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Mineralogical Assay Procedure A Total Copper: Take 0.5 gram sample. Add 15 ml HNO3 and 2-3 ml ydro!romic acid.

"iges# un#il H$r %umes are gone and add 10 ml H&' slo(ly. "iges# slo(ly #o dryness. Add 10 ml HNO3 plus 20-30 ml (a#er - !oil. &ool and dilu#e #o 100 ml. )ead on AA. B Acetic Acid Soluble Copper: Take 0.5 gram sample. Add 20 ml o% 5* ace#ic acid. +arm on o# pla#e (a#er !a# %or 10-15 minu#es. ,il#erdilu#e #o 100 ml .olumn. )ead on AA. C Acid Soluble Copper: Take 0.5 gram sample. Add 15 ml o% 5* sul%uric acid. / ake on s aking #a!le %or one our 0a# room #empera#ure1. ,il#er- dilu#e #o 100 ml .olumn. )ead on AA. D Cyanide Soluble Copper: Take # e residue %rom # e 2/#rong acid solu!le copper2 de#ermina#ion. Add 25 ml o% 5* Na&N solu#ion. / ake on s aking #a!le %or 30 minu#es. ,il#er- dilu#e #o 100 ml .olumn. )ead on AA. Key :

To#al copper resul#

Ace#ic acid solu!le copper resul#


Acid solu!le resul#


&yanide solu!le copper resul#

All copper con#ained in # e ore sample

Malac i#e and a4uri#e


Malac i#e- a4uri#e- #enori#e- c rysocolla- and 50* o% # e cupri#e & alcoci#e- !orni#e- and appro5ima#ely 6* o% # e c alcopyri#e


T e a!o.e lis# o% minerals ( ic are repor#ed !y eac analysis is gi.en as a guide only. An o5idi4ing agen# is needed #o disol.e some minerals in acid or cyanide. T is o5idi4ing agen# may !e %erric iron

con#ained in # e gangue minerals in # e ore sample or o5ygen in # e air in con#ac# (i# # e solu#ion during analysis. To pre.en# o5ida#ion in # e 2Acid /olu!le &opper2 de#ermina#ion- appro5ima#ely 25* o% # e sul%uric acid may !e su!s#i#u#ed (i# sul%urous acid.

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