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Durian Souffle.

By Chefpapajoh, February 26, 2013, In Dessert

5 ser in! " 10 #ins In!re$ient % e!!s & separate the e!! yol' " e!! (hite 2 )ups of Self *aisin! flour & +lse siff it in a bo(l Fresh Durian flesh ,)hoose the best of the best $urian, -he )rea#ier the better.. Castor su!ar 250 !# of Butter /etho$ " preparation Siff 2 )ups of self raisin! flour, put asi$e 150!# of butter, #elt it in a lo( heat pot. 0n)e #elte$ turn off the heat as at it )ool for a #o#ent. /i1e$ in the flour, stirr i!ouriously ensure no lu#ps, a$$ 3 e!! yol', stirr it. 0n)e (ell #i1e$, a$$ a bo(l of 2+en!at Durian3 an$ a$$ 142 )up of )aster su!ar an$ a$$ to the batter. /a'e sure no $urian fibres are in the bo(l. 5ou )an siff it just to !et the s#ooth li6ui$ pu$$in!. Beat the e!! (hite till it stan$ stiff ,fro# % e!!s. ensure there is no (ater in the bo(l or #i1er (hen you $o it. 7$$ a pin)h of salt4)aster su!ar (hen beatin! the e!!. 8se an ele)tri) #i1er to assist. 0n)e the e!! (hite is rea$y put asi$e. 8se a spatula to ta'e part of the e!! (hite an$ #i1 it (ith the batter. 7$$ an$ #i1 it in a fol$in! #anner. -hen fro# the #i1ture pour it into the e!! (hite. Fol$ the batter #i1ture. +ut asi$e an$ ta'e the butter ra#e'in or ba'in! tray.

-he insi$e of the ra#e'in or ba'in! tray #ust be fully butter an$ sprin'le (ith fine )aster su!ar. -his (ill assist in the risin! of the souffle. -a'e one of the ra#e'in4ba'in! bo(l slot, pour so#e of the batter, about a 14% part, then pin)h a teaspoon of the fleshy $urian an$ pla)e insi$e,#i$$le. an$ )o er the ra#e'in or ba'in! tray (ith the batter to the bri#. Clean ea)h an$ e ery ra#e'in or ba'in! tray. 8se your thu#b an$ )lean the e$!es of the ba'in! tray e ery ba'in! bo(l4ra#e'in. 0n)e $one, heat the o en to 200C. 0n)e the te#p is rea)he$. +la)e the ra#e'in in a tray an$ pla)e it in the #i$$le of the o en. 9o(er the te#p. to 160C. Set the ti##er to 10#ins an$ $o not open the o en $oor. See throu!h the o en !lass (in$o(, on)e the #i1ture starts to rise, it3s a su))ess. Ser e it i##e$iately on)e ta'en out. Bon 7ppetit.

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