardcl elmi-tdqiqat ilrimin i altnda qlm almam. Ermnistanda tdqiqat
aparmaq da kmk ed bilrdi, lakin onlarn arxivlri ictimaiyytin zn balanmdr. Trkiynin Istanbul hrindki arxivlr daha ox aqdr v mn orada xeyli almam.
Mslnin ac gl douran chti burasndadr ki, Ermnistann paytaxt Yerevandak v Bostondak Ermni nqilabi Federasiyas z mnblrinin qaplarn hl d tdqiqatlarn
v ictimaiyytin zn bal saxlayrlar. Onlar nyi gizldirlr?
N n Ermnistan znn Ermni nqilabi Federasiyasnn
idarsini Birlmi tatlarda saxlayr? Vrqlycyiniz shiflr zn Ermnistan Respublikas adlandran lknin
sas tarixisinin qlmin saslanr. Tarixinin z szlri
v onun sadalad mnblr he bir bh yeri qoymadan

sbut edir ki, onun sevdiyi Ermnistan saxta v tcavzkar

bir lkdir! (Smyuel, 2004, s.20).
Amerikal hrmtli tdqiqat alim Smyuel A.Uimzin
Ermnistan saxta v tcavzkar bir lkdir! ikirlrini
biz d tarixi faktlarla sbut etmk istyirik. Kr aynn sa
sahilin iddia olan ermnilrin orda he bir vtni olmadn tarixi dlillrl sbut edk. Birinci fakt: 2011-ci ild
mkir rayonunda tdqiqat apararkn aldq ki, ermni
kndi kimi tandmz 14 kndin hamsnda n qdim ermni qbrini myyn edk: Biz bu kndlrin qbiristanlqlarnda olarkn ermni slubunda dfn olunmu qbirlrin
dfn tarixlrini myyn etmkl mqayisli kild n qdimlrini myyn etmy alrdq. Hr knd zr ermni
slublu dfn olunmu n qdim qbirlrin tarixi aadak
kimi oldu:
1. Atabyd
1947-ci il;
2. Aa aykndd
1922-ci il;
3. Barsumend
1851-ci il;
4. Da Cyird
1921-ci il;
5. Kamandarda
1936-c il;
6. lsgrlid
1868-ci il;
7. Yeni gyd
1932-ci il;
8. Yuxar aykndd
1922-ci il.
Aradrmalardan grnr ki, n qdim ermni slublu
dfn olunmu qbir Barsumen kndind 1851-ci il tsadf
edir. Bu is imperator I Nikolayn 11 mart 1836-c ild imzalad Ermni kilssinin zdniraq Nizamnamsinin imzalanma tarixini o yana kemir. (lihseynli, 2012, s. 13-14).
kinci fakt: Hr birimiz yax mlumdur ki, tarix susanda tarixi abidlr, memarlq abidlri v arxeoloji abidlr
danr. Onlar real hqiqtlri z xarmaa, obyektiv ikir
sylmy imkan verir. Bu ikrimizi mkir rayonundak iki
kndin taixi abidlri baxmndan sbut edk. (kil 23) bu

grdynz qbiristanlq indiki Aa ayknd, vvllr is

Barum adlanan kndin qdim qbiristanldr. (kil 29; 30)
Bu kil is indiki Yuxar Gy, vvllr is Barsum adlanan
kndin qdim qbiristanldr. Fikir verirsinizs onlarn
aalarndan yol alb. Hmin yollarn killri is aadaklar kimidir. (kil 24;25; 31). killrdn aydn grsnir
ki, qdim qbiristanlqlar dadlaraq yol kilib. Bli hmin
yollardan birincisi bulaa, digri is raziy gedir. n dhtli shnni is bulaq bana aparan yolda grrk. Dhtli orasdr ki, dadlm qbir dalarndan bulan novunu
dzldiblr. killr baxb znz deyin: bu hans insanlq
normalarna uyun glir? lbtt ancaq v ancaq var-varlar,
dmnlr bunu ed bilrlr. Bs ermnilr kimi zlrin
dmn bilirlr? lbtt trklri. Demli, bu qbirlr trklrindir ki, onlar bu qbiristanlqla bel rftar ediblr. (kil
23; 24; 25; 26; 31).
Hminin bulan novundak dalarn stndki xalara da ikir verin-bunlar ermni xalardrm? lbtt yox!
Bu xa killri Macarstan arxeoloqlar tr indn taplm
v Mannesqrafa v Frauenqrafa mxsus taclardak xalarla
eyni deyilmi? (kil 27;28). lbtt eynidir!! (Fodor, 2006,
s.152). Bu is yuxarda verdiyimiz rhlr sasn Macarstandak trklrl diplomatik laqlrin saysind X srdn
sonra Azrbaycan albanlarna glib ata bilrdi.
ziz oxucum bel misallar sonsuz sayda kmk olar.
Sadc olaraq mruznin mtni buna imkan vermir.
mkird tdqiqat apararkn rmal kndinin asaqqallar il grrkn knd asaqqal Msim Haxverdi olu bildirmidi ki, rmal piri ermnilrin nzartind olarkn pir
nzart edn ermni keii z etiraf edirdi ki, bu rmal monastr biz ermnilrin yox, slind xristian etiqadl trklrindir.
Onun tarixi is Emidzinddir. Bu informasiya hmi xatirimd olduundan rmal piri bard ermni mnblrind

materiallar axtarmaa chd etsm d tapa bilmirdim. 2010-cu

ild apdan xm rvan xanl kitabnn mnblrini aradrarkn diqqtimi n sonuncu kitab - Simeon rvanlnn
Cambr. Mqdds mdzin kilssinin v traf monastrlarn
toplusunun mfssl aynas v xatir kitab oldu (,
1873). Hmin kitab ermni dilindn rus dilin trcm olunaraq 1958-ci ild Moskvada ap olunmudu. Onu ld etmkd
mn z hmkarlq kmyini sirgmyn rad Mmmdliy
minntdaram. Kitabn ksero surtini rad xanmdan alb mn
d surtini xartdrdm v diqqtl aradrmaa baladm. Nhayt 187-ci shifd rmalya uyun Kiralu, Keiknd- sl
ad is Aydn Drvi olan, Qrx-bulaq (indiki ad is Qoabulaq)
adl kndlr bard qismn d olsa ermni slubunda qeyri shih d olsa mlumatlar ala bildim. Hmin mnbd ona sahib
kimi x edn ermni keii z z dili il saxta yalanlarnn
stn ar. Bel ki, mllif yax ki, hmin kndlrin kimdn v
hans yolla alnman gstrir. Kiralu haqqnda yazr:
1060 . ,
. , ,
, , .
. (, 1873, . 187-188). Bu is onu gstrir ki, onlarn zlrinin dediyin gr ermni katalikosu Kiralunu alana kimi hmin kndin sahiblri var imi.Htta hmin sahiblrdn birinin d rvanl Hseynli xann olduu
dflrl v yekun nticd Atarak kndi il bal materialda da vurulanr (, 1873, . 199-200). Bel olan
halda siz bunlarn hyaszlqlarnn drcsin baxn ki, pul
verib aldqlar kndi zlrinin ata-baba yurdu kimi tbli

edirlr. Bu z grsdir ki, torpan sahibi olduu bir halda onlar sonradan glib, kukukalar kimi torpaq sahiblrini
yurd-yuvalarndan xarmaa, ustalqla didrgin salmaa alrlar (lihseynli, 2012).
Mn bir ziyal kimi bablarmzdan biz miras qalm bir
ey inanram: tl drnan arasna girn gec-tez iylnmi
xacaq!! ox ehtimal ki, ruslar il azrbaycanl trklrin arasna girn ermnilr d tarixi reallqlarn srt zn grcklr, zlrinin tarixi czalarn bir daha alacaqlar.
2012-ci ild Macarstanda Trk xalqlarnn IV beynlxalq Kurultaynda 22 Trk Dvltinin bayrann birg
dalalandn grdkd mummilli liderimiz H.liyevin:
Mn hmi fxr etmim, bu gn d fxr edirm ki, mn
Azrbaycanlyam! v Azrbaycan-Trkiy Biz bir millt iki
dvltik ikirlri qlbimd sslndi v hmin ikirlrdn
ruhlanaraq dillndim: Mnim hrmtli mummilli liderim
bu gn is biz iki yox, 22 dvlt, bir milltik! Odur ki, burada zmdn asl olmayaraq alim hmkarm Elmddin libyzadnin szlrinini d xatrladm: - Mn umer kkl,
Az//As sasl, skit soylu, Sak lyaqtli, Hun zmtli, Ouz
nsilli, Trk silli trkm! Bunula da fxr edirm. Milltim
trk, dilim trk dili, vtnim Azrbaycandr, geni mnada
Trkstan elidir!!(krova, 2006, s. 3 ).
Btn bu problemlrin hllrinin vacib rtlrindn
biri d, xristianlarn zlrinin qdim mnblrin istinad
etmkdn ibartdir. Hmin mqdds mnblrdn biri
d K.Baqryanarodnnn De administrando imperio sridir(Porphyrogenitus, 1985). Odur ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn
De administrando imperio srinin yunan dilindn bir
baa, he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan
v Trk alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn
vacib v hllini gzlyn zruri problemlrindn biridir. Bu
problemi hll etmk n ninki tkc Azrbaycan v Tr53

kiy, 22 Trk dvltinin alimlri bu mqdds mqsd urunda birlmli v bu r li vzifni layiqinc yerin yetirmlidirlr!!
Mnim ziz v hrmtli trk qardalarm! Biz ziyallar hr birimiz z dvltimizd beynlmill ruhlu dvlt
mstqilliyimizin sarslmazlnn, dnmzliyinin, bdiliyinin keiyind ayq, sayq dayanmalyq ki, br tarixind
trkn yerini bu qalmaqall dnyada r l yaada bilk! Bu
yolda sizin hr biriniz uurlar dilyirm.
Sabir Tayev Azrbaycan tarixind ilk df olaraq indiy
kimi ermni kilslri v qbiristanlqlar kimi tandmz
xristian mbdlrinin v qdim xristian qbiristanlqlarnn
qdim trklr mxsus olduunu nadir tarixi mnblrin v
bilavasit abidlrin kmyi il sbut edir. Mllif ilk df
olaraq kskin kild tkid edir ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn De
administrando imperio srinin yunan dilindn bir baa
he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan v
Trk alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn
vacib v hllini gzlyn zruri problemlrindn biridir.
Aar szlr: Qafqaz trklri, xristian abidlri, rmal
piri, Keiki da mbdi, Avey mbdi, Gyzn mbdi.
Sabir Tagiyev Azerbaycan tarihinde ilk defa olarak imdiye kadar Ermeni kiliseleri ve mezarlklar gibi tandmz
Hristiyan mabetlerinin ve eski Hristiyan mezarlklarnn
eski Trklere ait olduunu nadir tarihi kaynaklarn ve dorudan yaplarn yardm ile kantlanmtr. Yazar ilk olarak
keskin ekilde srar ediyor ki, K.Bagryanarodnnn De ad54

ministrando Imperio eserinin Yunan dilinden bir mal hibir tercmenin etkisi altna dmeden Azerbaycan ve Trk
alimlerinin yardm ile ana dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve
zm bekleyen zorunlu sorunlarndan biridir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ka kas trkleri, Hristiyan antlar,
rmal piri, Beki da tapna, Avey tapna, Gyezen tapna.
For the irst time in history of Azerbaijan,SabirTagiyev
directly prove now known as the Armenian churches and
cemeteries ancient Christian temples and ancient Christian
cemeteries is the property of the Turks with the help of rare
historical sources. The author sharply insists for the irst
time, K.Baqryanarods work De administrandoimperios
translation into our mother tongue from Greek,without any
falling under in luence with the help of Azeri and Turkish
scholars,is one of the important and necessary problems.
Key words: Caucasian Turks, Christian monuments, Irmashl sacred place, Keshikchy mountain temple, Avey temple,
Goyazan temple.

, . , ,


. De
administrando imperio
: ,
, , ,
, .
1. Aleksidze, Z., (2003), Qafqaz albanlar dillndilr,
Artanui nriyyat, Tbilisi.
2. , K., (1991), , , .
3. Porphyrogenitus, G., (1985), De administrando imperio, Second Impression.
4. Cfrov, ., (2004), Azrbaycann ilk sakinlri, Elm
nriyyat, Bak.
5. avavadze, ., (1995), Ermni alimlri v fryad
edn dalar, Azrbaycan nriyyat, Bak.
6. , ., (1948),
- ( ),
, .
7. , ., (1958),

, .
8. lihseynli, S., (2012), Trkdn dnm ermnilr
(Azrbaycan, trk, rus, ingilis, ermni dillrind), Elm v
thsil nriyyat, Bak.
9. lihseynli, S., (2012), Tbitin v cmiyytin blalar (Azrbaycan, trk,rus, ingilis, ermni dillrind)., Elm
v thsil nriyyat, Bak.

10. lihseynli, S., (2012), Saalmaz yaralarn yegan

mlhmi, Yeni xbr qzeti, 22 dekabr, sh. 15, Bak.
11. lihseynli, S., (2013), Saalmaz yaralarn yegan
mlhmi, Yeni xbr qzeti, 12 yanvar, sh. 15, Bak.
12. , A., (2005),
, , .
13. Qaraca, B., (2011), Macar rapsodiyas, Azrbaycan
qzeti, 13 noyabr, sh. 2, Bak.
14. Qlinka, S., Ermnilrin Azrbaycana krlmsi,
Azrbaycan nriyyat, Bak.
15. , ., (1963), , , Moskva.
16. . , ,
(1984), IXXIII , .
17. Smuel, A., (2004), Ermnistan-terroru xristian
lknin gizlinlri.(ngilis dilindn trcm edni Z.Aayev),
Azrbaycan-Trkiy Nriyyat-Poliqra iya irkti, Bak.
18. krova, G., (2006), Alim-vtnda Elmddin libyzad, Adilolu nriyyat, Bak.
19. Vlixanl, V., (1974), IX-XII sr rb cora iyanas-syyahlar Azrbaycan haqqnda, Elm nriyyat, Bak.
20. Fodor, ., (2006), Folia archaeologia LII, Magyar
Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest.






Bak 2013

Kitap, Dou lkeleri Uluslararas Mimarlk Akademisinin bilimsel

kurulu karar ile yazdrlr (13 Kasm 2013 tarihli, tutanak 3)
Bilimsel danman:

Bilimsel editr:

amil Fetullayev-Figarov UMA-nn Bakan, AMEA muhabir

yesi, mimarlk doktoru, profesr
Arif Memmedov-tarih doktoru, profesr;
Tev ik Memmedov - tarih doktoru;
Rahibe Aliyeva - mimarlk zre felsefe doktoru
lhami CEFERSOY - iloloji doktoru
Senuber Tayeva

Alihseynli Sabir Tayev. Azerbaycanda Hristiyan inanl Trk

antlar. Bak, Teknur, 2013, 232 say.
Kitapta yazar Azerbaycan tarihinde ilk defa olarak imdiye kadar Ermeni kiliseleri ve mezarlklar gibi tandmz Hristiyan mabetlerinin ve eski Hristiyan mezarliklarnn eski Trklere ait olduunu nadir tarihi kaynaklarn ve
dorudan yaplarn yardm ile kantlanmtr. Yazar ilk olarak keskin ekilde srar ediyor ki, K.Bagryanarodnnn De administrando Imperio eserinin Yunan
dilinden bir mal hibir tercmenin etkisi altna dmeden Azerbaycan ve Trk
alimlerinin yardm ile ana dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve zm bekleyen
zorunlu sorunlarndan biridir. Azerbaycanda bulunan Hristiyan itikatl tapnak
ve antlarn Trklere ait olduunu bilimsel kantlar ve temel aratrmalar temelinde kantlayan yazar bu konuda cesur gidile Macaristanda, zbekistanda,
Bakordostanda dzenlenen uluslararas kongre sempozyum ve konferanslarda
sunumlar klar yapmtr. Hususu ile de Dnya Mimarlk ve sanatnda Trkler
Uluslarars Sempozyumunun bakan Profesr Dr.M.Gl AKDENZN 20 Mart
2013 tarihinde internet aracl ile Sabir retmene gnderdii bayram tebriki
zel ilgi olduunu gsterir, onaylar: Konunuz ilgi ekici. Ermenilere ait olduu dnlen eserlerin Trk eseri olduunu ispatlaya bilmek nemli bir
baar. Baarlarnzn devamn dilerim. Sevgiler, Sayglar, Prof.Dr. M. Gl
Odur ki, AMEA Mimarlk ve Sanat Enstits Mimari yaplarn korunmas
ve restorasyonu sorunlar departman byk bilimsel alan A.S.Tayev tarafndan drt dilde braklan bu kitap okuyucular iin tasarlanmtr .

ISBN: 978-9952-445-21-3
A.S.Tayev, 2013


10 MAYIS 1923 - 10 Mays 2013
(Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti Anayasas. Madde 77)



EMKR. 1995

Yz yllk mrmde
Neslmde tekim,
Dndm, dnn:
Trk olu trkm!
(Paa kii Tayev)



en, Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti emkir ilesinin rmal

kynde ifti ailesinde dodum ve bu kyde de eitime baladm. Sovyet dneminde niversite yllarmda milli
kimliimin Trk olmasna inann ki anlaym yoktu. Onun
da sayesinde yaadm blgenin topraklarnda bulunan ve
hep kavur olarak grdmz 14 Hristiyan kyn tamamnn Ermeni ky olduunu duydum. Bir emkirli olarak 2011
ylna kadar ben de blgemizde 14 Ermeni ky olduunu
biliyordum. 2011 ylnda emkirde aratrma yaparken bu
kylerin tamamnda yaayanlarn soydalarmz, Hristiyan
Trkler olduu belli oldu. Meerse onlarn Ermeniler ve Ruslar tarafndan 1828-1832li yllarda randan ve Trkiyeden
bu lkelere Karaban dalk blgelerine, Erivan blgesine ve Gence evresine tehciri yaplmtr (Caferov, 2004, s.
164 ). Ayrca bu yllarda randan g eden Ermenilerin gz
nnde utanmadan dedikleri szlerin de yal nfus arasnda bir deim olarak halen hatrlanmaktadr: ran ekmeini
yemektense, Rus otunu otla daha iyidir (Glinka, 1995, s. 30
). Onlarda bu gveni Rusya mparatorluunun 1815 ylnda
Kuzey Azerbaycanda Azerbaycan Albanlarnn Katolik Patrikhanesi, yani kilise Metropoliti grevinin Rus arnn zel
ferman ile braklmtr (eromonax, 2005, s.167 ). 1828
anlamasndan 8 yl sonra 1836 ylnda mart aynn 11de
mparator I. Nikolay Ermeni kiliselerinin 10 blm, 111
maddeden oluan Tzkn yazmtr. Ayn tzk dorultusunda da Arnavut Katolikosluu olan Gen Eser Patriklii braklmtr. Onun yerine ise Ermeni Katolikosluu olan
Emiedzin Patrikhanesinin bir kolu olan Artsakh - ua ve
amah gibi iki eparhiya dzenlenmesi iin talimat vermitir

(eromonax, 2005, s.167 ). Bu srelerden sonra Alban kiliselerinin bakan Ermeni papazlar ile deitirilir tutulmakla
Albanyann Hristiyan itikatl kylerinin tamamna Ermeni
papazlar atand ve bu papazlar ise Ermeni rf ve geleneklerini, cenaze trenlerini, ulusal yaklam ekillerini Hocal
Soykrmndan beterini yapmakla tehditlerle zorlayarak Albanlarn dillerini bile deierek onlar Turkitz urdvazlatrmlar, yani Trklerden dnme Ermeni gibi yapmlar
(Alihseynli, 2012, s. 4). Yine aratrmaclarn ikirlerine
dayanarak onlarn Azerbaycan Albanlarnn, Grclerin ve
Ermenilerin kaynaklar somut olarak aratrldnda olgular gsteriyor ki Ka kasyada Milat balarnda ve ortalarnda ancak ve ancak eski Trk, yani Azerbaycan Albanlarnn
ve Grclerin kiliseleri olmutur (eromonax, 2005, s.131).
Bize gre dayanlamaz durum 1909-1910lu yllarda Rusyann Kutsal Sinodunun Emiedzin sinoduna ve Erivann
Ermeni Gregoryen konsistoriyasna tabi olan eparilerin eski
ariv belgelerini imha etmeye resmen izin vermesidir (eromonax, 2005, s.167). Bununla da Azerbaycan Albanlarnn
kiliselerinde korunan ariv belgeleri kastl ekilde, devletin
zel izni ve denetimi ile yok edildi. Bununla da Azerbaycan
Albanlarnn bin yllarca ya olan tarihi iki komu dmann eliyle izlerine kadar silinmeye allmtr. Bunlardan
bazlar Ermeniler tarafndan alnarak kendi karlar uruna Ermeni diline evrilmitir, geriye kalanlar ise yaklarak
kle dnmtr. Bunlara Grc aratrmacnn tabiri ile
sylersek : Bu amala gereken dzenbazlklar yaptlar: becerebildikleri her eyi, her trl izi ok kaybetmeye altlar
(avavadze, 1995, s.13 ). Zaza Aleksidze adnda dier bir
Grc aratrmacnn Ka kasya Albanlar Dile Geldiler kitabnda olan ikirler bizim konumumuzu tamamen onaylamaktadr. Onun bu kitabndan Alban Yazs ve Alban Edebi
Eserler Hakknda Belgeler balkl yazsnn bir blmn

dikkatinize sunuyoruz: 19.yzyln 30lu yllarndan kaybolup ortadan km Arnavut edebi yaptlarn aray srdrlyor. Bu sre boyunca defalarca Arnavut elyazmas metinlerin veya epigra ik yaplarn aa karlmas hakknda
(o sradan Grcistanda) ok bilgi yayld. Fakat bu haber iyi
zamanlanmamt: metinler dnemi iin daha yabanc olan
Ermeni veya Yunan alfabesi ile yazlmt yahut tamgayd.
Alban yazsnn herhangi rneini ortaya karmak hayalleri
suya dmek zereyken, . Abuiadze Emiedzindeki (imdiki Matenadarandaki) yazmalar arasnda Ermeni dilinin
grameri kitabn ortaya koydu. Burada Yunan, Latin, Grc,
Suriye, Kopt ve Arap alfabeleriyle beraber Alban Alfabesi da
verilmiti.Arnavut Alfabesinin ortaya karlmasnn etkisi o
kadar gl idi ki bilimsel literatrde buluun tarihi de net
kayda geti: 28 Eyll 1937. Ayn tarih Ka kasya Alban Filolojisinin ve Ka kasya Alban Dilciliinin Doum Gn saylr(
Aleksidze, 2003, s.37).
Yazar bu yazda Ermeni bilim adamnn da ikrini ok
gzel belirtmitir: nl Ermeni bilim adam Hr. Acaryan
Ermenistan Bilimler Akademisinin Haberlerinde lya Abuladzenin buluuyla ilgili aadaki szleri yaynlamtr:
28 Eyll 1937 ylnda Emiedzindeki elyazmalar arasnda
Arnavut Alfabesini ortaya karm gen Grc bilim adam
Abuladze unutulmaz n ve sayg kazand Hr. Acaryan buluun sonraki durumunu uzun sre karanlkta kalm kiinin
aniden a kmas ile kyaslamtr (Aleksidze, 2003, s.37).
Evet, benim meslektalarm, bunlar 1909-1910lu yllarnda Rusyann Kutsal Sinodunun Emiedzin sinoduna ve
Erivann Ermeni Gregoryen konsistoriyasna tabiliklerinde
olan eparhiyalarn eski ariv belgelerini imha etmeye resmen izin vermesinin binlerce ac sonularnn yalnzca birisidir. Ermenilerin yaptklar bu pisliklerin sonucunu gryor

krler olsun ki 2011 ylnda emkir blgesinin mimari antlarn tetkik ederken onun kaynaklarn aratran
zaman bile sorunun gnisoloji kklerine gtrecek yolu bula
bildim. Bu, N.Velihanlnn 1974 baskl 9 12.Yzyl Arap
Corafyac Gezginleri Azerbaycan Hakknda eseriydi (Velixanl, 1974). Eserde emkirle ilgili aklamada yazlyor:
9. El Mtevekkiliye ayrca amkur. El Belazuri, el-Yeubi,
Yakut ve bakalarnn bilgilerine gre Eski ehir saylan
amkuru Halife Osmann (644-656) dneminde Selman
Bin Rebie el-Behilinin birlikleri tutmutu. Sonralar Siyavurdiler baskn yapp burasn yktlar. V. F. Minorski irvan
ve Derbentin tarihini incelerken yazyor ki Konstantin Bagrayanarodn Trklerin (Bizansllar Macarlar byle adlandryorlard) eski adnn Sabarta Asfala- Beyaz Sabarta olduunu belirtiyor. (. . . , sah.
214. Peeneklerin baskn sonucu Macarlarn bir blm batda, teki blm ise ran ehirlerinden birinde yerletiler.
Bu olay 8.yzyln ortalarnda gereklemitir. Bu Macarlar
(sonralar Hristiyanl kabul edip Ermenilemiler) Ermenice Sevordik (siyah oullar - halk etimolojisidir Arapaysa Savardnya veya Siyavurdiya diye adlandrlan halktr.
nemli yerleim alan imdiki Tovuz (Gence ile Ti lis arasnda) topraklaryd(Velihanl, 1974).
Alntdan grnr ki Naile Velihanl V. F. Minorskinin
1963te Moskovada yaynlanan storiya irvana i Derbenda
eserinin 214. sayfasnda bulunan notlarna ve aklamalarna dayanmtr: Konstantin Bagryanorodny diyor ki Trklerin eski isimleri (Bizansllarn Macarlarn adlandrdklar
gibi) Sabarta Asfala Beyaz Sabartalard. Peeneklerin basks altnda, olaslkla 8.yzyln ortalarna yakn Macarlarn
bir ksm batya doru hareket ettiler, dieri ise rann bir
ksmnda yerleti. Bu Macarlar (sonradan Hristiyanl kabul etmi ve Ermenilemi) Ermenice Sevordik (Siyah Rya65

lar halk etimolojisi), Arapa Savardiya adlandrlan halktr.

Onlarn merkezi Tovuz olmutur (Gence ve Ti lis arasnda).
Grdmz gibi V F Minorskinin alnt verdii kaynak
ise K. Bagryanarodnnn 1949 ylnda baslm De Administrando Imperio eseridir. Bu eserin 38. paragraf neredeyse toplam bir sayfadr. Gelin hep beraber ncelikle bu sayfann ngilizce olan seeneine, sonra ise Rusaya evrilen
seeneine dikkat edelim:
38. Of the genealogy of the nation of the Turks, and
whence they are descended.
The nation of the Turks had of old their dwelling next to
Chazaria, in the place called Lebedia after the name of their irst
voivode, which voivode was called by the personal name of Lebedias, but in virtue of his rank was entitled voivode, as have
been the rest after him. Now in this place, the aforesaid Lebedia,
there runs a river Chidmas, also called Chingilous. They were
not called Turks at that time, but had the name Sabartoi asphaloi, for some reason or other. The Turks were seven clans, and
they had never had over them a prince either native or foreign,
but there were among them voivodes, of whom irst voivode
was the aforesaid Lebedias. They lived together with the Chazars for three years, and fought in alliance with the Chazars in
all their wars. Because of their courage and their alliance, the
chagan-prince of Chazaria gave in marriage to the irst voivode of the Turks, called Lebedias, a noble Chazar lady, because
of the fame of his valour and the illustriousness of his race, so
that she might have children by him; but, as it fell out, this Lebedias had no children by this same Chazar lady. Now, the Pechenegs who were previously called Kangar (for this Kangar
was a name signi iying nobility and valour among them), these,
then, stirred up war against the Chazars and, being defeated,
were forced to quit their own land and to settle in that of the
Turks. And when battle was joined between the Turks and the

Pechenegs who were at that time called Kangar, the army of

the Turks was defeated and split into two parts. One part went
eastwards and settled in the region of Persia, and they to this
day are called by the ancient denomination of the Turks Sabartoi asphaloi; but the other part, together with their voivode and
chief Lebedias, settled in the western region, in places called
Atelkouzou, in which places the nation of the Pechenegs now lives. A short while afterwards, the then chagan-prince of Chazaria sent a message to the Turks, requiring that Lebedias, their
irst voivode, should be sent to him. Lebedias, therefore, came
to the chagan of Chazaria and asked the reason why he had sent
for him to come to him. The chagan said to him: We have invited you upon this account, in order that, since you are noble
and wise and valorous and irst among the Turks, we may appoint you prince of your nation, and you may be obedient to our
word and our command.)) But he, in reply, made answer to the
chagan: Your regard and purpose for me I highly esteem and
express to you suitable thanks, but since I am not strong enough for this rule, I cannot obey you; on the other hand, however,
there is a voivode other than me, called Almoutzis, and he has
a son called Arpad; let one of these, rather, either that Almoutzis or his son Arpad, be made prince, and be obedient to your
word. That chagan was pleased at this saying, and gave some
of his men to go with him, and sent them to the Turks, and after they had talked the matter over with the Turks, the Turks
preferred that Arpad should be prince rather than Almoutzis
his father, for he was of superior parts and greatly admired for
wisdom and counsel and valour, and capable of this rule; and
so they made him prince according to the custom, or zakanon,
of the Chazars, by lifting him upon a shield. Before this Arpad
the Turks had never at any time had any other prince, and so
even to this day the prince of Turkey is from his family. Some
years later, the Pechenegs fell upon the Turks and drove them

out with their prince Arpad. The Turks, in light and seeking a
land to dwell in, came and in their turn expelled the inhabitants
of great Moravia and settled in their land, in which the Turks
now live to this day. And since that time the Turks have not sustained any attack from the Pechenegs. To the aforesaid nation
of the Turks that settled in the east, in the regions of Persia,
these Turks aforesaid who live toward the western region still
send mer-chants who look them up, and often bring them back
of icial messages from them.
The place of the Pechenegs, in which at that time the
Turks lived, is called after the name of the local rivers. The
rivers are these: the irst river is that called Bar ouch, the
second river that called Koubou, the third river that called
Troullos, the fourth river that called Broutos, the ifth river
that called Seretos. (Porphyrogenitus, 1985, 38 paraqraf).
imdi ise ayn sayfann Rusa olan seeneine dikkat
38. ,
[1] , , - [2].
, , . , ,
, ,
[3]. ,
-[4]. [5], , , ;
[8]. , ,

, , , -
, [9].
. , (
)[10], ,
, , .
, , -

[12], ,
[13], . ,
, ,
, . ,
, , , [],
. :
, , , ,
, [14]. ,
: ,
[15]. , , , ,
, [16]

[17]. , ,
, , . , ,
. ,
, , ,
- , . -
, - [18]
[19]. [20],
[21] [22].
, ,
. , , , ,
. , [24],
, , ,
[], , , .
: , , , [27],
, , ,
[28].( , 1991, 38).
Rusaya slav Enstits alanlar K.K. Litavrin ve
A.P. Novoseltsev tarafndan evirilmi bir sayfada 22 kez
, , gibi szler kullanlsa da bir

kez bile olsun madyar, madyar gibi szler kullanlmam.

Bir sayfalk 38.blme aitse 28 ktan oluan drt sayfalk
not ve aklamalar, yani ikirler verilir. Ayn ikirlerdeyse 45
kez , gibi kelimeler geer. (Bagryanorodny, 1991, 38. sayfa).
Buradan net olarak grlyor ki Azerilerin ve Trklerin
ulusal karlarna uygun hibir ikir sz konusu deildir. Onlar bir tek temsil ettikleri lkelerin ve halklarn siyasal yapsnn gereklerine ve ulusal karlarna uygun hareket etmiler! Bu durumda onlara dayanarak, aratrma yapmak doru
mudur?! Tabii ki de hayr! Bu bizzat benim lemimde kendi
elimizle, kalemimizle, dnce ve bilin tarzmzla ait olduumuz halka hakaret etmek, onun tarihini yanltmak, sahteletirip mahvetmekten baka bir ey deildir! Aklamann 4.
paragrafnda: Ermeni kaynaklarnn etnikonu ile Sevordik
(8.yzylda Kr Nehri yanndaki halk),... verilen alntnn sonunda hibir kaynak yoktur. Burada byle verilmi aklama
Minorski tarafndan ise tahrif olunarak: Bu Macarlar (sonradan Hristiyanl kabul etmi ve Ermenilemi) Ermenice
Sevordik (Siyah Ryalar halk etimolojisi) olarak geer.
Demek Ermenilerin eli tarihi kaynaklar sahteletirmekte hep uzun olmu. Bu eller grld kadaryla Fransada
Minorskiye de ulam ki o da byle aklama vermi. Biz
ise ilkulanda uyumuuz ve imdi de uyuyoruz. Hep i iten getikten sonra uykudan aylyoruz, o zamansa ge oluyor. En azndan atalarmzn Zararn yarsndan dnmek de
kardr dedii gibi yapalm bari. Bu eserin evirisini azndan
imdi bir millet, iki devletin bilim adamlarnn yardm ile
yapalm. Ona ait olan not ve aklamalar ise iki devlet bir
milletin tarihileri, dilbilimcileri yapsnlar!
V.F.Minorskinin dayand evirinin yazarlar olan A.P.
Novoseltsevin, G.G.Litavrinin her birinin bu konuyu incelerken ulusal ve devletilik karlar olmu. Odur ki, onlar

Trkn milli karlarn savunup bu alanda net aratrmac

konumu alamazlard. K.Bakryanarodnnn Rusaya evrilen Ob upravlenii imperiyey eserinin 38.blmne dikkat
ederken biraz daha eskiye gitmi oluyoruz: ... Trkler ve
Peenekler arasnda sava olduunda Trk ordusu yenildi
ve ikiye ayrld. Bir blm douya, ran illerine yerletiler,
imdi de Trklerin eskiden adlandrdklar gibi Sabarta Asfallar adlandrlyorlar, dier blm ise bat eyaletinde yerletiler... Bu nedenle Trkler yerlemek iin toprak arayna
karak imdiye kadar yaadklar Byk Moravyann nfusunu kovdular ve onlarn topraklarna yerletiler... Yukarda
ad geen, douda ran eyaletlerinde yerlemi Trk halkna
batda yerlemi bu Trkler imdiye gibi tccarlar gnderir
ve onlar ziyaret ediyor ve onlarla srekli haberleiyorlar...
Alntnn son cmlesindeki ikre dikkat edin. Demek,
Macar topraklarnda Trkler Hristiyanl kabul ettikten
sonra, muhtemelen onlarn diplomatik ilikilerinin etkisi sayesinde merkezi Tovuz olmakla Kr Nehrinin sa kysnda
Gence Ti lis arasndaki Trkler de yerli Hristiyan Arnavutlar sayesinde Hristiyanl kabul ettiler. Trkler Avarlara yenildikten sonra ulalamaz, yce Nzger, ardahl anlbel,
Barumen, Barsumen, rmal, Yantl, Esirlik, Avey, Gyezen, Keiki vb. gibi dalarn zirvelerinde mesken salabilirlerdi. Bu blgelerde eski mimarlk incileri olan Hristiyan
tapnaklarn ina etmekle, llerini ise bu blgelerdeki eski
mezarlklarda ve Macaristanla Bakordostanda olmak zere, st sal tal kabirlerde de in edebilirlerdi. imdi de bu
mezarlar Bakordstanda kutsal yerler olarak korunmaktadr. Tarih sustuunda mimari yaptlar, arkeolojik antlar ve
mezarlklar konuur. Fakat bizler bazen bu haykrlar duymayz. Bir dikkat edin, Macaristanda olan Trkler 11.yzyla
kadar artk Hristiyanl kabul etmilerdir ve imparatorun
dediine baklrsa onlarn o dnemde Ka kasyadaki Trk72

lerle ekonomik ilikileri vard. Odur ki emkir, Gedebey, Tovuz, Astafa, Kazah blgelerinin dalarndaki Hristiyan tapnaklar, ancak ve ancak eski Trklere, sarslmaz Sabartalara
aittir. Onlarn srasnda Beki, Avey, Gyezen dalarndaki ve
rmal, Nzger, Da Ceyir, Barumen, Barsumen, Nzger,
ardahl, Yanhl vb. kylerdeki tapnak ve manastrlar da girer. Bunu nemli kant olarak kabul edilen aksiyom sanmak
sadece bilim adamlarmzn deil, her bir Ka kaslnn kutsal
borcu olmaldr!




Resim 1. emkir blgesi rmal kyndeki eski pirde AMEA muhabir

yesi . Fetullayev Figarov aratrma yaparken. 05 Mays 2005


Resim 2. emkir blgesi rmal kyndeki eski

pir onarmdan nce

Resim 3. emkir ilesi rmal kyndeki eski pir 2010 ylnda

S. Tayev tarafndan korunmaya alndktan sonra


Resim 4. emkir blgesi rmal kyndeki eski pirin bahesinde ha

ekilli ta yaztlarn sergisi

Resim 5. emkir blgesi rmal kyndeki eski yavru pir


Resim 6. Semir blgesi Kamandar kyndeki eski pirin kalntlar

Resim 7. emkir blgesi enlibel (ardahl) kyndeki antik tapnak


Resim 8. emkir blgesi Nerimanl (Nzger) kyndeki antik tapnak

Resim 9. emkir blgesi Nerimanl (Nzger)

kyndeki antik tapnak


Resim 10. emkir ilesi Da Ceyir

kyndeki antik tapnak

Resim 11. emkir blgesi Barsumen

kyndeki antik tapnak


Resim 12. emkir blgesi Barumen

kyndeki antik tapnak


Resim 13. emkir blgesi Barumen kyndeki birinci en eski tapnan n taraf duvarnn st ksmnda eski Trklere ait ha ekli

Resim 14. emkir blgesi Barumen kyndeki

eski ikinci tapnak


Resim 15. Tovuz blgesi Esrik Crdahan

kyndeki antik tapnak

Resim 16. Kazak blgesi Kemerli kyndeki

antik tapnan kalntlar


Resim 17. Kazak blgesi Kemerli

kyndeki eski Kz Kulesi

Resim 18. Kazak ilinin Avey dandaki

eski tapnak


Resim 19. Kazak blgesi hanlklar kyndeki

eski didvan burcu


Resim 20. Astafa blgesi Keikida Devlet Tarih - Kltr

Korusundaki eski tapnak

Resim 21. Kazak blgesi Gyezen dann eteindeki eski

Hristiyan tapna fundamenti


Resim 22. Kazak blgesi Gyezen dann eteindeki eski

Hristiyan tapna plan



Resim 23. Aa aykent (Barum)

kyndeki eski Trk mezarl


Resim 24. Aa aykent (Barum) kyndeki eski Trk

mezarlnn emeye giden yol iin yklm alt ksm


Resim 25. Aa aykent (Barum) kyndeki eski Trk

mezarlnn kuzeybat tarafndaki emenin nnde mezarln
st eski Trklere ait ha ekilli talarndan yaplmtr


Resim 26. Aa aykent (Barum) kyndeki eski Trk

mezarlnn kuzeybat tarafndaki emenin karsndaki oluk
olan st eski Trklere ait ha ekilli talarndan biri


Resim 27. Macaristan Cumhuriyeti arkeologlar tarafndan bulunmu

Mannesgrafn zerinde eski Trklere ait halar olan ta

Resim 28. Macaristan Cumhuriyeti arkeologlar tarafndan bulunmu

Frauengrafn zerinde eski Trklere ait halar olan ta


Resim 29. Yukar Gye (Barsum)

kyndeki eski Trk mezarl

Resim 30. Sabir Tayev Yukar Gye (Barsum)

kyndeki eski Trk mezarlnda aratrma yaparken


Resim 31. Yukar Gke (Barsum) kyndeki eski trk mezarl

ermeniler tarafnan vahice datlarak araziye yol almtr

Resim 32. Atabey kyndeki

eski Trk mezarl


Resim 33. Alesgerli (Bada) kyndeki

eski Trk mezarl

Resim 34. Barsumen kyndeki

eski Trk mezarl


Resim 35. Sabir Tayev Barsumen kyndeki yedi eski Trk

mezarlndan ikincisinde aratrma yaparken

Resim 36. Barsumen kyndeki yedi

eski Trk mezarlndan ncs


Resim 37. Barsumen kyndeki yedi

eski Trk mezarlndan ncs

Resim 38 Da Cayir kyndeki

eski Trk mezarlnda ant


Resim 39. S. Tayev Tatarl ky sakini Hseyn kii ile onun pay
topraklarnda eski Trk mezarlnda aratrma yaparken

Resim 40. Tatarl kyndeki eski

Trk mezarlndaki ant


Resim 41. S.Tayev Macaristanda Tkanabilir yarmadasndaki

Benedict manastrnn bodrumunda Trklerin 12.yzyla ait olan
eski Mezarlndaki antn ziyaret ederken

Resim 42. Ekskursavod T.Murin Macaristanda Tkanabilir yarmadasndaki Benedict manastrnn bodrumunda Trklerin 12.yzyla ait
olan eski Mezarlndaki ant hakknda yaznn evirisini yaparken


Resim 43. Gneli kyndeki

eski Trk mezarlklarndan biri

Resim 44. Gneli kyndeki eski Trk mezarlndaki mezar

st antlarn yakndan grnm


Resim 45. Gneli kyndeki eski mezarlkta bir metreye kadar

toprak altnda kalm mezardaki antn yakndan grnm

Resim 46. Gneli kyndeki eski mezarlkta bir metreye yakn toprak
altnda kalm mezarlktan bulunmu insan enesi


Resim 47. S.Tayev Gneli kyndeki eski zengin tarihi antlar

ona gsteren Ky Kltr Evinin mdr Eldar Nebiyeve
teekkr ederken

Resim 48. Kamandar kyndeki

eski Trk mezarl


Resim 49. Kamandar kyndeki eski mezarlkta eski

Trklere ait ha ekilli mezar talarndan biri

Resim 50. S.Tayev Kamandar kynde eski Trklere ait

mezarlkta aratrma yaparken


Resim 51. rmal kyndeki

eski Trk mezarl

Resim 52. S.Tayev rmal kyndeki Han dz denilen eski mezarlktaki abidelerde eski Trklere ait ha ekillerini tespit ederken


Resim 53. S.Tayevin rmal kyndeki Han dz denilen

mezarlkta tespit ettii eski Trklere ait ha ekilli Kabrindeki ant

Resim 54. anlbel (ardahl)

kyndeki eski Trk mezarl


Resim 55. anlbel (ardahl) kyndeki eski Trk mezarlnn

uzaktan grnm

Resim 56. anlbel (ardahl) kyndeki antik tapnan

yanndaki eski Trk mezarl


Resim 57. anlbel (ardahl) kyndeki eski

mezarlktaki antta eski Trklere ait ha izimi

Resim 58. enlibel (ardahl) kyndeki eski mezarlktaki antta

eski Trklere ait en eski ha izimi


Nankr Ermeniler ise 1984 ylnda Ermenistan Bilimler

Akademisi hatt ile braktklar
IXXIII kitabnda 9 13. yzyllarda Azerbaycann topraklarndaki mezar
talarnda ve dier yerlerdeki ha ekilli yaplarn hepsini
utanmadan, ekinmeden kendilerinmi gibi ustalkla sunuyorlar ( . , ,
1984). Fikrimin doruluunu kantlamak iin dikkatinize
Amerika Birleik Devletleri vatanda, hukuk doktoru Semyuel A.Uimzin (Semyuel, 2004) eserindeki tutumunu iletmek istiyorum. Yazar kitabnda Ermenilerin insanlk tarihindeki bu konumlarna yle gzel aklama veriyor ki, onu
sunmaya gerek duyulmaz. Sanki rahmetli bizimle bu konuda
diyalogdadr: - Ben ne Azeri deilim, ne Grc, ne de Trk.
Ben Amerikalym. Ben sko atalar ilk olarak 1686 ylnda
Amerikaya gelmi sko-Amerikalym. Ben gneyli, mrm
boyu Baptist oldum ve Amerikaya vergi dyorum. Bu kitab
Washington, Roma, Paris, Londra, Moskova ve stanbul kentlerinde yaptm seri aratrma almalarmn altnda
kaleme aldm. Ermenistan da aratrmamda yardmc olabilir, fakat onlarn arivleri kamuya kapanmtr. Trkiyenin
stanbul ehrindeki arivler daha ok aktr ve ben orada
baya bir altm. Meselenin ac kahkaha douran yn u
ki, Ermenistann bakenti Erivandaki ve Bostondaki Ermeni Devrimci Federasyonu kendi kaynaklarnn kaplarn halen aratrmaclarn ve kamuoyunun yzne bal tutuyorlar.
Onlarn saklklar ey nedir? Ne iin Ermenistan kendisinin
Ermeni Devrimci Federasyonu kontroln ABDde tutuyor?
Varaklayacaksnz sayfalar kendini Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti
adlandran lkenin nemli tarihisinin kalemine dayanmakta. Tarihinin kendi szleri ve onun sralad kaynaklar hibir kuku brakmadan kantlyor ki onun sevdii Ermenistan sahte ve saldrgan bir lkedir! (Semyuel, 2004, s.20 ).

Amerikal saygn aratrmac bilim adam Semyuel A.Uimzin

Ermenistan sahte ve saldrgan bir lkedir! grlerini biz
de tarihi olgularla kantlamak istiyoruz. Kr Nehrinin sa kysna iddia eden Ermenilerin orda hibir vatan olmadn
tarihi belgelerle ispat edelim. Birinci olgu: 2011 ylnda emkirde aratrma yaparken altk ki, Ermeni ky olarak tandmz 14 kyn tamamnda en eski Ermeni mezarn belirleyelim: Biz bu kylerin mezarlklarnda olurken Ermeni
tarznda yaplm mezarlardaki lm tarihlerini incelemekle
karlatrmal ekilde en eskilerini belirlemeye alyorduk. Her ky zere Ermeni stilleri de in olunmu en eski mezarlarn tarihi aadaki gibi oldu:
1947 yl;
Aa aykentte
1922 yl;
1851 yl;
Da Ceyirde
1921 yl;
1936 yl;
1868 yl;
Yeni Gyede
1932 yl;
Yukar aykentte
1922 yl.
Aratrmalardan belli oluyor ki, en eski Ermeni usulyle
yaplm mezar Barsumen kynde 1851 ylna rastlar. Bu
ise mparator I. Nikolayn 11 Mart 1836 ylnda imzalad
Ermeni kilisesinin basit Tzknn imza tarihini o yana
gemez. (Alihseynli, 2012, s. 13-14).
kinci olgu: Her birimizce iyi bilinmektedir ki, tarih susanda tarihi yaptlar, mimari antlar ve arkeolojik antlar
konuur. Onlar gerekleri ortaya koymaya, objektif ikir sylemeye izin verir. Bu ikrimizi emkir lesindeki iki kyn
tarihi antlar asndan kantlayalm (Resim 23) bu grdnz mezarlk imdiki Aa aykent, nceleri ise Barsum
denilen kyn eski mezarldr. (Resim 29; 30) Bu resim
ise imdiki Yukar Gye, nceleri ise Barsum denilen kyn

eski mezarldr. Dikkat ederseniz onlarn aa tarafndan

yol yaplm. Bu yollarn resimleri ise aadaki gibidir. (Resim 24; 25; 31). Resimlerden aka grnr ki, eski mezarlklar yklarak yol yaplm. Evet, bu yollardan birincisi
emeye, dieri ise araziye gidiyor. En korkun sahneyi ise
eme bana giden yolda gryoruz. Feci olan u ki, yklm
kabir talarndan eme oluu yaplm. Resimlere bakarak
kendiniz syleyin: bu hangi insanla sar? Elbette ancak ve
ancak barbarlar, dmanlar bunu yapabilirler. Peki, Ermeniler gibi kendilerine dman bilirler? Tabii ki Trkleri. Demek
bu mezarlar Trklerindir ve onlar bu mezarlara byle muamele yapyorlar. (Resim 23; 24; 25; 26; 31).
Ayrca emenin oluundaki talarn stndeki halara da dikkat ediniz bunlar Ermeni halar mdr? Elbette
hayr! Bu ha resimleri Macaristanl arkeologlar tarafndan
bulunmu ve Mannesgrafa ve Frauengrafa ait talardaki halarla ayn deil mi? (Resim 27; 28). Elbette aynsdr! (Fodor,
2006, s.152). Bu ise yukarda verdiimiz aklamalara gre
Macaristandaki Trklerle diplomatik ilikilerin sayesinde
10.yzyldan sonra Azerbaycan Albanlarna ulaabilirdi.
Sevgili okurum bylesine rnekleri sonsuz sayda verilebilir. Sadece bildirinin hacmi buna msaide etmez.
emkirde aratrma yaparken rmal kynn ileri gelenleri ile grrken kyn Aksakal Mesim Hakverdi olu
bildirmiti ki, rmal Piri Ermenilerin denetiminde olurken
Pire kontrol eden Ermeni papaz kendisi itiraf ediyordu ki,
bu rmal Manastr biz Ermenilerin yok, aslnda Hristiyan
Albanlarndr. Onun tarihi ise Emedzindedir. Bu bilgi hep
aklmda olduundan rmal Piri konusunda Ermeni kaynaklarnda aratrma yapmaya gayret etsem de bir ey bulamyordum. 2010 ylnda baslmasna km revan Hanl
kitabnn kaynaklarn aratrrken dikkatimi en son kitap Simeon revanlnn Cambr. Kutsal medzin Kilisesinin ve

evre Manastrlarn Koleksiyonunun Ayrntl Aynas ve Hatra Kitab oldu (Erevantsi, 1873 ). Bu kitap Ermeni dilinden
Rusaya evrilerek 1958 ylnda Moskovada baslmtr. Onu
elde etmekte bana yardmc olan meslektam rade Memmedliye minnettarm. Kitabn fotokopisini rade Hanmdan
alp kopyasn karttrdm ve dikkatle incelemeye baladm.
Sonunda 187. sayfada rmalya uygun Kiralu, Keikent
gerek ad ise Aydn Dervi olan, Krk Bulak (imdiki ad ise
Qoabulag) adl kyler konusunda ksmen de olsa Ermeni
tarznda kesin olmayan bilgiler alabildim. Ayn kaynakta ona
sahiplenmi Ermeni papaz kendisi kendi dili ile sahte yalanlarnn stn ayor. yle ki, yazar ne iyi ki, bu kylerin kimden ve hangi yolla alnmasn gsteriyor. Kiralu hakknda
yazyor: Bu ise onu gsteriyor ki, kendilerinin dediine gre
Ermeni katolikosu Kiraluyu alana kadar bu kyn sahipleri var imi. Hatta bu sahiplerden birinin de revanl Hseyneli Hann olduu defalarca ve yekin sonuta Atarak ky
ile ilgili materyalde da vurgulanyor (Erevantsi, 1873, s. 199
- 200). Bu durumda siz bunlarn yzszlklerinin derecesine bakn ki, para verip aldklar ky kendilerinin ata yurdu
gibi sunarlar. Bu kendisi grse ki, topran sahibi olduu bir
halde onlar sonradan gelip, toprak sahiplerini yurtlarndan
karmaya, ustalkla g etmeye zorlamaya alrlar. Ben bir
aydn olarak atalarmzdan bize miras kalm bir eye inanyorum: etle trnan arasna giren er ge kokarak kar! ok
ihtimal ki, Ruslar ile Azerbaycanl Trklerin arasna giren
Ermeniler de tarihi gereklerin sert yzn grecekler, kendilerinin tarihi cezalarn bir daha alacaklar.
2012 ylnda Macaristanda Trk halklarnn IV Uluslararas Kurultayna 22 Trk Devletinin bayrann birlikte
dalgalandn grnce Milli liderimiz H. Aliyevin: Ben hep
iftihar ettim, bugn de iftihar ediyorum ki, ben Azerbaycanlym ve Biz iki devlet, bir milletiz ikirleri kalbimde ses109

lendi ve bu ikirlerden esinlenerek syledim: Benim sayn

ulusal liderim biz bugn ise biz iki yok, 22 devlet, bir milletiz! Odur ki burada igdsel akademisyen meslektam Elmeddin Alibeyzadenin szlerini de hatrladm: - Ben Smer
kkl, Snf//As zl, skit soylu, Sak onurlu, Hun gibi muazzam, Ouz soylu, Trk asll Trkm! Bununla da iftihar ediyorum. Milletim Trk, dilim Trke, vatanm Azerbaycandr,
geni anlamda Trkistan Elidir ! ( krova, 2006, s. 3 ).
Tm bu sorunlarn zmlerinin nemli koullarndan
biri de, Hristiyanlara ait eski kaynaklara dayanmaktr. Bu
kutsal kaynaklardan biri de K.Baqryanarodnnn De Administrando Imperio eseridir ( Porphyrogenitus, 1985 ). Odur
ki, K. Baqryanarodnnn De Administrando Imperio eserinin Yunancadan direk olarak, hibir evrinin etkisi altnda
kalmadan Azerbaycan ve Trk bilim adamlarnn yardmyla
z dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve zm bekleyen gerekli
sorunlarndan biridir. Bu sorunu zmek iin 22 Trk devletinin bilim adamlar bu kutsal ama uruna birlemeli ve bu
onurlu grevi yapmallar!
Benim sevgili ve saygdeer Trk kardelerim! Biz aydnlar her birimiz kendi devletimizde uluslararas ruhlu
devlet bamszlnn sarslmazlnn, dnmezliinin, ebediliinin korunmasnda cesurca, atik durmalyz ki insanlk
tarihinde Trkn adn bu alkantl dnyada yaatabilelim!
Bu yolda her birinize baarlar diliyorum.
Sabir Tagiyev Azerbaycan tarihinde ilk defa olarak imdiye kadar Ermeni kiliseleri ve mezarlklar gibi tandmz
Hristiyan mabetlerinin ve eski Hristiyan mezarlklarnn
eski Trklere ait olduunu ender tarihi kaynaklarn ve direk
yaptlarn yardm ile kantlanmtr. Yazar ilk olarak keskin

ekilde srar ediyor ki, K.Bagryanarodnnn De Administrando Imperio eserinin Yunan dilinden direk evrinin hibir
etki altna dmeden Azerbaycan ve Trk bilim adamlarnn
yardm ile z ana dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve zmn bekleyen zaruri sorunlarndan biridir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ka kas Trkleri, Hristiyan antlar,
rmal Piri, Beki Da Tapna, Avey Tapna, Gyezen Tapna.
Sabir Tayev Azrbaycan tarixind ilk df olaraq indiy
kimi ermni kilslri v qbiristanlqlar kimi tandmz
xristian mbdlrinin v qdim xristian qbiristanlqlarnn
qdim trklr mxsus olduunu nadir tarixi mnblrin v
bilavasit abidlrin kmyi il sbut edir. Mllif ilk df
olaraq kskin kild tkid edir ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn De
administrando imperio srinin yunan dilindn bir baa
he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan v
Trk alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn
vacib v hllini gzlyn zruri problemlrindn biridir.
Aar szlr: Qafqaz trklri, xristian abidlri, rmal
piri, Keiki da mbdi, Avey mbdi, Gyzn mbdi.
For the irst time in history of Azerbaijan,SabirTagiyev
directly prove now known as the Armenian churches and
cemeteries ancient Christian temples and ancient Christian
cemeteries is the property of the Turks with the help of rare
historical sources. The author sharply insists for the irst
time, K.Baqryanarods work De administrandoimperios

translation into our mother tongue from Greek, without any

falling under in luence with the help of Azeri and Turkish
scholars, is one of the important and necessary problems.
Key words: Caucasian Turks, Christian monuments, Irmashl sacred place, Keshikchy mountain temple, Avey temple,
Goyazan temple.

, . , ,

. De
administrando imperio - .
: ,
, , ,
, .
1. Aleksidze, Z., (2003), Ka kas Arnavutlar dillendiler,
Artanui yaynlar, Ti lis.
2. Imparatorluun ynetimi olarak por ir, K., (1991),
Nauka, Moskova.
3. Porphyrogenitus, G., (1985), De administrando imperio, Second Impression.

4. Caferov, A.., (2004), Azerbaycann ilk sakinleri, Bilim yaynlar, Bak.

5. avavadze, ., (1995), Ermeni alimleri ve feryat
eden talar, Azerbaycan yaynevi, Bak.
6. Chubinashvili, G., (1948), maara manastr David-Garedji (Grcistan Sanat Tarihi zerine Deneme), GSPC,
Ti lis Bilimler Yaynevi Akademisi.
7. Yerevantsi, S., (1958), anma Dzhambr Ayna bir kitap
ve Emiadzin ve yakn manastr, Dou Edebiyat Yaynevi,
Moskova Kutsal tm koullar bak bir koleksiyon
8. Alihseynli, S., (2012), aydnn dnme Ermeniler
(Azerbaycan, Trk, Rus, ngiliz, Ermeni dillerinde), Bilim ve
eitim yaynlar, Bak.
9. Alihseynli, S., (2012), Doann ve toplumun belalar (Azerbaycan, Trk, Rus, ngiliz, Ermeni dillerinde)., Bilim
ve eitim yaynlar, Bak.
10. Alihseynli, S., (2012), Saalmaz yaralarn tek merhemi, Yeni haber gazetesi, 22 Aralk, s. 15, Bak. Alihseynli, S., (2013),
11. Saalmaz yaralarn tek merhemi, Yeni haber gazetesi, 12 Ocak, sah. 15, Bak.
12. Ieromonah, A., (2005), Ka kas Arnavutluk Hristiyanlk Tarihi, Nurlan, Bak.
13. Karaca, B., (2011), Macar Rapsodisi, Azerbaycan
Gazetesi, 13 Kasm, s. 2, Bak.
14. Glinka, S., Ermenilerin Azerbaycana aktarlmas,
Azerbaycan yaynevi, Bak.
15. Minorsky, V., (1963), irvan ve Derbent, Dou Edebiyat Yaynevi, Moskva Tarihi.
16. Akad. SSR, Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Enstits (1984),
ortaa Ermeni apraz talar IX-XIII yzyllarda ant antlar,
17. Erivan. Semuel, A., (2004), Ermenistan-terrist
Hristiyan lkenin gelimeleri. (ngilizce dilinden eviren

Z.Aayev), Azerbaycan-Trkiye Yaynclk-Polikra iya irketi,

18. krova, G., (2006), Alim-sivil Elmettin Alibeyzade, Adilolu yaynlar, Bak.
19. Velihanl, V., (1974), IX-XII esr arap Corafyac-gezginleri Azerbaycan hakknda, Bilim yaynlar, Bak.
20. Fodor, ., (2006), Folia archaeologia LII, Magyar
Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest.



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, 1995

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2011- , 14 . 2011- ,
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1828-1832- (,
2004, . 164). , ,
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, (, 1995, . 30).
, (, 2005, .167).
8 1828- , 11- 1836-

, 10- , 111-. .
, -
(, 2005, .167).
, , , ,
, , ,
, (, 2012,
. 4). , ,

, ,

, (, 2005, .131).
, 1909-1910-

(, 2005, .167). ,
. , -
. ,

, .
: (, 1995,
. , 30- XIX - .
( )
. :
. ,
- , . ()
. , , , ,
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: 28
1937 - . .( , 2003, 37).
: 1937- ,

, .
. , .( , 2003, 37).
, , , 19091910- ,

, . ?
, 2011- , , , , .
1974- .
- IX-XII -
. (, 1974).
: -
-, -,
. .., ,
( )
- . (. . . , . 214). ,
VIII- . ( )
( - 122

) ,
. ( ).(, 1974).
, 214- ..
: (De
admin. Imperio, . Gy. Moravcsik, , 1949, 38)
, ( ; ) . ,
, , V I I I .
( ) , - ( ),
- . ( ). (Minorski, 1963, s. 214).
, ..
, 1949-
. De administrando
imperio. 38-
, .
38. Of the genealogy of the nation of the Turks, and
whence they are descended.
The nation of the Turks had of old their dwelling next to
Chazaria, in the place called Lebedia after the name of their
irst voivode, which voivode was called by the personal name
of Lebedias, but in virtue of his rank was entitled voivode, as
have been the rest after him. Now in this place, the aforesaid
Lebedia, there runs a river Chidmas, also called Chingilous.

They were not called Turks at that time, but had the name
Sabartoi asphaloi, for some reason or other. The Turks were
seven clans, and they had never had over them a prince either native or foreign, but there were among them voivodes,
of whom irst voivode was the aforesaid Lebedias. They lived
together with the Chazars for three years, and fought in alliance with the Chazars in all their wars. Because of their courage and their alliance, the chagan-prince of Chazaria gave in
marriage to the irst voivode of the Turks, called Lebedias, a
noble Chazar lady, because of the fame of his valour and the
illustriousness of his race, so that she might have children by
him; but, as it fell out, this Lebedias had no children by this
same Chazar lady. Now, the Pechenegs who were previously
called Kangar (for this Kangar was a name signi iying nobility and valour among them), these, then, stirred up war
against the Chazars and, being defeated, were forced to quit
their own land and to settle in that of the Turks. And when
battle was joined between the Turks and the Pechenegs who
were at that time called Kangar, the army of the Turks was
defeated and split into two parts. One part went eastwards
and settled in the region of Persia, and they to this day are
called by the ancient denomination of the Turks Sabartoi
asphaloi; but the other part, together with their voivode and
chief Lebedias, settled in the western region, in places called
Atelkouzou, in which places the nation of the Pechenegs now
lives. A short while afterwards, the then chagan-prince of
Chazaria sent a message to the Turks, requiring that Lebedias, their irst voivode, should be sent to him. Lebedias, therefore, came to the chagan of Chazaria and asked the reason
why he had sent for him to come to him. The chagan said to
him: We have invited you upon this account, in order that,
since you are noble and wise and valorous and irst among
the Turks, we may appoint you prince of your nation, and you
may be obedient to our word and our command.)) But he, in

reply, made answer to the chagan: Your regard and purpose

for me I highly esteem and express to you suitable thanks,
but since I am not strong enough for this rule, I cannot obey
you; on the other hand, however, there is a voivode other
than me, called Almoutzis, and he has a son called Arpad; let
one of these, rather, either that Almoutzis or his son Arpad,
be made prince, and be obedient to your word. That chagan
was pleased at this saying, and gave some of his men to go
with him, and sent them to the Turks, and after they had
talked the matter over with the Turks, the Turks preferred
that Arpad should be prince rather than Almoutzis his father,
for he was of superior parts and greatly admired for wisdom
and counsel and valour, and capable of this rule; and so they
made him prince according to the custom, or zakanon, of
the Chazars, by lifting him upon a shield. Before this Arpad
the Turks had never at any time had any other prince, and so
even to this day the prince of Turkey is from his family. Some
years later, the Pechenegs fell upon the Turks and drove
them out with their prince Arpad. The Turks, in light and
seeking a land to dwell in, came and in their turn expelled
the inhabitants of great Moravia and settled in their land, in
which the Turks now live to this day. And since that time the
Turks have not sustained any attack from the Pechenegs. To
the aforesaid nation of the Turks that settled in the east, in
the regions of Persia, these Turks aforesaid who live toward
the western region still send mer-chants who look them up,
and often bring them back of icial messages from them.
The place of the Pechenegs, in which at that time the
Turks lived, is called after the name of the local rivers. The
rivers are these: the irst river is that called Bar ouch, the second river that called Koubou, the third river that called Troullos, the fourth river that called Broutos, the ifth river that
called Seretos. (Porphyrogenitus, 1985, 38 paraqraf).

38. ,
[1] , , - [2].
, , . , ,
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[3]. ,
-[4]. [5], , , ;
[8]. , , ,
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[15]. , , , ,
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, - [18]
[19]. [20],
[21] [22].
, ,
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. , [24],
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[], ,
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, , , [27], , ,
, [28].(, 1991, 38).
-.. .. 22
, , ,
madyar, madyar. 38- ,
, 28
. 45 , , . (, 1991, 38).
, .
!! ,
? !!! , , , , ,
, ,
! 4- : ... 128

( VIII , . ),...
. ,
: (
) ,
- ( ).
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, , , !!!
.. ..,
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38- . ,
: ...
, ... ,
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-, .... 129

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XI- , , . ,
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, 130

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9. ()



























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42. .































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1947- ;
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1851- . 1- (, 2012, . 13-14).
: ,
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. (23) ,
(. 29; 30).

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(. 24; 25; 31). , .
, . ,
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. : ? , ,
. ? . , , .
(. 23; 24; 25; 26; 31).
, - ? .
? (. 27; 28). !!
(, 2006, . 152). ,
, X -

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2010- - .
(, 1873).
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187- , ,

, , - ( ). ,
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. . 1060 . ,
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. (, 1873, . 187-188). , , ,
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(, 1873, . 199-200). ,
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, , , , , . , , ,
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2012- , IV-
22- , . : , !

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22 , ! , ,
, : - , -, , ,
, -! . ,

, , (, 2006, .3).
. De administrando
imperio sridir (Porphyrogenitus, 1985). ,
. De
administrando imperio - .

! , , ,
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, . , ,

. De
administrando imperio - .
: ,
, , ,
, .
Sabir Tayev Azrbaycan tarixind ilk df olaraq indiy
kimi ermni kilslri v qbiristanlqlar kimi tandmz
xristian mbdlrinin v qdim xristian qbiristanlqlarnn
qdim trklr mxsus olduunu nadir tarixi mnblrin v
bilavasit abidlrin kmyi il sbut edir. Mllif ilk df
olaraq kskin kild tkid edir ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn De
administrando imperio srinin yunan dilindn bir baa
he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan v
Trk alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn
vacib v hllini gzlyn zruri problemlrindn biridir.
Aar szlr: Qafqaz trklri, xristian abidlri, rmal
piri, Keiki da mbdi, Avey mbdi, Gyzn mbdi.
Sabir Tagiyev Azerbaycan tarihinde ilk defa olarak imdiye kadar Ermeni kiliseleri ve mezarlklar gibi tandmz
Hristiyan mabetlerinin ve eski Hristiyan mezarlklarnn
eski Trklere ait olduunu nadir tarihi kaynaklarn ve dorudan yaplarn yardm ile kantlanmtr. Yazar ilk olarak
keskin ekilde srar ediyor ki, K.Bagryanarodnnn De administrando Imperio eserinin Yunan dilinden bir mal hi170

bir tercmenin etkisi altna dmeden Azerbaycan ve Trk

alimlerinin yardm ile ana dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve
zm bekleyen zorunlu sorunlarndan biridir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ka kas trkleri, Hristiyan antlar,
rmal piri, Beki da tapna, Avey tapna, Gyezen tapna.
For the first time in history of Azerbaijan,SabirTagiyev
directly prove now known as the Armenian churches and
cemeteries ancient Christian temples and ancient Christian
cemeteries is the property of the Turks with the help of rare
historical sources.The author sharply insists for the first
time,K.Baqryanarods work De administrandoimperios
translation into our mother tongue from Greek,without any
falling under in luence with the help of Azeri and Turkish
scholars,is one of the important and necessary problems.
Key words: Caucasian Turks, Christian monuments, Irmashl sacred place, Keshikchy mountain temple, Avey temple,
Goyazan temple.

1. , ., (2003), , , .
2. , K., (1991), , , .
3. Porphyrogenitus, G., (1985), De administrando
imperio, Second Impression.
4. , ., (2004), 171

, , .
5. , ., (1995), , , .
6. , ., (1948),
- ( ),
, .
7. , ., (1958),
, .
8. , ., (2012), ( , , ,
, ),
, .
9. , ., (2012), ( , , , , ), , .
10. , ., (2012), , Yeni xbr, 22 , . 15, .
11. , ., (2013), , Yeni xbr, 12 , . 15, .
12. , A., (2005),
, , .
13. , ., (2011), ,
, 13 , . 2, .
14. , ., ,
15. , ., (1963), , , Moskva.
16. . , ,

(1984), IXXIII , .
17. , A., (2004), .( .
), - - , .
18. , ., (2006), - , , .
19. , V., (1974), - IX-XII IX-XII, , .
20. Fodor, ., (2006), Folia archaeologia LII, Magyar
Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest.






BakU- 2013

The book is published with the decision of the East Countries The
International Academy of Architecture
(13 November, 2013, protocol 3 )
The scienti ic advisor: Shamil Fatullayev-Figarov
The president of IAAIC, corresponding member
of NASA, Doctor of Architecture, Professor
Reviewers: Arif Mammadov- Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor;
To ig Mammadov - Doctor of Historical Sciences;
Rahiba Aliyeva Doctor of philosophy on Architecture, Assistant
Scienti ic editor: Ilham Jafarsoy Doctor of philological sciences
Sanubar Tagyeva
Alihuseynly Sabir Tagyev. Turkish monuments with Christian faith
in Azerbaijan Baku, Taknur, 2013, 232 page.
In the book the author proves that the Christian temples and ancient Christian cemeteries which we know as Armenian churches and cemeteries up to date,
belong to ancient Turks with the help of rare historical sources and the monuments for the irst time in the history of Azerbaijan.
The author insists sharply for the irst time that the translation of K. Bagryanarodniys work De administrando imperio from Greek language into native
language without under the in luence of any translation with the help of Azerbaijani and Turkish scientists, is one of the necessary and awaiting the solution
problems of the day.
The author who proved the temples and monuments with Christian faith
to belong to the Turks on the basis of scienti ic evidences and fundamental researches, made a speech courageously in the international congresses, symposia
and conferences were held in Hungary, Uzbekistan, Baskordostan.
Especially, the Chairman of the International Symposium The Turks in the
world of architecture and art Prof. Dr.M.Gul AKDENIZs holiday congratulation
that addressed to Mr. Sabir via the Internet shows to be great interest and conirms, on March 20, 2013: Thanks heartily for good wishes! Your topic is interesting,.. To prove to be Turkish works that are thought to be the work of
the Armenians is an important achievement. I wish you continued success
... Happy Novruz holiday too, happy celebrations...
Yours Sincerely, Prof. Dr. M. Gul Akdeniz.
Therefore, the book which issued in four language by Sabir Taghiyev who
is the Senior Scienti ic Worker of the Department of Problems of Preservation
and Restoration of Architectural monuments of Architecture and Art Institute
of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan is designed for the mass readers.

ISBN: 978-9952-445-21-3
A.S. Taghiyev


10 MAY 1923 10 MAY 2013
(Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Clause 77)




Im alone in my generation
In my century-life.
I thought and I thought again
That Im Turks son, Im Turk!
(Pasha kishi Taghiyev)




was born in a family of farmer in Irmashly village of

Shamkir district of the Republic of Azerbaijan and
studied the secondary school in the same village. Believe
me that, my conception has not been so because of studying
the higher education in the Soviet period, being Turkish of
my national relation. Owing to I have heard that all of the 14
Christian faithful villages were armenian villages in the area
where I lived and we saw them as unbelievers at that time.
As a Shamkirly, until 2011 I knew that there were 14
armenian village in our district. In 2011 while investigating
in Shamkir it became clear to me that, our compatriots living
in all those villages were Christian faithful Turks. They were
moved to these areas, to the Mountainous part of Karabakh,
Iravan province and around Ganja from Iran and Turkey by
Armenians and Russians during the years of 1828-1832 (Jafarov, 2004, p. 164).
As well as in these years, the older residents still remember the words which said impudently in front of everybody
by armenians who were moved from Iran to be an example
among the people: It is better to pasture Russian grass than
eat Iranian bread (Glinka, 1995, p. 30).
This belief in them became with issuing special decree of
the Patriarchal Catholicos of Azerbaijani Albanians in Northern Azerbaijan of the Russian Empire that is to say Russian
czar of the duty of Church Metropolitan in 1815 (Ieromonakh, 2005, p.167).
After eight years from the treaty of 1828, in 1836 on
March 11, the Emperor Nicholas I con irmed the Charter
which consisted of 10 Chapters, 111 Articles of Armenian

churches. On the basis of this charter Ganjasar Patriarchy

which was Albanian Catholicos was set free. Instead of it, it
was issued an order for the organization of two eparchies
as Artsakh-Shusha v Shamakhy attached to Echmiadzin
Patriarchy which was Armenian Catholicos (Ieromonakh,
2005, p.167). After these processes, Armenian priests were
appointed to all the Christian faithful villages of Albania
substituting with armenian priests of the chiefs of Albanian
churches but those priests made them turkitz urdvaz ie
formed them as Turkish-born Armenian changing the customs, national languages, funeral rites, national attitude
forms by the way of force and frightening (Alihuseynly, 2012,
p. 4). If we refer to the opinions of the researchers again the
facts show that when we research the sources of Azerbaijanis Albanians, Georgians, Armenians in real form, there were
only ancient Turks, that is to say the churches of Azerbaijani
Albanians, Georgians at the beginning and mid-of our era in
the Caucasus (Ieromonakh, 2005, p.131). The most unbearable factor in our inner life is to let destroy the old archival
documents of the eparxias of icially which were in the subordination of the Etchmiadzin Synod of Saint Synod of Russia and Armenian Gregorian Consistory in 1909-1910 years
(Ieromonakh, 2005, p.167). This, the archival documents
kept in Azerbaijani Albanians churches were destroyed with
special agreement and control of the state purposefully.
In this way, the thousands years of history of Azerbaijani
Albanians were tried to delete till the traces by two neighbour enemy. The important documents which were in favor
of armenians were kept and translated into Armenian language and the others were incinerated.
To say with Georgian researchers phrase: By this purpose, they had freaked : they did what could, tried to loose
the scent (Chavchavadze, 1995, p.13). The opinions in other

georgian researcher Zaza Aleksidzes book named Caucasian Albanians started speaking con irm our position. From
his same book, we bring to your attention one part of the
writing Documents about albanian writing and albanian literary monuments.
The search of the albanian literary monuments which
were lost in the 30th years of the nineteenth century are continuing. During this period sensational information about the
revealing of the texts in albanian manuscript, or epigraphic
monuments (including in Georgia area) was spread repeatedly. But this sensation was spread untimely: the texts were
written in armenia or greek alphabet which were extraneous
for that time or were cryptogram. The hope of revealing of
any copy of albanian manuscript were disappointed that I.
Abuiadze revealed the Armenian grammar textbook among
the manuscripts in Etchmiadzin (now Matenadaran).
Here also was given albanian alphabet except Greek,
Latin, Georgian, Syrian, Kopt and arabian.
The effect of reveiling of the albanian alphabet was so
strong that, the date of the discovery was noted exactly in
scienti ic literature. 1937 on September 28, this date is The
birth day of the Caucasian Albanian philology and the Caucasian Albanian linguistics (Aleksidze, 2003, p.37).
The author expressed the armenian scholars opinion
very well in that article: Prominent Armenian scholar Hr.
Ajaryan published the following words related to Ilya Abuladzes discovery in the Information branch of Armenian
Academy of Sciences.
Young Georgian scholar Abuladje who revealed the albanian alphabet among the manuscripts in Echmiadzin on
September 28, 1937 gained unforgettable fame and respect.
Hr. Ajaryan compared the subsequent case of the discovery with the person who became in the dark for a long

time and suddenly came to the light (Aleksidze, 2003, p.37).

Yes, my colleagues, These are thousands of them that
let in an of icial way to destroy ancient archive references in
1909-1910 years Russian Holy Sinods to Uchmuadzin Sinod
and Erevans Armenian Grigorian Consistory subordinated
eporxias is one of the painful results.
Do you see the painful results of the so-called actions of
Thank goodness, I could ind the tip of the track which
takes to the gnoseological roots of such a problem when researching its sources and investigating architectural monuments of Shamkir district in 2011. It was the work of N.
Valikhanly which printed in 1974 IX-XII century Arab geographer-travelers about Azerbaijan (Valikhanly, 1974).
It is said about Shamkir as the comment in the work. 9.
Al- Mutavvakuliyya also Shamkur. Al-Barazury, al-Yaguby, according to the information of Yagut and others, Ancient city
Shamkur was occupied by the neighbours of Salman ibn Rabia al- Bahil during the period of caliph Osman (644656).
Later Siyavurdies attacked here and destroyed.
V. F. Minorsky wrote while exploring the history of
Shirvan and Darband that, Constantine Bagrayanarodny
noted to be sabarta asfala -ag sabarta of the ancient name
of Turks (The Byzantine called the Hungarians so). (V. F. Minorsky. History of Shirvan, p. 214). As a result of Pechenegs,
one part of the Hungarians lived in the west and the other
part in one of the provinces of Iran. This event happened in
the middle of the eighth century. Those Hungarians (Later
they accepted the christianity and became armenians) are
people which called in armenian language Cevordik (black
sons - are nation etymology) and in arabian language Savardiya or Ciyavurdy. The main living place was the area
which now called Tovuz (between Ganja and Ti lis). (Va181

likhanly, 1974).
That seems from the citation that, Naila Valikhanly referred to the notes and comments of the 241th page of the
work History of Shirvan and Darband of V.F. Minorsky
which published in Moscow in 1963:
Constantine Bagryanorodniy said that the ancient
names of the Turks were sabarta asfala white sabartas
(they called Hungarians as Byzantines)
The one part of the Hungarians went to the West and
the other part settled down one of the places of Persians
under the in luence of Pechenegs in the middle of the eighth
century. This Hungarians (after the accepted Christianity
and became Armenian) are the people who called Sevordic
in Armenian, and Savardiya in Arabian languages (Black
dreams, nation etymology). Their center became Tovuz (between Ganja and Ti lis)(Minorski, 1963, p. 214)..
As you see, V.F. Minorskys citation source was from the
work De administrando imperio of K. Bagryanarodny that
published in 1949.
The 38th paragraph of that work is only one page.
Lets pay attention irstly to The English version and
then Russian translated version together.
38. Of the genealogy of the nation of the Turks, and
whence they are descended.
The nation of the Turks had of old their dwelling next to
Chazaria, in the place called Lebedia after the name of their
irst voivode, which voivode was called by the personal name
of Lebedias, but in virtue of his rank was entitled voivode, as
have been the rest after him. Now in this place, the aforesaid
Lebedia, there runs a river Chidmas, also called Chingilous.
They were not called Turks at that time, but had the name
Sabartoi asphaloi, for some reason or other. The Turks were
seven clans, and they had never had over them a prince ei182

ther native or foreign, but there were among them voivodes,

of whom irst voivode was the aforesaid Lebedias. They lived
together with the Chazars for three years, and fought in alliance with the Chazars in all their wars. Because of their courage and their alliance, the chagan-prince of Chazaria gave in
marriage to the irst voivode of the Turks, called Lebedias, a
noble Chazar lady, because of the fame of his valour and the
illustriousness of his race, so that she might have children by
him; but, as it fell out, this Lebedias had no children by this
same Chazar lady. Now, the Pechenegs who were previously
called Kangar (for this Kangar was a name signifying nobility and valour among them), these, then, stirred up war
against the Chazars and, being defeated, were forced to quit
their own land and to settle in that of the Turks. And when
battle was joined between the Turks and the Pechenegs who
were at that time called Kangar, the army of the Turks was
defeated and split into two parts. One part went eastwards
and settled in the region of Persia, and they to this day are
called by the ancient denomination of the Turks Sabartoi
asphaloi; but the other part, together with their voivode and
chief Lebedias, settled in the western region, in places called
Atelkouzou, in which places the nation of the Pechenegs now
lives. A short while afterwards, the then chagan-prince of
Chazaria sent a message to the Turks, requiring that Lebedias, their irst voivode, should be sent to him. Lebedias, therefore, came to the chagan of Chazaria and asked the reason
why he had sent for him to come to him. The chagan said to
him: We have invited you upon this account, in order that,
since you are noble and wise and valorous and irst among
the Turks, we may appoint you prince of your nation, and
you may be obedient to our word and our command. But
he, in reply, made answer to the chagan: Your regard and
purpose for me I highly esteem and express to you suitable

thanks, but since I am not strong enough for this rule, I cannot obey you; on the other hand, however, there is a voivode
other than me, called Almoutzis, and he has a son called Arpad; let one of these, rather, either that Almoutzis or his son
Arpad, be made prince, and be obedient to your word. That
chagan was pleased at this saying, and gave some of his men
to go with him, and sent them to the Turks, and after they had
talked the matter over with the Turks, the Turks preferred
that Arpad should be prince rather than Almoutzis his father,
for he was of superior parts and greatly admired for wisdom
and counsel and valour, and capable of this rule; and so they
made him prince according to the custom, or zakanon, of
the Chazars, by lifting him upon a shield. Before this Arpad
the Turks had never at any time had any other prince, and so
even to this day the prince of Turkey is from his family. Some
years later, the Pechenegs fell upon the Turks and drove
them out with their prince Arpad. The Turks, in light and
seeking a land to dwell in, came and in their turn expelled
the inhabitants of great Moravia and settled in their land, in
which the Turks now live to this day. And since that time the
Turks have not sustained any attack from the Pechenegs. To
the afore said nation of the Turks that settled in the east, in
the regions of Persia, these Turks aforesaid who live toward
the western region still send merchants who look them up,
and often bring them back of icial messages from them.
The place of the Pechenegs, in which at that time the
Turks lived, is called after the name of the local rivers. The
rivers are these: the irst river is that called Bar ouch, the
second river that called Koubou, the third river that called
Troullos, the fourth river that called Broutos, the ifth river
that called Seretos. (Porphyrogenitus, 1985, 38 paragraph).
Now lets pay attention to the Russian version of that

38. ,
[1] , , - [2].
, , . , ,
, ,
[3]. ,
-[4]. [5], , , ;
[8]. , , ,
, , - , [9].

. , (
, . , , ,
. , , - -,

[12], , 185

. ,
, ,
, . ,
, , , [],
. :
, , , ,
, [14]. ,
: ,
[15]. , , , ,
, [16]
[17]. , ,
, , . , ,
. ,
, , ,
- , . -
, - [18]
[19]. [20],
[21] [22].
, ,
. , , , ,

. , [24],
, , ,
[], ,
, . :
, , , [27], , ,
, [28]. (, 1991, 38).
In one page which was translated into russian by G.G.
Litavrin and A.P. Novoseltsev - the employees of the Institute
of Slavic studies used the words turki, turok, turkami
twenty two times but did not use the words as madyar,
madyari once time. It was issued notes and commentaries
with one page and four pages consist of 28 paragraphs related to the paragraph 38. It was used the words as madyar,
Madyari fourty four times in those commentaries. (Bagryanorodniy, 1991, to the paragraph 38 )
It is clearly from this, there is no any opinion in accordance with the national interests of Azerbaijanis and Turks.
They only act in accordance with the requirements and national interests of the political structure of the states and nations which they represented!
In such a case, is it true to cite a quotation in reference
to them and research? Of course not!!! Personally in my inner life, this is insulting the nation we belong to, perverting
the history, falsifying and destroying with our hand, pen,
thinking and mentally! There is no any source in the end
of the quatation ...

( VIII , . ),... which given in the

fourth paragraph of the comment. Here the comment that
given so, had been distorted by Minorsky and given as This
Hungarians (after the acception of Christianity and became
Armenian) are the people who called Sevordic in Armenian,
and Savardiya in arabian languages (Black dreams, nation
So, the armenians always are good at falsi ication the
historical sources. As well as they had an in luence on Minorsky in France that he commented like that. We are still
unaware. We always inform later, and that becomes very late.
At least, lets do as in the proverb: A fault confessed is
half redressed
Lets organize the translation of this work with the help
of the scholars of one nation two states.
And let one nation two states historians, linguists give
the notes and comments belong to that!!! The authors of
the translation A. P. Novoseltsev, G.G. Litavrin whom V.F. Minorsky referred to had national statehood interests. Therefore, they could not stand in the position of exact researcher
in that area with defending the national interest of the Turk.
While paying attention to the 38th paragraph of K.
Bagryanarods work Ob upravlenii imperiyey which translated into russian, we looked up to the past a little, too.
... . When there was a ight between Turks and Pachinacits, Turkish troop were divided and separated into two
parts. The one part settled down in the borders of the Persian to the East, they still called sabartaasfalls according to
the ancient nickname of the Turks, and the others settled
down the western areas... Therefore the Turks got lost in
searching of the land for settlement and drove out the inhabitants of Great Moravia and settled down there. ... This Turks
that mentioned above and settled down the East, Persian ar188

eas, and settled to the west to the Turkish people send the
merchants up to date and visit to them and they rapidly get
reply post from them
Pay attention to the last sentence of the quotation. The
Turks in the Hungarian lands after accepting Christianity, by
the in luence of their diplomatic relations and the Turks between Ganja-Tbilisy on the right coast of the Kur river and
the center being Tovuz accepted Christianity owing to local
christian faithful Albanians. The Turks after being defeated
by Avars, they only could settle down on the inaccessible
tops of the mountains such as Nuzgar, Chardakhly Chanlibel,
Barumshen, Barsumshen, Irmashly, Yanikhly, Asirlik, Avey,
Goyazan, Keshikchy, etc.
They could bury their deads in the graves with slab
stone surface
In these areas ancient building architectural pearls
Christian faithful temples they can bury their deads in slab
stone graves in these areas including Hungary and Bashkordostan. Which these graves are reserving in Bashkordostan
as a holy places now. When history remains silent, archeological monuments, architectural monuments and cemeteries talks. But sometimes we dont hear these cries.
Pay attention, Turks in Hungary had already accepted
Christianity till XI century and according to Emperor they
had economic relations with Turks in Caucasus. Therefore Christian faithful temples in Shamkir, Gadabay, Tovuz,
Aghstafa, Khazakh regions belong to only and only ancient
Turks, unbreakable sabarty. Among them there are monasteries and temples in Keshikchi, Avey, Goyazanmountains
and Irmashly, Nuzger, Dagh Jayir, Barumshen, Barsumshen,
Chardakhli, Yanikhly villages. To consider this as an axiom
accepted indecent must be a duty to every Caucasian not
only to our scholars.



Photo 1. Corresponding member of the NASA S. Fatullayev, while

exploring in the ancient sacred place in Irmasly village of Shamkir
district. 05 May 2005


Photo 2. Before the ancient sacred place conservation in Irmasly

village of Shamkir district

Photo 3. Ancient sacred place in Irmasly village of Shamkir district

after conservation by S. Taghiyev in 2010


Photo 4.The exhibition of cross-shaped stone inscriptions in the yard

of ancient sacred place in Irmasly village of Shamkir district

Photo 5.Ancient Bala sacred place in Irmasly village of Shamkir



Photo 6. The vestiges of the ancient sacred place in Kamandar

village of Shamkir district

Photo 7. The ancient temple in Chanlibel (Chardakhy) village of

Shamkir district


Photo 8. The ancient temple in Narimanly (Nuzgar) village of

Shamkir district

Photo 9. The ancient temple in Narimanly (Nuzgar) village of

Shamkir district


Photo 10. The ancient temple in Dagh Jayir village of

Shamkir district

Photo 11. The ancient temple in Barsumshen village of

Shamkir district


Photo 12. The ancient temple in Barsumshen village of

Shamkir district


Photo 13. The cross picture on the upper part of front side wall of
the irst most ancient monument in Barumshen village of Shamkir
district.which belongs to the ancient Turks.

Photo 14. The second ancient temple in Barsumshen village of

Shamkir district


Photo 15. The ancient temple in Asrik Jirdakhan village of

Tovuz district

Photo 16. The vestiges of the ancient sacred place in Kamarly

village of Gazakh district


Photo 17. Ancient Maiden Tower in Kamarly village of

Gazakh district

Photo 18. The ancient temple in Avey mountain of

Gazakh district


Photo 19. Didvan constellation in Khanliglar village of

Gazakh district


Photo 20. The ancient temple in Keshikchidag State Historical and

Cultural Reserve of Aghstafa district

Photo 21. The foundation of the ancient Christian temple of

Goyazan mountain Gazakh district


Photo 22. The plan of the ancient christian temple of the foothill of
Goyazan mountain Gazakh district



Photo 23. Ancient cemetery in Ashagi Chaykend (Barum) village


Photo 24. The destroyed lower part of the Turkish ancient cemetery
for the road that goes to the headspring in Lower Chaykend (Barum)


Photo 25. Gutter made of cross- shaped stones of the cemetery that
belongs to the ancient Turks over them of in the North-west part of
the Ancient Turkish cemetery in Ashagi Chaykend (Barum) village


Photo 26. One of the of cross- shaped stones of the cemetery that
belongs to the ancient Turks over them of in the North-west part of
the Ancient Turkish cemetery in Ashagi Chaykend (Barum) village


Photo 27. Crown with crosses over the Mannesgraph that belong to the
ancient Turks found by archeologists of the Republic of Hungary

Photo 28. Crown with crosses over the Frauengraph that belong to the
ancient Turks found by archeologists of the Republic of Hungary


Photo 29. The ancient cemetery in the Upper Goycha (Barsum)


Photo 30. Sabir Taghiyev, while exploring in the ancient cemetery in

the village Upper Goycha (Barsum)


Photo 31. The ancient cemetry in the Upper Goycha (Barsum)

village was destroyed brutally and opened way to the area

Photo 32. The ancient cemetery in the

Atabay village


Photo 33. The ancient cemetery in the Alasgarly

(Bada) village

Photo 34. The ancient cemetery in the

Barsumshen village


Photo 35. Sabir Taghiyev, while exploring in the second one of the
seven ancient cemetery in the Barsumshen village

Photo 36. The third one of the seven ancient cemetery in the
Barsumshen village


Photo 37. The Ancient cemetery in the

Barsumshen village

Photo 38. The gravestone monument in the ancient cemetery in

Dagh Jayir village


Photo 39. Sabir Taghiyev with Mr. Huseyn, the inhabitant of Tatarly
village while exploring in the ancient cemetery in his share land

Photo 40. One the gravestone monuments of the ancient cemetery

in the village of Tatarly


Photo 41. S. Taghiyev, while visiting the gravestone monument of the

Turks in the twelfth century in the basement of Benedictine
Monastery in Tikhan peninsula in Hungary

Photo 42. Ekskursavod T.Murin, while translating the material about

the gravestone monument of the Turks in the twelfth century in the
basement of Benedictine Monastery inTikhan peninsula in Hungary


Photo 43. One of the ancient cemetery in the

Gunashly village

Photo 44. Closer view of the gravestone monuments in the ancient

cemetery in Gunashly village


Photo 45. Closer view of the gravestone monument which remained about
one meter under the land in the ancient cemetery in Gunashly village

Photo 46. Human jaw that found from the gravestone monument which
remained about one meter under the land in Gunashly village


Photo 47. S. Taghiyev, while thanking to Eldar Nabiyev, the head

of cultural house of the village, who showed the ancient historical
monuments to him in Gunashly village

Photo 48. Ancient cemetery in Kamandar village


Photo 49. One of the cross-shaped stones belong to the ancient

Turks in the ancient cemetery in Kamandar village

Photo 50. S. Tagiyev, while exploring in the cemetery which

belongs to the ancient Turks


Photo 51. The ancient cemetery in

Irmashly village

Photo 52. S. Taghiyev, while founding the cross pictures belongs to the
ancient Turks in the cemetery in Khachin duzu, in Irmashly village


Photo 53. The cross-shaped gravestone monument belongs to the

ancient Turks which found by S. Taghiyev in the cemetery in Khachin
duzu, in Irmashly village

Photo 54. Ancient cemetery in Chanlibel (Chardakhly) village


Photo 55. Far view of the ancient cemetery in Chanlibel

(Chardakhly) village

Photo 56. The ancient cemetery near the ancient monument in

Chanlibel (Chardakhly) village


Photo 57. The cross picture on the gravestone monument which

belongs to the ancient Turks in Chanlibel (Chardakhly) village

Photo 58. The most ancient cross picture on the gravestone monument
which belongs to the ancient Turks in Chanlibel (Chardakhly) village


But dishonorable Armenians present IX-XIII century

all grave monuments, and other areas in the cross-shaped
monuments shamlessly, without hesitation, masterfully as their own in the book
IXXIII issued
with the help of Academy of Sciences of Armenia in 1984.
( ., , 1984).
To approve my opinions accuracy I would like to present the
position of citizen of USA, Doctor of Legal Sciences Samuel
A.Wims (Samuel, 2004) in his work. The author gives such
a great comment in his book to Armenians position in mankind history that there is no need to introduce it. As if Deceased is in a dialog with us in this issue: -I am neither an
Azeri, Georgian nor Turkish. I am an American. I am irst
Scottish ancestor, Scottish-American irst came to America in
1686. I am southerner I was Baptist whole my life and I pay
tax to America. I wrote this book in the light of consecutive
scienti ic researches that held in Washington, Rome, Paris,
London, Moscow and Istanbul. To research in Armenia could
help but their archives are closed to society. The archives in
Istanbul are more open and I worked there a lot. The aspect
of the problem make bitter laugh is The Armenian Revolutionary Federation in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan and
in Boston, keep their sources doors close to society. What
do they hide? Why Armenia keeps its administration of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation in USA? Pages you will
look through based on the pen of the country that named
itself The Republic of Armenia. Historians own words and
his enumerate sources con irm without any hesitation that
Armenia that he loves is a fake and offensive country! (Samuel, 2004, p.20).
And we want to prove with historical facts respected
American research scholar Samual A. Wimss opinion Ar222

menia is a fake and offensive country. Lets prove with the

historical facts that there the plaintiff to the right bank of
Kura river Armenians there is no homeland there. The irst
fact: While we were researching in Shamkir region in 2011
year we tried to de ine the ancient Armenian grave in all the
14 villages as known Armenian villages. While we were in
these villages cemeteries,we were trying to de ine in a comparative way the burying date of graves buried in Armenian
style. On each of graves of the ancient history buried in the
Armenian style was as follows:
1. In Atabay
2. Ashag Chaykand
3. In Barsumshen
4. In Dagh Jayir
5. In Kamandar
6. In Alasgarli
7. In Yeni Goycha
8. In Yukhar Chaykand

1947 year;
1922 year;
1851 year;
1921 year;
1936 year;
1868 year;
1932 year;
1922 year.

Investigations shows that the grave buried in armenian

style in 1851 found in ancient Armenian village Barsumsen.
And it is not the side of the date Emperor Nicholas I signed
the charter of the Armenian Church in 11 March 1836 year.
(Alihuseynli, 2012, s. 13-14).
The second fact: It is known to each of us that, when the
history is quiet, historical monuments, architectural monuments and archaeological monuments talk. They give a
chance to reveal the real truths,to say an objective opinion.
Lets prove this opinion in the two villages historical monuments point of view. (Picture 23) The cemetery you see is
the current village Ashagi Kands, before Barums cemeteries. (Picture 29; 30) But this picture is current Yukhari Goy223

cha, before Barsum villages cemetery. If you give attention

the road was opened from their below parts. These roads
pictures were as follows. (Picture 24; 25; 31). It is clearly
seen that ancient cemeteries destroyed and roads construct.
Yes, the irst of these roads goes to spring, the other to an
area. We see the most terrible scene in the top of the way
to spring. Terrible is that from destroyed grave stones the
springs groove was constructed. Look at the pictures and
tell yourself: which norms of humanity it is consistent? Of
course, only var-vars,enemies can do it only. But whom Armenians consider the enemy? The Turks, of course. It means
these cemeteries are Turks that they behave so to this cemetery. (Picture 23; 24; 25; 26; 31).
Also pay attention to the crosses on stones in the springs
groove. Of course, no! Arent these cross pictures the same
with crosses on crowns belong to Mannesgraph and Frauengraph found by Hungary archaeologists. (Picture 27; 28). Of
course is the same! (Fodor, 2006, p.152). But this can reach
to Azerbaijani Albanians after X century owing to diplomatic
relations with Turks in Hungary according to comments we
gave above.
Dear reader, we can use this kind of examples in an endless number. Just the contents of the report doesnt allow
While researching in Shamkir, meeting with Elders of Irmashli village, elder Masim Hakhverdi oglu note that when
Irmashlys sacred place was under the Armenians control,
the priest who controls the place confesses that this Irmashly monastery is actually not Armenians, its Albanians. But
its history is in Ecmedzin. Because of this information always is in my mind I couldnt ind any fact about Irmashli
sacred place although I try. When I research the book Irevan Khanligi issued in 2010 the last book Simon Irevan224

lis Cambr. Holy Uchmuadzin s church and the collection

of surrounding monasteries detailed mirror and memorial
book attract my attention. (, 1873). That book was
published in 1958 translated into Russian from Armenian
language. Im greatful to Irada Mammadli who helped me to
get it. I got the copy of the book from Mrs. Irada and copy it
myself and began to research.Finally, I could get at least not
exact information in Armenian style about Kirashlu, Keshishkand with the origin name Aydin Dervish Girxbulag (current name is Gosha bulag) on page 187. In this source the
Armenian priest uncover the fake lies in his own language.
So that author shows in which way and from whom these
villages occupied. Hewrote about Kirashlu:
1060 . ,
. , ,
, ,
. ,
. (, 1873, . 187-188). And this
shows that as they tell till Armenian Catholics get Kirashlu
there are owners of the village. It is stresses a lot in materials related to Ashtarak village even one of the owners is
Huseynali Khan. (, 1873, . 199-200). In this case
look at their impudences level that they propagate the land
they bought as their ancestral lands. It shows that though
there are owners of the lands they came and try to drive out
the owners from their lands. As a intelligence I believe one
thing inherited from our ancestors: thing ranked between
lesh and nail sooner or later will smell!! That is most probably Armenians ranked between Russians and Azeri Turks

will see the face of severe realities, will get their historical
punishment. In 2012 year in IV International Conference of
Turkish peoples in Hungary while 22 Turkish peoples lags
were waving our national leader H. Aliyev said: I have always been proud an today I proud that I am Azerbaijanian
and We are one nation two states opinions sounded in my
heart and I inspired from this opinions and start speaking:
My honorable national leader, today we are not 2, we are 22
states one nation! So regardless of myself I remember my
scientist colleague Elmaddin Azizbayzades words: - I am
Sumerian rooted, Az //fundamental, Iskit origin, Sak decent,
Hun majestic, Oghuz born, Turkish origin Turk! And I am
proud of that. My nations is Turkish, language is Turkish, my
homeland is Azerbaijan in a broad sense province of Turkestan!! (Shukurova, 2006, p. 3 ).
One of the important conditions for solutions to all problems consist of Christians themselves reference to their ancient sources. One of this holy sources is K. Bagryanarodnis
De administrando imperio work. (Porphyrogenitus, 1985).
So, K. Bagryanarodnis work De administrando imperiodirect translation into our native language and Turkish from
Greek language with the help of Azerbaijanian and Turkish
scholars is one of the important and pending problems. For
solving this problem 22 Turkish state scholars must unite for
the sake of holy purpose and adequately carry out this glorious duty!
My dear and respectable Turkish brothers! The intellectuals each of us must take care of stability of our international spiritual state independence, persistence, immortality
in our state in order to perpetuate Turks position in such a
scandalous world.


For the irst time in history of Azerbaijan, Sabir Taghiyev
directly prove now known as the Armenian churches and
cemeteries ancient Christian temples and ancient Christian
cemeteries is the property of the Turks with the help of rare
historical sources. The author sharply insists for the irst
time, K. Bagryanarods work De administrandoimperios
translation into our mother tongue from Greek, without any
falling under in luence with the help of Azeri and Turkish
scholars, is one of the important and necessary problems.
Key words: Caucasian Turks, Christian monuments, Irmashl sacred place, Keshikchy mountain temple, Avey temple,
Goyazan temple.
Sabir Tayev Azrbaycan tarixind ilk df olaraq indiy kimi ermni kilslri v qbiristanlqlar kimi tandmz
xristian mbdlrinin v qdim xristian qbiristanlqlarnn
qdim trklr mxsus olduunu nadir tarixi mnblrin v
bilavasit abidlrin kmyi il sbut edir. Mllif ilk df
olaraq kskin kild tkid edir ki, K.Baqryanarodnnn De
administrando imperio srinin yunan dilindn bir baa
he bir trcmnin tsiri altna dmdn Azrbaycan v
Trk alimlrinin kmyi il ana dilimiz trcmsi gnn
vacib v hllini gzlyn zruri problemlrindn biridir.
Aar szlr: Qafqaz trklri, xristian abidlri, rmal
piri, Keiki da mbdi, Avey mbdi, Gyzn mbdi.


Sabir Tagiyev Azerbaycan tarihinde ilk defa olarak imdiye kadar Ermeni kiliseleri ve mezarlklar gibi tandmz
Hristiyan mabetlerinin ve eski Hristiyan mezarlklarnn
eski Trklere ait olduunu nadir tarihi kaynaklarn ve dorudan yaplarn yardm ile kantlanmtr. Yazar ilk olarak keskin ekilde srar ediyor ki, K.Bagryanarodnnn De administrando Imperio eserinin Yunan dilinden bir mal hibir
tercmenin etkisi altna dmeden Azerbaycan ve Trk
alimlerinin yardm ile ana dilimize evirisi gnn nemli ve
zm bekleyen zorunlu sorunlarndan biridir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ka kas trkleri, Hristiyan antlar, rmal piri, Beki da tapna, Avey tapna, Gyezen

, . , ,

. De
administrando imperio - .
: ,
, , ,
, .

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(1984), IXXIII , .
17. Samuel, A., (2004), Secrets of Armenian-terrorist
Christian. (Translator from English Z.Aghayev), Azerbaijan-Turkey Publishing, Polygraphy Company, Baku.
18. Shukurova, G., (2006), Scholar and citizen Elmaddin Alibeyzade, Adilolupublishing house, Baku.
19. Valikhanl, V., (1974), IX-XII century Arabian geographer-travelers about Azerbaijan, Elmpublishing house,
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ETQADLI TRK ABDLR ................................................... 5

NANLI TRK ANITLARI ...................................................... 62
MONUMENTS IN AZERBAIJAN ............................................178


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